Business Analyst - August 9


Tuesday, August 9, 2022Soaring inflation puts CentralBanks on a difficult journeyCEntrAL banks in majoreconomies expected asrecently as a few monthsago that they could tightenmonetary policy verygradually. Inflation seemed to be drivenby an unusual mix of supply shocksassociated with the pandemic and laterrussia’s invasion of ukraine, and it wasexpected to decline rapidly once thesepressures, with inflation climbing tomulti-decade highs and price pressuresbroadening to housing and otherservices, central banks recognize theneed to move more urgently to avoid anunmooring of inflation expectationsand damaging their credibility.Policymakers should heed the lessonsof the past and be resolute to avoidpotentially more painful and disruptiveadjustments later.the Federal reserve, Bank ofCanada, and Bank of England havealready raised interest rates markedlyand have signaled they expect tocontinue with more sizable hikes thisyear. the European Central Bankrecently lifted rates for the first time inmore than a decade.Higher real rates to help pushdown inflationCentral bank actions andcommunications about the likely pathof policy have led to a significant rise inreal (that is, inflation-adjusted) interestrates on government debt since thestart of the year.While short-term real rates are stillnegative, the real rate forward curve inthe united States—that is, the path ofone-year-ahead real interest rates oneto 10 years out implied by marketprices—has risen across the curve to arange between 0.5 and 1 percent.this path is roughly consistent witha “neutral” real policy stance thatallows output to expand around itspotential rate. the Fed’s Summary ofEconomic Projections in mid-Junesuggested a real neutral rate of around0.5 percent, and policymakers saw a 1.7percent output expansion both thisyear and next, which is very close toestimates of potential.the real rate forward curve in theeuro area, proxied by German bunds,has also shifted up, though remainsdeeply negative. that’s consistent withreal rates converging only gradually toneutral.the higher real interest rates ongovernment bonds have spurred aneven larger rise in borrowing costs for“To illustrate, marketbasedmeasures ofinflation expectationspoint to a return ofinflation to around 2percent within the nexttwo or three years forboth the United Statesand Germany. Centralbank forecasts, such asthe Fed’s latestquarterly projections,point to a similarmoderation in the rateof price increases, asdo surveys ofeconomists andinvestors.consumers and businesses, andcontributed to sharp declines in equityprices globally. the modal view of bothcentral banks and markets seems to bethat this tightening of financialconditions will be enough to pushinflation down to target levels illustrate, market-basedmeasures of inflation expectationspoint to a return of inflation to around2 percent within the next two or threeyears for both the united States andGermany. Central bank forecasts, suchas the Fed’s latest quarterly projections,point to a similar moderation in therate of price increases, as do surveys ofeconomists and investors.this seems to be a reasonablebaseline for several reasons:the monetary and fiscal tighteningin train should cool demand both forenergy and non-energy goods,especially in interest-sensitivecategories like consumer durables. thisshould cause goods prices to rise at aslower pace or even fall, and may alsopush energy prices lower in the absenceof additional disruptions in commoditymarkets.Supply-side pressures should ease asthe pandemic relaxes its grip andlockdowns and production disruptionsbecome less frequent.Slower economic growth shouldeventually push down service-sectorinflation and restrain wage growth.Substantial risk inflationruns highHowever, the magnitude of theinflation surge has been a surprise tocentral banks and markets, and thereremains substantial uncertainty aboutthe outlook for inflation. It is possiblethat inflation comes down morequickly than central banks envision,especially if supply chain disruptionsease and global policy tighteningresults in fast declines in energy andgoods prices.Even so, inflation risks appearstrongly tilted to the upside. there is asubstantial risk that high inflationbecomes entrenched, and inflationexpectations de-anchor.Inflation rates in services—foreverything from housing rents topersonal services—appear to be pickingup from already elevated levels, andthey are unlikely to come down quickly.these pressures may be reinforced byrapid nominal wage growth. Incountries with strong labor markets,nominal wages could start risingrapidly, faster than what firmsreasonably could absorb, with theassociated increase in unit labor costspassed into prices. Such “second roundeffects” would translate into morepersistent inflation and rising inflationexpectations. Finally, a furtherintensification of geopolitical tensionsthat ignites a renewed surge in energyprices or compounds existingdisruptions could also generate a longerperiod of high inflation.While the market-based evidenceon “average” inflation expectationsdiscussed above may seem reassuring,markets appear to put significant oddson the possibility that inflation mayrun well above central bank targets overthe next few years. Specifically, marketssignal a high probability of inflationrates of over 3 percent persisting incoming years in the united States, euroarea and the united Kingdom.Consumers and businesses havealso become increasingly concernedabout upside inflation risks in recentmonths. For the united States andGermany, household surveys show thatpeople expect high inflation over thenext year, and put considerable odds onthe possibility that it runs well above

