MONDAY ARTPOST 0808-2022 ISSN1918-6991 MONDAYARTPOST.COM Columns by Artists and Writers Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay / Fiona Smyth / Gary Michael Dault / Holly Lee / Kai Chan / Kamelia Pezeshki / Shelley Savor / Tamara Chatterjee / Wilson Tsang / Yau Leung / + DOUBLESPREAD (Lee Ka-sing) / Both Sides, now (Holly Lee) MONDAY ARTPOST published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002. An Ocean and Pounds publication. ISSN 1918-6991. email to:

<strong>MONDAY</strong><br />

<strong>ARTPOST</strong><br />

<strong>0808</strong>-<strong>2022</strong><br />

ISSN1918-6991<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong><strong>ARTPOST</strong>.COM<br />

Columns by Artists and Writers<br />

Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay /<br />

Fiona Smyth / Gary Michael Dault<br />

/ Holly Lee / Kai Chan / Kamelia<br />

Pezeshki / Shelley Savor / Tamara<br />

Chatterjee / Wilson Tsang / Yau<br />

Leung / + DOUBLESPREAD (Lee Ka-sing)<br />

/ Both Sides, now (Holly Lee)<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong> <strong>ARTPOST</strong> published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002.<br />

An Ocean and Pounds publication. ISSN 1918-6991. email to:

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The Photograph<br />

coordinated by<br />

Kamelia Pezeshki<br />

Geranium by Mehraban Mehrabani

ProTesT<br />

Cem Turgay

CHEEZ<br />

Fiona Smyth

Poem a Week<br />

Gary Michael Dault<br />

Eyewitness<br />

tin-plated sun<br />

blue whitewashed walls*<br />

everything once soft<br />

hardens and falls<br />

a man<br />

comes down the street<br />

dressed like a black bull<br />

he drags a gray cloud<br />

like an old dog<br />

his life is full<br />

* The first two lines are from “Pre-Autumn” by Juan Ramon<br />



Holly Lee<br />

1. St. Nicholas: Russia’s most popular saint in icons<br /><br />

2. From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus<br />

Greenwood<br />

Kai Chan<br />

Drawing, ink, graphite, pastel on paper

Open/Endedness<br />

bq 不 清<br />

工 作 狂<br />


至 少 你 知 道<br />

魔 術 只 是 一 種 掩 眼 法<br />

儘 管 謎 底 不 一 定 浮 現 如<br />

亞 特 蘭 提 斯 , 但 它<br />

確 實 存 在 於 預 期 之 外<br />

像 醫 生 的 時 間 觀 念<br />

永 遠 帶 一 種 誤 差<br />

但 藥 我 是 準 時 下 了<br />

像 他 們 每 天 下 班 , 又 像<br />

那 刻 , 詩 神 來 到 瞳 孔 之 後<br />

並 且 說 時 間 到 了 , 然 後<br />

你 又 記 起 昨 晚 的 夢 僅 僅 是<br />

密 封 的 玻 璃 瓶 。 上 面<br />

一 艘 艘 貨 輪 在 港 口<br />

以 外 , 等 待 泊 岸<br />

等 待 卸 下 眾 人 的 心 事<br />

讓 船 舷 能 離 開 水 面 卻 又 無 法<br />

升 往 天 空<br />

At least you know that<br />

magic is only a camouflage though<br />

the answer to the riddle will not surface like<br />

Atlantis, but it<br />

does exist beyond its expectation,<br />

such as, physicians’ sense of time,<br />

which always entails dilatoriness.<br />

But I’ve taken my drugs on time,<br />

like how we get off work, or that<br />

moment Muses arrived behind my pupils<br />

and said it’s time. Then<br />

you remember again the dream from last night was<br />

an air-tight jug. Above it,<br />

Cargo ships are just outside<br />

the port, awaiting to dock,<br />

to unload everyone’s thoughts,<br />

to lift their hulls out of water but can’t<br />

buoy up in the sky.

