Business Analyst - August 9

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US$ 1 – GH¢8.65


Indices and Market Cap Level Previous Level Change % Change

GSE Composite Index 2,810.01 2,798.27 +11.74 +0.42%

GSE Financial Index 2,073.63 2,073.63 0.00 0.00%

GSE Market Cap (GHS 'mn) 63,883.61 63,760.71 +122.90 +0.19%

COCOA: US$2,473.00 per tonne

CRUDE OIL: US$104.6 per barrel

GOLD: US$1,851.99 per ounce

Tuesday, August 9, 2022. Vol. No. 179


• Rt. Rev. Dr.

Paul Kofi Fynn,

Chancellor of




has promised to

continue to be

proactive in

addressing the

impact of external and

domestic headwinds on the

economy and on the lives and

livelihoods of Ghanaians.

this is coming after

ratings agency, S&P, revised

Ghana’s credit rating to CCC+,

from B-.

But the government in a

statement from the Finance

Ministry said it has

implemented key revenue and

expenditure measures,

including the 30% cut in

discretionary expenditures,

and as such the delays in the

passage of key revenue

measures introduced in the

2022 Budget affected revenues

performance in the first half

of the year.

However, all the revenue

measures introduced in the

2022 Budget, including the

review of the MDA Charges

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Russia using Zaporizhzhia nuclear

power plant as army base — Ukraine

ruSSIAn forces occupying

the Zaporizhzhia nuclear

power plant have turned the

site into a military base to

launch attacks against

ukrainian positions, the head of

ukraine's nuclear power company says.

Petro Kotin told the BBC the threat to

the plant was "great", but that it

remained safe.

For days, ukraine and russia have

blamed each other for attacks on the site,

Europe's largest nuclear plant, raising

concerns of a major accident.

the complex has been under russian

occupation since early March, although

ukrainian technicians still operate it.

over the weekend, ukraine accused

russian forces of attacking the Soviet-era

site, saying two workers were taken to

hospital with shrapnel injuries and that

three radiation sensors had been


Mr Kotin, who heads Enerhoatom,

said 500 russian soldiers were at the

plant, and that they had positioned

rocket launchers in the area, claims that

cannot be independently verified.

"they [russian forces] use it [the

power plant] like a shield against the

ukrainian forces, because nobody from

ukraine is going to do something," Mr

Kotin said.

"the ukrainian Armed Forces know

that these are ukrainian personnel and

this is a ukrainian plant and there are

ukrainian people [there] so we aren't

going to kill our people, our staff and

damage our infrastructure."

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is

the largest in Europe

the plant's staff, Mr

Kotin said, were working

under pressure and in

danger, and some had been

captured, beaten and


He said russia's plans

were to disconnect the

plant from ukraine's grid

and eventually connect it

to russia's system.

oleksandr Sayuk, the

mayor of nikopol, which

sits on the opposite side of

the Dnipro river, told the

BBC last week that his city

was under russian

shelling "almost every

night", and that the attacks

were being carried out by

forces at the nuclear plant.

the tensions have led

to growing calls for

international inspectors to

be allowed to visit the site.

the un Secretary

General, Antonio Guterres,

said "any attack [on] a

nuclear plant is a suicidal thing", while

ukrainian President volodymyr Zelensky

described russia's actions as "nuclear


"there is no such nation in the world

that could feel safe when a terrorist state

fires at a nuclear plant," Mr Zelensky said

in his nightly address on Sunday.

russia, however, denied the

accusations, and blamed the ukrainian

forces for the attacks. the country's

defence ministry said a high-voltage

power line had been damaged as a result

of the shelling.

the Institute for the Study of War, a

Washington-based think-tank, said last

week that russia was using the plant to

play on Western fears of a nuclear

disaster, "likely in an effort to degrade

Western will to provide military support"

to ukraine.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Addressing external and domestic headwinds on economy

Govt promises

to be proactive

• Continued from front

Bill, the tax Exemption Bill, the E-Levy

Bill, have all now been promulgated by

Parliament, adding “these fiscal

measures are now in full

implementation mode to support our

fiscal and debt sustainability policies”.

“the government is committed and

is confident that it will successfully

emerge from these challenges in the

shortest possible time as we have

demonstrated the track record to do so

in the Akufo-Addo led Government”, the

statement pointed out.

Government unhappy with S&P

over credit rating

Meanwhile, the government has

expressed disappointment by rating

agency, S&P’s, decision to downgrade

Ghana despite the bold policies

implemented in the 2022 to address

macro-fiscal challenges and debt

sustainability which have been

significantly exacerbated by the impact

of these global external shocks on the


“our current engagement with the

International Monetary Fund for a

programme, incorporating our

Enhanced Domestic Program (EDP), is

expected to support our drive to restore

and sustain macroeconomic stability;

debt sustainability and promote growth

and job creation whilst ensuring social

protection to achieve our vision of a

Ghana Beyond Aid”, it concluded.

Standard and Poor’s (“S&P”) Global

ratings on Friday, August 5th, 2022

downgraded Ghana’s foreign and local

currency credit ratings from ‘B-/B’ to

‘CCC+/C’ with a negative outlook.

According to S&P, the downgrade is

due to intensifying financing and

external pressures on the economy.

In arriving at its decision, the credit

rating agency considered the lingering

effects of the CovID-19 pandemic and

the severe global shock of the russian

invasion of ukraine on Ghana and the

consequent fiscal and external

imbalances; elevated gross financing

needs in the face of International

Capital Market hiatus; the limited

commercial financing options and the

credible steps taken by government to

fast-track fiscal consolidation and the

passage of key revenue bills.

We’ve adequate

LPG for consumers

• LPG Marketers

Association assurance

tHE LPG Marketers Association of Ghana

has assured Ghanaians of the availability

of more of their products to buy from retail

outlets of its member across the country.

the vice President of the LPG Marketers

Association of Ghana, Gabriel

Kumi, who gave the assurance, stressed

that despite the strike costing them they

believe “it was worth it.”

“If a business owner will shut the

business that feeds them and their families

for almost 4 days, you can imagine

what the situation will mean to them. We

cannot even quantify our loss for the past

few days but we believe it is worth it.

