summer long, we've been "rais- ing the roof" - Local History Archives

summer long, we've been "rais- ing the roof" - Local History Archives

summer long, we've been "rais- ing the roof" - Local History Archives


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All <strong>the</strong> News of<br />

All t¥ Pointes Every<br />

Thursday Morn<strong>ing</strong><br />

rosse<br />

Pointe<br />

Complete News (:overage of All <strong>the</strong> Pointes<br />

Vol.29-No. 41 Entered as Second Class Matur at<br />

<strong>the</strong> Post Office at Deltolt, Michigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


of <strong>the</strong><br />

WEEK<br />

As Compiled by <strong>the</strong><br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

Thursday, Oclober 3<br />


pitcher Bob Gibson led <strong>the</strong><br />

Cards to a 4.0 victory over <strong>the</strong><br />

Detroit Til;ers yesterday and<br />

broke a slrikeout record to beot.<br />

He struck out 17 Tigers. break.<br />

in~<br />

15.<br />

Sandy Koufax's record of<br />


bowed to Senate opposition on<br />

Wednesday nnd In a letter to<br />

President Johnson. requested<br />

withdrawal of his nomination to<br />

he chief justice. He also stated<br />

that he deplored <strong>the</strong> attacks on !<br />

<strong>the</strong> Supreme Court. Mr. John.:<br />

son issued a statement shortly.<br />

<strong>the</strong>reafter say<strong>ing</strong> that he acced. !<br />

ed to Fortas' request with "deep.<br />

regret!' I<br />

•<br />

"<br />

Friday, October 4 :<br />

THE TRIUMPHANT Ti!!ers I<br />

arrived home Thursdaynigbt .<br />

after winn<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> second game<br />

of <strong>the</strong> World Series in S1. Louis<br />

by a score of 8.1. They were<br />

IZreeted a.t Metro Airport by' an<br />

pstimated<br />

fans.<br />

5.000 enthusiastic<br />

.. .<br />

..<br />

"<br />

Grosse' Pointe City 'Community<br />

of Week'<br />

" ..<br />

ews<br />

Home of <strong>the</strong> New!<br />

toe PerCoPJ'<br />

ts.oo Per Year 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One<br />

-----------------------i><br />

'Committee Heads<br />

!Named tj) Direct<br />

IStudy of Schools<br />

-----_ .._-<br />

Three Main Problem Areas Will Be Probed; Residents<br />

Interested In Serv<strong>ing</strong> On Any Of The<br />

Groups Invited To Respond<br />

Mrs. Paul G. Hykes, President of tlie Grosse Pointe<br />

Board of Education, provided preliminary information<br />

on <strong>the</strong> three School Study Committees which were an •<br />

nounced last week by Dr. Theos I. Anderson, Superin.<br />

tende:1t of Schools. . --- -<br />

The committee charged with Alla d Rd'<br />

de~ermin<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> sc?ool system's' ~ oa<br />

millage needs will be mod.<br />

erated by Calvin J. Sandberg, T ff- F- ht<br />

Trustee, who will be assisted ra IC ~g<br />

by Lee H. Allen, Trustee. Lawrence<br />

F. Kennedy, Assistant St:ll Rag'Ds<br />

Superintendent. Personnel. will II ~<br />

SPTve as staff resource person.<br />

Mrs. Joseph P. Thompson,<br />

Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Board. will<br />

moderate <strong>the</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong>s of th~<br />

middle 'school committee. She<br />

will be assisted by Arnold P.<br />

Fuchs, Trustee, and Dr. Joe<br />

Spagnoli. Assistant Superintend.<br />

ent.Instruction, as resource per.<br />

Director Andrews to Make<br />

Study of New Suggestion<br />

,For Solution<br />

And Report On<br />

October 18<br />

son, Emotions and statistics<br />

Edward J. Pongracz, Treas. never have ~een good bedurer<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Board of Education, fellows. ThIS was proved<br />

has <strong>been</strong> named cbairman of again Monday, October 7,<br />

GENERAL MOTORS reveal. <strong>the</strong> committee study<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong>, at <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

ed Thursday that it i~enter<strong>ing</strong> MAYOR DA VIDBURGESS, right, accepts <strong>the</strong> Pointe was commended for "its outst,and<strong>ing</strong> achie\'e- physical plant o[ South High Council meet<strong>ing</strong> when Di.<br />

<strong>the</strong> small car field with <strong>the</strong> in. citation from WWJ personality SHEJ.,BYNEWHOUSE, ments in <strong>the</strong> many areas of today's community liv<strong>ing</strong>; Sehool. He will b~ assist~d by rector Allen A. Andrews retroduciion<br />

of a two.doo'r sedan conclud<strong>ing</strong> a special WWJ "Suburban Salute," A for <strong>the</strong> dedicated spirit of its leaders in public office, Jobn T. Short, Vlce.Preslden~. ported <strong>the</strong> results of a t d<br />

code.named XP 887, in late broadcast of <strong>the</strong> salute' . to Grosse p'ol'nte was heard b' d d t' d f th th' t' .. Staff resource person to thiS. I ''mmer of' 1970. Informed usmess, an e uca Ion; an or e en USlas Ie CIVIC hiS department has S,U Y<br />

s'" M d 0 b 7 10 'Th f 'd d t d b 't 't' " committee will be <strong>the</strong> school ileen<br />

sources said <strong>the</strong> XP 887 will be on ay, cto er ,at 7: p.m. e City 0 Grosse pr1 e emonstra e . y I S CI lzens. system's ye~.to.bll appointed conduct<strong>ing</strong> for t~e last 45<br />

prieed competitively with <strong>the</strong> . I'.' . I - . . .',. D ire c tor of Administr:ltive days on <strong>the</strong> traffic pattern<br />

~~~~v~:~~ ?~~~~~~ka::a~~~~ :G.plJS Plans 11<br />

Start<br />

of lTF Campaign' Set !School Play Services. O.lt l<br />

.Allarbd rOltdd. Allard road<br />

~"Jl for $1.900to $?.300. The car. I . Problems Outlined CI lzens urne.<br />

11 t b 'It'n <strong>the</strong> Unl't"d T C 'F 0 be 15 Thi Y , IA R · Dr. Anderson, In an address The residents, still unhappv<br />

rea ema~ns to <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe PTA Coun. with <strong>the</strong> excessive cars, on ~<br />

~~~~e:Sb~ve~~t w~l1 be abo~lt; (} onsttuct:. o.~. cto r.; , sea •.S I<br />

one foot <strong>long</strong>er than <strong>the</strong> VOlkS'jN' B -W _, . :G I .$ '5" " , . cil on September 30. outlined seven day daily traffic average<br />

g' " oa: .Set ,at. 27 ,'5.O'0.00 .Battlegrou' nd <strong>the</strong> problem areas' which each of .2,347 on <strong>the</strong> first block,<br />

wagen be.eUe and a foot shorter e'w Ul 'In'<br />

t'Ian <strong>the</strong>ir compact Chevrolet ," '. ~. , of <strong>the</strong> three committees will were fur<strong>the</strong>r upset when Di.<br />

Corvair " , . rt • " .' • I' , ~. . study conc1!rrently. rector Andrews stated that his<br />

. • •• Structure With 14 Class- I Kickoff luncheon Will B~ Held In' Detroit's Cobo tiall, Woods Coun~i1 Asso'cia- Dr. Anderson said that <strong>the</strong> plan of July 15, which prohib-<br />

Saturday October 5 I P d' Th T 'd't' I T hi' ht' C. ' community will have to decide its left turns onto Allard by<br />

•• roo r'n 5 Will H 0 u's'e rece 109 . e ra J Jona orc Ig 109 ere- I' tion And Res'ldents Lock thb d A t h d '<br />

ALVIN G. SKELLY, deputy I A Th F Of W d d whe<strong>the</strong>r it wishes: (1) to main. nor oun r ur nverG,<br />

superintendent of Detroit pub. Middle. School 'And I money t e oot ,00 war Horns' Over Use Of tain <strong>the</strong> current level of <strong>the</strong> (t b i s represents an apparent<br />

lie s~hool hou~in~. said unle~ Related Facilities . Wendell W. A~de~;on, - J~::-Of 40 Preston place, Liggett Property pub lie schools' instructional maximum of 180cars per driY);<br />

a strike by buildmg tradesmen I -- 'd t f U 't d F d t' '11" th " program when <strong>the</strong> voted opera. probibit<strong>ing</strong> left turns onto Ar-<br />

. tt1 don several Detroit . preS! en 0 m e oun a Ion. WI sIgna, e openmg A tional millage expires; (2) to thur by. eastbound Allard driv.<br />

~I~I~C :ch;OI~ ~ay be forced to .On October 1~.111a letter of <strong>the</strong> 20th ~nnual Torch Dr.ive. by passi~g a li~hted t <strong>the</strong> conclusion of al. provide facilities adequate to ers, (thiS represents an appar.<br />

dose because o[ heatin/! prob. to Pa~ents, Fnends, ~nd torch to Calvm J. Werner of BIrmmgham, vlce.presldent most every battle <strong>the</strong>re are <strong>the</strong> implementation of <strong>the</strong> sys. ent maximum of 340 cars per<br />

Iems. Som'! 400 tradesmen I AI~mm . of. Grosse ~OJ.nte of Generlll Motors and camoaign general chairman. The <strong>the</strong> victorious and <strong>the</strong> van. tern's philosophy (Of instruction day); prohibits right turns onto<br />

w.a.Iked o££<strong>the</strong>ir jobs two weeks Umverslty SChOOl,. Wl~ham drive will officially get underway on Tuesday, October quished but <strong>the</strong> battle be- at tile middle school level; and (Continued or. Page 6)<br />

ago in a dispute over more W.Wo,<strong>the</strong>rspoon, preSident 15, li-nd continue through November 17, with <strong>the</strong> goal tween L ig g e tt S Ch 0 0 I (3) to provide funds needed for ----money<br />

in new contract talks. lof <strong>the</strong> Board of. Trustees, set at '!1;27.!'iSO.noo. ~ ' 0 ff ic ia Is, Woods-Shores extensive renovation and re- B . L<br />

:~ * .. . I announced <strong>the</strong> addition in The kickoff luncheon will be Nancy Horsch. <strong>the</strong> first Ma. Home Owners Association, model<strong>ing</strong> of South High School. m'nlng eaves<br />

MORE. GUNFIGHTING 1.111 <strong>the</strong> near future of anew pre'cided bylhetraditional comb girl, and <strong>the</strong> youngest 94 - petition<strong>ing</strong> neighbors, Residents' Help Asked Could Cost $100<br />

Mexico City took. place on FrJ' Middle School of 14 class" torchlight<strong>ing</strong> ceremony at noon ever \0 claim <strong>the</strong> title of offi. who disapprove of. public Any resident of <strong>the</strong> school<br />

day, two more. lives .~vere\,IOS~I rooms and related facilities. on Monday. October 14. at <strong>the</strong> cial UF representative for <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong> playground facili. district interested in serv<strong>ing</strong> on<br />

and a letter SIgned ar~l. 0 The new buildin" will house foot of Woodward. scheduled Torch Drive volunteers A five. ties at Liggett and <strong>the</strong> one of <strong>the</strong> three proposed study Officials feel that many citi.<br />

liberation" threatened a large I '" f 'd d th th th. . 'committees is urged to;contact zens are not aware of <strong>the</strong> fact<br />

. r " gainst <strong>the</strong> i in addition to <strong>the</strong> necessarv or ml . ay. ra er an e foot.six, blue eyed brunet, she Woods Council seems to 1) A 1 389 St CI'<br />

military opera wn a. [ I c.lassfrlOms. a centr?l. JTIl1lti. u~ual. hour of 6 p.m., which wiII symbolize <strong>the</strong> 130,000 vol. have by-passed <strong>the</strong> usual r. n( erson. . air that Grosse Pointe Park has an<br />

government. The statement 0 . I d' '. Will mark <strong>the</strong> end of both <strong>the</strong> t . . ft" . Avenue, or call 885.2000. ordinance 'which prohibiL~ !he<br />

<strong>the</strong> "liberation army" was di~. PU~P?s~har~.~mc tl ~g an an- 'familiar UF torch and its loca. ~nu eers campalgmng or con rJ. 'I' On Monday. October 7 !he All school trustees are ex. burn<strong>ing</strong> of leaves, (bonfires).<br />

tributed Friday, but was dated nex. o. e I rary. a ounge. an tion I u ons. agreement betlveen <strong>the</strong> City of officio members or all three on public property, such as<br />

September 28, four days before ~UdlO,vlsual.center. a~d a meet. . Ne~ Hea.d~uarrers. Grosse Pointe Woods and Lig- committees, as are those on <strong>the</strong> streets, and areas between side.<br />

h b' fi,'ht Wednesda be. ~ng 91ace WI~ a seatmg capac. Next year, a ~ew t~rch. of The drIve offiCially begms 3t get! School wa .discu ~ed d central administrative staff. walks and curhs.<br />

~ e Igtgunps" and sniper/that Ity of approXImately 75. The en- contemporary deSign will rISE; noon on Tuesday, October 15, discussed and :iscusse~~ Coa~ More complete details of <strong>the</strong> This violation is described as<br />

ween roo tire build<strong>ing</strong> will be carpeted in Kennedy Square. , wh e n 275 campaign leaders '1 • . u.<br />

left at least ~ ~er;o;onsdead. ~n~ prepared 'or air.condition. Three Torchlighu,rs I ga<strong>the</strong>r for ~he kickoff lu~ebeon ~Iis~~~o~:s t~:r~i~~i~~pr:rt~~ ~~~a~:~~~nur~~ t~: ~:n;;:;li~~::~ ~OS~I~~y:n:m~~~~f~'teda~~i::::'<br />

Sunday, October Ii I~., It IS ho~ed .that constnlc. Ga<strong>the</strong>r<strong>ing</strong> for <strong>the</strong> light<strong>ing</strong> ceo to.!>C hel~ m Cob:! Ha~1 m ?e. agreement by Mayor Kenneth R. by <strong>the</strong> three committees will <strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> ordinance a fine of $100<br />

THE DETROIT TIGERS were' lion can be,,10 m e2rly 1969 r.emony will be <strong>the</strong> three Torch. tr?lt. which for <strong>the</strong> !Irst time McLeod and City Clerk Leona be announced at <strong>the</strong> regular or 90 days in jail. accord<strong>ing</strong> to<br />

tamed Saturday when <strong>the</strong> st. (Continued on Page 2) lIghters, two.year.old Nancy De WIll serve as campaign head. Liddle. monthly meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Board Director of Public Safety Will.<br />

Louis Car din a I s demolished ------- J~ur,. daughter of Mr. an~ Mrs. quart.ers. Heretofore, <strong>the</strong> St~t. Causes of Objection o[ Education, to be held at 7:30 iam P. EUenburg:<br />

core of 7 to 3 The I b LIonel De Jour of DetrOit for ler.HIlton and Sberaton-Cadll. Th '1 I'" p.m. 00 'October 14 in <strong>the</strong> gym. Herbert Heger. Park director<br />

<strong>the</strong>m<br />

by<br />

as. C" era C It Wet A II' . B' th lac Hot cIs alternately have e counci was sp It 10<br />

Cards roared to victory behind ...1 1l. .ay.ne oun y; nn. larle 0 . . altitudes on <strong>the</strong> agreement<br />

Its<br />

To nasium of Monteith School, 1275 of public service. again states<br />

a pair of three.run home nms M T d am. 4, daughter, of Mr. and housed tl1e Toreh Dnw. . begin with !he agreement ~tip Cook road. that leaves raked in piles on<br />

before a crowd of some 53,634. ' eels ues ay Mrs. James G. Botham of Berk. At <strong>the</strong> ~elm .of lhe .UF drIVe, lates !hat supervisory personn~i ------- residential property, between<br />

• • * ley, for Oakland County; and for <strong>the</strong> first hme, WIll be <strong>the</strong> f th D . t t f P k S h 1B d <strong>the</strong> sidewalk and curh, will be<br />

Douglas Gentry' 5 son of Mr. United Foundation's new vice arodmR e ti~parbmen 0 t ahr s oar<br />

ANTI.WALLACE DEMON. The Grosse Pointe Camera ' , 'd t J C . f n ecrea on e presen w en C 00 ., picked up hy city vehicles. or<br />

STRATORS in Clevelaad battled Club will meet Tuesday eve. and Mrs. Ronald Gentry of Mt. bresl~n. a~qu~s t o~ sin 0 I<strong>the</strong> playground is in use. Both M 0 14 .<strong>the</strong>y may be placed in plastic<br />

Officers Get<br />

IHighest Pay<br />

In Michigan<br />

Patrolmen Raised From<br />

$8,800 To $9,750 Per<br />

Year, Retroactive To<br />

Last July I<br />

The City Council of<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods, ffiPet<strong>ing</strong><br />

in regular session on<br />

Monday night, October 7,<br />

approved a new, two-year<br />

salary and fr<strong>ing</strong>e benefits<br />

agreement with <strong>the</strong> Grosse<br />

Poinie Woods Police Offi.<br />

cers Association. Sign<strong>ing</strong>'<br />

<strong>the</strong> agreement were Mavor<br />

Kenneth R. McLeod and<br />

Donald Sun, president of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Police Officers Associa.<br />

lion.<br />

The final salary increm~nt of<br />

<strong>the</strong> two.year agreement is be.<br />

lieved to boost <strong>the</strong> salary of <strong>the</strong><br />

Grosse Pointe Woods Public<br />

Safety Patrolman (police.fire<br />

officer) to !he highest in <strong>the</strong><br />

State of Michigan and rank<strong>ing</strong><br />

among <strong>the</strong> highest in <strong>the</strong> na.<br />

tion. The new agreement will<br />

be retroaetive to Julv 1 1968<br />

and will eontinue in .ef£~et ti!!<br />

June 30. 1970.<br />

Four Pay Raises<br />

The (.'urrent salary of a Public<br />

Safety Officer is $8,800 per<br />

year, where as this agreement<br />

anticipates <strong>the</strong> first increase in<br />

salary to be retroactive to July<br />

1 at $9,750 per annum with au.<br />

ditional salary inereases on<br />

January I, 1969 to $10,000; July<br />

I, 1969 to $10,375; and January<br />

1, 1970 to $10,875.<br />

Also included in <strong>the</strong> new<br />

agreement is an increase in <strong>the</strong><br />

second and third <strong>long</strong>evity pay<br />

steps; increased Blue Cross and<br />

Blue Shield be,lefits; possibility<br />

of a referendum vnte on in.<br />

creased pension and retirement<br />

benefits; incentive bonus for no<br />

sick leave used dur<strong>ing</strong> a 12.<br />

month period; and a life time<br />

city park permit upon retire.<br />

ment.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> sign<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> new<br />

a g r e e men t, Mayor McLeod<br />

poinred out that it was most<br />

noteworthy that this agreement<br />

was ratified after good faith and<br />

intensive bargain<strong>ing</strong> by both <strong>the</strong><br />

City' and flie' Police Officers As.<br />

socialion. Both pllrties respecled<br />

one ano<strong>the</strong>r's problems and<br />

viewpoints and through a mu.<br />

tual trust worked diligently to<br />

finalize this agreement.<br />

Showed Right SpirIt<br />

Mayor McLeod fur<strong>the</strong>r stated<br />

that, although <strong>the</strong> Police Offi.<br />

cers Association did nol have a<br />

new economic agreement upon<br />

<strong>the</strong> cxpiration of <strong>the</strong>ir old agree.<br />

ment on ~une 30 of this year,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y contmued to bargain with<br />

<strong>the</strong> City in <strong>the</strong> true spirit of<br />

collective bargain<strong>ing</strong> as provid.<br />

ed by <strong>the</strong> State Legislature Act<br />

of 1965. At no time 'did <strong>the</strong><br />

meml:ers of <strong>the</strong> Association<br />

threatcn to conduct a "blue flu"<br />

slowdown, to strike, to i1emon.<br />

strate or take part in demon.<br />

strations, or to eonduct a cam.<br />

(Contiuned on Page 3)<br />

Gun Toter Gels<br />

Stiff Sentence<br />

with supporters of Georlte C.<br />

Wallace at a rally <strong>the</strong>re Satllrday<br />

night. Police, with clubs<br />

n<strong>ing</strong>. October 15, at 8 o'clock<br />

in !he Grosse Pointe War<br />

Memorial. Each member may<br />

Clemen~. for Macomb Coun.ty,' ea; d ri. ;v 0<br />

all ~allents of Tor Ch Drive ~frm~ngha~ ter<br />

servIces. '.<br />

~s L .;r SUCfi last night and at previous meet.<br />

. al ow 0 <strong>ing</strong>s <strong>the</strong> Council has indicated<br />

that this is nol feasible.<br />

eels<br />

The reltlllar<br />

ct. I bags to he ga<strong>the</strong>red with <strong>the</strong><br />

rubhish.<br />

monthly meet<strong>ing</strong> 'I Once again home. 'l,wners ~ere Arter plead<strong>ing</strong> guilty to a<br />

sw<strong>ing</strong><strong>ing</strong> had to break up <strong>the</strong><br />

melee. Poliee made dozens of<br />

enter three<br />

bination of<br />

prints. any<br />

pietoria: or<br />

{'om.<br />

"Re.<br />

They were chosen to lend<br />

vis.ible proof i.~ <strong>the</strong> 1968 Torch<br />

k' C~~;ng 'Utob D,~~?lt ~or ~he, S e con d a r i I y <strong>the</strong> City of of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe Board of, warned hy cIty offlcl.als aga~nsl charge of hc<strong>ing</strong> "an intoxicated<br />

flc19690:':'I /th A ISSF ~erJt: Grosse Pointe Wood~, under <strong>the</strong> Education will be held at 7:30 Iburn<strong>ing</strong> leaves on pnvale. drtve. pcrson in illegal possession of a<br />