Caffeine Reveries<br />

Shelley Savor<br />

Dark Cloud Dreaming

Travelling Palm<br />

Snapshots<br />

Tamara Chatterjee<br />

Mexico (November, 2017) – We spent the<br />

last few days of the itinerary in Mexico City;<br />

soaking in the hallowed blue walls and huge<br />

papier-mache constructions suspended in<br />

time and space. It certainly provided the<br />

much needed culture in the final foray. On<br />

the last day; we resumed the journeyer’s trail<br />

to Tenochtitlán, the focal point was a little<br />

light babble with a stone carver.

Yesterday Hong Kong<br />

Yau Leung<br />

Blissful Downpour after a long drought (Castle Peak Road, Shamshuipo, 1963)<br />

Hong Kong was hit by a severe drought in 1963-4, during which water supply was restricted to 4 hours per 4<br />

days. These boys were rapt to see the pouring rain and rushed to embrace the free shower.<br />

8x10 inch, gelatin silver photograph printed in the nineties<br />

OP Selection, edition 1/100, signed on verso<br />

From the collection of Lee Ka-sing and Holly Lee

Leaving Taichung<br />

Station<br />

Bob Black<br />

The following poem, Hong Kong: Songs from the<br />

Rooftops, is an 8-part poem that was written over the<br />

course of the last 5 years. Each part corresponds to<br />

a part of Hong Kong and each part also is dedicated<br />

to a friend. It was completed this past spring. This<br />

poem is dedicated to 8 friends, for whom the city<br />

is a constant conversation in my head and heart,<br />

regardless of the shape and tune.<br />

This poem is dedicated to: Holly & Ka-sing Lee,<br />

Nancy Li, Kai Chan, Yam Lau, Chris Song and Ting,<br />

TimTim Cheng, Tammy Ho and Kristee Quinn.<br />

May they always be filled with voices, food and<br />

sound. Carry on.

Hong Kong: Songs from the Rooftops<br />

“In these shaken times, who more than you holds<br />

In the wind, our bittermelon, steadily facing<br />

Worlds of confused bees and butterflies and a garden gone wild”<br />

-- 梁 秉 鈞 , Bittermelon<br />

III<br />

Wan Chai: The Sky Red as Your Name Buckled in a Letter<br />

Once, beneath the sky red above us, you wrote your father in red ink,<br />

a forlorn chance for fear to visit his life,<br />

you spoke a lullaby in my ear when finished, a snake in the shape of a hat<br />

containing a pachyderm<br />

a tongue of torn letters inked on cheap rice paper, pressed desperate as passenger<br />

on that tram long-ago<br />

cramped<br />

against the green tile above the men searching for body and salvation, and some<br />

anew new<br />

piu haak, you once wrote him, until you looked over the roof edge and watched<br />

lives scatter<br />

swarming as the far-off waves battering your heart.<br />

and so it began with the knotted sound of a rung bell wrong in a temple, the<br />

flutter of a golden silk robe and the line on an old woman’s hand who once spoke<br />

across a room you would live as long as a bird at sea and you read, then after<br />

the flight around your mouth, and the sky again red and our fingers red, and<br />

the clock in the room red and all the lines in the rain long in their lacquered<br />

reflections<br />

red:<br />

our stitching, my love, red.<br />

the sky red as your name buckled in a letter: 木 心<br />

“Even in the dark recesses of bramble and cave, light spiders in<br />

and allows the moon to thread a silver’d path,<br />

outward to you, Baba, even in winter, full-bellied,<br />

you wobble and space my hope toward home,<br />

you wobble and space my heart home.”<br />

And then it was sent

From the Notebooks<br />

(2010-<strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Gary Michael Dault<br />

From the Notebooks, 2010-<strong>2022</strong><br />

Number 149: Tape, the Measure of Man (Temporary Version), March 10, 2020.