Sometimes, you have to lose to gain” Mr.

Kumi explained.

this assurance comes at the back of

an earlier strike by the association over an

embargo instituted by the government on

the construction of new LPG stations in


that development left many consumers

stranded at the pumps.

the industrial action was finally

called off yesterday after the ban on the

development of new LPG sites was lifted

in a communique by the national Petroleum


However, the Petroleum tanker Drivers

who were also on strike alongside the

LPG marketers Associations say they will

not call off their industrial action until

their concerns with the trackers installed

on their trucks are addressed.

Chairman of the Ghana national Petroleum

tanker Drivers union, George

nyaunu explained that the tracker system

is not favourable to the drivers who

ply Ghanaian roads with petroleum products.

He said, “because of the nature of our

roads, even when you drive from Achimota

to nsawam with several potholes on

the road, the tracker will have been indicating

to nPA that the seal is being tempered

with when nothing of the sort


Mr. nyaunu also noted that the drivers

fear they will not be given a listening ear

should the industrial action be called off

hence their decision to not return to the

steering wheels until their concerns are


the group is expected to meet with

the national Petroleum Authority later

today and the outcome of the meeting

will determine whether they continue

with their strike.

Govt urged to intensify

implementation of

programmes designed

to expand economy

Accounting and auditing firm, Deloitte

Ghana is advising government to intensify

its implementation of the programmes

designed to expand and

improve the economy such as the agricultural

modernisation programme, industrialisation,

and supporting

businesses to take advantage of the

Africa Continental Free trade Agreement


this is coming after the government

revised its growth rate forecast to

3.7% in 2022, from the earlier 5.8%.

the government considered increasing

domestic inflation and the disruption

in global supply lines from the

ongoing russia-ukraine war.

overall real GDP for the first quarter

of 2022 grew by 3.3% compared to an

initial target of 5.8% for 2022.

Ghana, like other developing countries

on the continent, has suffered severely

from the impact of the general

global economic slowdown caused predominantly

by the russian-ukraine

tensions and the CovID19 pandemic.

revision of initial GDP growth projections

is in the right direction, Deloitte

Ghana said, given the

uncertainties surrounding tensions between

the aforementioned nations

which is expected to aggravate the

country’s current situation.

“the implementation of the Enhanced

Domestic Programme supported

by the International Monetary

Fund is expected to improve the government’s

fiscal situation and re-instill

investor confidence. We expect these

interventions, together with government’s

initiatives on digitalisation and

improvement in commodity prices, to

yield favourable results in the medium

to long term”.

“the country’s present inflation situation

replicates that of the global

economy caused largely by the disruptions

in the global production and trade

of goods and services, coupled with

soaring oil prices. the situation in

Ghana has been worsened by the depreciated

cedi value caused by heightened

investor concerns on the country’s fiscal

stance and food supply challenges

from the shortage of fertilizer supply”,

it pointed out.

With continuous monetary tightening

and weakening supply-side price

pressures, it said, “we expect inflation

to stabilise in the medium term, however,

still above Bank of Ghana’s (BoG)

long term target of 6-10%.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022



ON July 25, the Finance Minister, Mr Ken

Ofori-Atta, presented the 2022 mid-year

budget review to Parliament in which he

pledged the government’s commitment to

fiscal consolidation to help engender market

confidence and quicken the repair of key

macroeconomic indicators.

The pledge followed marked challenges to

the government’s fiscal programme, as

witnessed in the strong debt build-up, weak

revenue inflows, a widening deficit and

spiraling inflation.

The cedi has also suffered extreme

deterioration due to the lack of adequate

cover at a time when market sentiments

have heightened portfolio reversals and

disinvestments from developing economies,

including ours. To help contain these

challenges, the government announced in

March that it was cutting its spending by up

to 30 per cent to help align expenditures with


In his presentation, the Finance Minister

said the implementation of the 2022 Budget

from January to June indicated that the

government’s expenditure control measures

had largely been successful, in spite of

significant fiscal constraints and mounting

fiscal pressures. He said those challenges had

been exacerbated by the less robust revenue

performance for the period.

Provisional data on government fiscal

operations for January to June 2022 show

shortfalls in revenue performance and a

faster execution of expenditures.

The newspaper noticed from the budget

review, for instance, that this resulted in an

overall budget deficit of GH¢28.15 billion (5.6

per cent of GDP), against a programmed

deficit target of GH¢19.73 billion (3.9 per

cent of GDP). The corresponding primary

balance for the period was a deficit of

GH¢7.68 billion (1.5 per cent of GDP), against

a deficit target of GH¢672 million (0.1 per

cent of GDP).

It is evident, in our view, that beyond the

bulging debt, the biggest challenges facing

the economy are spending pressures and

weak revenues.

While rigid expenditures, such as wages

and salaries, interest costs and statutory

funds, continue to rise, revenues have been

disappointingly low.

This, to us, is among the factors that have

created a cyclical problem where more

money is needed to plug holes but at the

same time more borrowing risks keeping the

economy in a dangerous debt web forever.

This calls for credible measures to boost

revenue for the pressure on borrowing to


When the public

ratifies your business



there are many

definitions of

“success” when it

comes to owning a


Good marketing begets

business. So does targeted

lobbying. So does nepotism.

the list can be long. But

customer recommendation

and good reviews are cheap

and effective ways that can

get your business to be the

preferred choice in your field.


Familiarity is a very powerful


In the 1960s, a research

psychologist named robert

Zajonc discovered that when

people are repeatedly

exposed to a certain stimulus,

they start to react favourably

to it.

He called it the Mere Exposure

Effect, and it works. It works really


When Mtn started out in

Ghana, it was really literally

everywhere you go in every sense of

the word. I literally couldn’t drive for

30 minutes without seeing

somewhere and somehow that

bright yellow box with the Mtn

initials in it. that consistency I

believe played a vital role in them

being so ahead of the other telecom

companies in many respects. We

engage the brands that we trust. We

trust the brands that we’re familiar

with. We’re familiar with

what we see every day.



Human emotion is a very

important factor in what

we buy.