J<br />

arrests. 'f1ections" slides and threetruit hy am. ski, 27, of 5177 Pointe Tremllle ealion. Ill.' failed to convlDee <strong>the</strong> ly.dralOl'd whiskey bottle also<br />

NBC in New York. Feliciano until <strong>the</strong> council meetinl( was: reality <strong>the</strong>re was no ordinance. port that an injured squirrel nulance Saturday morn<strong>ing</strong>, road, Algonac. who was dressed policemen as to why he was was found in <strong>the</strong> car. La Pratt<br />

sang and played his guitar in<br />

a slow blend of folk and soul<br />

nearly over, and until<br />

William Butler refulled<br />

Mayor<br />

to dis.<br />

The pickets eompiled with <strong>the</strong><br />

chief's order to leave <strong>the</strong> plac.<br />

was ly<strong>ing</strong> in <strong>the</strong> streel at Mack<br />

and Fisher. Patrolman Richard<br />

October 5 after spend<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

night in a Petoskey hospital.<br />

in a blouse and skirt, silk stock<strong>ing</strong>s,<br />

and fiat shoes. and had a<br />

wear<strong>ing</strong><br />

make.up,<br />

<strong>the</strong> female garb and<br />

and was laken to <strong>the</strong><br />

added. Pored a paid his fine and<br />

court costs, and spent two da'Vs<br />

music with a melody that stray. CUS!!<strong>the</strong> wage problem. ards outside, and walked into Lanski picked up <strong>the</strong> animal Their residcnce is at 625 Lake babushka over his head. Too, Btation, where he was booked and in a cell at Park Police headed<br />

far from <strong>the</strong> original. Police Chief Jack F. Roh, (Conthmed on Page 2) and disposed of same. Shore road. he had complete female make. • (Continued on Page '7) quarters.<br />


j<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />

GROSSE POINTE' Nt:W~ -----_._-_. __ .-_._--_._----------------------------------<br />

------------- Page Two --------_.--- ------,._._--_.-<br />

(~~:~~:: r.~~~~'~:d~~~<br />


Th<strong>ing</strong>s you really want can'l<br />

d!.~~:~~g ~~:Op:~l~<br />

..._._._------_.~--_.. ~-<strong>been</strong><br />

bilten on <strong>the</strong> back of <strong>the</strong><br />

be bought at bargain priccs.<br />


hand by his own dog. ~Ir. Swee.<br />

City police received a call Christine Mitchell, 260 ML<br />

A Collage Hospital employe ney was treated and released.<br />

from an employe of Jacobson's Vernor" called City police on<br />

called City police on Sunda)', The dog was to be kept under<br />

to I~:~~~. Home Decorat<strong>ing</strong> Shop on Mon- Sunday. October 6, to report<br />

October 6, to report that Wil, obsefl'ation in ~tr. Sweeney's<br />

day, September 30, report<strong>ing</strong> that while attend<strong>ing</strong> a party<br />

Iiam Sweeney, 845 :\eff. bad home for 10 days.<br />

<strong>the</strong> chambers and took seals, wa;(cs. <strong>the</strong>r~ nughl hal'e be~nl direction, Ano<strong>the</strong>r member in. that Gene Valcke, 1'7, of 19919 on Lincoln road, someone took<br />

As <strong>the</strong> council session ncared I Ic~~1 rompl~a:ions. < d t h I dicatcd that as far as. he \~as Helen, Harper Woods, had cut 1 her wallet contain<strong>ing</strong> personal<br />

,its end, Kell) ask e d ~layor _ :ar ICr, _ (' y ac~u, e . e concerned he had no .J.ntenhcn his lland. Valcke was taken to identification cards, charga.<br />

Butler for permission to talk c~t), of US<strong>ing</strong> stallmg tact~cs of us<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> facility. Still an. Bon Seeours Hospital by City plates and $25. Police are in.<br />

II abmll wages, but <strong>the</strong> mayor reo since III~y. He salll that elty o<strong>the</strong>r said that because of <strong>the</strong>se police. treated and relpased. vestigat<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

: fused. charg<strong>ing</strong> that <strong>the</strong> council ~n~ p.ohce n~~ollalo.rs h~ I'.~ two stipulations and because <strong>the</strong> -~--------------------------------------<br />

See <strong>the</strong> Corbin look<br />

! had authoriz'li a bargaininll a 0101' me,c l~~S sInce, prl Council really did not intend to<br />

It.sa Iool: that his made C llfbin trous_<br />

.-tradition in fine cloth<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

o istindive quality. Oistinctive fit. And. natUlallv:lfistinctive<br />

palt9fnS and coIClCJriftAsin fabrics frOlll<br />

England and Scotland.<br />

Come in so

Thursday, October 10, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />

BILL BRYANT ------- Arlhur<br />

ELECT- Woods Grants Pay Boost Park Police GetM,isbap Reports<br />

It Ql)10 wap muurn<br />

14915 Charlevoix, near Alter<br />

Pizza by Joe Malie<br />

Our 1918 player piano is free to<br />

our customers Frosty mugs of<br />

beer, Coney Island Hot Dogs,<br />

Fresh Roasted Peanuts (throw<br />

shells on floor), pot bellied stove.<br />

Miscellaneous junk.<br />

(0 10 corte)<br />

331.9153<br />


Away Dur<strong>ing</strong> DICK SHALLAS<br />

IMPALA<br />

$2287<br />

,OVER 450 CARS<br />

Illlclu.t 0' Cllic1.-en<br />

12 P,cces, Serves 4<br />

16 Pieces, Serves 5 .<br />

20 Pieces, SNve,. 7<br />

24 Pieces, Srrve, 8<br />

$2.30<br />

$3.15<br />

$4.15<br />

$5.1 5<br />

$6.1 5<br />

I Rib<br />

50c<br />

25c<br />

SPORT<br />

COUPES<br />

_alii<br />

16700 HarperTU 1-760<br />



ANY<br />

SIZ£<br />

IN<br />

STOCK<br />

Retreads plus<br />

Recappable Cas<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

TIRE<br />


17'11 E. WARREN<br />

TU H522<br />

Charcoal Broiled Steaks<br />


18499 MACK at OPAL (2 blocks west of Mack-Warren Intersection<br />

The City of Grosse Pointe<br />

Woods Council on Mond:JY. 01"<br />

tober 7. recommended that a<br />

letler be sent to <strong>the</strong> Department<br />

of ~ommerce object<strong>ing</strong> to <strong>the</strong><br />

anticipated increase in bus fare<br />

rates by <strong>the</strong> Lake Shore Coaeb<br />

Lines on <strong>the</strong> grounds that not<br />

~f-):(w:::S:::;;::.::~~t(:::-.?:::~::::::;~:::~:::~:;::::::::::::::::~::;:::;::::~;;::~:~;:::;g~::::::::::r-..:;:;:::::}:::::::;::::::~:::t~.t:::~~~:;::;:~:;:;::::;~::;::~:::~~:::;~~::~;:::)~:~:~:~~::?::::::~..:a.wr::::~::m:~.m~~!.tc~~~~~y::~:~:~::~:::::::~::~~::~:;;N:::V<br />

enough information regard<strong>ing</strong><br />

~'.'CA.RRy.OUTORDE[IVERED- TUxedo 4-3000 Ii a need for <strong>the</strong> increase was sent<br />

to <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

~k:~~m:::::::::~'t:::x:;t:;:::m~;:::::::::::::z~:::::~::::::::~:::;:;:~:::::x:::~~{.:::~:;:::~~::::~?:::~~;:~::~:~t:::::r::::f::::::::~:~:t.:::"i::*::~~~::5:":;:~~::~_:::ID:~~~:~:I::;:j!$";;ili:::;~rmJ.X;:~::~:::~:m~::::::~:~TI::::~:r::~::::::;~:::::::;:::::~:~:::'~;:::{~~<br />

Last week <strong>the</strong> City of Grosse<br />

25c Delivery Charge<br />

Pointe also forwarded a letter<br />

Open Daily: 4 :00-1 0 :00 p,m. Sundays: 1:00-8 :00 p.m.<br />

object<strong>ing</strong> to Ihe inereas,es.<br />

From tire Clwrcolfl Broiler<br />



Y:lur Cnoice of Three Salad Dress<strong>ing</strong>s--llaTian, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island<br />

STRIP STEAK (8.0%.) (Boneless) . 1.~5<br />

STRIP STEAK (12 0%,) (Boneless) ' Z.95<br />

STRIP STEAK (160%.) (Boneless) 3,95<br />

FAMILY SIRLOIN STEAK (Zlb.) 6,95<br />

(Serves four. banelessl 1 00<br />

BEEFBURCER (1/4 lb.) ---------- ------.------.------ ,<br />

on Sesame Bun, Solad and French Fries<br />

CHOP SIRLOIN OF BEEF .- ----- 1.75<br />

"'(lUlU.\' S,.)'/e Rudwt 0' ClIicl.'en<br />

No. 1 BUCKET, 8 Piece$ Chicken, larder of<br />

'rench friu, $olod<br />

No. 2 BUCKET, 12 Pieces chicken, 2 rorden of<br />

french fries, sollfd. (Serves 3.4)<br />

No. 3 BUCKET, 16 pieces chicken, 20rders of<br />

french fries, salad. (Serves 5.6)<br />

~/l Fried Chicken 14 pieces), Slow, Roll, Fries,<br />

Crlfnbe"ies<br />

CHILD'S ORDER (3 pieces), 51lfw, Roll, Fries,<br />

30c<br />

20c<br />

$2.85<br />

S3.9~<br />

$4.99<br />

$1.59<br />

Cronberries $1.15<br />

Chicken, Shrimp, Ribs Dinner $2.75<br />

Ribs and Shrimp Dill'l'ler 2.50<br />

Chick«!n ond Ribs Dinner 2.50<br />

Roost Bee' Dinner 1.7S<br />

Dinner 2.30<br />

$8 15 Slob Rib Dinner 3.40<br />

~G,~~<br />

32 Pieces Scrve~ 10 - Texas Style lI.oasl Beef Sandwich .90<br />


Alfred S. Kress, of 555 Pem'<br />

herlon road. has received a<br />

cash award under <strong>the</strong> sugg('s.<br />

i tion program at <strong>the</strong> U.S. Army<br />

Tank. Aulomotive Command<br />

(TACOMl, Warren, Mich.<br />

An exhibit depict<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> func.<br />

tions and mission of TACOM<br />

was prepared and placed in <strong>the</strong><br />

terminal at Detroit Metropoli.<br />

Ian Airporl. It was Kress who<br />

proposed mak<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> display in<br />

an errort to improve public re.<br />

lations and create greater un.<br />

derstand<strong>ing</strong> of what TACOlll<br />

rloes.<br />

Or059~<br />

Point~ N~ws<br />

published Every Thursday b,<br />

Anteebo Publishers, Inc.<br />

99 Kercheval Avenue<br />

Grosse Pointe 36, lUichig8ll<br />

Phone TU 2-6900<br />

Three Tnlllk Lines<br />

! l'i~cond CI~s., Po~lage paid al De.<br />

I troll Michl£an.<br />

~;ubscri"llon RM«!5 $5.00 Per Year<br />

bY Mall ,$6.00 oubtdc Waync<br />

C.ollnll", All N«!ws and Adverl,,\n~<br />

i Copy Milot Be In Ihc Ncw.' Or£ice<br />

by Tue.day Noon to In.ure Ins«!r.<br />

lion,<br />

Address all Mall (SubseMpltons,<br />

99 Kercheyal, GrOllse Pointe 48236.<br />

Chango or Address Forms 8579) 10<br />

99 Kercheval, Grosle Polnle, 49238<br />

Page Thre.<br />



________________________<br />



! (Continued from Page 1) I Public Safety. An additional len<br />

I paign in any manner WhalS().I~<strong>the</strong>r ofCi~er:h have compi"te~<br />

ever, whe<strong>the</strong>r in Grosse Pointe rom one? r.ee ye~r~ 0 co.<br />

Woods or in o<strong>the</strong>r neighbor<strong>ing</strong> lege or ulllversity trallllllg.<br />

1I suburban eilies, for <strong>the</strong> cause Grosse Pointe Woods Depart.<br />

of increased salaries. ment of Public Safety was utiliz.<br />

The Mayor also noted that <strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> personal h~ndi.ta~~ie<br />

I nei<strong>the</strong>r side had ever hinted at radios and had forme a po lee<br />

or had to resort to labor media- tactical unit two years before<br />

D. Conlan, of 1139 Park, in back<strong>ing</strong> out oC Ihe<br />

Wayburn avenue. reporled 10 driveway at her home, struck a<br />

Grosse Poinle Park police Ihat station wagon be<strong>ing</strong> driven by<br />

an "unknown vehicle" side. Chauncy H. Turner, 2212 Alter<br />

j swiped his 1968 automobile road, Detroit, on Friday, Octo.<br />

parked at <strong>the</strong> curb in Cront of ber 4, at 1:10 p.m.<br />

his home, Thursday night Octo. Turner told police he was<br />

ber 3, !'aus<strong>ing</strong> damage estimated driv<strong>ing</strong> north on Wayburn when<br />

at $400. Police are investigat. he saw a car back across Ihe<br />

<strong>ing</strong>. driveway and slop. He con.<br />




New Cors • Used Car. • Parts • Custcm Collision Sho,<br />

13033 GRATIOT LAkeview 6-3000<br />

tion or fac! find<strong>ing</strong>; nor did <strong>the</strong> recent riots in Detroit. While he was slopped al a tinued north. <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> car back.<br />

Nighl Service LA 1-9877<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r party find it necessary to In summary, Mayor McLeod red'light at Mack and Audubon. ed into his. "She didn't even<br />

employ<br />

~i~~<br />

a proCessional labor ne. stated<br />

re~<br />

that on behalf of <strong>the</strong><br />

~Gro~ p~*~od~<br />

citi. Sunday at 6:45<br />

~Rn~~lli~~He~r,~.<br />

p,m., <strong>the</strong> car look my way," he reported.<br />

-------------------------------------<br />

..---------------------- ..<br />

Had Five.Man Team ~~r~~:e~~OU~Yi~~ ~i~~e thi~.:t~~~ ~il'~i~:hal~~nl~~~s Ssi~~~~ ~:~~ rl:~~@M~,*~~m~~~;,@\'ffi~~k'@W.1Y.~~\W?>:~mm'!+*~~~~m'~~<br />

Negotiations for <strong>the</strong> Police d h b M OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS<br />

Officers Association were handl. Safety Officers an t at not ehind by one driven by Chris. .._ ,,

Page Four<br />

The 1969 Buick GS 400,<br />

With new functional hood scoops for<br />

deeper engine breath<strong>ing</strong>. A stiffer, more<br />

responsive suspension for improved handl<strong>ing</strong><br />

and ride. And <strong>the</strong> new aVRilableStage I<br />

optional high-performance package.<br />

TIle 1969 Buiclc Wnc1eat, With more Buick luxury<br />

and rakish new styl<strong>ing</strong>. With Buick's new suspension system and a<br />

430 cubic inch V8 standard. And a <strong>long</strong> list of safety features,<br />

,', ;/i<br />

'The 1969 Buick Electra 225. New. Beautifully new.<br />

A distinctive new profile. With a hig 430 cubic inch V8<br />

and TH-400 automatic transmission standard.<br />

Featur<strong>ing</strong> a new 60/40 seat that you can order. Sure. straight<br />

track<strong>ing</strong> from a revolutionary new suspension system.<br />

And much, much more.<br />


There are many new features on every 1969Buick. Many features you'll like.<br />

See <strong>the</strong>m. See if <strong>the</strong>y won't turn you into a Buick owner. And a Buick salesman,<br />

The 1969 Buick Riviera. More elegant and '<br />

personal than ever. With new exclusive colors, elegant new interiors<br />

and a revolutionary J)ewsuspension system for improved handl<strong>ing</strong> and more<br />

driv<strong>ing</strong> ease than you've ever enjoyed before. Completelyequippecl<br />

with a 430 cubic inch V8, automatic transmission. power steer<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

power brakes and much, much more.<br />

'Thursday, Oc:fober '10. 1968<br />

The 1969 Buick I.tSabre. New colors, new interiors and Buiek-s revolutionary<br />

DewsllSpension system fora LeSabre thafs more appeal<strong>ing</strong>thao<br />

ever before, More response and economy from a standard 350 cubi~<br />

inch V8. And a <strong>long</strong>, impressive list of safety features.<br />

No wonder Buick owners keep sell<strong>ing</strong> Buicks for us.WouIdrit you really ra<strong>the</strong>r have a Buick?<br />

•<br />

" g<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five<br />

1969 Models<br />

* ROAMER<br />

* SLICKCRAn<br />

Now On Display<br />


Visit our Complete Marine Slore<br />

No Wait<strong>ing</strong>-We have it in Sloek<br />

(ooper Chris (raft<br />

24910 Jeffe'SOft<br />

718.3200<br />

Ampl. Paved POlkinll<br />

Recreatien TalJle<br />

Heildquarters<br />


POKER<br />

• Accessories<br />

• Supplies<br />

• Repairs<br />


DENTER<br />

19860 Mack Ave.<br />

Across from <strong>the</strong> Sphere<br />


KoDAK - lnslamotic (7 models),<br />

Brownie Fiesta, Retina.<br />

POLAROID - Sw<strong>ing</strong>ers, Color<br />

Pock Cameros (6 types>'<br />

ZEISS - CO:'ltaflex (3 models),<br />

Contessamat.<br />

BESLER-Topcon (3 models).<br />

HONEYWELL - Pentox SLR.<br />

LEICA-Leica flex, Model M3<br />

NIKON - Nikkormot SLR.<br />

MAMIYA - Momiyo SLR (2<br />

models).<br />

MINOLTA - SLR, Auto Pak<br />

500.<br />

MINOX - Model B.<br />



KONICA<br />

ROLLE I - 35mm.<br />


KODAK-Instamatics (6 mod.<br />

els>'<br />

MINOLTA - (3 models)<br />

NIKON - Super Zoom Eight.<br />

ARGUS<br />

SANKYO<br />



KODAK - Carousels (4 ."od.<br />

els).<br />




KODAK-jnstoro1Otics (8 models<br />

).<br />


TRIPODS - 9 styles and sizes.<br />

FLASH UNITS - Strobe and<br />

bulb.<br />



FILM - All sizes and types in<br />

black arid while, color.<br />

FLASHBULBS-All types, both<br />

flashcubes ond sinCJles.<br />

CASES -- For spocific corr,Nas,<br />

:>nd 30 styles of leo<strong>the</strong>r and<br />

vinyl combinotion cases i'l<br />

mony ~izes.<br />







Zeiss, Gossen, Vivitar.<br />

MOVIE-flood lighlS, splicers,<br />

titf10 sets, editors, splic<strong>ing</strong> tape,<br />

onlI cement, reels cons, reel<br />

chests,<br />



SCREENS - Movie ond ,Iide.<br />

I.)\MPS - for 011 types pro;eclOIS,<br />

movie and ,Ii de.<br />

SllOE TRAYS - 1M 011 ptOo<br />

jeGtOrs.<br />

SUN, FILES onlI VI£'vYl:RS<br />

,Office Seckel'S<br />

I10pen<br />

ForlUD<br />

Hos/lilal Holds ECG Workshop<br />

The electrocardiograph is jtroeardiogramS), The sessions<br />

one of <strong>the</strong> oldest and most will be held in Meet<strong>ing</strong> Room<br />

Wayne county candidates cli. proven medical in~truDlents to A.<br />

reclly concern with lhe key a~sist .<strong>the</strong> physician in <strong>the</strong> The Hospital Administration<br />

issue in this election year _ dla~nosls .and mana.gement of has arranged for Robert Eng-<br />

I:R.w and. Order _ will par- patients wl~h heart dIsease. ~he Iish,l\ledical Representative,<br />

tlclpated In an open forum this understandmg and. operation Hewlett.Packard Company to<br />

week. of. <strong>the</strong> electr.ocardlOgra~h reo couducl <strong>the</strong> workshop. Michael<br />

qUires much bme and skill and . . .<br />

All judicial and law enforee. 'continu<strong>ing</strong> education. S\lssman. ~sslstan.t Admmlst~ament<br />

candidates ,,

Page Six<br />

BOTI'LES FOUND arrival officers found a parti-<br />

A cadieux l'lJsident reported ally consumed bottle of Canadi.<br />

to City police on Monday, Sept. an whiskey. a bottle of sloe<br />

ember 23, that her youngsters gin and five bottles of wine.<br />

had <strong>been</strong> play<strong>ing</strong> in a field be. All seals on <strong>the</strong> bottles had<br />

hind 414 Cadieux. when <strong>the</strong>y <strong>been</strong> broken. Officers checked<br />

noticed a number of bottles I <strong>the</strong> area to no avail. It ap.<br />

contain<strong>ing</strong> whiskey a<strong>long</strong> <strong>the</strong>; pea red that <strong>the</strong> bOltles had <strong>been</strong><br />

east side of <strong>the</strong> fence. Upon in <strong>the</strong> field a short time.<br />