Wilson Tsang<br />

Summer sometimes


Double Double studio,<br />

photographs by<br />

Lee Ka-sing<br />

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Double Double studio<br /><br />

Unlimited access to all read-on-line books,<br />

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Patreon Membership: Friend of Double Double ($5), Benefactor Member ($10), Print Collector ($100) Monthly subscription in US currency

An excerpt from<br />

Windmills, Fields,<br />

and Marina<br />

(Double Double,<br />

July edition <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Holly Lee<br />

Both Sides, now<br />

front and verso<br />

(with words)

Both Sides, now<br />

I like to explore. At times, I’d trail off into unfrequented paths. “Both Sides Now” is a series of<br />

photographs I took of things that were once affecting, or touching my life — a bowl, a small figurine,<br />

a paper cup, a postcard, a papier-mâché cat, a hockey player, a maple leaf, a giant neon billboard... I<br />

photographed them front and back; put them in frames gathered from department or home furnishing<br />

stores. These domestic frames shared a common feature — backing only with clear glass, designed to<br />

show images on both sides.<br />

There are objects everywhere, spreading all over the place in our ex-gallery, now our studio and<br />

home base. Throughout the years they stayed silent, collecting dusts. Yet each has a history and story<br />

yearning to be unfolded. Every once in a while I would examine them with my hands; trying to retrace<br />

my life through the dots, to reclaim lost and forgotten moments. My thoughts then, would wander off<br />

to form narratives; some kind of memoir, a short fiction, a poem, or simply, a playful babble.<br />

In a paradoxical manner, the frame with the image of an object inside has also become another<br />

object, taken in another photograph.

Suki<br />

我 是 貓 媽 媽 。 媽 媽 叫 貓 貓 坐 在 她 的 大 腿 上 看 電 視 。 媽 媽 貓 反 過 頭 來 要 一 個 吻 , 嗅 嗅 貓 媽 媽<br />

嘴 裡 三 文 魚 的 味 道 。 貓 貓 有 很 多 很 多 名 字 :suki, suki 仔 , sukimoto, Kiki, suki 貓 頭 , kitty kitty,<br />

李 叔 奇 , 出 奇 , 貓 珠 珠 , 貓 奇 , 貓 奇 奇 。<br />

(A Google translation)<br />

I am a cat mother. Mother calls a cat sitting on her thigh and watching TV. Mother cats turn a kiss, sniffing the<br />

mouths of cats and mama’s salmon. Cats have many names: suki, suki Tsai, sukimoto, Kiki, suki cat head, kitty<br />

kitty, Uncle Li, surprising, cat beads, cat odd, cat odd.<br />

(A human translation)<br />

I am a catmom. Catmom calls cat to sit on her lap and watch TV. Momcat turns for a kiss, sniffing the smell of<br />

salmon from catmom’s mouth. Catcat has many many names: suki, suki Tsai, sukimoto, Kiki, suki maotao, kitty<br />

kitty, Li Suk-ki, surprised, cat precious precious, meowki, meowkiki.<br />

Suki, front and verso<br />

A pair of archival pigment prints in frame, frame size 325 x 172 x 32 mm, work year 2018.<br />

PS: Tomio made this beautiful paper mâché after our cat Suki. Later, he made another paper mâché after Tofu,<br />

Henrik and Wing’s vision impaired dog. I wish they can meet someday.

Bowl<br />

Words are magic wands<br />

one wave can incise a thought<br />

inerasable for generations<br />

I am lake bright mountain colour<br />

Sounds scenic isn’t it? Thanks to our old masters who molded me – a small pavilion on a hill with shady trees,<br />

a man lies down, drinks his wine and rhymes his poem, distant hills on the other bank, a boat floats leisurely<br />

on the lake. I have been depicted this way for five hundred years. The masters follow the same equation to paint<br />

and repeat me, occasionally making some little changes, say, add a person fishing, a few more birds in the sky.<br />

This has always been ME! Yet when I look around myself, I feel misplaced, so disconcerted that I want to cry.<br />

For I have changed – and have already made a lot of progress. Strange cement forests sprouting from my body;<br />

boats, ferries, cargo ships and cruisers sliding day in and day out over the skin of my water. The noisy bunch!<br />

How could nobody notice or show the courage to acknowledge the change?<br />

I, lake bright mountain colour, am only an age-old idea, a mere ghostly existence?<br />