Even when emotion

comes second, there will

be many others that will

give you the efficacy you

seek and at that point,

emotion jumps in again.

People like people they

like; it’s that simple.

People gravitate to those

that make them feel

warm. there’s a saying

that people will forget

what you did but never

forget how you made

them feel. that’s what

customer service is all


Aim to build a

reputation for so good a

customer service that people will

want to pass by just to feel that

warmth. Build a reputation for being

the one guaranteed nice experience

in someone’s day. Adulthood is very

hard for the majority of people. they

end up projecting their frustrations

onto the people they deal with, and

that person can be you or your staff.

If you manage to not get sucked into

that air of negativity, you might

retain that client because guess

what: who else will deal with all of

their craziness. You! the answer

must be You!



is a journey, not a state.

Clients are human beings. they

do not like to feel played and

chances are you are not going to do

everything right every time. the

most important thing is that you

keep working at it.

Believe in mistakes. Believe in

avoiding them by learning about

and from other’s mistakes. But more

importantly, believe in working on

not making them twice.

Chances are that a majority of

clients will remain with your brand

if they know that you can steer your

boat right when it gets off its course.

A mistake only irritates in the

beginning. An unresolved mistake is

what breeds harsh sentiment and

bad reviews. Bad reviews spread

faster by the way because people like

to avoid loss and bad experiences. So,

whether the mistakes are your fault

or that of the customer, it’s your

fault that you couldn’t curate a

smooth experience for your

customer; think of it like that.

When we started, I was

notorious for apportioning blame

during a pitch, and for good reason. I

spoke to the team about it and they

fell in line with it perfectly. My

reasoning was, if the buck stops

with me, and I am wrong, then we

are all wrong. Better to demonstrate

a clear path to solving the problem

in order to salvage whatever trust is

left from the client.

one time, many many years ago,

we gave this disastrous first pitch

and when I say “we”, I mean I.

Whenever the prospective client

exclaimed at some misguided point,

one team member would apologise

for not doing enough research or

something like that and then

another will apologise for mixing

our facts and so on and so forth. If

we lost that business, it would have

been understandable. But after the

pitch, I gave the client a firm

assurance that I was going to handle

his account personally henceforth, I

apologised for the errors of my staff

(go figure!), took his advice on how

to run my team better (they always

do that), and then I totally aced the

next pitch alone (to demonstrate a


I have expanded on 3 how’s.

Build brand familiarity, give

extraordinary customer care, and

work on accepting and improving

mistakes. there are others. offer a

guarantee one way or the other and

do not fail to deliver on that

guarantee. Build home support

wherever your business is, for people

like to support their own, arguably.

Have Loyalty Schemes. Execute good

pricing strategies. Partner with

popular people to increase your

approachability. utilise Social Media.

Provide Free WiFi (it’s a people

magnet in 2020). Create scarcity.

there are many other how’s.

Here is where all that should be

headed: people should walk into

your office without question. Your

name should be the first they

mention instinctively when they

need the services you can provide.

You should have people come to you

for value, and for reliability.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Wisconsin Chancellor commits 10k

to GJA’s Journalists Support Fund

tHE Chancellor of

Wisconsin International


College, Dr.

Paul Kofi Fynn,

has committed

an amount of GH¢10,000 seed

money to the Journalists Support


the money is to help build

the capacities of journalists

and as well support their welfare.

Dr. Paul Kofi Fynn gave the

money at the opening ceremony

of the three-day retreat

at the Mount Pleasant Inns

and Apartments at obosomase-

Akwapim in the Eastern region.

the Ghana Journalists Association

(GJA) held its first retreat

to brainstorm over

policies and programmes that

will strengthen the GJA as well

as offer hope to its members.

the three-day retreat,

dubbed, "Building Legacies in

Welfare, professionalism, and

rebranding to reposition GJA

for A better future", also focused

on some critical subjects

including the welfare of journalists.

Speaking at the event, Dr

Fynn expressed the hope that

more institutions will also contribute

so that the aim of the

Journalists Support Fund can

be achieved.

He also implored journalists

to promote the good things

about Ghana to the world, noting

that the pen was more

powerful than a weapon.

He noticed that people had

a bad impression of the African

Continent, debunking the notion

that Africa is not bad as

some people see it.

"We are depending on you

to tell the whole world that

Africa is not a dark Continent,

a place of suffering. Africa, especially

Ghana has a lot of good

things in it. Write balanced

stories to promote the image of

Ghana and help make Ghana a

better place," he added.

GIPC signs MOU for deeper

collaboration with GSE

tHE Ghana Investment Promotion Centre

(GIPC) and the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE)

have today signed a Memorandum of understanding

to facilitate a deeper collaboration

between the two institutions.

the Mou was signed on behalf of the two

institutions by Yofi Grant, CEo of GIPC, and

Ekow Afedzie, Managing Director of GSE, at

the Centre's head office in Accra.

the Mou establishes a practical framework

for developing greater cooperation between

the GIPC and the GSE. As a result, the

GIPC and the GSE, which have the same goal

of attracting and advancing investments in

Ghana, will pursue more innovative and

proactive approaches to attracting and retaining

both Portfolio and Foreign Direct Investment.

"the GIPC and the GSE have long been

partners," said Yofi Grant, CEo of the GIPC, at

the signing. "the signing of the Mou today

represents an important milestone under

which we will jointly explore ways to work together

to attract greater investment into the

country and advance our visibility and connectivity

with international markets."

Both parties have been looking forward to

this partnership to accelerate the collaboration

needed to attract more

investments into Ghana and

to use the GSE platform to

raise patient capital to catalyze

the much-needed

growth of several industries

for the development of the

Ghanaian economy.

According to Ekow

Afedzie, Managing Director

of the GSE, the partnership

will go a long way toward

supporting the exchange's

activities. He said: ‘’the GSE

strategic plan aligns with the

national strategy of making

Ghana the financial hub and

the preferred investment

destination in the sub-region

and I believe that this historic

Mou will help leverage

each other’s strength and

networks to grow investment

and support national economic development.’’