Opens Oct. 21st<br />



$2.50 each<br />


$3.00 case<br />

Diners Chers.<br />

Am.r. E"pru$<br />

Mich. Banka,d<br />

Honored Here<br />

Come and See Us for <strong>the</strong><br />

Best Deal in Town!<br />

~<br />

~2,325<br />

Impalo Sport Coup.<br />


Gratiot & 15 Mile<br />

293-1010<br />

Allard R~a~_!raffic Fight<br />


(Continued from Page 1) back to <strong>the</strong>m on October 18<br />

Allard by cars exit<strong>ing</strong> from I. with a decision.<br />

94 on Ihe Allard exit ramp, The post<strong>ing</strong> of this sign could<br />

(this affects an apparent maxi- possibly remove tbout 1000 cars<br />

mum of 285 cars per day): re- on a seven.di1Y daily I.Iverage,<br />

suited in only a 10 per cent les- and would oblige drivers to reo<br />

sen<strong>ing</strong> of traffic, not <strong>the</strong> an. roule. This proposed solution<br />

Iicipated 30 per cent. appears to br<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> situation<br />

Physical Problems back to where it was a year ago<br />

He added, "We have consider- when <strong>the</strong>re were concrete bar.<br />

erl <strong>the</strong> physical condition and riers.<br />

we are bound in by <strong>the</strong> bridge, Councilman Upset<br />

<strong>the</strong> ffeeway, northbound Har- Prior to <strong>the</strong> lengt~y inlerper,<br />

apartmf'nt developments change between Council memo<br />

north and south a nd only four bers, Allard residents and Di.<br />

streets that go through from ire e tor Andrews, Councilman<br />

Harper to Mack. Then we have i Donald D. Cook, in a dramatic<br />

a crossover at <strong>the</strong> street and move. asked to be heard. In an<br />

exits fron <strong>the</strong> freeway. The, ('motion-filled voice, he said<br />

best analysis I have be('n able that il had <strong>been</strong> brought to his<br />

to make is that this traffic on all('nlion that a Stanhope resi.<br />

Allard is crealed by resiu('nts dent was mak<strong>ing</strong> statements to<br />

whom you would expect to be <strong>the</strong> effect that he represented<br />

served by this area." <strong>the</strong> apartment owners on Stan.<br />

lie concluded with <strong>the</strong> state.' hoop and Harper, and that a<br />

men I Ihat he felt that allhough conflict of interests was innot<br />

<strong>the</strong> solution hc had hoprd vol"p".<br />

for. <strong>the</strong> Jl res e n t approarh lie firmlv staled thai he not<br />

should be conlinued since it only did not represent <strong>the</strong> apsemed<br />

to be better thiln any- artmcnt owners, hut did not<br />

thi ng anyone el se could come know 01(' m and bad never <strong>been</strong><br />

up with. in <strong>the</strong> build<strong>ing</strong>s. lIe suggesled<br />

lias O<strong>the</strong>r Idea to <strong>the</strong> Allard residents present<br />

With this stalement Leo Ein. that <strong>the</strong>y relay his inform?lion<br />

heuser, 2273 Allard, suggested to <strong>the</strong> resident who has <strong>been</strong><br />

an alternate solution. lie rec- nwk<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> allegations<br />

ommended thaI a sign be erecled<br />

1 on <strong>the</strong> Groose Pointe Woods<br />

I side 01 <strong>the</strong> expreSSWilY read<strong>ing</strong><br />

"All hridge trarfic<br />

left" Mr. Einheusrr<br />

.by say<strong>ing</strong> that this<br />

must turn<br />

continued<br />

sign will<br />

prohibit <strong>the</strong> bridge tramc from<br />

go<strong>ing</strong> down Allard, and since<br />

Ii<br />

<strong>the</strong> bridge traffic was responsi.<br />

ble for so much of <strong>the</strong> Allard<br />

traffic, he felt this to be a good<br />

attempt at solution.<br />

Although Director Andrew~<br />

did not wholly agree with Mr.<br />

Einheuser because he felt area<br />


''As UsualWith 'The Unusual"<br />

Yes I You may have already seen our unique displays of light<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

hardware and decorative items. And here now-is someth<strong>ing</strong> completely<br />

different. We've expanded-to br<strong>ing</strong> you an elegant new<br />

idea! A brilliant galiery devoted to beautify<strong>ing</strong> bathrooms. Come<br />

In and let your <strong>ing</strong>enuity fashion a bathroom that is extraordinary.<br />

We truly believe no o<strong>the</strong>r store In America has ever assembled<br />

luch a magnitude of distinctive and practical hardware accessories<br />

for tht: bath and boudoir. We supply imagination, too!<br />

light<strong>ing</strong>! Mimco's selection of fi.lure, are<br />

corefully de,igned for your every rOom. Sperial<br />

group<strong>ing</strong>s enhance <strong>the</strong> beouly at !'very rnom.<br />

Light<strong>ing</strong> your balhroom will 'Je thrill<strong>ing</strong> expcrI<br />

enr.e when you see Mimeo's selection of I! ..:ture,<br />

corefully de,igned lor <strong>the</strong> both'<br />

l~:-'<br />

Bathrooms! Mimco ha, many custom vanilies<br />

on di,p!ay dep,c' ,ng <strong>the</strong> pc rind. OrIenta!.<br />

French ProvincIal, Grecian, italian (10'.'

•.1<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


--<br />


Obituaries<br />

of <strong>the</strong> late Karl. She is survived<br />

hy a daughter, Mrs. William<br />

Hamil, of Rochester, Minn.; her IIIgrandchildren, William R. and<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Sea Church. She died on<br />

Thursday. October 3, in Mount<br />

Carmel Hospital.<br />

Mrs. Sullivan is survived by<br />

RElliVILLE WHEAT Mr Resn b (Steven D. Hamil; two sisters, her husband, Jerome E.; three<br />

Mr. Wheat, <strong>long</strong> proml 'nent m' St john Uern7taeSda mChemehrof Mrs. Rosa Kottmann and Mrs. daughters. Mrs. Nicholas Sheri.<br />

' . t urc 0 Liesl Behagbel, both of Ger. dan, Suzanne, and Karen; three<br />

<strong>the</strong> civic, professional and cui. Ch1'1S, 1-------<br />

tural life of Detroit and its en. Interment will be in~ Wood. many. . ,<br />

viroDS, died suddenly at his mere Cemetery I Interment was in Cadillac:<br />

home in Touraine r 0 a d on • .. • Memorial Gardens.East. I<br />

Tuesday. October 8. i HILDA GOS7,INIAK .. .. .. \<br />

Born in Leavenwortb, Kansas, Fu.n~ral services for Mrs. DOROTHY 1\1. SULLIVAN I<br />

he early moved to Ann Arbqr, GosZlDlak, 58, .of 1365 Roslyn Funeral services (01' Mrs. I<br />

Michigan. He received both. a road, were beld on Tuesday, Sullivan. 56, oC 358 Chalionte,<br />

Bachelor of Arts and a Doctor October 8, in <strong>the</strong> A. H. Peters were held on Monday, October<br />

of Laws from that University.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> course of his studies at<br />

Funeral Home. 7, in <strong>the</strong> A. H. Peters Funeral<br />

Mrs. Goszinia}{ was <strong>the</strong> wiCeIHome and (rom Our Lady Star I<br />

<strong>the</strong> University, he was <strong>the</strong>re;<br />

cipient of high academic hon.<br />

01'5<br />

honorary<br />

includ<strong>ing</strong><br />

societies<br />

election<br />

of Phi to Beta<br />

tbe<br />

ELECT-<br />


I<br />

Kappa and <strong>the</strong> Order of Coif.<br />

He was a member of Psi Upsi.<br />

lon, The Quadrangle Club, <strong>the</strong><br />

Board of Editors of <strong>the</strong> Michi.<br />



gan Law Review. and <strong>the</strong> Bar. --------. ---~risters<br />

Society.<br />

He commenced <strong>the</strong> practice<br />

of law in <strong>the</strong> City of Detroit<br />

in 1916 and was a founder of<br />

<strong>the</strong> law firm of Dykema, Wheat,<br />

Spencer, Goodnow & Trigg in<br />

which he was a senior partner<br />

at <strong>the</strong> time of his death.<br />

He served as a second lieu.<br />

tenant with <strong>the</strong> AEF in World<br />

War I, was wounded in action<br />

and was decorated with <strong>the</strong> Sil.<br />

ver Stn and <strong>the</strong> Croix de Guer.<br />

re with star.<br />

At <strong>the</strong> time of his death, he<br />

was an Elder of <strong>the</strong> Grosse<br />

Pointe Memorial Church, Trus.<br />

tee and Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Me.<br />

Gregor Fund, a Trustee of <strong>the</strong><br />

Skillman Foundation, a Trustee<br />

and past president of <strong>the</strong> Mich.<br />

igan Children's Aid Society. and<br />

a Member of <strong>the</strong> Committee of<br />

'" Management of <strong>the</strong> William L.<br />

Clements Library at <strong>the</strong> Uni.<br />

versity of Michigan as well as<br />

a Member and Vice Chairman<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Clements Library Associates.<br />

He was also a Trustee of<br />

Elmwood Cemetery and a Past<br />

Director of <strong>the</strong> Frielids of De.<br />

trait Public Library.<br />

His professional associations<br />

included membership in <strong>the</strong><br />

State Bar of Michigan, <strong>the</strong> De.<br />

troit Bar Association, <strong>the</strong> Am.<br />

erican Bar Association, of which<br />

he was a Fellow, <strong>the</strong> American<br />

Judiciature Society a n.d <strong>the</strong> I<br />

Thomas M. Coo ley Club of I<br />

Detroit.<br />

He was a member of <strong>the</strong> De.<br />

troit Club, University Club of<br />

Detroit, Country Club of De.<br />

troit, Grosse Pointe Club, Farm.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>ton Country Club (Charlot.<br />

tesville, Va.), Huron Mountain<br />

Club (Big Bay, Mar que t t e<br />

County, Mich.), Grolier Club<br />

(New York), Lawyers Club of<br />

<strong>the</strong> UDiversit~- of Michigan and<br />

Witanagamote.<br />

His o<strong>the</strong>r civic and cultural<br />

activities included membership<br />

iil <strong>the</strong> Detroit Museum of Arts<br />

Founders Society, Detroit His.<br />

torical Society. Michigan His.<br />

torical Society, F r i end s o(<br />

Groue Pointe Public Library,<br />

Bodley'& (Oxford University<br />

Library) Am e r i c a:Q Friends,<br />

of John Caiier Brown Library<br />

(Brown University), Associates<br />

of <strong>the</strong> James Ford Bell Collection<br />

(University of Minnesota).<br />

N a t ion a I Parks Association,<br />

Michigan National Areas Coun.<br />

cil, and The NatureConserv.<br />

ancy.<br />

Mr. Wheat was a collector o(<br />

and scholarly lecturer and writ.<br />

er on, early maps of <strong>the</strong> Great<br />

Lakes an~a. His extensive col.<br />

lection of <strong>the</strong>se maps was reo<br />

cenUy donated by him to <strong>the</strong><br />

Clements Library.<br />

Most recently, Mr. Wheat reo<br />

ceived <strong>the</strong> Sesquicentennial AI.<br />

umni Award for dist<strong>ing</strong>uished<br />

service to <strong>the</strong> University of<br />

Michigan.<br />

He is survived by his widow,<br />

<strong>the</strong> former Elilabeth Shearer<br />

Russel; three children. Anne<br />

Wheat Hodgkins (Mrs. William<br />

P. Hodgkins, Jr.,) of Chicago,<br />

m., John R. Wheat. Berkeley,<br />

Calif., and Betsy Wheat Towns. I<br />

end (Mrs. Paul H. Townsend.'<br />

Jr.) o( Grosse Pointe; and sev.<br />

en grandchildren.<br />

Funeral services will be held<br />

at Grosse Poi n t e Memorial<br />

3 Church today, Thursday. Oc.<br />

tobcr 10, at 11 a, m.<br />

I • • •<br />

.' ~ 1 WlI.lJAM n. RESNER<br />

~ '. Funeral services for Mr. Res.<br />

.,:: ner. t680 Oxford road. will he<br />

., '.::-"'. I held today. Thursday, Octoher<br />

, 'j 'I'<br />

10.<br />

at II o'clock. in <strong>the</strong> Ver.<br />

heyden Funeral Home, TIc died<br />

at Ihe age of 85. in Georgian<br />

East Nurs<strong>ing</strong> Home.<br />

He was <strong>the</strong> husband of th('<br />

late :\fable Weiss Resner anrl<br />

is survived by a hro<strong>the</strong>r, Harry<br />

and a sister. Mrs. John Schlick.<br />

enmayer.<br />

Ill' was <strong>the</strong> owner of Capital'<br />

Comm('rcial Reproduction Com<br />

pany lor over 25 years, until<br />

his retiremcnl in 1948,<br />

CALL Y08El-l1TT<br />


Do-It.,.ltlf 1*1 control CO" bt<br />

1lo.ltrOIrl.1f Itoallie. 8e lIle. 8e<br />

...... till tlMI expert •. VoUI.Rilt<br />

-1 [ 406900. No 11IO" ~". ...<br />

IIIOI! preble", ••<br />

~o,<br />

~M;e"' •• n<br />

12525blillllYlf-n 4.aDO<br />

to< ,.tto6l. ,omtH. UlflltOI.,<br />

...n '"""Inll,-n 4.$02<br />

Vet, he could only dream of what a great trip It<br />

could have <strong>been</strong> with Triple.A's personalized,<br />

dependable, up.to.<strong>the</strong>.mlnute travel maps,<br />

iulde. and expert counsel<strong>ing</strong>. Like, reserv<strong>ing</strong><br />

and buy<strong>ing</strong> ship pas.age (or better yet, a jet<br />

flight to any spot In <strong>the</strong> world) and good motel<br />

accommodations ••• a beach.slde spot with an<br />

AAA.approved sign and /Ju.,.ntHd rate ••<br />

',.,:,/, 'f:<br />

When h.j~~ii .. ;,~~~.rililh more fun ft would<br />

have <strong>been</strong> '\c) 'hop Into <strong>the</strong> natives' shiny-new<br />