I am bowl<br />

A bowl that holds rice or soup, to be precise.<br />

Even though I came from the world famous porcelain town Jin de Zhen, I belong only to the civilian class. My<br />

clan’s long and glorious history has become solely bygones. Despite the fact that I have reached the age of<br />

retirement, I am still 30 years younger than my master – my owner. Don’t ask about my origin, master is a fool,<br />

she can’t even figure out her own history, let alone mine. But a friend of my master said my face was familiar,<br />

she told her I was made around the 80s, by New Wind – one of the ten big porcelain factories in China. I think<br />

this might be true as this factory was renowned for scenic paintings on porcelain wares. There’s one thing I can<br />

be certain of, I must have belonged to the family of porcelain goods exported to Europe, America, South East<br />

Asia and Hong Kong in the 80s.<br />

For your future, my advice to you brothers and sisters: go along with globalization, gone old greet new, gone<br />

east meet west, nationalized style gone Japanese. Me? If not for the love of my master, I would have been<br />

buried in the landfill with other garbage. On the other hand, if I am luckier, and able to get more promotion and<br />

publicity, I might be recognized and even able to secure a small spot in certain corner of the museum.<br />

My Name is Pingy<br />

Actually, I have several names, Pingy is just my infant name. The bowl you are seeing in this picture originally<br />

existed as a pair, a wedding gift from my mother for my dinner table. Many bowls and dishes have broken<br />

Bowl, front and verso<br />

A pair of archival pigment prints in frame, frame size 272 x 220 x 32 mm, work year 2013.

since. I cracked this bowl some twenty years ago, but was reluctant to have it disposed. Seeing the bowl is like<br />

seeing my long gone mother, it is hard and impossible to let go.<br />

The harbour where I grew up experienced no wars, revolutions or hunger. My slumberous soul floats along<br />

historic currents, oblivious to soaring memories of its past and coming. The China I long for is crafted from<br />

literature, history, music and poetry. My favourite poet Du Fu (712-770 CE) once wrote, “The state is broken,<br />

its mountains and rivers remain. The city turns spring, deep with plants and trees”. The overwhelming change<br />

today feels like “The state remains, its mountains and rivers shattered. Cities turn concrete grey,<br />

wealth and lust are what matter”. China will definitely change. Its supersonic train will not stop, racing towards<br />

a newer, braver but irredeemable world. Flip-flopping. Hello Creator; Hello Destroyer.<br />

文 字 真 像 魔 術 棒 , 一 下 子 點 下 來 就 凝 固 了 一 個 思 維 , 叫 它 好 幾 個 世 代 也 不 能 翻 身 。<br />

我 是 湖 光 山 色 。<br />

很 風 景 畫 , 是 不 是 ? 也 多 謝 歷 朝 歷 代 的 工 像 畫 師 , 把 我 塑 造 成 的 模 樣 — 山 丘 上 有 小 亭 , 樹<br />

影 婆 娑 。 古 人 臥 坐 吃 酒 吟 詩 。 對 岸 山 脈 連 綿 , 一 葉 輕 舟 飄 蕩 在 湖 水 上 。 千 百 年 來 , 畫 師 依<br />

循 公 式 重 覆 , 或 偶 作 改 動 , 或 加 上 個 江 人 垂 釣 , 這 個 便 是 我 ! 回 首 看 看 我 的 週 圍 , 真 迷 惘 得<br />

想 哭 。 我 進 步 神 速 , 三 合 土 森 林 從 土 地 上 長 出 奇 葩 , 小 輪 船 小 氣 艇 大 郵 船 洋 洋 灑 灑 在 湖 面<br />

滑 翔 。 怎 麼 我 變 了 也 沒 有 人 知 道 ? 我 湖 光 山 色 , 竟 是 個 陳 久 的 思 維 , 一 個 魅 影 的 存 在 ?<br />

我 是 碗 。<br />

準 確 一 點 說 , 是 盛 飯 盛 湯 的 那 種 碗 。<br />

同 樣 是 陶 瓷 盛 器 , 出 自 於 聞 名 中 外 的 景 德 鎮 , 我 祇 是 屬 於 平 民 階 級 。 我 族 類 悠 遠 輝 煌 的 歷<br />

史 , 皆 成 為 陳 年 舊 事 。 我 雖 然 巳 經 到 了 退 休 的 年 紀 , 但 比 我 的 主 人 要 年 輕 三 十 歲 ! 別 問 我<br />