Gracing the occasion as a special guest

was the Director General of the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC), rev. Daniel ogbarmey

tetteh. In his remarks, he said: “the

synergistic opportunities between Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio

Investment (FPI) cannot be overemphasized.

FDI Inflows assist in the value creation, required

to generate attractive portfolio investment

opportunities. FPI, on the other hand,

helps to deepen the capital market, improve

liquidity, and provide more scope for investment

and capital raising. Ghana is very ripe

for both FDIs and FPIs given the compelling

opportunities existing today and therefore it

is time,

more than ever, for an even stronger collaborative

effort between the GSE and the

GIPC to garner higher FDI and FPI inflows

into the country.”

Both parties pledged their commitment to

the flawless execution of the Mou to ensure

the full optimization of investment and capital

mobilisation opportunities from the collaboration

to support the growth of the

Ghanaian economy.

S&P downgrade: Gov’t

urged to quicken pace of

fiscal consolidation

EConoMISt with Databank,

Courage Martey has reiterated calls

for government to hasten the pace

of fiscal consolidation in the short

to medium term.

In an interview with Citi Business

news, the economist said this

will restore the country back above

the current downgraded position

that the country is facing.

His call comes as international

ratings agency, S&P Global ratings,

last week revised Ghana’s rating

from B-/B to CCC+/C, a situation

that threatens Ghana’s debt sustainability

efforts with investors demanding

higher credit risk


“there are a number of things

that need to be done for us to get an

upgrade. It significantly hinges on

rebuilding fiscal and external

buffers because that has been the

main point of concern for investors.

there must be an improvement in

our fiscal deficit position. now, if

you look at the S&P statement, for

instance, they essentially considered

the need to record a primary

surplus equivalent to 2% of GDP.”

“that is a tall order though government

has already signalled that

it is working to record a primary

surplus equivalent to 0.4 worth of

GDP. We are not far from the direction

that the fiscal situation should

be heading, except that it is moving

slower than the rating agencies

would anticipate. thus, government

should be able to quicken the pace

of fiscal consolidation. that would

be good news towards, reinstating

us back above the current downgraded

levels we have found ourselves

in,” he said.

S&P Global ratings said though

government has taken steps towards

consolidating the fiscal

deficit, including the recent passage

of the Exemptions bill, high borrowing

costs and softening growth

make it difficult to put debt to GDP

on a downward path.

After a careful assessment of the

economy, S&P also reviewed the

country’s economic outlook to negative.

the negative outlook, in a statement

issued by S&P on Friday,

August 5, 2022, reflects Ghana’s limited

commercial financing options,

and constrained external and fiscal


S&P Global ratings also noted

that the Covid-19 pandemic and the

russian invasion of ukraine have

worsened Ghana’s fiscal and external


Demand for foreign currency

has been driven higher by various

factors, including non-resident outflows

from domestic government

bond markets, a lack of access to Eurobond

markets, retail dollar purchases,

dividend payments to

foreign investors and higher costs

for refined petroleum products.

Currently, the local currency

which has seen a sharp depreciation

in recent times is nearing ¢9 to

one uS dollar.

It would be recalled that government

earlier this year introduced

some revenue generation measures

such as the E-Levy, the tax Exemptions

Bill, some cuts in discretionary


However, S&P notes that while

these changes could improve revenue

generation going forward, the

situation remains challenging.

Credit: Citinewsroom

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Soaring inflation puts Central

Banks on a difficult journey

CEntrAL banks in major

economies expected as

recently as a few months

ago that they could tighten

monetary policy very

gradually. Inflation seemed to be driven

by an unusual mix of supply shocks

associated with the pandemic and later

russia’s invasion of ukraine, and it was

expected to decline rapidly once these

pressures eased.

now, with inflation climbing to

multi-decade highs and price pressures

broadening to housing and other

services, central banks recognize the

need to move more urgently to avoid an

unmooring of inflation expectations

and damaging their credibility.

Policymakers should heed the lessons

of the past and be resolute to avoid

potentially more painful and disruptive

adjustments later.

the Federal reserve, Bank of

Canada, and Bank of England have

already raised interest rates markedly

and have signaled they expect to

continue with more sizable hikes this

year. the European Central Bank

recently lifted rates for the first time in

more than a decade.

Higher real rates to help push

down inflation

Central bank actions and

communications about the likely path

of policy have led to a significant rise in

real (that is, inflation-adjusted) interest

rates on government debt since the

start of the year.

While short-term real rates are still

negative, the real rate forward curve in

the united States—that is, the path of

one-year-ahead real interest rates one

to 10 years out implied by market

prices—has risen across the curve to a

range between 0.5 and 1 percent.

this path is roughly consistent with

a “neutral” real policy stance that

allows output to expand around its

potential rate. the Fed’s Summary of

Economic Projections in mid-June

suggested a real neutral rate of around

0.5 percent, and policymakers saw a 1.7

percent output expansion both this

year and next, which is very close to

estimates of potential.

the real rate forward curve in the

euro area, proxied by German bunds,

has also shifted up, though remains

deeply negative. that’s consistent with

real rates converging only gradually to


the higher real interest rates on

government bonds have spurred an

even larger rise in borrowing costs for

“To illustrate, marketbased

measures of

inflation expectations

point to a return of

inflation to around 2

percent within the next

two or three years for

both the United States

and Germany. Central

bank forecasts, such as

the Fed’s latest

quarterly projections,

point to a similar

moderation in the rate

of price increases, as

do surveys of

economists and


consumers and businesses, and

contributed to sharp declines in equity

prices globally. the modal view of both

central banks and markets seems to be

that this tightening of financial

conditions will be enough to push

inflation down to target levels relatively


to illustrate, market-based

measures of inflation expectations

point to a return of inflation to around

2 percent within the next two or three

years for both the united States and

Germany. Central bank forecasts, such

as the Fed’s latest quarterly projections,

point to a similar moderation in the

rate of price increases, as do surveys of

economists and investors.

this seems to be a reasonable

baseline for several reasons:

the monetary and fiscal tightening

in train should cool demand both for

energy and non-energy goods,

especially in interest-sensitive

categories like consumer durables. this

should cause goods prices to rise at a

slower pace or even fall, and may also

push energy prices lower in the absence

of additional disruptions in commodity


Supply-side pressures should ease as

the pandemic relaxes its grip and

lockdowns and production disruptions

become less frequent.