canoe-cars and buzz about <strong>the</strong> countryside.<br />

Automobile Club of Michigan<br />

sons, Dr. William, Daniel, and<br />

James; a sister, Mrs. Edward<br />

Stanners; a bro<strong>the</strong>r, Harry<br />

Diehl.<br />

Interment was in S1. Mary's<br />

Cemetery, New Baltimore.<br />

(Continued on Page 9)<br />

- ----'CC---<br />

~~~:J/UI<br />




~822-8'022 14259 MACK AVE<br />


Chrtstopher Columbuswa. a man of vision who<br />

believed in lead<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> way.<br />

Chris e~uld have really used Triple.A'. Pertlona.<br />

Accident Insurance when he slipped on <strong>the</strong><br />

toss<strong>ing</strong> poop d'lck of <strong>the</strong>San~a Maria •••<br />

S.eureln<strong>the</strong> knowledge that <strong>the</strong> native. insure<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir cars through <strong>the</strong> Exchange at AAA and are<br />

protected and served better with fast, .atisfy<strong>ing</strong><br />

Claims Service, Fellow Member Collision Protection,<br />

Fault.Free ColII.lon Protection, Neighbore.re,<br />

an Outdoor Liv<strong>ing</strong> Pachge and <strong>the</strong><br />

money- •• v<strong>ing</strong> advantage of Money Back,<br />

Sail over to your near-by Automobile Club of Michigan office and<br />

discover <strong>the</strong> service, sav<strong>ing</strong>s and protection of AAA membership.<br />


15415 E. Jeffenon - Phone 821-6300<br />

George Mense!. "fmlflger<br />

Detroit Automobile Inter-lnsura"ce ~change<br />


AWNING CO.<br />






Winter Discount on Awn<strong>ing</strong>s<br />

for Spr<strong>ing</strong> InstallatiC'n now ill<br />

effect.<br />

Serv<strong>ing</strong> Grosse Pointe Since 1933<br />

LO 7-2293<br />

Thursday, Oetober lOr 1968<br />

The great pleasure in life is I not do. Do<strong>ing</strong> someth<strong>ing</strong> that is<br />

dQ<strong>ing</strong> what people say you can- challeng<strong>ing</strong> is a great reward.<br />

----------------------_.<br />

• 7601 E. Jefferson<br />

He .-t out In f492to prove <strong>the</strong> world was not as<br />

square as most people thought. It was.<br />

•• _ or E",erg.ncy Road Serv(c:e to ban out <strong>the</strong><br />

'eak<strong>ing</strong> Nina. And, <strong>the</strong> Auto ,Club's MemberLoaa<br />

financ<strong>ing</strong> plan,would have. <strong>been</strong> an .a.1er way to<br />

float his ships than hav<strong>ing</strong> to !lend before tile<br />

Spanish Queen.<br />

Yo" Chrl."" yoa could •• e a. now, we know<br />

you would be one of <strong>the</strong> more than 800,000MichIgan<br />

drivers who I.ad <strong>the</strong> way with Triple-A.<br />

Motor State Insurance Company

-~IIIIIII-----"""' ;----------- ..<br />

PI 2 3•••• ---- ••--------------- -~q~-~--~-----'-- -'-->~<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


IS NOW OPEN!<br />

For <strong>the</strong>' FIRST TIME-you can eat your favorite delicacies at<br />

home, with for more pleasure and na tedious wark. Created and<br />

prtllOred by on expert . . . Enjoy <strong>the</strong> unique and tantaliz<strong>ing</strong><br />

flavor of old country foods .• Kibbie • Grape Leaves' Meat<br />

Pies' Cabboge Rolls' Chicken with Stuff<strong>ing</strong>' Hars D'oeuvres.<br />

15211 MACK AVE<br />

TU 6.8540<br />



• PONTIACS<br />

• FORDS<br />

• (HEVROLETS<br />


CARS<br />

CoU us today for special rate on cor of your choice.<br />

fji»Le~~<br />

17601 MACK TU6.4605<br />

Is Your Furnace A<br />

"Fair Wea<strong>the</strong>r Friend"?<br />

The family's comfort and<br />

fuel budget should be <strong>the</strong><br />

first th<strong>ing</strong>s to consider when<br />

you're ready to buy that new<br />

furnace and make a brand<br />

selection. Here are some<br />

questions to ask yourself<br />

about ~he brand you bllY:<br />

1. Does <strong>the</strong> furnace have a<br />

5 u per. sensitive <strong>the</strong>rmostat<br />

that works with just a cJ:Iange<br />

of 1110 of a degree or less?<br />

(Or will it, like most <strong>the</strong>rmo.<br />

stats, need 1 or 2 degrees<br />

change to work?)<br />

2. Will <strong>the</strong> furnace provide<br />

a thousand different sizes of<br />

gas flame-to match cxaclly<br />

<strong>the</strong> slightest change in our<br />

wea<strong>the</strong>r? (Or will it have<br />

just onl' or 2 sizes of ga<<br />

flame that often ll'ao to chilly<br />

"011" and "off" [Jcriods?)<br />

3. Will <strong>the</strong> furnace have a<br />

blower that will run at 1000<br />

different speeds to assure<br />

you of draft. free comfort?<br />

(Or, will It have <strong>the</strong> ordinary<br />

blower that shuts "on and<br />

oU", caus<strong>ing</strong> unnecessary<br />

drafts?)<br />

4. Will <strong>the</strong> heat exchanger<br />

(heart of <strong>the</strong> furnace) be<br />

made of extra.thick steel, as<br />

thick as a silver dollar? (Or<br />

will it be as thin as a dime?)<br />

5. Will <strong>the</strong> furnace be unconditionally<br />

g u a ran te e d<br />

against crack<strong>ing</strong> or burn-out<br />

for a full 20 )'ear period? (Or<br />

will it have a 5 or 10 veal'<br />

warranty period-often on a<br />

mileage basis?)<br />

6. Will <strong>the</strong> new furnace<br />

l(ive YOlI not only extra com.<br />

fort for e\'ery room in <strong>the</strong><br />

house, but lower fuel bills as<br />

well? (Or will you still <strong>rais</strong>e<br />

<strong>the</strong> roof when you get <strong>the</strong><br />

mOl'thly fucl bills while your<br />

home is still uncomfortable?)<br />

•<br />

by<br />

ROBERTA. ~'Doc" WilLIAMS<br />


7. Will <strong>the</strong> entire heat<strong>ing</strong><br />

system be properly engineer.<br />

ed to assure correct mecham.<br />

cal operatioll and heat dis.<br />

tribution? (Or will <strong>the</strong> con.<br />

tractor make some good<br />

"guesses" about pro per<br />

equipment, duet sizes, <strong>the</strong><br />

pip<strong>ing</strong>, registers, etc.1)<br />

II. Will <strong>the</strong> heat<strong>ing</strong> contrae.<br />

tor have 24.bour emergency<br />

service available-with experienced<br />

mechanics in radiodispatched<br />

trucks? (Or will<br />

you hope that you nevel;have<br />

a breakdown or need<br />

for quick service at a peak<br />

period or odd hour?)<br />

You probably suspect by<br />

now that <strong>the</strong>re's only one<br />

furnace that will give you a<br />

"yes" answer to all of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

questions - <strong>the</strong> sensational<br />

Carrier gas furnace. That's<br />

why we at Williams recommend<br />

<strong>the</strong> Carrier gas furnace<br />

-it's outstand<strong>ing</strong> in <strong>the</strong> furnace<br />

industry and gives reo<br />

markable periormance.<br />

With WllIiams engineer<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

you're assured of gett<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

correct size and custom-fit of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Carrier furnace. The entire<br />

distribution system will<br />

be designed to give you "just<br />

right" comfort for eve!)'<br />

room.<br />

Why not call 372-;;;'00 for<br />

a free survey of your home<br />

today? There's absolutely no<br />

obligation.<br />

For a FREE SURVEY of<br />

your home for a new Carril'r<br />

!(as furnace, call "Doc" Wil.<br />

Iiams at 372-5500, Wfiliams<br />

Refrigeration and Heat<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

Inc., (Servic<strong>ing</strong> Greater Detroit<br />

since 1937) and author.<br />

ized Carrier Dealer.-Adv.<br />

I<br />


r------------------------' II Younke is survived by a son, ASSIGNED TO VIETNAM 11508 HOllywood wall assigned<br />

Jack C. . .Army Private First Class September 5 to <strong>the</strong> 9th Infantry<br />

Obituaries<br />


Funeral services for Mrs.<br />

Turner, 82, of 330 Provencal<br />

road, were held in Christ<br />

Church.Grosse Pointe, on Tuesday,<br />

October 8. She died on<br />

Saturday, October 5, in her<br />

residence.<br />

Born in Detroit, Mrs. Turner<br />

was a life-time Pointe resident.<br />

She attended Dobbs Ferry<br />

Girls' School, in New York.<br />

She was a member of The<br />

Country Club of Detroit, The<br />

Detroit Club, <strong>the</strong> Gros~e Pointe<br />

Club, <strong>the</strong> Huron Mountain Club,<br />

Christ Church - Grosse Pointe,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Foniinalis Club, of<br />

Vanderbilt, Mich.<br />

Mrs. Turner was formerly a<br />

member of <strong>the</strong> board and treasurer<br />

of The Neighborhood Club<br />

of Grosse Pointe.<br />

She was <strong>the</strong> wife of <strong>the</strong> late<br />

1James Turner, a prominent<br />

i senior partner with <strong>the</strong> law<br />

firm Ang..11, Turner, Dyar and<br />

Meek.<br />

Mrs. Turner was <strong>the</strong> daughter<br />

of <strong>the</strong> late Dr. Ernest Tappey<br />

and <strong>the</strong> late Pamela Waterman<br />

Tappey.<br />

She is survived by one daughter,<br />

Mrs. James F. McClelland,<br />

Jr.; three sons, Ernest T., of<br />

New York City. Richard II..I<br />

and John D.. of Denver, Col.,<br />

and 12 grandchildren.<br />

Interment was in Elmwood<br />

Cemetery. Memorial Tributes<br />

may be made to The Nt'ighborhood<br />

Club, 17150Waterloo.<br />

• ., I!' I<br />


rlln!'I.;)1 sel'vil'!'s for Mrs.:<br />

,Christensen. 56, formerly of 661<br />

Oxford road, more recently Of,<br />

i The Whittier Hotel, were held<br />

on S~lllrday Octoher 5. in <strong>the</strong>,<br />


\<br />

)- Ed<br />

Page Ten<br />

Hig/,.vay<br />

Asp/lalt Pav<strong>ing</strong> Co.<br />



Telephone DI 1-4506<br />

If<br />

JENZEN<br />

Buildil1g<br />

,_,611 ADDITIONS<br />

~.:::t REMODELING<br />

I<br />

Tll 4.3011<br />

.I.~TU Since 19iC<br />

Kitchens - Bathroom. tlesigned<br />

Recreation Roams - -Acoustical ceiU",.<br />

Penonoliud Architectural SII.ice<br />

C:omplete Home & Commercial S.... ic.<br />

------------------""----<br />

Don'tDepan~ on luck!<br />

WHEN YOU<br />

BUY A<br />

NEW FURNACE ...<br />



1. Manufactured by <strong>the</strong> American Furnace<br />

Company. (A leader in Comfortiz<strong>ing</strong> for more,<br />

than 65 years.)<br />

2. Designed for year around comfort. (Simply<br />

add coo<strong>long</strong>, Electronic Air Filtration and<br />

Humidity Control at modest cost.)<br />

3. Heat exchanger guaranteed for lire to <strong>the</strong><br />

original owner.<br />

4. Smooth runn<strong>ing</strong> rubber mounted blower<br />

embodied in sound insulated compartment.<br />

Compare ~ur equipment and price-<br />


~ -we"'loIl •<br />

Totte 6' Herman's<br />

CALL:<br />

779.2498 MI 4.5458 754-9660<br />

l\len;bcr of Beltcr Heat<strong>ing</strong><br />

and Cool<strong>ing</strong> Bureau<br />

Promoted<br />

1 Kesleloot Made<br />

IPolice Captain<br />

Lt. Gerard J. Kesteloot has<br />

<strong>been</strong> promoted lo <strong>the</strong> rank of<br />

captain of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe<br />

Park Police Department to sue.<br />

ceed <strong>the</strong> late Capt. Arnold F.<br />

Hough, it \Vas announced Tuesday<br />

by Director of Public Safe.<br />

ty, William P. Ellenburg.<br />

Cap!. Kesteloot. 61, who has<br />

bren with <strong>the</strong> department for<br />

27 years, pioneered <strong>the</strong> Park's<br />

bicycle, school safety and driver<br />

education programs. He also<br />

has made lectures on <strong>the</strong> im.<br />

parlance o[ practic<strong>ing</strong> safety<br />

in everyday life. in many<br />

schools.<br />

"An expert in <strong>the</strong> proper<br />

movement of traffic. and gen.<br />

eral law enforcement, he has<br />

devoted many years in help<strong>ing</strong><br />

make <strong>the</strong> streets of <strong>the</strong> city<br />

safer for hath <strong>the</strong> pedestrian<br />

and <strong>the</strong> motorist," Ellenburg<br />

aid.<br />

Aller serv<strong>ing</strong> as a patrolman<br />

for six years, Capt. Kesteloot<br />

became attached to <strong>the</strong> detec.<br />

tive bureau. On January 1,<br />

I 1950, after tak<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> police<br />

Nursery and Landscape<br />

SNOW<br />


By <strong>the</strong> Season<br />

cali 117.2800<br />

w. Ser.lc. The Fl•• poln' ..<br />

--------------------<br />


SSe per<br />

Large New<br />

Carpet Selection!<br />

yard<br />

McCoy Carpet<br />

Company<br />


UNTIl. !l:00 P.M.<br />

New Location<br />

25527 Harper<br />

3 Ilks. N. of 10 Mile<br />

717-7550<br />

Son Flies 6,000<br />

Miles to Funel'al<br />


City police received a report<br />

on Wednesday, October 3, lhat<br />

<strong>the</strong> globe on <strong>the</strong> street light<br />

in fronl of 530 Wash<strong>ing</strong>ton,<br />

j north of Kercheval. had fallen<br />

into <strong>the</strong> street. They<br />

ly notified Detroit<br />

immediate.<br />

Edison.<br />

I<br />


Cllpta;,n Hough<br />

,Dies Suddenly<br />

I<br />

Captain Arnold F. Hough, 57,<br />

a member of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe<br />

Park Police Department for 33<br />

years, was stricken while play'<br />

<strong>ing</strong> volleyball on Wednesday.<br />

October 2, and died shortly af.<br />

tel"wards<br />

pital.<br />

at Bon Seeours Hos.<br />

Captain Hough, who lived on<br />

Beaconsfield avenue, ironically<br />

died on <strong>the</strong> same day in Oclo.<br />

bel' that he joined <strong>the</strong> force as<br />

a patrolman. He joined <strong>the</strong><br />

force on Oct1lber 2, 1936. He be.<br />

came a Detective Sergeant on<br />

June 1, 1948, and a Detective<br />

Lieutenant on June 21, 1957.<br />

Captain Hough had five de.<br />

partmental citations and five<br />

commendations. He attended I<br />

Wayne S tat e University and<br />

Michigan State University for<br />

courses I<br />

tion. He<br />

in police administra. I<br />

took an active parl in<br />

juvenile work.<br />

He was promoted to Captain<br />

on June 1 of lhis ye?r. Direelor i<br />

of Public Safely, William P.<br />

Ellenburg said, "Captain Hough<br />

was a credit to law enforcement<br />

in every respect and his loss<br />

will be felt not unly by <strong>the</strong><br />

members of <strong>the</strong> Park Police De.<br />

partment hut lJy <strong>the</strong> entire<br />

community as welL"<br />

Funeral services for Captain<br />

Hough were held on Saturday,<br />

October 5, in <strong>the</strong> Verheyden<br />

Funeral Home. He is survived<br />

by his wife, Viola; a son,<br />

Thomas; five daughters, Mrs.<br />

Jack Meloche. Mrs. Maurice<br />

Vanderchove, Mrs. William Tay.<br />

lor, Elizabeth and Sa~dra; his<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r, Mrs. Blanche Hough,<br />

three bro<strong>the</strong>rs and two sisters.<br />

Interment was in For est<br />

Lawn Cemetery.<br />

examination, he was promoted Thomas Hough flew nearly<br />

to sergeant. He was moveG up 6.000 miles to attend last Satur.<br />

to a lieutenant's post July 1, day's funeral services for his<br />

1957. fa<strong>the</strong>r. Grosse Pointe Park<br />

The Kesteloots live at 1035 Police Captain Arnold F. Hough.<br />

Nott<strong>ing</strong>ham road. A son, Arthur, who died suddenly Wednesday<br />

reside.~ in Harper Woods. and afternoon, October 2.<br />

a daughter. Mrs. Thomas On Thursday morn<strong>ing</strong>. East-<br />

(Dolores) I1ayosh, in Bloom. ern Daylight Sav<strong>ing</strong>s Time. <strong>the</strong><br />

field Hills. Slate Department in Wash<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

------------. ."--- Iton contacled <strong>the</strong> United States<br />

VIA<br />

~NWJI embassy at Monrovia, Liberia,<br />

~ ~ on <strong>the</strong> west coast of Africa,<br />

where Thomas has <strong>been</strong> em.<br />

ployed for <strong>the</strong> past seven<br />

I monlhs. lie was given <strong>the</strong><br />

I tragic message from home. The<br />

time in Monrovia was 2:30 p.m.<br />

There are only three flights<br />

each week from <strong>the</strong> Liberian<br />

capital city to <strong>the</strong> United States.<br />

Fortunately. <strong>the</strong>re was one that<br />

night at 8 p.m. Young Hough<br />

boarded <strong>the</strong> American.bound I<br />

plane and, on Friday, Octoher<br />

4, at almost <strong>the</strong> same hour <strong>the</strong><br />

call had <strong>been</strong> made from Wash.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>ton, he walked into <strong>the</strong><br />

Park City Hall to visit <strong>the</strong> of.<br />

fice his fa<strong>the</strong>r had occupied.<br />

With expressions o[ sympathy<br />

he was met <strong>the</strong>re by City Manager<br />

Roherl A. Slone, Director<br />

o[ Puhlic Safety William P.<br />

Ellenburg, and Del. Sgt. James<br />

LaPratt.<br />

A Grosse Pointe High School<br />

graduate, Thomas 110 ugh<br />

sefl'ed two years with <strong>the</strong> U.S.<br />

Navy hefore hecom<strong>ing</strong> attached<br />

to <strong>the</strong> diplomatic corps.<br />

, •<br />

It's MELDRUM & SMITH'S I<br />

MULCH.IT. TO.'EM I<br />

SALE<br />

6 Rose Collars 89 c<br />

6 cu. ft. Canadian Peat Moss 54.49ba,e<br />

50.lbs. Michigan Peat Moss 79Cbag<br />

MELDRUM 6. 5MITH'5<br />

17750 MACK • IU 5-5433<br />

.. zd dnst' ,.s r 52<br />

NEWS<br />

rAR1!ER-<br />

~:JACK~:<br />


Chase & Sanborn<br />


Jeno', Pizza Mix<br />

• TOWN PRIDE '<br />

Tasty Tomatoe.<br />

F..mM MAin<br />

Inltant Milk<br />

13,13 ASSOR'TED COLORS<br />

Kleenex Facial.<br />


Ral.ton Dog Chow<br />


Farm Malcl<br />

Buttermilk<br />

c~~.19C<br />


." MUSHROOM<br />

CampMll.<br />

Mushroom Soup<br />

':~~Z'12C<br />

~~~"$1'9<br />

13%02. 22~<br />

IVT, PKG "<br />

1 LB.<br />

12 OZ.CAN<br />

~ OT.<br />

SIZE<br />

200 CT.<br />

.PKO.<br />

194<br />

SIC<br />

194<br />

2:,,\:' '259<br />

Thursd~YI Oetober lO, 1968<br />

"'Double Graded"<br />

.oey Savers!

.Thursd.y. October' 10. 1968<br />


Grands, Spinets and small<br />

Uprights. Hlchest cash paid.<br />

VE 7-0506<br />

In The Village<br />

884.4280<br />

For mend<strong>ing</strong> glass or china.<br />

ware, a glue that withstands bot<br />

water can be made. by meltirig<br />

powdered alum in a spoon, ap.<br />

ply<strong>ing</strong> this quickly to <strong>the</strong> broken<br />

edges, press<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong>m toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

and allow<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong>m to dry com.<br />

pletely before us<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

I<br />

Removal of Snow from Nine<br />

Municipal Park<strong>ing</strong> Areas<br />

The City of Grosse Pointe will receive sealed bids<br />

for <strong>the</strong> removal of snow from nine (9) municipal<br />

park<strong>ing</strong> areas on or before 10:00 A.M., Thursday,<br />

OCtober 24, 1968 at which time said bids s~all be<br />

publicly opened. The City rese~es <strong>the</strong>. ~ght to<br />

reject any or all bids! wa~ve any lrregul.anbes, and<br />

to accept <strong>the</strong> bid whtch IS in <strong>the</strong> best mterests of<br />

<strong>the</strong> City,<br />

Completed bids shall be submitted to <strong>the</strong> City .of<br />

Grosse Pointe, attentio~ Thomas Kressbach, CIty<br />

Manager Municipal OffICes, 17147 Maumee, Grosse<br />

Pointe Michigan 48230. Bids shall be sealed and<br />

plainly marked "Snow Removal ~id." ~dditional<br />

bid forms are available from <strong>the</strong> City Offices.<br />

Pub. G.P.N. IG-l()'68<br />

v11tg..~t~,$...m<br />


m<br />



16839 KERCHEVAL<br />

CITY OF<br />

f;l'O"t Joinh fmm~<br />




NOVEMBER 5, 1968<br />

Registered, qualified Electors in <strong>the</strong> City of Grosse<br />

Pointe Farms who expect to be absent from <strong>the</strong> City or<br />

who are confiDed to home or hospital by illness or disability<br />

.Fe Urged to apply for absent voters ballots at once. NO<br />


URDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1968. Application must be made<br />

prior to such time at <strong>the</strong> City Office.<br />

Published: GrolJl5ePointe News issues of<br />

October 10, 1968 aDd. October 17, ]968.<br />

CITY OF<br />

Gim't 'oin1t IBO.,hs<br />



Sealed bids will be received by <strong>the</strong> City Clerk of<br />

<strong>the</strong> City of Grosse Pointe Woods at <strong>the</strong>. Municipal<br />

Build<strong>ing</strong>, 20025 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods,<br />

Michigan 48236 until 3:00 P.M. Eastern Stand~d<br />

Time on Wednesday, October 30, 1968, at which<br />

time and place bids will be publicly opened and<br />

lead aloud for furnish<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> fQllow<strong>ing</strong> items as<br />

described herein below:<br />

Eleven (11) 4-Door Special Police Vehicles<br />

One (1) One-half Ton Pick-Up Truck<br />

One (1) Two-Ton Dump Truck and Body<br />

One (1) Jeep<br />

One (1 )Rubbish Compaction Truch and Body<br />

Copies of Specifications and Bid Sheets may be<br />

obtained from <strong>the</strong> City Clerk.<br />

The City of Grosse Poi~te Wood~reserv~s <strong>the</strong> ri~ht<br />

to reject any and all bids, to WaIve any mformahty<br />

in <strong>the</strong> bid!i<strong>ing</strong>, and to accept any bid it deems to be<br />

in <strong>the</strong> best interest of <strong>the</strong> City.<br />

Leona D, Liddle<br />

City Clerk<br />


CITY OF<br />

Olirosse 1A'oinf,z<br />


for<br />


City Clerk<br />

l!<br />


.<br />

I!l<br />


m<br />


City Clerk<br />

City of Grosse P(;)inte Farms<br />

---I<br />

Univ~rsitySchool News<br />


Field Hockey two. The score at this point was<br />

The Grosse Pointe University 6.6. Maumee <strong>the</strong>n engineered<br />

School's field hockey teams two scor<strong>ing</strong> drives In <strong>the</strong> final<br />

have begun ano<strong>the</strong>r wil1lllng seconds of <strong>the</strong> game, pull<strong>ing</strong><br />

season. After a week of hockey It OLit 20,6 and leav<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

camp in August and a practice Grosse Pointers shak<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

.game at Grosse Pointe Con- heads in disbelief. It was a<br />

vent, <strong>the</strong> girls opened officially heartbreak<strong>ing</strong> turn around, but<br />

on September '111 with a home never<strong>the</strong>less an encourag<strong>ing</strong><br />

game against Bloomfield High team per for man c e by <strong>the</strong><br />

School. Sparked by <strong>the</strong> fine Knights against an undefeated<br />

play of right w<strong>ing</strong> Lynn Navar- opponent.<br />

ro of 169 Stephens road, and Standout performances to date<br />

goalie Tika Jackson of 384 have <strong>been</strong> turned in by defen.<br />

Moran road, <strong>the</strong> vanity team, sive players Don Lennox of<br />

hopiQg to add a sixth con. 8 StraUord Place, and Doug<br />

secutive undefeated season, Weiss, and by runn<strong>ing</strong> backs<br />

won 2.0. George Finkenstedt of 423<br />

On Friday, OCto~r 4, <strong>the</strong> Fisher Road, and Dale Mc.<br />

varsity scored five l:oals in <strong>the</strong> Carthy_<br />

second half to qefeat. th.e Liggett After four games away from<br />

School 5,0. Patty Rlddfeberger, home <strong>the</strong> Knights play <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

daughter of <strong>the</strong> G.P:U.S. head. home' opener tomorrow, Octo.<br />

master, Hugh C. Rlddleberger, ber 12, against Roeper High<br />

scored three of <strong>the</strong> goals. School at 4 p.m.<br />

~e girls will plAy tnmo~w, Suecer<br />

Fuaay, Octoner 11, agalUst The University School varsity<br />

Bloo~e1~ con ve n t 011 <strong>the</strong> soccer team, a much younger<br />

latter s field. squad than in previous years,<br />

Football ,. had split its open<strong>ing</strong> two games.<br />

After los<strong>ing</strong> three of its finrt On september 30, a strong<br />

four varsity footbaUgames, <strong>the</strong> Andover High School team shut<br />

University Sc1l001 team might out <strong>the</strong> K n i g h t s 3.0. But<br />

have re8son. to be discouraged. G.P.U.S. bounced back on Octo-<br />

Spirit is high, however, for <strong>the</strong> ber 4, with a 2-0 whitewash<strong>ing</strong><br />

Knights have shown tremendous of Cranbrook School at Grosse<br />

improvement in <strong>the</strong> face of Pointe. Return<strong>ing</strong> lettermen,<br />

<strong>the</strong>se losses. Jim Frer.~h of 174 Ridge Road<br />

The varsity bowed to a strong and. Topher Ware, of Wash<strong>ing</strong>-<br />

Almont eleven on September 13. ton Road, collaborated to score<br />

33.0.' The follow<strong>ing</strong> week To- one' of <strong>the</strong> goals, and Peter<br />

ledo's Northwood High School Shumaker of 75 Lothrop Road<br />

duplicated <strong>the</strong> earlier shutout, scored <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, assisted by<br />

12-0. Jon Feld.<br />

At Pinckney on september TodaY <strong>the</strong> team travels to De.<br />

21, hOWever, <strong>the</strong> Knights scored troit CoW!Uy Day SChool for<br />

both <strong>the</strong>ir first touchdown and a 4 o'clock game.<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir first vietory, by • '1-6 _<br />

margin. Last. Friday <strong>the</strong>y car- l H. h<br />

ried some of <strong>the</strong> previous week's St. Pau 19<br />

momentum down to Maumee •. h.<br />

Valley Country Day SChool. LIke Bee lve<br />

With slightly more than two<br />

minutes to go i~ <strong>the</strong> .game; .. Everyone ;;st Paul's High<br />

G,P.U,S. found l~elf 1Dc~es School is back in <strong>the</strong> sw<strong>ing</strong> of<br />

short. of <strong>the</strong> goal hne followlDg th<strong>ing</strong>s' Busy as bees <strong>the</strong>y bus.<br />

a fourth down effort from tho tIe a~ut <strong>the</strong>ir busin~ss.<br />

Senion, Juniors, Sophomores,<br />

Parties Planned and Freshmen are all hard at<br />

work OD <strong>the</strong>ir fioats for <strong>the</strong><br />

By Travel Club Homecom<strong>ing</strong> Game scheduled<br />

for Sunday, October 20. Mean-<br />

- ,. whUe cheerleaders are busy<br />

The two CI:0ups who trav~!ed plann<strong>ing</strong> "AD Even<strong>ing</strong> in Paris"<br />

to Alaska ~th GrOsse Pomte for <strong>the</strong> Annual liomecom<strong>ing</strong><br />