Tuesday, August 9, 2022target over the next five years.More forceful tighteningmay be neededthe costs of bringing downinflation may prove to be markedlyhigher if upside risks materialize andhigh inflation becomes entrenched. Inthat event, central banks will have to bemore resolute and tighten moreaggressively to cool the economy, andunemployment will likely have to risesignificantly.Amid signs of already poor liquidity,faster policy rate tightening may resultin a further sharp decline in risk assetprices—affecting equities, credit, andemerging market assets. thetightening in financial conditions maywell be disorderly, testing the resilienceof the financial system and puttingespecially large strains on emergingmarkets. Public support for tightmonetary policy, now strong withinflation running at multi-decadehighs, may be undermined bymounting economic and employmentcosts.Even so, restoring price stability isof paramount importance, and is anecessary condition for sustainedeconomic growth. A key lesson of thehigh inflation in the 1960s and 1970swas that moving too slowly to restrainit entails a much more costlysubsequent tightening to re-anchorinflation expectations and restorepolicy credibility. It will be importantfor central banks to keep thisexperience firmly in their sights asthey navigate the difficult road ahead.“Amid signs of alreadypoor liquidity, fasterpolicy rate tighteningmay result in afurther sharp declinein risk asset prices—affecting equities,credit, and emergingmarket assets. Thetightening infinancial conditionsmay well bedisorderly, testing theresilience of thefinancial system andputting especiallylarge strains onemerging markets.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Soaring inflation puts Central

Banks on a difficult journey

CEntrAL banks in major

economies expected as

recently as a few months

ago that they could tighten

monetary policy very

gradually. Inflation seemed to be driven

by an unusual mix of supply shocks

associated with the pandemic and later

russia’s invasion of ukraine, and it was

expected to decline rapidly once these

pressures eased.

now, with inflation climbing to

multi-decade highs and price pressures

broadening to housing and other

services, central banks recognize the

need to move more urgently to avoid an

unmooring of inflation expectations

and damaging their credibility.

Policymakers should heed the lessons

of the past and be resolute to avoid

potentially more painful and disruptive

adjustments later.

the Federal reserve, Bank of

Canada, and Bank of England have

already raised interest rates markedly

and have signaled they expect to

continue with more sizable hikes this

year. the European Central Bank

recently lifted rates for the first time in

more than a decade.

Higher real rates to help push

down inflation

Central bank actions and

communications about the likely path

of policy have led to a significant rise in

real (that is, inflation-adjusted) interest

rates on government debt since the

start of the year.

While short-term real rates are still

negative, the real rate forward curve in

the united States—that is, the path of

one-year-ahead real interest rates one

to 10 years out implied by market

prices—has risen across the curve to a

range between 0.5 and 1 percent.

this path is roughly consistent with

a “neutral” real policy stance that

allows output to expand around its

potential rate. the Fed’s Summary of

Economic Projections in mid-June

suggested a real neutral rate of around

0.5 percent, and policymakers saw a 1.7

percent output expansion both this

year and next, which is very close to

estimates of potential.

the real rate forward curve in the

euro area, proxied by German bunds,

has also shifted up, though remains

deeply negative. that’s consistent with

real rates converging only gradually to


the higher real interest rates on

government bonds have spurred an

even larger rise in borrowing costs for

“To illustrate, marketbased

measures of

inflation expectations

point to a return of

inflation to around 2

percent within the next

two or three years for

both the United States

and Germany. Central

bank forecasts, such as

the Fed’s latest

quarterly projections,

point to a similar

moderation in the rate

of price increases, as

do surveys of

economists and


consumers and businesses, and

contributed to sharp declines in equity

prices globally. the modal view of both

central banks and markets seems to be

that this tightening of financial

conditions will be enough to push

inflation down to target levels relatively


to illustrate, market-based

measures of inflation expectations

point to a return of inflation to around

2 percent within the next two or three

years for both the united States and

Germany. Central bank forecasts, such

as the Fed’s latest quarterly projections,

point to a similar moderation in the

rate of price increases, as do surveys of

economists and investors.

this seems to be a reasonable

baseline for several reasons:

the monetary and fiscal tightening

in train should cool demand both for

energy and non-energy goods,

especially in interest-sensitive

categories like consumer durables. this

should cause goods prices to rise at a

slower pace or even fall, and may also

push energy prices lower in the absence

of additional disruptions in commodity


Supply-side pressures should ease as

the pandemic relaxes its grip and

lockdowns and production disruptions

become less frequent.

Slower economic growth should

eventually push down service-sector

inflation and restrain wage growth.

Substantial risk inflation

runs high

However, the magnitude of the

inflation surge has been a surprise to

central banks and markets, and there

remains substantial uncertainty about

the outlook for inflation. It is possible

that inflation comes down more

quickly than central banks envision,

especially if supply chain disruptions

ease and global policy tightening

results in fast declines in energy and

goods prices.

Even so, inflation risks appear

strongly tilted to the upside. there is a

substantial risk that high inflation

becomes entrenched, and inflation

expectations de-anchor.

Inflation rates in services—for

everything from housing rents to

personal services—appear to be picking

up from already elevated levels, and

they are unlikely to come down quickly.

these pressures may be reinforced by

rapid nominal wage growth. In

countries with strong labor markets,

nominal wages could start rising

rapidly, faster than what firms

reasonably could absorb, with the

associated increase in unit labor costs

passed into prices. Such “second round

effects” would translate into more

persistent inflation and rising inflation

expectations. Finally, a further

intensification of geopolitical tensions

that ignites a renewed surge in energy

prices or compounds existing

disruptions could also generate a longer

period of high inflation.

While the market-based evidence

on “average” inflation expectations

discussed above may seem reassuring,

markets appear to put significant odds

on the possibility that inflation may

run well above central bank targets over

the next few years. Specifically, markets

signal a high probability of inflation

rates of over 3 percent persisting in

coming years in the united States, euro

area and the united Kingdom.

Consumers and businesses have

also become increasingly concerned

about upside inflation risks in recent

months. For the united States and

Germany, household surveys show that

people expect high inflation over the

next year, and put considerable odds on

the possibility that it runs well above

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