Slower economic growth should

eventually push down service-sector

inflation and restrain wage growth.

Substantial risk inflation

runs high

However, the magnitude of the

inflation surge has been a surprise to

central banks and markets, and there

remains substantial uncertainty about

the outlook for inflation. It is possible

that inflation comes down more

quickly than central banks envision,

especially if supply chain disruptions

ease and global policy tightening

results in fast declines in energy and

goods prices.

Even so, inflation risks appear

strongly tilted to the upside. there is a

substantial risk that high inflation

becomes entrenched, and inflation

expectations de-anchor.

Inflation rates in services—for

everything from housing rents to

personal services—appear to be picking

up from already elevated levels, and

they are unlikely to come down quickly.

these pressures may be reinforced by

rapid nominal wage growth. In

countries with strong labor markets,

nominal wages could start rising

rapidly, faster than what firms

reasonably could absorb, with the

associated increase in unit labor costs

passed into prices. Such “second round

effects” would translate into more

persistent inflation and rising inflation

expectations. Finally, a further

intensification of geopolitical tensions

that ignites a renewed surge in energy

prices or compounds existing

disruptions could also generate a longer

period of high inflation.

While the market-based evidence

on “average” inflation expectations

discussed above may seem reassuring,

markets appear to put significant odds

on the possibility that inflation may

run well above central bank targets over

the next few years. Specifically, markets

signal a high probability of inflation

rates of over 3 percent persisting in

coming years in the united States, euro

area and the united Kingdom.

Consumers and businesses have

also become increasingly concerned

about upside inflation risks in recent

months. For the united States and

Germany, household surveys show that

people expect high inflation over the

next year, and put considerable odds on

the possibility that it runs well above

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

target over the next five years.

More forceful tightening

may be needed

the costs of bringing down

inflation may prove to be markedly

higher if upside risks materialize and

high inflation becomes entrenched. In

that event, central banks will have to be

more resolute and tighten more

aggressively to cool the economy, and

unemployment will likely have to rise


Amid signs of already poor liquidity,

faster policy rate tightening may result

in a further sharp decline in risk asset

prices—affecting equities, credit, and

emerging market assets. the

tightening in financial conditions may

well be disorderly, testing the resilience

of the financial system and putting

especially large strains on emerging

markets. Public support for tight

monetary policy, now strong with

inflation running at multi-decade

highs, may be undermined by

mounting economic and employment


Even so, restoring price stability is

of paramount importance, and is a

necessary condition for sustained

economic growth. A key lesson of the

high inflation in the 1960s and 1970s

was that moving too slowly to restrain

it entails a much more costly

subsequent tightening to re-anchor

inflation expectations and restore

policy credibility. It will be important

for central banks to keep this

experience firmly in their sights as

they navigate the difficult road ahead.

“Amid signs of already

poor liquidity, faster

policy rate tightening

may result in a

further sharp decline

in risk asset prices—

affecting equities,

credit, and emerging

market assets. The

tightening in

financial conditions

may well be

disorderly, testing the

resilience of the

financial system and

putting especially

large strains on

emerging markets.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Insurance penetration: a battle

that could be surmounted with

little but assiduous efforts

tHE insurance penetration

rate in Ghana was below 1

percent in 2009. Fast forward

to 2022, the penetration rate

has now surpassed the 1

percent mark and is currently hovering

at a rate which is less than 2 percent.

the life and non-life insurance

penetration rate is growing steadily

across the globe, and countries like

China, the united States of America

(uSA) and the united Kingdom are

experiencing double digits penetration


Insurance against unexpected risks

is all but a very important trump card

not only for businesses, but also

individuals who seek to hedge the

limitless risks that they face ranging

from property risks to individual

personal risks. Data has shown that the

patronage of Life insurance products

and services in Ghana has been on the

horizon, with the aged and the youth

now regarding Life insurance as an

avenue to secure their future against

the inevitable, death.

Life insurance products provided by

insurance companies in the country do

not only offer death or funeral benefits

which have been the toast of most

customers, but also an avenue to save

toward a particular goal for a specific

period of time. Insurance companies are

now revolutionising their insurance

products by blending insurance services

with savings and investment options.

Individuals can now save and invest,

and at the same time, insure themselves

against the unexpected.

Despite the innovative approaches

embarked on by insurance companies

in the country, the patronage of

insurance services in general is

nonetheless very low. Despite the

emergence of insurance brokerage firms

which total over eighty on the

insurance market, the patronage level

hasn’t seen any significant

improvements, with the penetration

below 2 percent. nonetheless, the influx

of insurance brokerage firms has gone a

long way to allay some of the fears that

is usually often than not associated

with insurance. Insurance brokers serve

as an intermediary and a liaison

between customers and the insurance


Insurance brokerage firms do some

of the marketing and case closing for

most insurance companies. With the

emergence of the insurance brokerage

business, insurance companies can now

get closer to understanding the

customers better, and thus, tailor

customer-centric products to meet their

demands. Customers can also rely on

their brokerage firms in the claims

settlement processes which is the

headline reason for the nonchalant

feedback to insurance services in the


Insurance companies

and players in the

industry should

critically review their

claim settlements

processes. Advantages

could be taken of the

digitalised economy to

streamline processes

and procedures in

claim settlements.

Mobile money services

could help sort out


the Insurance Brokers Association

of Ghana (IBAG), which was set up on

27th october 1988, regulates the

insurance broking business in Ghana.

the association periodically organises

conferences for registered insurance

brokerage members to educate them on

best insurance broking practices and

new developments in the insurance

fraternity. Member-companies pay

subscriptions to keep their membership

in good standing, and also adhere to

code of conducts and other disciplinary

procedures in the broking business.

the crux of the matter is that

despite the fact that the insurance

industry is developing innovative

marketing strategies and initiatives to

rake in patronage of its services, they

need to push a little further. With little

but assiduous efforts, the insurance

industry can surmount the many

bottlenecks that bedevil the industry.

the institutionalisation of the

brokerage business is a step in the right

direction toward achieving double

digits penetration rates. Insurance

companies should descend the

hierarchical industry ladder and

continue their strong partnership with

brokerage firms in convincing the

Ghanaian market.