War Memorial's Travel C 1 u b<br />

will be hosted by tbe center at Dance. •<br />

a post trip party Sunday eve- The Seniors will lend a help.<br />

n<strong>ing</strong>, OCtober 20, at 6 p.m. <strong>ing</strong>. hand to <strong>the</strong> Freshman at<br />

There <strong>the</strong>y will enjoy eoffee <strong>the</strong>ll' informal (~t-to-ge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

and baked Alana and sueb Seniors will. teach <strong>the</strong> Fresh.<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r ~fres1nnenl$ as group men <strong>the</strong> tricks of <strong>the</strong> fioatmembers<br />

wish to br<strong>ing</strong>. makin, trade., ,<br />

Everyone who has pictures, Juniors wiD board <strong>the</strong> Laker s<br />

slides and movies are asked to bu. on Wednesday, October 16,<br />

br<strong>ing</strong>' <strong>the</strong>m and s.how <strong>the</strong>m on for <strong>the</strong>ir English field trip to<br />

<strong>the</strong> big screen in Fries Audi- <strong>the</strong> Sonnet Theater where <strong>the</strong>y<br />

torium. will see "ZOOI: A Space Od.<br />

Travel Club members go<strong>ing</strong> dessy."<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Orient <strong>the</strong> end of this Senior Martha Shick bas <strong>been</strong><br />

month will ga<strong>the</strong>r for <strong>the</strong>ir pre. selected to serve on J. L. Hudtrip<br />

party this Sunday, Odober son's Youth Council for <strong>the</strong><br />

13 at 5 o'clock where puncb, 1968-1969lichool year. She will<br />

hot hors d'oeuvres and coffee represent S1. Paul's at <strong>the</strong><br />

wiII.be served. and everyone will Council's activities.<br />

get acquainted. ----<br />

Follow<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> social hour, There is no right without a<br />

films of <strong>the</strong> Orient will be parallel duty, no liberty with.<br />

shown and details' of <strong>the</strong> tour out <strong>the</strong> supremacy of <strong>the</strong> law,<br />

presented. It is hoped all memo no high destiny without earnest<br />

bers of <strong>the</strong> group will be pre. perserverance, llo greatness<br />

sent. without self.denial.<br />

K,ttllet, tinJsB "int, L""<strong>ing</strong> C,.<br />

• AUTO LEASING •<br />


w. Cell Aillllt<br />

On. C,r or Flett 011, P'..<br />

T. YOII' Hfta<br />

885.4770<br />

15550 E. Warrli!n<br />

GIO,._ PoI.. ky, M".<br />



• NEW<br />

UP<br />

TO<br />


• PICK ANY PARKA Example<br />



PARKA<br />

From Our Huge Selection of • SWEATER<br />

Men's & Women's Ski Outfits<br />

Receive With Each Ski Outfit Purchase • • •<br />


arehouse Plann<strong>ing</strong> & Engineered Handl<strong>ing</strong><br />

Since 1937<br />

• SAVES YOU 'riME •<br />


><br />


.. "J ~ -< "" ~""'

I<br />

Page Twelve<br />

THINK BIG 'BI D -I S U<br />

Keep your train of thought' ue CVl stage pset<br />

on <strong>the</strong> main line-let <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

br<strong>ing</strong> in <strong>the</strong> local. Defeat<strong>ing</strong> Fordson by 7.0<br />

lor your convenience<br />


, Tues., Wedl t ,Thurs. 7 a.m,te 5:30 p.m.<br />

Mon. -and Thurs. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.<br />

•<br />

- ..<br />

The Blue Devils p'lay at Mon.<br />

roe this Friday night against<br />

STATE<br />

ZIP<br />

GPN.S<br />


a team that Head Coach Russ JUAN FALLS IN LAKE<br />

Hepner describes as "big but . .<br />

not real fast." Monroe is also City poh~e received a report<br />

. . of a man In <strong>the</strong> lakc on Wed.<br />

<strong>the</strong> last place team in <strong>the</strong> BeL dOt ber 2. Cpl. Richard<br />

as <strong>the</strong>y've 10 s 1 to Highland nCclskay, cdo<br />

Park and Royal Oak by identi. Scaotrlel.mamr.edl.patrolmanDwight<br />

ately went to <strong>the</strong><br />

cal scores of 27.13. City Park whete <strong>the</strong>y found<br />

The Trojan offense consists Harold Heritage, 79. who told<br />

mainly of <strong>the</strong> powor runn<strong>ing</strong> officers hc had fallen into <strong>the</strong><br />

from an "I" formation. They lake while ty<strong>ing</strong> his boat in<br />

also seem to key <strong>the</strong>ir attack <strong>the</strong> slip. ~Ir. Heritage did not<br />

around two big tackles who are want medical attention. His car<br />

6'4" and ahout 240 pounds. was parked at <strong>the</strong> City marina.<br />

TheNorth Atlantic<br />

isn't such a<br />

hot place to start<br />

awintercmise.<br />

Get off to a fly<strong>ing</strong> start with KLM and<br />

you're cruis<strong>ing</strong> Oul of Aruba or Cura~ao<br />

<strong>the</strong> same day you leave home. KLM has<br />

lwo "Instant Caribbean"' cruises to<br />

choose from:<br />

Collect a str<strong>ing</strong> of islands on a Regina<br />

cruise. Spend a whole week sail<strong>ing</strong> to<br />

Trinidad, Barbados, Martinique, 51. Vin-<br />

cent. Venezuela and Cura~ao. Or to An.<br />

tigua. Guadeloupe, 51. Lucia, Grenada.<br />

Venezuela and Cura~ao. Prices slart at<br />

$279. If you really want to splurge, stay<br />

14 days and make <strong>the</strong> whole grand tour.<br />

If you like to spend lime on <strong>the</strong> beach,<br />

pick a Romanlica cruise. Spend 4 days<br />

cruis<strong>ing</strong> to Cura~ao, Vcnezuela and Bon-<br />

aire. And 3 days beach<strong>ing</strong> at <strong>the</strong> Aruba-<br />

Sheraton Hotel. Or skip Bonaire on <strong>the</strong> 3-<br />

day cruise and spend 4 d.IYS at <strong>the</strong> beach.<br />

Prices start at $330.<br />

All prices include round-trip 17-day<br />

economy excursion airfare from New<br />

York. The first cruise leaves Nov. 2~.<br />

If <strong>we've</strong> piqued your interest, see your<br />

travel agent, call KLM at WO 5.1650, or<br />

-<br />

Closed Sat.<br />


,.18165 MACK 886.3000<br />

send <strong>the</strong> coupon for more details.<br />

Safety Infonnation: The 5.S. Regina: reg.<br />

istered in Panama, meets InternatIonal<br />

Safety Standards for new ships developed<br />

in 1948, and meets <strong>the</strong> 1966 fire safely<br />

requirements, '<br />

The 50S. Romantica, rcgislcred in<br />

Greece, subslantially meets International<br />

Safety Standards for new ships developed<br />

in 1948, and meets lhe 1966 fire safety<br />

requirements.<br />

KLM Royal Dutch Airlincs, Ocpt. C<br />

1101 Wash. Blvd., Gateway Center Bldg.<br />

Detroit, Michigan 48226<br />

Plcase send me <strong>the</strong> free brochures checked:<br />

o Caribbean "Hidc-a-way" Cruises-S.S.<br />

Regina<br />

OCaribbcan "Romanlica" Cruises-S.S.<br />

Romantiea<br />

NAME<br />

CiTY<br />


"OVAL DUTCH "1"LIN ••<br />

Teen Ski Club<br />

Meet<strong>ing</strong> Sunday<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial's<br />

Ski Hi Club for young Gross~<br />

The Blue Devils' game Saturday was decided in <strong>the</strong> Pointers in grades 9.12 who are<br />

'ast minute of play for <strong>the</strong> second straight week." They ~kiers or who wish to learn<br />

:lulled off a dramatic' 7.0 upset victory over highly holds its open<strong>ing</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong> at 3<br />

-------------~-------<br />

~anked Fordson<br />

I :he game. Last<br />

with<br />

week<br />

a TD<br />

Royal'<br />

in <strong>the</strong> final two<br />

Oak beat <strong>the</strong>m<br />

15 seconds.<br />

seconds of<br />

in <strong>the</strong> last<br />

o'clock this Sunday afternoon,<br />

October 13.in Fries Auditorium.<br />

All interested are urged to at.<br />

tend free of charge.<br />

The winn<strong>ing</strong> touchdown came The program will present<br />

• Grass • Leaves • Trash<br />

SAVE ...Buy Bulk<br />


Immediate 100 450 Packa~ecf<br />

Deli ..ery for with ties<br />

w hen Steve MaUD hit .lim<br />

Humes on a 3D-yard pass play<br />

in <strong>the</strong> final seconds. It capped<br />

a SO.yard drive that took three<br />

plays. and hegan with 29 sec.<br />

ODdsleft in <strong>the</strong> game.<br />

The real story of <strong>the</strong> game,<br />

however, was <strong>the</strong> great play of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Devil defense. After <strong>the</strong><br />

disappoint<strong>ing</strong> Royal Oak game,<br />

<strong>the</strong> front line of Mike Wi<strong>the</strong>rs,<br />

Hugo Bohm, international skier,<br />

ski race authority and memher<br />

of <strong>the</strong> CUSSA Ski Instructors<br />

Certification Board. He will<br />

cover ski rac<strong>ing</strong>, course selt<strong>ing</strong><br />

techniques and show an in.<br />

structional ski film featur<strong>ing</strong><br />

Boyne Ski School director, Oth.<br />

mar Schneider.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fronk P. Me-<br />

Bride. Jr., who chaperone <strong>the</strong><br />

lOOT uses for heovy duty 20/30 90 lion bogs fOr home and. Larry Ulmer, Mark Straetmans, Club's ski trip to Vail Col.<br />

business. Immediate delivery, call "PlaStics" now. ' Rick Smith, Z a c h Stoumbos, each year will be on ha~d with<br />

Mon. th, .. Fri.<br />

822-4334<br />

SlIurdJY & Sunday<br />

886-4256<br />

Chris Penoyar, and Bill ~chlei- slides of' last year's trip and<br />

I cher did an excellent Job of I details of this year's 10,day<br />

contain<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> powerful Trac. trip 'lY jet aircraft from Detroit<br />

-----tor<br />

runners.<br />

Fordson, <strong>the</strong> ten t II ranked<br />

I team in <strong>the</strong> state, was a heavy<br />

<strong>the</strong> night of December<br />

January 4.<br />

The year's complete<br />

25 to<br />

trip<br />

PICK.UP -<br />


favorite to win <strong>the</strong> game with<br />

<strong>the</strong> D e v i I s. However, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

I never really came close to scor.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> as <strong>the</strong> tough defcnse kept<br />

<strong>the</strong>m beyond <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe<br />

2(J-yard line for mosto! <strong>the</strong><br />

game. .<br />

• • •<br />

sched'Jle will be given out at<br />

this meet<strong>ing</strong> includ<strong>ing</strong> a six.day<br />

trip to Boyne 'Country between<br />

Christmas and New Years for<br />

those who can't go to Colorado.<br />

and a special <strong>long</strong> weekend<br />

trip January 30-February 2<br />

when schools are closed for<br />

bllndry • Dry CI..oninl • Twice Weekly Service<br />

There was<br />

whole game<br />

fierce hitt<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

bul little excite.<br />

"curriculum plann<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

Friday night and Saturday<br />

Open 0 Chorse<br />

ment for <strong>the</strong> Dad's Day crowd day trips arc set for local areas<br />


until <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter. Then, every. othcr week. In addition<br />


a few fumbles were exchanged<br />

and a potential Grosse Pointe<br />

a North<br />

sleep<strong>ing</strong><br />

Country farm house<br />

26 is set asidp certain '<br />


touchdown pass was dropped in weekends for very inexpensive<br />

Pick Up<br />


OUR 25th YEAR<br />

artd Delivery VA" 2.7055<br />

<strong>the</strong> end zone. The Devils missed<br />

out on ano<strong>the</strong>r scor<strong>ing</strong> opportunity<br />

when kicker Chris Malafouris<br />

was wide of <strong>the</strong> target<br />

on a IS.yard field goal attempt.<br />

statIon wagon family and<br />

friends trips.<br />

Membership in <strong>the</strong> Club i1><br />

Just $3 a year which can be<br />

paid at <strong>the</strong> open<strong>ing</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong><br />

200B7 Mack et Fei,halm. - 15029 Kerchevlli at Mllryl~lI. With 1:04 left in <strong>the</strong> game, a<strong>long</strong> with deposils for major<br />

Fordson intercepted a pass at lrips.<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir own 45.yard line. The Dev. Next ski activity com<strong>ing</strong> up<br />

il defense held al <strong>the</strong> 50 with 29 before <strong>the</strong> snow flies is "Skis<br />

seconds left und <strong>the</strong> offense O\'cr McKinley" presented in<br />

came in to stage <strong>the</strong>ir dramatic person by Hans Gmoser who<br />

touchdown. Malafouris <strong>the</strong>n ad. comes from Banff. Alberta,<br />

ded <strong>the</strong> extra point for good Canada to Fries Auditorium <strong>the</strong><br />

measure. night of Wednesday. October<br />

30. A limited number of sll'dent<br />

tickets are available to Ski Hi<br />

members.<br />

1<br />

." IMtiltMA llOMA,L Sil YER CO.<br />

from e , ,<br />

4 '.<br />




Hete'S Mow OIl.UBOI\US.Sav<strong>ing</strong>s" PIIIIW~S '\1<br />

. h n* in. Gny of our stores WI<br />

ihe amount of yc"r pured °Wh.en completely punched hout<br />

be punched on your car. received'" "bonus" pun c es<br />

(total of $5.00) :.ndyo~.hav:ducts listed on <strong>the</strong> back of<br />

by pl1l"chos<strong>ing</strong> bonus pr h' 21 p.iec. table'w,:!re set for<br />

your card, 'Iou may secure t IS<br />

onlx $2.9 9 ! . . . liRe ula," plan 'at $3.99 when<br />

.This set also available on our h d :ut ($5.00 in pu:chases~)<br />

ollr cord is comp~~tely punc. e<br />

tut'without "bon'JS punches,<br />

. OFFER EXPiRES NOV. 2,1968.<br />

.EXcEPT BEER. WIHE. LiQUO.R. .<br />

lAG 130', If YOU AU<br />

SOFF * 60 or BETTER*<br />



PUFFS<br />

"OM OUi "IOIiUS.<br />


15% DISCOUNT<br />

REG. 6? ~<br />

29~<br />


PLAN<br />

A.k Our Pharmacist<br />

For Fulf Details<br />

•<br />

Thursday, October IO~_._I_~~!-<br />

16941 I(ercheval<br />

(0'. Ncl,e Dam.<br />

19103 Mack Ave,<br />

Cor. 7 Mil,<br />

16450 E. Warren<br />

Co,. Outer D,iv.<br />


• DEUEl<br />

GET oNE SET<br />

W\Trt EACH<br />


PUNCH C;.Rol<br />




2~ 9 99 4 99 5 88<br />

Ideal for nuts, bolts ond Plugs into cigarette 100% wetproof, modern<br />

small househord' objects •. lighter outlet. push button control.<br />

1<br />

AM£(litAi l\MSi .REG. '.qo<br />

80" .67<br />

,UU IIlll tOl Ol 1.49<br />

N£W DA1'" 9<br />

REG.l.6 .<br />

GROOM & CtlAN R~~~:.;9 •99<br />

u lULttS .9"<br />

ANAC'" 100', - REG. ,.39<br />

.88<br />

_<br />

G£R'lOt<br />

:----;20" lIQUIO OR -,<br />

100TA8S •• REG.2.37<br />

.59<br />

__<br />

S'H"\(<br />

llOllltlllOIl£<br />

IlIl((101 BllDtS - 4',<br />

.79<br />

--=-----=--=-U<br />

DR'SlA"<br />

1UlUS<br />

.88<br />

24',. REG. '.29<br />

u<br />

-Preparation-n<br />

onnM£Ml<br />

'0'" REG. 1.09<br />

LIQUOR<br />

Your fovctite<br />

llrClnd of beer,<br />

"'ine, cordials.,<br />

champagnes<br />

plus Q compll!te<br />

stock of liquor!<br />

Cemplete Home<br />

Bartender Nlids!

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


gugene Holston, 16833 Cran.<br />

ord, reporled to City police 1)1\<br />

hursday. Septembcr 26. lhe<br />

11eftof his '67, black and gray<br />

adillac 1';ldorado. lIe told of.<br />

ieers he parked. <strong>the</strong> car one<br />

louse cast 01 his address <strong>the</strong><br />

previous night around 8:30 p.m.<br />

When he returned for lhe car<br />

at 6:30 a,m. (he next morn<strong>ing</strong><br />

he discovered it was gone. Th~<br />

keys were not in thc car at <strong>the</strong><br />

time of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ft. Policc are in.<br />

vestigat<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

•<br />

Pointe," Auctions<br />

!at Hannonie Fete<br />

JUST<br />


FROM<br />

b 1\ v:) ~t I '_•• : I !.:. I.. a:: W S<br />

NOl'semen of North Riglt Lions (;,.id~_~~!!_~~~~All Three<br />

Def ea ted by Son tl1 Lake By DuWayue Peterson<br />

The Grosse Pointe Lions<br />

curred kite in (!Ie second qllar-<br />

tel' when a low pass from cen.<br />

. .. . .'. Little League fooli:lallers had a tel' gave <strong>the</strong> Green I10rnets <strong>the</strong><br />

By John Edwards '71 dismal afternoon last Sunday ball on <strong>the</strong> Lions' five.yard line.<br />

The enthusiasm was <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong> Norsemen's crowd hetwct,ln <strong>the</strong> \\' eat her and On <strong>the</strong> next pia)' Bob Koenig<br />

bauer blasted over (or <strong>the</strong><br />

but <strong>the</strong> points wer~n't as <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe North High 'cores. They entertained <strong>the</strong> st. score.<br />

School football team was shut out by <strong>the</strong> Cavaliers of Clair Shores Green Hornets and<br />

South Lake by a score of 16 to O. lost tlJree games. two by 12-0 The Lion offense began to<br />

__ . _ .. ._._ scorcs and one 7.0. morc <strong>the</strong> ball in <strong>the</strong> second<br />

lu <strong>the</strong> first quarter Soutb half. Joe Briggs and Steve<br />

Lake moved well but couldn't The G,'een Hornet freshmen Peterson IIIade good runs to set<br />

score unlil late in <strong>the</strong> period. jumped off to an early lead up a first down on <strong>the</strong> Hornets'<br />


2<br />

lUNA<br />

for49 c<br />



.__ ..,<br />

Those who refuse to chan~(' I Ulltil a man<br />

with <strong>the</strong> timcs are a checkmate ure he cannot<br />

scores one fail.<br />

appreciate sue.<br />

10 progress in any community. cess.<br />

Page Thirteen<br />

_._--~._-"._--------_._-~~-----<br />

White or Black<br />

Enameled Aluminum<br />


DOORS,<br />





We Repair Storm Sash and Screens<br />


tAc,.ss from Howard JohnSOn'l1<br />

, ',,:, AN 0 STORM SASH. t.Ne.<br />

tnl,<br />

$99<br />

Electric Model<br />

Includill'<br />

100 ft. cord<br />

95 • -en<br />

Mldll<br />

Like 'own<strong>ing</strong> a magic, $~r ~nWo<br />

eredbrD(lmtnatsweepSawaytill<br />

snow! from porches, steps, drive- .<br />

ways, walks! 17" widlh-eJ(clusive<br />

uni.flo auger and 1800 Ernest J. Duj}(ouchelle.<br />

There were manypena1ties<br />

against Soui:h Lake In <strong>the</strong> first<br />

quarter, which set Ule tone for<br />

<strong>the</strong> game. The Grosse Pointe<br />

of offense couldn't move consist.<br />

with a 35.yard touchdown sprint<br />

by Bert Twomey. The rema'in-<br />

(er I of <strong>the</strong> fir,t half was a<br />

defensive struggle with Jim<br />

QlIinn. John Williams. Brian<br />

30.yard line onl)' to have <strong>the</strong><br />

drive halted by an interception. ;<br />

The last Lion offensive burEt:<br />

came when Chris Montague ran<br />

: Muir Road, Grosse Pointe enUy to gain yardage when<br />

. Farms. of DuMouchelle Auction needed.<br />

: and Art Galleries, will serve as<br />

auction~er at <strong>the</strong> first sale of In [he middle of <strong>the</strong> quarter<br />

antiques sponsored by <strong>the</strong> Hal'. South Lake att~mpted a field<br />

monie Club at 267 East (,rand goal, but it failed, Late in <strong>the</strong><br />

period, Frank Ciccone dashc'd<br />

River avenue, Detroit. Satur. 42 yards, starl<strong>ing</strong> a drive that<br />