的 來 歷 , 主 人 糊 塗 , 連 她 自 己 的 歷 史 背 景 都 弄 不 清 楚 , 更 甭 說 我 了 。 不 過 我 如 此 推 想 , 我<br />

大 概 是 生 產 於 八 零 前 後 十 大 瓷 廠 其 中 之 一 的 新 風 瓷 廠 。 我 這 樣 推 測 , 是 因 為 他 們 好 像 擅 長<br />

於 風 景 彩 描 。 較 可 肯 定 的 是 我 一 定 屬 於 當 年 外 銷 歐 美 、 東 南 亞 及 香 港 的 其 中 成 員 。<br />

至 於 我 們 的 現 狀 與 未 來 嗎 ? 也 只 可 跟 著 全 球 化 的 時 代 走 。 去 舊 迎 新 , 去 東 迎 西 。 僅 存 的 一<br />

點 國 風 都 改 吹 了 和 風 。 如 果 不 是 主 人 愛 惜 , 我 現 在 已 經 葬 身 填 土 區 。 假 如 再 幸 運 一 些 經 人<br />

提 拔 , 我 可 能 有 機 會 擠 身 博 物 館 呢 !<br />

我 叫 小 萍 。<br />

其 實 我 有 好 幾 個 名 字 , 小 萍 祇 是 乳 名 。 你 現 在 看 見 這 隻 碗 原 本 是 一 對 的 , 是 我 結 婚 時 母 親<br />

給 我 添 置 的 廚 具 。 當 年 很 多 的 碗 碟 已 經 不 存 在 , 這 隻 碗 在 卄 多 年 前 打 破 , 不 捨 得 扔 掉 。 看<br />

見 它 就 好 像 看 見 已 故 的 母 親 。 我 成 長 的 港 灣 沒 有 經 歷 戰 爭 革 命 和 饑 餓 。 混 混 沌 沌 的 我 真 的<br />

像 浮 萍 般 飄 泊 在 歷 史 中 的 長 流 , 並 且 沒 有 儆 覺 它 前 呼 後 湧 的 記 憶 。 我 的 中 國 是 來 自 文 學 、<br />

歷 史 、 音 樂 和 詩 歌 。 國 破 山 河 在 , 城 春 草 木 深 。 這 年 頭 驚 天 動 地 的 變 化 , 更 像 國 在 山 河<br />

破 , 財 色 輕 心 。 中 國 必 然 轉 變 , 這 列 超 音 速 快 車 是 會 義 無 反 誨 的 衝 往 未 來 更 勇 敢 的 新 世<br />

界 。 一 個 從 創 造 者 到 摧 毀 者 的 變 臉 。

Canada Welcomes You<br />

In the winter of 2017, we drove our newly-rented Honda to Niagara Falls to see the Winter Festival of Lights.<br />

Walking through its 8KM-long illumination route, we saw the world’s largest illuminated Canadian-American<br />

flag – made virtually with thousands of light bulbs. It was installed front and back: the Canadian flag facing<br />

Canada and the American flag facing the United States across the border. At that time, the inhospitable and<br />

negative immigration attitude of the Trump Administration was hurting the world, and my thinking on the<br />

meaning of the flag was not as a tourist passing through; but as a person living on – this side of the land. The<br />

night, though cold, was long and magical. We stayed in a nice B&B run by Lynn, a pretty woman in her thirties.<br />

She fed us fresh fruits, hot muffins and baked fruit strata. All was well; we felt so welcome, but could not avoid<br />

the feeling of still being tourists traveling in our adopted country. As we talked Lynn told us we missed seeing<br />

two family members – Bandit and Peter. Early this morning Peter had taken the husky out for a long walk.<br />

Canada Welcomes You, front and verso<br />

A pair of archival pigment prints in frame, frame size 470 x 425 x 20 mm, work year 2018.

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Paperback edition will be available in mid August <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />

220 pages. ebook US$5 Paperback CAD$95<br /><br />

164 pages. ebook US$5 Paperback CAD$75

Under the management of Ocean and Pounds<br />

Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists,<br />

art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different<br />

cities visiting and working in Toronto.<br />

INDEXG B&B<br />

48 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto<br />

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