Moreover, more innovative products

that seeks to commingle insurance

services with investments and savings

services should be targetted. Micro

insurance is one key area that could

spearhead the agenda to penetrate the

informal sector. Individuals are seeking

to pay premiums digitally rather than

cash. Mobile money services should be

taken into deep cognisance in

permeating the informal sector.

Additionally, to allay fears and build

trusts in insurance services, insurance

firms should fulfill claim settlement

timely. Most complaints from the

general public regarding insurance

services in the country have to do with

claims settlements. the conundrum of

claims settlement resounds on the

streets of the country. Patrons of

insurance services and non-patrons

alike have questioned the claims

settlements of insurance companies.

they argue that claim settlements have

to go through several bottlenecks before

payments would be processed, resulting

in delays and inconveniences.

Insurance companies and players in the

industry should critically review their

claim settlements processes.

Advantages could be taken of the

digitalised economy to streamline

processes and procedures in claim

settlements. Mobile money services

could help sort out problem.

Finally, the regulating authority of

the insurance industry in the country,

the national Insurance Commission

(nIC), should enforced the minimum

capital requirements in the insurance

industry. In June 2019, the minimum

capital requirement of life and non-life

companies was increased from

GH¢5million to GH¢50million. that of

reinsurance companies moved from

GH¢40 to GH¢125million, that of

insurance brokers increased from

GH¢300,000 to GH¢500,000, and that of

insurance reinsurance brokers was

maintained at GH¢1million. A well

capped insurance industry would

strengthen the insurance industry and

increase the trust the customers have in

the sector.

the battle to hit double figures in

the insurance penetration rate is well

on course. Massive efforts should be

made to educate the general populace

on the importance of insurance in

ameliorating general risks. the

insurance business sector is at the bud

stage, and more investors can venture

into it. With little but painstaking

efforts, we can make the insurance

sector a better sector for all of us.

The writer is an Accountant

Tuesday, August March 9, 1, 2022 2022

Financial Wellness With Richmond Kwame Frimpong:

Before you invest,

investigate! (I)

WHEn it

comes to

investing, it

does not



you are a beginner or have been

investing for many years. It is never

too early or too late to investigate. We

see too many investors who could

have avoided losses if they had

investigated just a little more.

Investigating before you invest

comes in two forms; the first

represents questions you ask yourself

as an avid investor, and the second

represents questions you ask your

potential investment house (advisor).

In this edition, we throw more light

on the questions you ask yourself.

these are the questions to ask and

answer yourself before you invest.

How much risk can i


It is a common saying in

investments that: “the higher the risk, the

higher the returns, and the lower the risk,

the lower the returns”. Some investments

entail what we call a level five investment

risk; the risk that can result in absolute loss

of almost all your money. these

investments are too risky for most people

(particularly the risk averse). one easy way

to reduce investment risk is to diversify. By

doing so, you may still experience swings in

investment value, however, you can reduce

the risk of a complete loss due to bad

timing or other unfortunate circumstances.

to build a solid investment plan, you may

have to be cautious of buying only for high

yield investments. there is no such thing as

high returns with low risk. Better to earn

moderate returns than swing for the fences.

If you decide to swing, remember, it can go

wrong and you can experience big losses.

Kindly refer to our publication on risk

profiling to know your risk appetite.

What is my investment


An investment objective is the purpose

for which an individual invests.

Investments decisions must be made with

a clear goal or objective in mind: regular

income, liquidity, capital preservation, or

growth. the first thing you need to decide is

which of those characteristics is most

important. In other words, are you looking

for safety, income or growth from the

investment? Do you need current income to

live on in your retirement years, growth so

the investments can provide income later,

or is safety (preserving your principal value)

your top priority? For example, if you are 50

years or older before you invest, you really

should define your objective (for instance, a

retirement income plan). this type of

objective, for instance, will help you project

your future sources of income and

expenses, and your financial account values

including any deposits and withdrawals. It

helps you identify the point in time where

you will even need to use your money and

once you have a clear time-frame you know

whether to use short, mid, or long-term


What is my investment


How long one plans to invest their

money can alter their investment plans

and pivot the level of risk an investor can

take. Same is true of how easy to get your

money back if your need it urgently. Just

having a longer time horizon does not

guarantee a higher return, but it does mean

you have time on your side to consider

other investment options and strategies

that might give you an advantage in the

long run. Establishing a time

frame(duration) you can stick with is of

great importance. If you, for

instance, need the money to buy a

car in a year or two, you will choose

a different investment product

compared to if you are doing the

same to buy a property in 10 years.

In the first case, your primary

concern is safety – not losing

money before the future purchase.

In the second case, you are

investing in a long-term goal, and

anticipating significant growth in

returns. What you care about is

what choices are most likely to help

your account be worth the most by

the time you are ready to make your


Do I understand the

investment product?

never invest in something you

do not understand. Before you

invest, ensure you understand the

investment well enough to explain

it to someone else. How will the

investment make money?

(Dividends, Interest? Capital gains?) What

specific risks are associated with the

product, what type of securities does the

product invests in etc. too many people buy

the first investment product presented to

them (by friends, family or bank sales reps).

With a good understanding of the

investment product, you are able to lay out

a thorough list of all the choices that meet

your stated goal, and it gives you a better

appreciation of the pros and cons of that

particular investment. next, narrow your

final investment choices down to a few that

you feel confident about. Some investments

are great for long-term retirement money.

others are more speculative, which means

maybe you can put some ‘play money’ or

‘take a chance’ money into them, but not all

of your retirement savings.

Where should I invest?

Where you invest your money is as

important as why you are investing the

money. Before you invest, it is imperative to

take time to investigate who would be

managing that investment and how safe

your money can be with them. one of the

smart ways of knowing who watches over

your money and their credibility is to take a

look at the governance structures, how well

they are regulated, as well as their track

record (have they been successful in the

past?). Investigate if the investment

product is licensed and regulated. Get to

know the board of directors, get to know the

management team, get to know how the

company is doing, compared to their

competitors and it will guide you in your

investment decision.