~Iyers and Bob Conlan throw- back a punt 20 yards to mid.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>- <strong>the</strong> Hornet runners for field and Don Chouinard ran 30<br />

losses yards on a Statue of Liberty<br />

1oh' . play. Steve Morrison was pass-<br />

.e defenses continued to <strong>ing</strong> well but <strong>the</strong> Lion receivers.<br />

d.omlllate <strong>the</strong> second haIL ~he I conldn't'hold onto <strong>the</strong> ball.<br />

fmal score came when Mike<br />

Gendron picked of{ a Lion pas~ . The game end~d Ilith defen.<br />

~ay. Oct. 12, at 8 p.m.• acco~d. included two <strong>long</strong> yardage and scampered 40 yards. The sive. ~talldout, ~Iike l\1onagh~n,<br />

,mg to RobeI'I E. Love, chair. passes. Both passes fro Ran. Lions' offense came to life late<br />

man. .. dy Bosca to Royce' sam~ were in <strong>the</strong> game with good runs by<br />

stoppmg a. Green Hornet dnve<br />

b~ re,eoverm<br />

20497 Mack Ave.<br />

16340 HARPER<br />

neor Whittier<br />

Ample Park<strong>ing</strong><br />

C. B. Charles Galleries, fnc.<br />

Presents a Magnificent<br />


Removed To The<br />

Throws snow<br />

whe,.. you want<br />

It to 'JIo!<br />

• Big 20 Inch wide sWlth<br />

adjustable<br />

• Highvelocitysnow<br />

chute. 2 H.P. IU model. Also<br />

discharge<br />

super ClIllYenient electric modef-<br />

• New enier start<strong>ing</strong><br />

$119.95 with 100 foot cord, ilL<br />

• New advanced 3X H.P. approved•<br />

Charles A. McFeely<br />

"nlline<br />

.... fturattu rllW liIlaU1I' It.... ,.<br />

Gridder at Trinity<br />

, F<strong>ing</strong>ertip control.<br />

Charles A. McFeely is one of<br />

59 members of <strong>the</strong> Trinity Col.<br />

l~ge football squad wbo hope to<br />

make Head Coach Don Miler's<br />

second football season at <strong>the</strong><br />

small New England men's col.<br />

lege even better than <strong>the</strong> first.<br />

Note:<br />

- Last year Trinity finished<br />

All aquiplllellt w. ..II I.<br />

6.1-1, <strong>the</strong> best ever for a first<br />

year coach in <strong>the</strong> 9O.year his-<br />


tory of <strong>the</strong> sport at <strong>the</strong> Hartford<br />

~ fully assembled<br />

liberal arts college. In 1878<br />

~ fully lel'Yicos<br />

Trinity became <strong>the</strong> 12th college<br />

in <strong>the</strong> nation to play intercollegiate<br />

football.<br />

McFeely, 6. foot 160- pound<br />

sophomore end is expected to<br />

playa big role in <strong>the</strong> defensive<br />

line. At Trinity, he is one of tb{'<br />

sophomores mov<strong>ing</strong> up to <strong>the</strong><br />

varsity from <strong>the</strong> undefeated<br />

frosh eleven of <strong>the</strong> last season.<br />

He has received a numeral in<br />

Lacrosse. Charles is <strong>the</strong> son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mc-<br />

Feely of 825 Lake~hore road.<br />

Trinity 'opens <strong>the</strong> 1968 season'<br />

in Hartford on September 28<br />

against Williams.<br />


g The auctJ~n Will be pre~eded I completed for 17 and 19 yards. !\Tark Monaghan. Brian Myers<br />

b)' a cocktaIl party an~ dlnn~r IThen Mike Hallop dove in from and a 14.yal'd pass play to<br />

•planned for. 5:3~. Dallcmg will <strong>the</strong> one giv<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cal'aliers a Mike O'Sullivan<br />

~follo~. Artists .rom ..<strong>the</strong> Hal" 6 to 0 lead. The extra polOt at. The Junior V~rsity played an<br />

I monle . Puk are~ \\111 at.tend Itempt was no good. inspired game, hut two defen.<br />

~ fu~ble on <strong>the</strong><br />

tlOns 10.yard Ime. rom Ste~m.<br />

Steve Ferry an~ Barry Qumn<br />

also played <strong>the</strong>ll' usual strong<br />

defensive games. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.<br />

an~ dl~play <strong>the</strong>ir operatlODs, In <strong>the</strong> second quart')r. it was sh'e lapses ii'ere costly. The<br />

Lo\ e said. a defensive battle in "'hich no first Quarter was scoreless with<br />

-'.- .. Iscor<strong>ing</strong> took place. Jim Gleason Riek Frame lead<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> defen.<br />

The Detroit Institute of ,6.rIS lof South Lake returned a punt sive unit. Early in <strong>the</strong> second<br />

Concert series '60 yardS. thaI would have <strong>been</strong> 1 quarter, Jim Lopiccolo slipped<br />

Edith J. Sreeman, Chllirmllil a touchdown, only to have it around end for 65 yards to put<br />

P<br />

~...mtinVANIA called because of a clipp<strong>ing</strong> pen. <strong>the</strong> Green Hornets on <strong>the</strong> score.<br />

Ii.LUli) alty. Most of <strong>the</strong> action was b(lard. The Lion offense eame<br />

good defensive work and punl. back with a strong drive led by<br />

BALLET<br />

<strong>ing</strong>. th~ slants of Rick Borlund and<br />

compony of 50 with orchestra. Dur<strong>ing</strong> half tillie, <strong>the</strong> Grosse Alan !.q,.q, •.q,.qv-Q-.'.( FEATURI NG tQ'l~~,q."q\IQ>~~<br />




~ ..f>•.q •.q.q..q.'.Q'>t~ ..q.~...q •.q..q.~~~o

Page fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />

Grosse Pointe News .<br />




Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan<br />


_____ __<br />

Memorial Center Schedule<br />

OPEN DAILY 9 A.M .. 9 P.1U.<br />

OCTOBER 10 - OCTOBER 17<br />

* All Memorial-sponsored activities open to <strong>the</strong><br />

\\That Goes On<br />

t<br />

"our<br />

a<br />

I.,-bra<br />

•• ry<br />

By Vlrglnli Leonard<br />

Phone TU 2-6900 Grosse Pointe. public. Hospital equipment available for '<br />

Member ~lichlgan Press Assodalion and ~atlonal Edi!orlal Association free loan: crutches, wheelchairs, heat<strong>ing</strong> lamps and hOSe A new (fourteenth) edition of eration, brinkmanship, cyberne-<br />


404 Firth A,.en"c,'~~

'.<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />

WOMEtI'S<br />

From Ano<strong>the</strong>r Pointe<br />

of View<br />

Used to be a big deal to change <strong>the</strong> color or your<br />

hajr. Used to be, but not anymore. Because now we<br />

have a nifty little machine that not only speeds up<br />

<strong>the</strong> whole process, but "getsmore beautiful results" than<br />

ever before. Like to turn into a ravish<strong>ing</strong> redhead<br />

or a glorious blonde or some sultry shade of brown<br />

without spend<strong>ing</strong> th~ whole day do<strong>ing</strong> it? Then see<br />

us. Progress is one cifour most important products, too.<br />

Bart Edmond<br />

4-5E. Adams/On The Park/Downtown/WO 2-1112<br />

TRAVEL an~ HOW<br />

to FACE IT<br />

You'll love this jaunty three-piece 100% Wool Knit<br />

costume. Bias striped blouse with match<strong>ing</strong> detachable<br />

scarf worn under a solid tone open jacket. Aline<br />

skirt. The ideal garment for travel. Oxford/Grey,<br />

70.00<br />

3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Road<br />

Punch and Judll Block<br />

TU 1.1505<br />

Short and to<br />

The Pointe<br />


Mrs. Dalel Miller<br />

Come see our coordinated<br />

collection of gourmet cook & serve<br />

porcelaimzed cast iron and accessories<br />

L_ _~n :"g"" ,:~:sa"dcol~, _ ~ _J<br />

98 Kercheval, on <strong>the</strong> Hill<br />

Harold Boyers<br />

Wed 40 Years<br />

A 1928 Rolls Royce, festooned<br />

with <strong>the</strong> tradiUonal "wedd<strong>ing</strong>"<br />

tin cans and a hand.lettered<br />

"Just Married" sign, stood at<br />

<strong>the</strong> entrance of <strong>the</strong> Little Club August<br />

Saturday even<strong>ing</strong>, where <strong>the</strong><br />

Harold Raymond Boyers cele.<br />

brated <strong>the</strong>il' 40th wedd<strong>ing</strong> an.<br />

7<br />

Miss Jeep Marries<br />

Dale James Miller<br />

30 Rites In St, Paul's-on.<strong>the</strong>-lakeshore<br />

Followed By Reception at Grosse<br />

Pointe Yaeht Club<br />

3ht .shop.s of<br />

Kercheyal at St. Clair<br />

550 N, W.odward<br />

Page Fifteeft<br />

niversary with a ruby, (ruby is At home in East Lans<strong>ing</strong>, where she is teach<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

<strong>the</strong> 40th wedd<strong>ing</strong> jewe\), party. he is complet<strong>ing</strong> hintudies at Michigan State University,<br />

Harry Bell and Bob G1assett are Mr. and Mrs. Dale James Miller, who vacationed in<br />

oC Palm Beach and New York<br />

designed <strong>the</strong>Cluh's interior de- Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Michigan follow<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir Friday even<strong>ing</strong>, Aucor.<br />

Follow<strong>ing</strong> cocktails in <strong>the</strong> gust 30, wedd<strong>ing</strong> in St. Paul's.on.<strong>the</strong>.Lakeshore.<br />

lounge, guests passed through Mrs. Miller is <strong>the</strong> former 0<br />

<strong>the</strong> door open<strong>ing</strong> into "Fran's Carla Mary Joop, daughter Namara and bridesmaids Mary<br />

and Bill's Speakeasy", ro dine of Mrs. Lewis H. Echlin, Jr., Echlin, Kathy Van Hull, Bar.<br />

and dance in a sett<strong>ing</strong> of ruby of Lake Shore lane and <strong>the</strong> bara Ann Clinton and Joan<br />

splendor. late Carl C. Joop. Her hus. Miller, <strong>the</strong> bridegroom's sister.<br />

Tablecloths and napkins were band is <strong>the</strong> son of Mr. and They carried baskets filled<br />

ruby. Centerpieces were fash. Mrs. Raymond P. Miller, of with pink and white carnations.<br />

ioned of ruby carnations, ruby<br />

plumes bedecked <strong>the</strong> ceil<strong>ing</strong> Cloverly road. Best man was Mic h a e I<br />

candelabra and ruby balloons Far <strong>the</strong> 7 o'clock rites <strong>the</strong> Heaphy. Jon Nach, Dennis<br />

bobbed above <strong>the</strong> tables and bride, given in marriage by Ega~, Gregg Miller and Frank<br />

dance floor. her bro<strong>the</strong>r, Robert C. Joop, Gmemer. seated <strong>the</strong> guests.<br />

Roar<strong>ing</strong> '20s posters and selected a sleeveless, high. ~ollowmg <strong>the</strong> ceremony, at<br />

showbills were featured on <strong>the</strong> necked gown of white pointe' which Thc Reverend Walsh<br />

walls and behind <strong>the</strong>1-landstand d'esprit, fashioned with an Em- officiated, Mr. and Mrs. Echlin<br />

wher~ Jack Qualey's augment- pire bodice, A line skirt and entertained at a reception at<br />

ed orchestra featur<strong>ing</strong> music of !rain, and accented with appli. <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe Yacht Club.<br />

<strong>the</strong> 1928 period, held forth qued Venice lace flowers. Mrs. Echlin wore a sleeve.<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> even<strong>ing</strong>, a A match<strong>ing</strong> pillbox head. less, floor length gown of blu~<br />

A. D. RUEGSEGGER, of<br />

By Janet Mueller<br />

Balfour road, has <strong>been</strong> elected<br />

first vice-president of <strong>the</strong> State<br />

Bar o"fMichigan. A member of<br />

Members of Goodwill Industries' Junior Group are Grosse Pointe M e mar i a I<br />

busy prepar<strong>ing</strong> for <strong>the</strong>ir 21st Annual Antiques Market Church, he was chairman of <strong>the</strong><br />

and Sale, to be held - as always! - at <strong>the</strong> Goodwill<br />

Lawyers Division for <strong>the</strong> Dime<br />

Build<strong>ing</strong> of '<strong>the</strong> United Founda-<br />

Industries plant, Brusb street at East Grand boulevard,<br />

tion Torch Drive from 1949 i;,;<br />

<strong>the</strong>ater marque - type electric piece caught her illusion veil, peau de soie, fashioned wilh<br />

Detroit.<br />

through" 1959 and has <strong>been</strong> a<br />

sign spelled out <strong>the</strong> legend and she carried a nosegay of a jewelled bodice. The bride.<br />

Proceeds - also as always! - will be used to bene- director of <strong>the</strong> Children's Aid<br />

I "FRAN-BILL 1928" in giant white roses and stephanotis. groom's mo<strong>the</strong>r selected a<br />

fit Goodwill's handicapped employes.<br />

Society since 1955. He is a past<br />

bulbs. White lace trimmed <strong>the</strong> pink bead-accented gown of' lime<br />

Mrs. Boyer, (she's <strong>the</strong> former linen A line frocks worn by Igreen crepe. Both mo<strong>the</strong>rs pin-<br />

. This year, <strong>the</strong> Show will open on a FRIDAY eve- president. of <strong>the</strong> Detroit Bar CARLA MARY JOOP, daughter of Mrs. Lewis H. Frances Alger), wore <strong>the</strong> Per. honor attendant Marnie Me- ned orchids to <strong>the</strong>ir purses.<br />

mmg, November 8, with an invitational champagne Pre.<br />

Association and of <strong>the</strong> Michigan<br />

Echlin, Jr., of Lake Shore lane; and.<strong>the</strong> late Carl C.<br />

Railroad Lawyers Association,<br />

fect Ruby Gown for <strong>the</strong> Per. --------------------~view<br />

Party. Honorary Preview chairmen are Governor<br />

a member of <strong>the</strong> American Bar Joop, was married Friday even<strong>ing</strong> August 30, in St. Perfect R.uby Part~ fashioned of service award presented by <strong>the</strong> LINE BEEVER, daughter of<br />

and Mrs. George M. Romney, (Lenore's a Goodwill memo Association," <strong>the</strong> American Paul's.on.<strong>the</strong>.Lakeshote to Mr. Miller, .son Of <strong>the</strong> Ray. ruby satin, <strong>long</strong> In back ~nd :Michigan Association for Better MR. and MRS. ROBERT BEE-<br />

ber), and co.chairman Mrs. George M. Brooks promises Judicature Society, <strong>the</strong> National mond P. Millers, of Cloverly road.<br />

short in front, with an illUSiOn Hear<strong>ing</strong> and Speech September VER of Wenday lane, ROBERT<br />

<strong>the</strong> Preview will be an especially gala - and an es. Conference of Bar Presidents<br />

neckline, it was created by 28 is JAMES B. KALER, of EDWARDS. son of GRACE ED.<br />

pecially "fun" - event.<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Detroit Alumni Semite School and holder of a Bachelor I son of MR. and MRS. KEITH Walton.Pierce from a 1928 Lan. Stanton lane assistant vice. WARDS of Hillcrest road and<br />

The show will be open to <strong>the</strong> public Saturday, of Delta Theta Phi legal fra- of Arts degree from Wash<strong>ing</strong>- W. EVANS, of McKinley ave- vin design. president for' personnel, Michi- WILLIAM TESCH, son of' MR.<br />

gan Bell Telephone Company, and MRS. NORBERT TESCH,<br />

November 9, through 1'uesday, November 12, from 11<br />

ternity and a. charter member ton and Lee University. I nue, RICHARD P. LOCKE, son<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Michigan Association of<br />

.. .. .. I of DR. and MRS. DON RAN- hole-in-one recentl~' at <strong>the</strong> a past-president of both <strong>the</strong> of Hillcrest road.<br />

in <strong>the</strong> morn<strong>ing</strong> until 9 in <strong>the</strong> even<strong>ing</strong> every day except<br />

Defense Counsel.<br />

Among those who ga<strong>the</strong>red. NEY, of Renaud road, MARIL- Partridge Creek Country Club, Michigan Association for Better .. .. ..<br />

Tuesday, when it closes at 6 o'clock. Admittance each<br />

.. .. ..<br />

September 4 at <strong>the</strong> Bloomfield YNN L. ROSS, daughter of MR. has <strong>been</strong> entered in <strong>the</strong> Rusty Hear<strong>ing</strong> and Speech and <strong>the</strong> MR. and ~'I.RS. JAN L.<br />

day is $1.50.<br />

~{embers of <strong>the</strong> current First Hills home of MRS. MAYNARD and MRS. JOHN D. ROSS, of Nail Hole.ln.One !'ontest" Nat~ollal Association of Hear<strong>ing</strong> RIEVESCHL announce <strong>the</strong> birth<br />

• • •<br />

Year Class at <strong>the</strong> Wayne State ANDRAEL to become acquaint. Hampton road, VIVIAN BRAD.<br />

~ .. .. and Speech Agencies. of a SOil, DAVID CARLISLE,<br />

There'll be several new-this'year features, accord<strong>ing</strong> University School of Medicine ed with girls who are attend. BURY, daughter of tl\e ALAN Pointers DR. WINNIFRED .. .. .. September 30 at <strong>the</strong> Yale New<br />

to general chairmen Mrs. Robert Bennett and Mrs. are THOMAS F. McCORMICK, <strong>ing</strong> Briarcliff College and meet BRADBURYS, of Lakeland ave. FENTON, ANNA S. HUSBAND, MRS. LIVINGSTON HOWARD, Haven Hospital, New Haven,<br />

Robert H. Dodd.<br />

son of <strong>the</strong>" JOHN F. McCOR- those who entered <strong>the</strong> College nue, and LINDA JANE BRINK, MRS. HAROLD CAMBURN, of Merriwea<strong>the</strong>r road, aUendedConn. Mrs. Riel'eschl is <strong>the</strong> for.<br />

There'll be no need to worry about find<strong>ing</strong> a park- MICKS. of South Oxford roael, this fall were MRS. CAREW P. I daughter of <strong>the</strong> JOHN BRINKS, MRS. FRANKLIN LORENT- a two-day meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Board mer BAR BAR A. PEARCE.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> space: Attendants will pick up and deliver cars at a graduate of Grosse Pointe MAR TIN D ALE, of Hill-: of Sunn<strong>ing</strong>dale drive.<br />

ZEN, JR., and :MRS. O. n. of Directors of Bennett College daughter of FRED W. PEARCE;<br />

High" School and holder of a crest road, president of <strong>the</strong> .. .. ..<br />

NORDSTROM are members of Alumnae Association, held at of ChaUonte avenue. Paternal<br />

<strong>the</strong> door.<br />

Bachelor of "Science degree from Briarcliff Club of Detroia, and MR. and MRS.' JAMES AR- <strong>the</strong> Michigan Music Teachers <strong>the</strong> two-year college for worn- g"andparents are DR. and MRS.<br />

(Continued on Page 27)<br />

<strong>the</strong> University of Michigan; new studentS KAY STOVER, THUR BAUBlE, JR.. of Edsel Association, which has sched. en's Millbrook, N. Y." campus GEOlWE RIEVESCHL,of Lotb-<br />

PETER H. WAYNE. 111, son SUSAN W A T KIN S, BETSY Ford court, St. Clair Shores, uled its 83rd annual Fall Con- October 7 and 8. Mrs." Howard rop road.<br />

of MR. and MRS. PETER H.<br />

WOOD"and BARBARA LONG- announce <strong>the</strong> birth of <strong>the</strong>ir first venlion October 13 through 15 has just <strong>been</strong> named chairman<br />

WAYNE; of Woods lane, a YEAR, ail. Pointers. Pointers child, a son, JAMES ARTh'UR at Western Michigan Univer- of Bennett's Alumnae Fund.<br />


graduate of Austin Catholic<br />

return<strong>ing</strong> to" Briarcliff include BAUBlE, 1lI, September 13. sity, Kalamazoo. .. .. ..<br />

It's <strong>the</strong> aim of most people<br />

Preparatory School and holder JOSEPHINE FOR D, NANCY Mrs_ Baubie. is <strong>the</strong> for mer<br />

.. .. .. Study<strong>ing</strong> at The Detroit Co1- ro get a~ad, but today <strong>the</strong>y're<br />

of a Bachelor of Science degree<br />

HENDEE BARBARA STEW. KATHERINE STEDMAN, Recipient of a community lege of Business are JACQUE. lucky j~st to catch up.<br />

from <strong>the</strong> University of NoU'e<br />

ART, M.i M I '!'HURBER and daughter of MR. and MRS.<br />

Dame; KIM C. SMITH, son of<br />

BETHlNEWHITNEY. Mo<strong>the</strong>rs LYNN. GIFFORD STEDMAN.<br />

<strong>the</strong> GEORGi!. R. SMITHS, oC<br />

of students were invited to par- JR., of Balfour road. Paternal<br />

Whittier road, a graduate of<br />

ticipate in <strong>the</strong> tea party. Mrs. grandparents are MR. and MRS.<br />

\ '<br />

Grosse Pointe High School and<br />

holder of a Bachelor of Arts<br />

Martindale, assisted by MRS. JAMES ARTHUR BAUBlE, of<br />

degree from Wittenberg Uni.<br />

JOHN E. BODKIN and MISS Colonial road.<br />

I<br />

MARTHA ADAM, entertained .... •<br />

, I<br />

\<br />

versity; CHRISTOPHER L. LEE,<br />

son of <strong>the</strong> HOWARD A. LEES, PHYLLIS HOLMES, director of Cadet BRIAN GREINER. son<br />