How often can I invest?

Automating your investment deposits

consistently over a period of time is still the

best way to invest more and worry less. this

helps the investor not to cede to the

temptation of spending unnecessarily, and

the laziness that comes with having to

physically walk or drive to the financial

advisor every month to make a deposit.

Automating your investment deposits can

thus be done via standing orders or direct

debit with your regular bank, and that will

save you a whole lot of time. It also helps

you to leverage on the power of

compounding at any time “t”.

How much can I invest?

Many investment accounts (i.e.,

collective investment schemes, fixed-term

deposits, bonds, etc.) have minimum

investment amounts. So, before you take

your investment decision, you have to

determine how much you can realistically

set aside to invest. Is the amount you are

investing a lump sum (a large sum that is

paid in one single payment instead of

broken up into installments), or are you

able to make regular monthly

contributions? Some collective investment

schemes, for instance, allow you to open an

account with very little amounts and then

set up an automatic investment plan

monthly which would transfer funds from

your bank account to your investment

account. Investing monthly in this way is

called cedi-cost-averaging, and it helps

reduce market risk. If you have a larger sum

to invest, obviously more options are

available to you. In that case, you’ll want to

use a variety of investments, so you can

minimise the risk of choosing just one. the

most important decision you will make is

how much to allocate to the various

investment classes.


When you ask these questions, write

down the answers you receive, and what

you decided to do. Share those conclusions

with your investment advisor (if possible,

via mail) to be sure you are on the same

page with them. So that just in case

something goes wrong in the future, your

notes/email would help establish what was

agreed on, and what has been breached. At

the point of asking these questions, let your

investment professional know you are

taking notes of whatever is being said, and

they will know you are a serious investor.

You may send comments, questions or

suggestions if any to info@flfafrica.org and

@richmondkwamefrimpong across all

social media platforms

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Quality and Operational Excellence:

Thinking typologies for solving

organisational problems [7]

Parallel Thinking

Intro to Parallel Thinking- The

Rationale Behind Group


tHE essence and

importance of group

problem-solving and

decision-making are

frequently emphasized in

academia and the business world.

Because the majority of decisions

today are made by groups of people,

the subject of group problem-solving

becomes an important one.

Although individuals can learn and

demonstrate knowledge about group

size, cohesion, conflict, and

participation in problem-solving and

decision-making, being placed in a

group facing a specific problem and

having to think and interact in a way

that assists the group in solving the

problem is quite another story.

Edward de Bono (the main

proponent of Parallel thinking) posits

that the main obstacle to thinking is

confusion. We frequently attempt to

think about too much at once. When

we encounter a problem; facts, feelings,

and fresh ideas all arrive at once,

confusing us. When a group is working

on the issue, this confusion is only

made worse. the group generally thinks

at odds with one another

(perpendicular) rather than in unison


Along with the confusion, de Bono

talks about thinking as challenging due

to its nebulous nature and intangibility

this makes it challenging to be

conscious of your own thinking and

even more challenging to communicate

it to others. By identifying and naming

particular thought patterns, we can

start to recognize them and give them a

physical form. By giving the thought

process a more concrete form, we can

start to consider our own thinking as

well as that of others. In doing so, we

begin to equate thinking with solving a

capital budgeting problem.

Group Parallel Thinking vs.

Conventional Thinking for Problem-


the best way to understand parallel

thinking is to compare it to

conventional argumentative or

adversarial thinking. In a traditional

argument or adversarial thinking, each

side adopts a different stance before

attempting to attack the opposing

viewpoint. Each side tries to disprove

the other side’s claims. the Greek Gang

of three (Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle)

established this school of thought over

2,400 years ago. there is not a single

element of constructive, creative, or

design in adversarial thinking. It was

never meant to be used to construct

anything; only to learn the “truth.”

on the other hand, parallel

thinking is presented when all parties

think simultaneously in the same

direction. to get a complete picture of

the situation, the direction of thinking

can be changed. Each thinker, however,

is constantly thinking simultaneously

with every other thinker. there is no

requirement for agreement.

Contradictory claims or ideas are not

refuted, but rather laid out side by side.

De Bono encourages problem-solving

teams to mentally put on a hat of a

certain colour and switch them when


Parallel Thinking is a Collaborative


At its core, parallel thinking is a

collaborative and ideally

multidisciplinary approach. that is the

biggest difference from classical design

as well as from other disciplines. While

traditional projects in the corporate

world, the classical design world, and

also in the social sector are usually

based on cooperation, parallel thinking

is based on collaboration. Cooperation

in this sense means that people work

together as a team but are not

necessarily all involved in all steps of

the process.

A parallel-thinking team on the

other hand ideally works together and

decides together, therefore each team

member is involved in all steps of the

process. In order to ensure that this

collaboration works well for the team

members and also that it produces

results within an acceptable time

frame, design thinkers make use of

three core elements: people, place, and


Figure 1 Cooperation and

Collaboration [Source: Augsten and

Gekeler (2018)]

the Six thinking Hats

In his 1985 book Six thinking Hats,

de Bono describes how the method is

used by deliberately donning and

removing each of the six thinking hats.

the different colors of the hats enable

the thinker to picture or imagine

donning or removing a particular hat.

the right moment arises to invoke each

way of thinking. the various forms of

thought become more concrete and,

consequently, more approachable when

they are given names. We develop a

map of the problem space by looking

into a subject in this way. the point of

the six thinking hats method is to have

the mind focus on mapping entire

possibilities for solutions before

choosing the best course of action.

Here, an individual’s imagination is

engaged. By purposefully donning

various hats using imagination, we are

able to get around ego defense, which is

the primary obstacle to creative

thinking. It is possible to temporarily

put one’s ego aside because donning

one of the thinking hats is similar to

playing a part. the method also

narrows our focus to one aspect of our

thinking, such as the knowledge we

have of certain facts or information or

the fresh approaches we can come up

with to a problem.