This is progress.<br />

of Rivard boulevard, a graduate Admiszions, Briarcliff College, of MR. and MRS. CLAUDE A.<br />

of Grosse. Pointe High School at a party given by .<strong>the</strong> Detroit GREINER, of Lakeshore road,<br />

and holder of a Bachelor o~ Sci area Briarcliff alumnae Octo. has <strong>been</strong> promoted to corporal<br />

ence in Engineer<strong>ing</strong> degree ber 8. in <strong>the</strong> Reserve Officers Train.<br />

from <strong>the</strong> University of Mich-<br />

.. .. .. <strong>ing</strong>-Corps unit at Missouri MiIiigan;<br />

and JAMES W. LARGE, Grosse Po~te Hi g h School tary Academy, Mexico, Mo.<br />

son of DR. and MRS. ALFRED graduates who have begun <strong>the</strong>ir .. .. ..<br />

M. LARGE, of Elm court, a studies at HiIls;iale College in- ''rlLLIAM J. PETERSON, of<br />

graduate of Gro~se Pointe High clude CLAYTON W. EVANS, Prestwick road, who scored a<br />

Grosse Point.<br />

Birmt ... hlm _<br />

Are<br />

W"tton#Pi~r,~<br />

Page Sixteen. b R 0 SSE POI N " ENE W S Thursday, October 10. 1968<br />

Society News Ga<strong>the</strong>red fr~m All of <strong>the</strong> Pointes<br />

Trimmer-Newhouse<br />

Nuptials Celebrated<br />

Newlyweds Will Retur;-fro~- Vac6tion in Florida and<br />

The Bahamas to Make <strong>the</strong>ir Home in Birm<strong>ing</strong>ham;<br />

Jewelled Lace Trims Bride's Silk Organza Gown<br />

. Sacred Heart Chur~Noire- Dame, Ind., was <strong>the</strong><br />

settIng for <strong>the</strong> Saturday, October 5, wedd<strong>ing</strong> of Nancy<br />

Ann Newhouse. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sidney<br />

Newhouse, of Kerby road, and Thomas Davis Trimmer<br />

son of Mr. and Mr~. William E. Trimmer of South<br />

Bend, Ind. ~ . •<br />

The Reverend H. W.I Walleau train.<br />

Riley and The ~~verend I Her Chapel length, tiered silk<br />

Damel ~owler o.fflclated. at, illusion veil fell from a 5ilk prin.<br />

<strong>the</strong> 1 0 clock rites, WhICh cess cap outlined with scallops<br />

were followed by a recep. of jeweled lace, and she carried<br />

tion in Notre Dame's Mor. a cascade of white mums and<br />

ris Inn. stephanotis, entwined with white<br />

Jeweled Alencon lace accent-r sa.tin stre.amers .and centered<br />

cd <strong>the</strong> bride's silk organza WIth a whIte orchId.<br />

gown, fashioned with a molded t Honor matron Mrs. David<br />

Empire bodice and a circular Hamm and bridesmaids Carolyn<br />

FOR THE LOVE Of fUN •<br />






OF SHOW BIZ'<br />

• •<br />

tht OlA .:Qlatt<br />

15301 E, JEFFERSON<br />

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Trimmer, <strong>the</strong> bridegroom's SiS'\<br />

ter, Mary Rudolph, of Indiana.<br />

polis, Jnd., and Mrs. Bruce'<br />

Coleman wore Princess frocks<br />

of yellow peau styled with back<br />

panels and necklines trimmed<br />

with Venetian lace and mint<br />

ribbon.<br />

Their headpieces were match.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> mint ribbon bows, and <strong>the</strong>y<br />

carried balls oC yellow mums<br />

entwined with green satin<br />

streamers.<br />

Best man was Charles Hodges<br />

of South BC!nd. In <strong>the</strong> usher<br />

corps were Philip Newhouse,<br />

bro<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> bride, Paul Trim.<br />

mer. <strong>the</strong> bridegroom's bla<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

Bruce Coleman and David R.<br />

Newhouse. ano<strong>the</strong>r bro<strong>the</strong>r of<br />

<strong>the</strong> bride,<br />

The bride's mo<strong>the</strong>r wore a<br />

beige ensemble or silk.and.<br />

worsted and Alencon lace. with<br />

match<strong>ing</strong> accessories. The bride.<br />

groom's mo<strong>the</strong>r selected a<br />

moss green coat and dress coso<br />

tume, also with match<strong>ing</strong> ac.<br />

cessories. Both mo<strong>the</strong>rs chose<br />

yellow cymbidium orchid cor.<br />

sages.<br />

The newlyweds, vacation<strong>ing</strong><br />

in Florida and The Bahamas,<br />

will return to make <strong>the</strong>ir home<br />

in Birm<strong>ing</strong>ham.<br />

Among <strong>the</strong> out-of.town guests<br />

were <strong>the</strong> bride's grandparents,<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Jones.<br />

of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Louis K<strong>ing</strong>, of Dela.<br />

ware, 0.. and lIlrs. Alfred E:<br />

Newhouse, oC Wooster, O.<br />

Pledged to K a p p a Alpha<br />

Theta sorority at Denison Uni.<br />

versity, G ran viII e, 0., are<br />

MARY BLAKESLEE, daughter<br />

of <strong>the</strong> WILLIAM S. BLAKES.<br />

LEES, of Warne r road and<br />

EVE COTTER, daughter of <strong>the</strong><br />

FRANK D. COTTERS, of Ri<br />

vard boulevard. Mary is a fresh.<br />

man. Eve is a junior who came<br />

to Denison a { t e r graduation<br />

{rom Pine Manor Junior Col.<br />

lege, Wellesley, Mass.<br />

Vito & Johns Hair Fashions<br />


•<br />


.. ... .'.....<br />





886-3730 • 63 Kerclte'vlli • 886..3731<br />

SLACKS<br />

SALE<br />

7 99 to 13 99<br />

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Tremendous selections of better<br />

fait slacks in plaids, checks, solids.<br />

Styles include front tab, belt loop,<br />

and side zips, all tailored to our<br />

exact<strong>ing</strong> specifications ... sizes<br />

5 to 15 and 6 to 16.<br />


on <strong>the</strong> Hill<br />

Mrs. Thomas Trimmer<br />

Photo by Eddie McGralh. Jr.<br />

Exchang<strong>ing</strong>. marriage vows Saturday. October 5, in<br />

Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Ind., were NANCY<br />

ANN NEWHOUSE and Mr. Trimmer. She is <strong>the</strong> daughter<br />

of <strong>the</strong> S. Sidney Newhouses, of Kerby road. The<br />

bridegroom is <strong>the</strong> son of <strong>the</strong> William E. Trimmers, of<br />

South Bend, Ind.<br />

April Bride<br />

At Your Service, Always<br />

Betro<strong>the</strong>d<br />

Photo b) !lran.by Studio Photo by Eddie McGl'lllh, Jr. I<br />

Plans for an April wedd<strong>ing</strong> At a family dinner Saturday, i<br />

arc he<strong>ing</strong> made hv LINDA September 28, Dr. and Mrs. I<br />

1.0UIS~; WALKER and .James Roberl N. Ruthven, of New.'<br />

W. Kimmins. whose engagement herry place, announced <strong>the</strong> en.<br />

has beC'n announcC'd hy her par. gagement of <strong>the</strong>ir daughter,<br />

enls . .\Ir, and ~Irs. Arlhur c. I CAROL JEAN, to Mark Roy<br />

Walker. of Lincoln road. Bendure. son of <strong>the</strong> Howard<br />

The bride.C'leel is a graduate Bendures, o{ McKinney street, !<br />

of (;ross(' Poinle lIi~h School Detroit. I<br />

!lnd a!tC'nded Ferris State Col- I The bride.elecl at ten d e d i<br />

Ic~e, , Bradley University and will be I<br />

Hcr fianre. Sfin of .\Ir, and attend<strong>ing</strong> Eastern Michigan'<br />

.\Irs, ,\Iilton n, Kimmins. of Van University. Her fiance is a pre-<br />

Antwerp road. was graduated law students at <strong>the</strong> Uni'!ersily<br />

from Heelford High Sellool ami of Michigan. I<br />

servcd wilh <strong>the</strong> Eighth Air An August wedd<strong>ing</strong> is Plan-I<br />

For('L~SIr" lcgic Command. 'Ied.<br />

"_.----_ .._------------------- ---<br />


Thursday, October 10, /968<br />

Woman's .Page • • •<br />

'Understudies' Plan<br />

President's Previ~w<br />

Group Schedul<strong>ing</strong> Tea to Acquaint Presidents and<br />

Program Chairman Of Detroit-Area Women's<br />

Club With Hilberry Theatre<br />

G R 0 SSE POI N-r ENE W 5 Page Seventeen<br />

by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Accept<strong>ing</strong> Assignment With A Smile<br />

. The "Understudies" of. Wayne State University's<br />

Hllberry Theatre \\'~re guests of Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy,<br />

of Provencal road, recently for luncheon at <strong>the</strong> Coun.<br />

~ry Club of Detroit. The occasion was a wrap.up meetmg<br />

t~ celebrate <strong>the</strong>ir fund-<strong>rais</strong><strong>ing</strong> accomplishments,<br />

(over $20,000 to date), and to plan <strong>the</strong> President's Pre- II<br />

view, scheduled for November 9.<br />

The "Understudies" a'"--------------committee<br />

of 51 Detroit- r over from last year, "Hamlet" I<br />

area women, are seek<strong>ing</strong> to a.nd "A Flea in Her Ear,". and I<br />

<strong>rais</strong>e $30,000 in fellowship ftve o<strong>the</strong>r, ne\~, .producl1on~: I<br />

funds for members of <strong>the</strong> Shakespear~ s RIchard III I<br />

Th at.' . t and "Julius Caesar," Shaw's<br />

e 1e sIeper ory com- "j\f a j 0 I' Barbara"" Brecht's I<br />

pany, composed of 36 out. "The Good Woman of Setzuan"<br />

stand<strong>ing</strong> gra.d~ate act 0 I' s-I and DuerrcumaU's "The Visit."<br />

and technIcians selected' In <strong>the</strong> absence o{ <strong>the</strong> chairfrom<br />

all parts of <strong>the</strong> coun.1 man, 1111'S.Joseph A. Vance,<br />

try to study and perform at Jr., ?f .South Deelands road,<br />

Wayne State University J who IS In Europe, Mrs. Keast,<br />

. , . hersell an active "Understudy,"<br />

A total of. $20,~OO already I presided at <strong>the</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

has <strong>been</strong> raISed. It ~vas an- I 1111'S. Michael Ference, Jr., MRS. WILLIAM W. PEATTIE<br />

nou.need al <strong>the</strong>. meetmg pre. I reported on anolher project (right), of Moran road, Eastern Wayne's<br />

cedmg IUllch III <strong>the</strong> Green I be<strong>ing</strong> supported by <strong>the</strong> "Und~r- residential chairman for <strong>the</strong> 1968 Torch<br />

Ro?m of <strong>the</strong> COu~,lry Club. studies" - air.condition<strong>ing</strong> of Drive, was handed a $410,184 assign-<br />

ThIS represents 68 '3 percent botll <strong>the</strong> Hilberry and Bon.<br />

of .<strong>the</strong> goal, a progress figure stelle <strong>the</strong>atres at WSU. ment last week. That is <strong>the</strong> amount her<br />

whIch ex~eeds <strong>the</strong> past record Mrs. Keast also announced unit is asked to <strong>rais</strong>e through door-to.<br />

at <strong>the</strong> tlme of <strong>the</strong> ~vrap.up <strong>the</strong> schedul<strong>ing</strong> at a Theatre door solicitatiolls in <strong>the</strong> 20th allnual<br />

luncheon - 67 percent III 1966. ITea to be sponsored by. <strong>the</strong> United Foundation campaign. She re-<br />

Fund are b e i n g <strong>rais</strong>ed I group this fall. GuestS, presi- ceived her quota from ano<strong>the</strong>r Grosse<br />

~~I~?~;shf:~~OT~~~il~eu~poc~;;:~:I~~~:~i~~~e~r~~~:n,~h:l~~~~v~f Tl ---J----C--------------W..l ---.--k<br />

Pointer, MRS. HENRY H. HUBBARD,<br />

III, of Lothrop road, Tri.County resi.<br />

dential chairman. Mrs. Hubbard's overall<br />

quota for <strong>the</strong> Torch Drive's five<br />

residEmlial units is $1,011,363. The earnpai!m.<br />

set for October 15 through Nov.<br />

ember 7, will benefit nearly 200 health<br />

and community services.<br />

....--B---~l' .-.----who<br />

will be <strong>the</strong> guests of uni-I be introduced by <strong>the</strong> Under-: lOmaS . aValUlltf!.h . i, 1Tae ru. €<br />

versity President and Mrs. studies to <strong>the</strong> Theatre, sume o{ I 'I d M Ch I DC' de U. d St I A 5541h E .<br />

William R. Kellst at <strong>the</strong> sixlh j its company members, and <strong>the</strong> " r. an rs. ar ~s . _ 1'0 He.I' fIance allen ed <strong>the</strong> univer., mte a cs rmy , nglannual<br />

President's Preview on services it offers to <strong>the</strong>m. nenworth, of St. Clan', 1II1ch., sity of Delroit and Northwood ncers.<br />

Saturday, NOI'embCl' 9. Professor Leonard L

Page -Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS . Thursday, Octob.rIO, (968<br />

Society News Ga<strong>the</strong>red from All of <strong>the</strong> Pointes<br />

Libri Meet<strong>ing</strong><br />

Slated Oct. 14<br />

Libri members will ga<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Monday, October 14, for <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

open<strong>ing</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> season<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Grand Ma<strong>rais</strong> boultward<br />

home of Mrs. Robert H. Healy,<br />

who has asked Mrs. Bruce<br />

Kirk, Mrs. Charles L. Wilson,<br />

Mrs. Carleton Healy and Mrs.<br />

Henry Wenger to serve as assistant<br />

hostesses.<br />

Pearce Lettncr will present<br />

a program on "Antique Jewel.<br />

ry."<br />

Libri officers for 1968-69 include<br />

Mrs. Charles H. Mac.<br />

Mahon, president. Mrs. Healy,<br />

first vice-presidenl. Mrs. R.<br />

Kenneth Arms. second vicepresident,<br />

Mrs. James D.<br />

Tracy. record<strong>ing</strong> secretary,<br />

Mrs. John Longley, correspond.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> secretary, and Mrs. Charles<br />

L. Wilson, Jr., treasurer.<br />

Meet<strong>ing</strong>s' chairman is Mrs.<br />

Healy, membership chairman is<br />

Mrs. Arms, press chairman is<br />

Mrs. David Gamble and pro.<br />

gram chairman is Mrs. Carroll<br />

Boulell.<br />

Pi Beta Phi Alumnae<br />

To Meet October 14<br />

The Grosse Pointe Aluim.ae<br />

of Pi Beta Phi, <strong>the</strong> nation's old.<br />

cst fraternity for women, will<br />

inaugurate <strong>the</strong>ir 1968-69 program<br />

with a meet<strong>ing</strong> at 8<br />

o'clock Monday even<strong>ing</strong>, Octo.<br />

ber 14, at <strong>the</strong> home of ",frs.<br />

John Prost in Pemberton road.<br />

Desscrt and coffee will be<br />

served. All Pi Phis in <strong>the</strong> area<br />

are urged to attend. Those unable<br />

to come to <strong>the</strong> open<strong>ing</strong><br />

meet<strong>ing</strong> may send <strong>the</strong>ir dues of<br />

$6.50 to Mrs. Richard Kost, 332<br />

Moran road, Grosse Pointe<br />

48236, Michigan.<br />

Officers of <strong>the</strong> group for <strong>the</strong><br />

com<strong>ing</strong> year. are president Mrs.<br />

J. D. Owens, of Buck<strong>ing</strong>ham<br />

road, vice-president Mrs. Prost,<br />

treasurer Mrs. Richard Kost,<br />

of Moran road, and secretary<br />

Mrs. William Grierson, of Hawthorne<br />

road.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r Board members include<br />

Mrs. Carl Mier, of Lachmoor<br />

boulevard, Mrs. John Seeber,<br />

of Hampton road, Mrs. Sam Ir.<br />

win, of Sunn<strong>ing</strong>dale drive, Mrs.<br />

John DeWald, of Alger place,<br />

and Mrs. Charles Tumey, of<br />

Vernier road.<br />

#~i!~Y/lnd'~<br />

Fred and Pat Jean<br />




1925 VERN IER RD. ~~?J~ TU 6-0600<br />

August Bride<br />

Get <strong>the</strong> inside story on eyewear Quality. Ask sonJ~Qf t~ thousands of Michigan people<br />

who enjoy comforlable, confid~nt visiol).with Van.'Dyke Optical glesses. At Van Oyke.<br />

constant concern with Qualilfassures a .scientific visual examinalion of <strong>the</strong> utmost<br />

accuracy and lenses that are prescriptioii,corre(;t, always. Excellence of design in<br />

<strong>the</strong> famous frame you wear speaksvolume$ a~out your good tasle. Safeguard good vision<br />

~nilh experienced eye care and Ihe finest eyewear. Qualily. Van Dyke wrote <strong>the</strong> book.<br />


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GROSSE PTE. WOODS: 21207 Mack: Phone 886-1066<br />

Open daily, includ<strong>ing</strong> Saturday 9:30 to 6-Mon. & Thurs. '/;19<br />

DR. HENRY M. MARKOWITZ, Licensed Optometrist<br />

Plann<strong>ing</strong> to be married next Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balan, Jr .•<br />

Au g u stare JACQUELYN of Harcourt road, are announc.<br />

MARIE BOHM and Karl Wil- <strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> engagement of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

Ham Berno, whose engagement daugl1ter, MARSHA ANNE, to<br />

has <strong>been</strong> announced by her Charles Craven Thomas, son of<br />

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thorn.<br />

L. Bohm, of Hollywood avenue. as, of Ferndale.<br />

The prospective bridegroom, Miss Balan, a Grosse Pointe<br />

who is <strong>the</strong> son of Mr. and Mrs. High SChool graduate, attended<br />

William M. Berno, of Haw. Ferris Sule College where she<br />

thorne road, has just finished affiliated with Alpha Gamma<br />

a year in Viet Nam and is now Delta sorority and i!t now atserv<strong>ing</strong><br />

his final year with thE: tend<strong>ing</strong> Wayne State Unlver.<br />

United States Army at Fort sity.<br />

Bragg, N.C. Her fiance. a Ferndale High<br />

Bolh. <strong>the</strong> bride and bride- School graduate, will r'.:~eive<br />

groom.elect are graduates of a Bachelor of Science degree<br />

Grosse I'ointe High School. in Business Administration from<br />

Wayne State University in De-<br />

I ]f happiness could be bought,<br />

I few of us would have <strong>the</strong> price.<br />

cember.<br />

A December<br />

planned.<br />

21 wedd<strong>ing</strong> is<br />



By Agothc. Christie<br />

November 8. 9, 10, 13, 14, 15. 16<br />


.January<br />

. By Neil Simon<br />

17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24,25<br />


By Jerry Goldman<br />

March 21. 22, 23, 26. 27, 28, 29<br />


By<br />

Jllne<br />

Jerry Bock & Sheldon Hornick<br />

13, 14. 15, 18, 19, 20. 21<br />

Deeplands Club<br />

Meet<strong>ing</strong> Oct. 14<br />

The next meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Deep.<br />

lands Garden Club will be held<br />

Monday, October 14, at noon at<br />

<strong>the</strong> home of Mrs. Pierre Pal.<br />

mentier in Fa ire 0 u r t. Mrs.<br />

Thomas L. Munson is assist<strong>ing</strong><br />

as co.hostess.<br />

The program will be a sym.<br />

posium on Jndoor Plants given<br />

by Mrs. Munson.<br />

Newly.elected club social secretary<br />

is Mrs. Wallace A.<br />

Temple.<br />

Incumbent officers include<br />

president Mrs. John C. Cook,<br />

vice-president Mrs. M un son,<br />

treasurer Mrs. Palmentier and<br />

record<strong>ing</strong> secretary Mrs. Leslie<br />

M. Lowery.<br />

Committee Chairwomen include<br />

merr.bership. Mrs. Fred<br />

Kaess; horticulture and <strong>the</strong>rapy,<br />

Mrs. John R. Birch; civic beau.<br />

tification and conservation, Mrs.<br />

Windsor S. Davies, and pub.<br />

licity, Mrs. Jobn A. Demorest.<br />

A.rtists Market<br />

Exhibit Slated<br />

The next exhibit at <strong>the</strong> Detroit<br />

Artists Market, "Mediterranean<br />

Reflections," opens Friday,<br />

October 11, with a 3 to 7<br />

o'clock reception to meet <strong>the</strong><br />

artists: Mary Jane Bigler. Olga<br />

Constantine. Hugo De Soto,<br />

Zubel Kachadoorian, Louise<br />

Nobili and Susan Smyly.<br />

The exhihit will continue at<br />

<strong>the</strong> Gallery in Randolph street,<br />

Detmit. through November 12.<br />

Also featured will be works of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Market's "Potter of <strong>the</strong><br />