Figure 2 The Six Thinking Hats

the method also concentrates our

thoughts on a particular aspect of our

thinking, such as what data or

information we are aware of or what

fresh concepts we can come up with to

address the issue. Additionally, it

creates a set of guidelines for thinking.

Having a clear paradigm makes

thinking fun. now we have the ability

to ask people to don a certain thinking

hat or take it off. We can also put on or

remove the hat we’ve chosen. It

gives us a technique for making

thinking concrete so that we can

discuss and act on the thinking

process. de Bono notes that

naming various thinking

techniques helps us to

understand a foreign process.

Six Hats Technique:

Integrating Multiple thinking

Styles, Personas and Perspectives

Green Hat

thinking Style: Green-hat

thinkers tend to be creative,

imaginative and look for

alternatives, but may not think

through the consequences.

typical response: “of course, we

could always buy a new system.”

Blue Hat

thinking Style: Blue-hat thinkers

tend to see things from a broader

perspective. they have the ability to

stand back and look at the bigger


typical response: “When the new

system is in place it will speed up the

process throughout the whole


Yellow Hat

thinking Style: Yellow hat thinkers

tend to be positive, constructive and

look for ways of making something


typical response: “I’m sure we can

make the old system work if we all put

our minds to it.”

Black Hat

thinking Style: Black hat thinkers

tend to play ‘devil’s advocate’ and point

out what might go wrong.

typical response: “the new system

is only half the solution, what about

late deliveries from our supplier, it

won’t resolve that problem?”

White Hat

thinking Styles: White hat thinkers

tend to focus on facts, figures and logic.

typical response: “How much is the

new system going to cost and how

many customers can it cope with?”

Red Hat

thinking Style: red hat thinkers

tend to use hunches, ‘gut feel’, intuition

and previous experience.

typical response: “I have a good

feeling about it, I’m sure it will work

because I’ve seen it work for other

• Continued on Page 11

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 PAGE 11

Ensuring food security demands

change in fundamentals of

production – Experts

tHE Director of the Institute

for Statistical, Social and

Economic research (ISSEr)

at the university of Ghana,

Prof. Peter Quartey, has said

that with food being one major driver

of inflation, pragmatic measures must

be adopted to ensure its security and

prevent any imminent crisis.

He suggested that it is crucial for

the agriculture sector to take advantage

of irrigation to allow for all-year-round

farming which would ensure that there

is more to meet the country’s demand.

Prof. Quartey added that

government must increase investment

in domestic food production and

employ measures to make available

cheaper credit for large-scale

commercial farmers who will, in turn,

pull along the small-scale farmers to

increase production.

“I believe we have not changed the

fundamentals of food production in

this country. We provide fertilisers and

even now, the rate at which fertilisers

are supplied to farmers has reduced

because the suppliers have not been


We only farm, sometimes, just four

and five times a year because we rely on

rainfed agriculture. We are blessed with

a lot of rivers so we need to invest in

irrigation – irrigation is key. Also, we

have to invest in the value chain as a


Internally, we know it is food

inflation that is the highest, as well as

imported inflation. With food inflation,

if we can enhance food production, we

will be able to reduce the effect of

inflation. once you address food

security issues, the country will

minimise its reliance on imported food

items,” he said in an interview with the


Government programmes

demand swift inputs

For the Executive Director at

Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana,

Dr. Charles nyaaba, changing the

fundamentals of production includes

government following its own

agricultural policies with investment

plans, swift inputs, and committing


He argued that a reason why

agricultural policies, such as the

Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ), seem

to be struggling is that along the line,

government failed to put in money.

“If you come out with a policy and

you do not commit resources, how will

it work? that is where we find ourselves

with the Planting for Food and Jobs…

Along the line, though the policy is

ongoing, government failed to put in

money. We have gotten it wrong with

how we are going about it,” he said.

Predicted food crisis in 2023

recently, some agricultural sector

groupings have warned of a looming

food crisis in 2023, hence, urging

government to increase investment in

domestic food production to avert the


According to them, the increasing

cost of production would have a

detrimental influence on the number

of farmers who would plant for the

upcoming season, which would then

have an impact on market output.

the group told Daily Graphic that

the cost of cultivating an acre of maize

and legumes had risen from GH¢1,581

in 2020 to GH¢4,681 in 2022.

the groupings include the General

Agricultural Workers union (GAWu),

the Peasant Farmers Association of

Ghana (PFAG), the Ghana national

Association of Poultry Farmers

(GnAPF), and the Chamber of

Agribusiness, Ghana (CAG).

Quality and Operational Excellence: Thinking

typologies for solving organisational problems [7]

• Continued from Page 10


Making a Strong Case for

Parallel Thinking

Most of the major problems

in the world today persist

precisely because we have such

an excellent method of problemsolving.

this statement is not

intended to be sarcastic. We do

have an excellent method of

problem-solving. It is so good,

however, that we have come to

believe that it will solve all

problems. So, we have not

bothered to develop any other

method. the good is often the

enemy of the best. If something

is very good then we stop there

and cloak ourselves in


What is this excellent,

traditional, method of problemsolv

ing? It is yet another

example of the basic belief that

if you `remove the bad things’

you will be left with the good

things. So, the general method is

that you analyse the problem,

identify the cause and then

proceed to remove the cause. the

cause of the problem is removed

so the problem is solved. It

works! Well, de Bono argues that

this general method is simple

and it works well, when it works.

But there are some problems

where you cannot find the cause.

there are other problems where

there are so many causes that

you cannot remove all of them.

then there are problems where

you can find the cause, but you

cannot remove it. What do we do

in such cases?

By adopting a parallel

thinking stance, while

acknowledging the excellence of

the general method of solving a

problem by identifying and

removing the cause, we also

need to do something about

those instances where the

method simply does not work.

Are these insoluble problems?

Possibly, but we ought at least to

try some other methods.

Conclusion: Practising

Parallel Thinking

now, why don’t you give this

wonderful methodology a try

within your teams

Select a topic for discussion

(e.g. an idea a team came up


Have someone lead the

meeting (blue hat).

Explain each hat in turn and

give the group some time to

discuss the subject from that

particular hat’s point of view.

Encourage them to record

the conversation on a board so

that you can expand on it later.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022



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