Month," John Loree.<br />

Gallery hours are 10 to 5<br />

o'clock Monday through Saturday.<br />

MR. and )IRS. F RAN K<br />


TY. of Grosse Poinle), announce<br />

<strong>the</strong> birth or a son. STE-<br />

VEN ANDREW, in Wash<strong>ing</strong>ton,<br />

D.C.• September 28.<br />

1968.69<br />

SEASON<br />

Fries Auditorium 32 Lakeshore Rd. Season tickets $10.00<br />

8:30 P.M. (7:30 Sllndays) Individual tickets $2.50 1$3.50 for Fiorello)<br />

WEEKENDS SOLD OUT lGood seats availal:,fe Wednesdays and Thursdays)<br />

'.••...................•.. \ '<br />


* ~<br />


: Phone Grosse Pointe War Memorial (881-7511) for reservations t<br />

~*******••••••••••••••••••*••**************************************~<br />

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

F.o~<strong>the</strong>atre tickets fill out and mail now! (P'ease print)<br />

hclosed I, my chcll ~or $......<br />

Performalice n;,ht "Iired<br />

f prefer individual tickell for:<br />

Show<br />

I udo.e $ . for<br />

Home ....<br />

Addre .......<br />

.......• or ..... , ........ ,.... lOn ticklh @ $10.00 N.<br />

. Date<br />

tick @ $2.50 ea. 1$3.S0 for mUlicall<br />

...... , , ,. Phone<br />

Moll to: GrOIN Pointe Th.at .... 32 Lakeshore Rd., Groue Pointe 018236<br />

Del Langbauer To Clailn Bride<br />

Del Langbauer, son of Mr. Karen is a graduate of<br />

and Mrs. E. N. Langbauer, of Scripps College and a recipient<br />

Dean Lane, wDl claim Karen of <strong>the</strong> Phi Bela Kappa award.<br />

Sundnes, daughter of Mr. and Her fiance was graduated from<br />

Mrs. Per Sundnes, of Seattle Grosse Pointe High School and<br />

Wash., as his bride October 11. Duke University and is presentin<br />

Webb Chapel. ClaremoDt, ly a candidate for a Doctorate<br />

Calif. .at Claremont Graduate SChool.<br />

.'<br />

The newlyweds will be leav<strong>ing</strong><br />

for Europe and will make<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir borne in France {or <strong>the</strong><br />

next year while he completes<br />

his Doctoral studies at <strong>the</strong><br />

University of Slrasbourg.<br />

The advantage gained by,tak<strong>ing</strong><br />

advantage of a friend always<br />

backfires sooner or later.<br />

Open Thursday and Friday Even<strong>ing</strong>s<br />

Jacobsons<br />



Peignoir Sets<br />


daughter of MR. and MRS.<br />

WILLIAM B. FERRY, of Littlestone<br />

road, achieved a grade<br />

point average of 3.5 to 4.0 {or<br />

courses taken dur<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> second<br />

semester of <strong>the</strong> iast academic<br />

year at <strong>the</strong> College of Wooster,<br />

Wooster, 0., where she is a full.<br />

time student.<br />

This is a wondertur opportunity<br />

to saw on elegant peigno;<br />

sets in beautiful designs<br />

to delight every woman. ••<br />

soft nylon tricot in pink.<br />

green. yellow or white.<br />

Sizes S.M.<br />

><br />

i<br />

Jacobsons<br />

cafe society brown by Vanity Fair<br />

gives you fashion color 811<strong>the</strong> way<br />

in lace-embellished shapers and slips ••. 8 tawny<br />

hue coordinaHng <strong>the</strong> smooth-control nylon/Lycra.<br />

spandex bra and pantie girdle with soft nylon tricot sliPt.<br />

A. Polyester-fill bra. 32.36 A. B. 6.00 Panel-front<br />

pantie. S-M-L. 10.00 B. Full slip. 32-36 Short.<br />

34-36 Av. 9.00 Pettislip.S-M Short. M-L Av, 6.00

_T~~rsday~October 10, 1968 G R O,S S E POI N TEN EW S<br />

Society News Ga<strong>the</strong>red from All of <strong>the</strong><br />

Women Of Wayne<br />

WiIJ View Movie<br />

Skits by Bonstelle PI~-y;,.~"AI~o-t.o-b~Featured at Next<br />

Wednesday's Membership Meet<strong>ing</strong> in<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial<br />

A movie review of <strong>the</strong> past and projection of <strong>the</strong><br />

futu~e of Way.ne State University, narrated by WSU<br />

Pr~sldent Wlll1am R. Keast, will highlight <strong>the</strong> Grosse<br />

Pomt.e Women of Wayne Alumnae Club's membership<br />

n~eetIng. next "Y~dnesday even<strong>ing</strong>, October 16, at 7:30<br />

o clock In <strong>the</strong> F nes Ballroom of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe War<br />

Memorial. .. - ..<br />

Special guests will be Dr,,' Women of Wayne is :\Irs. Harry<br />

and Mrs. Paul Andrews. Dr. W. Spencer. Record<strong>ing</strong> seerI'<br />

:\ndrews, Wayne Alumni tary is Mrs. ~Iartin lIIeKee,<br />

director: will introduce <strong>the</strong> O<strong>the</strong>r Board members indude<br />

col?r f~lm, "Wayne State Mrs. H. H. Gormley. vice.presi-<br />

Umverslty-21st Century." dent; :,Irs. Russell Nahat, cor.<br />

Also on <strong>the</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong> agenda respond<strong>ing</strong> secletary; 1\~rs. John<br />

are a series of skits to be pre'l' Hauck, treasurer; and lIfrs.<br />

sented by memebrs of <strong>the</strong> Bon- Russell Carter, W 0 men of<br />

stelle Players. Wayne alternate delegate.<br />

__ Ne\~_~resident of <strong>the</strong> Poi~t=.J.~Co_m_mitt~:.ehai~m_~n are .Mrs.<br />

Call for Appointment<br />

882-5512<br />


POOCHES!<br />




EARLY<br />

Locoted in<br />


15616 Harper<br />

West of Berkshire<br />

Complete Pet<br />

Supplies and Accessorie~<br />

\<br />

Poinle Quester<br />

Chapter Meets<br />

The Grosse Pointe Chapter of<br />

Questers will meet at <strong>the</strong> Kenwood<br />

court home of Mrs. Ivan<br />

Kirlin Friday morn<strong>ing</strong>. October<br />

II, at 10 o'clock. Assist<strong>ing</strong> Mrs.<br />

Kirlin will be <strong>the</strong> Mesdames<br />

Cyril J Barrett and M, O. Van I<br />

Dagens.<br />

Each member has <strong>been</strong> asked<br />

to br<strong>ing</strong> a favorite antique<br />

about which she would like<br />

more information. The member.<br />

ship ,';ill discuss <strong>the</strong> antiques<br />

and tlY to supply <strong>the</strong> "miss<strong>ing</strong><br />

link."<br />

After <strong>the</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong>, luncheol'.<br />

will be served by <strong>the</strong> hostesscs. '<br />

Hobert Pierce. histori'an: IItrs.:<br />

Syil'io Kurop, scholarship; Mrs.'<br />

Oscar Noren, hospitality; Mrs.<br />

William Christian. courtesy;<br />

Mrs. LeI': Allen, immediate past.<br />

president; Mrs. Charles ~1. Hu.<br />

ber,past.president and nomin.<br />

ations; MIS. (;Jrnet Tisdall, reo<br />

freshments; Mrs. Annette Prusy<br />

Youngers, special events. !\frs.<br />

Edward Szymanski, membership;<br />

Mrs. Robert E. Patton,<br />

publicity; and Mrs. John Shor I<br />

tel'. conslitutio.n. I<br />

All Women of Wayne are in<br />

vited to attend <strong>the</strong> meet<strong>ing</strong>. to;<br />

I view <strong>the</strong> film and skits and to ~<br />

i renew friendships over coffee.:<br />

I Guests are welcome but must i<br />

i pay a $1 donation. I<br />


Let bygones be bygones-<strong>the</strong><br />

world is interested only in <strong>the</strong><br />

man who's ahead at <strong>the</strong> p,'eg.<br />

ent. .<br />

Loo~look/look at yourselH<br />

Get beOtJtiful from every angle - sturdy, adjl'stable stood mokes this<br />

with Saunda's lighted, portable compact, lightweightvanity easy to<br />

3-way mirror. Recessed, diffused use anywhere. (The handle is built<br />

lights offer maximum shadow.free righton top! No bulky carry<strong>ing</strong> case<br />

cosmetic illumination without needed.> Five-year warranty. Light<br />

glare.Apo.werfulmagnify- []] bambooandivorycolor.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> mirror, on one side of, ;J. $35.00<br />

<strong>the</strong> reversible center mirror, J 0- ~ aUno(l<br />

is ideal for dose work. A . - .-~ 1Jff!!!!1<br />

prescHtillg<br />

Trail<br />

r''''' -.:,:~~~.;.:::,'~~7::.~:-;.,.'-,-?~7.7?::.::.,.::':-,.,.:~,:; :-~""-,:,::,x~'."=:::'""<br />

~ -;!<br />

.;<br />

t~:<br />

E~"<br />

J.'M~\{'<br />

Mr. Robert<br />

expert stylist<br />

Josef and his staff extend a warm<br />

welcome to Mr. Robert, <strong>the</strong> newest<br />

member to <strong>the</strong>ir creative team of<br />

styl ists.<br />

Josel't~<br />

:JaJhion. ::Door Salon.<br />

TU 2.4246<br />

18546 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe<br />

I<br />

To Honor Ladies Whose Hearts Are Gold<br />

The new vice.chairman of Detroit'~<br />

Volunteer Award Council MRS. JOSEPH<br />

L. HUDSON, JR., (right), of Wash<strong>ing</strong>ton<br />

road, confers with <strong>the</strong> Council's retir<strong>ing</strong><br />

chairman MRS. GERARD R. SLAT.<br />

TERY, of Lakeshore road. Mrs. Hud.<br />

son and <strong>the</strong> new chairman, Mrs. Semon<br />

E. Knudsen, of Birm<strong>ing</strong>ham, will direct<br />

,ON Opliei ons<br />

'-,lit,"JiIl!s.m"<br />

(;I.ASSF~'i THAT<br />

Co)IPUMIi a t ion a I i\lerit Scholarship<br />

rom petition. he was activc at:<br />

. GPIIS wilh <strong>the</strong> school band. <strong>the</strong>,<br />

: school magazine and <strong>the</strong> Na.<br />

: tiol:a! IIonor SociC'ty.<br />

. • Page Nineteen i<br />

POlnteS:<br />

Farm, Garden Club to Meet<br />

The Grosse Pointe Farm aod Iperience~ include <strong>the</strong> study and<br />

Garden Club's first meet<strong>ing</strong> of teach<strong>ing</strong> of Botany and His<strong>the</strong><br />

1968.69 season will be held tory, <strong>the</strong> study of gardenin~.<br />

Monday, October 14, at 10:45 <strong>the</strong> study of Medieine, which led<br />

o'clock at <strong>the</strong> home of Mrs. to an instructorship in Internal<br />

Donald R. Flintermann in Lake. Medieine at The University of<br />

shore road. Michigan Medical School, <strong>the</strong><br />

Assist<strong>ing</strong> Mrs. Flinterman study of <strong>the</strong> care and feedi~~<br />

will be Mrs. Frederick P Hart of infants, <strong>the</strong> study of Ge~la.<br />

and Mrs. George'M. Endicott. trics and extensive leeturmg<br />

Speaker C. Howard Ross. and. writ<strong>ing</strong> on <strong>the</strong>se and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

M.D .• of Ann Arbor, will pre. subjects.<br />

sent "Adventure with. Royalty Among those ~xpected to atand<br />

Botany," an amus<strong>ing</strong> mix, tend. are Mrs. WIlber H. Mack,<br />

ture of fact and fancy. preSident: Mrs. James A. Lafer,<br />

Dr. RCioS.is a past.president Mrs. Lynn McNaughton, Mrs.<br />

of The American lIIedical Writ. Walter M. Meek, Mrs. Robert<br />

ers Association, Michigan Chap. B. Powers, Mrs. Thomas. F.<br />

ter, a Fellow of The American Morrow. Mrs. Edward A. Wish-<br />

Medical Writers Association and ropp and Mrs. John W. Mulford.<br />

a Fellow of The Arne r i can<br />

Geriatrics Society. I At IOOay's costs an amuse.<br />

His varied interests and ex- ment tax is no laugh<strong>ing</strong> matter.<br />

WATCH<br />


for all makes<br />

... done on our premises<br />

with ultrasonic clean<strong>ing</strong><br />

OMEGA & TI550T<br />

Authorized Agency<br />

.Valente. gewelers<br />

Fine Jewelers: Sinc•. 19~4<br />

1660I E, Warren -at Kens<strong>ing</strong>ton Rd.<br />

TU 1-4800<br />


treat your eye. 'k) • comp.... ootor kkby A".~ ......<br />

purse-size case tflat opena 10 rewal at 1he ",eke-"J) eeeentlefa<br />

you need for winn<strong>ing</strong> eyes. fOUf pre.sed powder shadow<br />

colors are accompanied by eeke m8l!iQ8Fa, bffiIh.on brow and<br />

.ake ~nel in brown or black. pY application bfwah'i. 6.00<br />

/'"" .<br />

Jacohsons--------<br />

take <strong>the</strong> antique point of view with mtnlature pint inspired<br />

~ ..' ~" by grl1uimoth.'. fllYOritM t'" end make<br />

'I ",<br />

;;".. 1he most of fa;;hfon'syen for <strong>the</strong> grandeur end<br />

grace of an era past. Pins with ,v-Iay<strong>ing</strong> drops,<br />

bar and brooch types of deiloeter ~iful design In<br />

an tiqu8 gold. or pewter 1fniGhn.with pseYdo<br />

pearls, opeIs,]edI, Jet and beautffwfly cdoNd stones.<br />

Five from cur ClOIIIotion, sketched actual sill. &.00<br />

Jacobsons<br />


Page T.wenty<br />


MRS. RICHARD EDIN enter.IIY meet<strong>ing</strong> were MRS. B. M.<br />

tained members of <strong>the</strong> East UNDERWOOD and MRS.<br />


Three s t u den t s from <strong>the</strong><br />

Academy of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Heart<br />

in Lakeshore road, FRANCES<br />

Jacobsons<br />


Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />

Society News Ga<strong>the</strong>red from All of <strong>the</strong>JPointes<br />

Slate Garden Center<br />

GoodnightWorkshoJ<br />

Elmore Frank Will Tell How i~--Put Plants To Sleep<br />

For Winter At Next Wednesday's<br />

Session In War Memorial<br />

"Putt<strong>ing</strong> Your. Gar.den To -S-leep" is <strong>the</strong> subject<br />

Elmore W. Frank wll1 discuss at <strong>the</strong> next Grosse Pointe<br />

Gar~en Ce~ter workshop Wednesday, October 16, at<br />

10 0 clock In <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe War Memorial Center.<br />

Fall br<strong>ing</strong>s <strong>the</strong> inevi- --- - --~---table<br />

need to clean up and II Pointe for <strong>the</strong> American Rose<br />

cover up choice plants and Society.<br />

:ihrubs for winter's harsh Mrs. Ivor D. Harris, im'lle'l<br />

onslaught. diatepast.president of <strong>the</strong> Gar.<br />

N' . - den Center and a member of I<br />

? one IS better qualJfled to <strong>the</strong> Workshop commitlee, wiII<br />

::vlse Garden Center members introduce Mr. Frank.<br />

an Mr. Frank,. wh~ has lee. Althoug!1 <strong>the</strong>re are approxitur.ed<br />

on gardemng In Grosse miately 1000 members of <strong>the</strong><br />

POinte Adult Education classes Garden C~nter who are eligible<br />

and in Wyandotte, too. to attend <strong>the</strong> workshops without<br />

.Mr. Frank is one of <strong>the</strong> orga a fee, anyone interested may<br />

mzers and was first president become a member by pay<strong>ing</strong><br />

of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe Rose So. dues of $3 a year<br />

ciety, is a charter member and The Garden 'Ce~ler room in<br />

past.president of <strong>the</strong> Men's <strong>the</strong> War Memorial Center is<br />

Garden Club of Grosse Pointe open dur<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> week.<br />

and is an Accredited Judge of _<br />

Horticulture of <strong>the</strong> Men's Gar. Equip yourself with patience<br />

den Cluh of America. He is and perseverance and you're<br />

cqnsult<strong>ing</strong> Rosarian in The i well on <strong>the</strong> road to success.<br />

i<br />

• oriental rugs •<br />




16 Jill'S 0/<br />

FUN IInd SUN<br />

3<br />

"On The Hill" In The Farms<br />



m"f'ZCES<br />

82 KI-:TlCm:VAlr."ON<br />


Fun<br />

Pictured look<strong>ing</strong> over, some "Funny<br />

Girl" publicity are (left to right) Paint.<br />

ers MRS. MICHEL SKAFF, chairman of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Bon Secours Hospital Guild, MRS.<br />

PHILIP MARBARAK, Maronite Apostolic<br />

Excharate fashion chairman, and<br />

A reception and dio"clr al<br />

Watervale Inn, Arcadia, Mich.,<br />

followed <strong>the</strong> Saturday after.<br />

63 Kercheva' Ave. noon, September 7, weu!1<strong>ing</strong> of<br />

Mary Louise Bruton, daughter<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Colonial Federal Bldg. lower level of Dr. and Mrs. Martin F.<br />

iiii~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~ IBruton, of SI. Clair Shores, for.<br />

merly of Stephens road, and<br />

Lieutenant Vernon H. Noble<br />

USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Vernon H. Noble, of Winnetka,<br />

lll.<br />

I Sett<strong>ing</strong> for <strong>the</strong> 3 o'clock dou.<br />

ble r<strong>ing</strong> ceremony, at which The<br />

Reverend John Cyril C.P. offi.<br />

ciated, was SI. Ann's Church in<br />

Frankfort.<br />

The bride selected a floor<br />

length Princess gown of while<br />

Includes I<br />

silk linen. fashioned with a<br />

scoop neckline and Chapel train.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

1 week in TANGIER<br />

8 nights fn, lORREMO-<br />

LIMOS (Spain)<br />

ALL FOR<br />

Venetian lace formed her yoke<br />

and short sleeves and a deep<br />

band of match<strong>ing</strong> lace circled<br />

her skirl and edged her train.<br />

Her elbow lengtl1 silk illusion<br />

• full clay Ilpfl..lng<br />

10 Gr'nada<br />

• Canadian Peeific Jet<br />

• flnt Class Hotel.<br />

* Rooms with Private Baths<br />

#ro", Winds.,<br />

* All Breakfasts. Dinn.n<br />

* ServiCI ch •• 1S .. cr tail'S<br />

veil fell from a double-tiered<br />

crown of Venetian lace daisies<br />

centered with pearls, and she<br />

carried a cascade of carnations,<br />

stephanotis and ivy centered<br />

with pink Swee<strong>the</strong>art roses.<br />

Helen Bruton, who served as<br />

her sister's honor attendant, and<br />

DAY 'RAVEL CO.<br />

bridesmaids Mrs. William Bruton,<br />

of North Olmstead, 0., Mrs.<br />

Robert Bruton, of SI. Paul.<br />

Minn., and <strong>the</strong> bridegroom's<br />


sisters, Mrs. Joe Turner. of Chi.<br />

cago, lll., and Vera Noble, of<br />

16847 Kercheval<br />

TU 6.0111<br />

Be<strong>the</strong>sda, Md., wore floor length<br />

frocks of Nile green karale<br />

in <strong>the</strong> village<br />

rlolh.<br />

lines<br />

styled with bateau<br />

and float<strong>ing</strong> back<br />

neck.<br />

panels<br />

~~....<br />

edged in miniature daisies<br />

IIunderlaid by pink \'clvel ribbon.<br />

This IlIxury (,HI'IIII1" rHIl(''' is idl'''! for those who seek <strong>the</strong> utmosl in space<br />

and conv{,lIien(','s ,11111 no <strong>long</strong>,'r l'I'lJllire aCC

_Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />

Woman's Page • • •<br />

'Potpourri' Party Slated At DBC<br />

The Women's Committee of<br />

1l.le Detroit Boat Club is plan.<br />

nlng a restful antidote for <strong>the</strong><br />

cily's World Series frenzy.<br />

For its October party, <strong>the</strong><br />

committee has scheduled a<br />

relax<strong>ing</strong> "P ink and Purple<br />

Potpourri" b rid g e luncheon<br />

next Wednesday. October 16.<br />

Chairman Mrs. ~lilton R.<br />

Weed, of Berkshire road, has<br />

persuaded Mrs. L. W. Newbern,<br />

of Bloomfield Hills, to share<br />

some of her handicraft<strong>ing</strong> ma.<br />

gic with <strong>the</strong> members.<br />

HOlv to fashion clusters of<br />

grapes from papier mache, how<br />

to 8ssemble star mobiles from<br />

prosaic drapery hooks and how<br />

to create pretend porcelain<strong>the</strong>se<br />

will be start<strong>ing</strong> points for<br />

<strong>the</strong> afternoon's discussion.<br />

\<br />

Fragrant closet accessories,<br />

called "centimanders" by those<br />

in.<strong>the</strong>.know, will be up for<br />

grabs when <strong>the</strong> bridge tallies<br />

are turned in, and <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

clubhouse will be subtly dec.<br />

orated in pinks and purples.<br />

Co.chairman Mrs. H a r 0 I d<br />

Davis is promisj,ng a luncheon<br />

with lots of gourmet touches.<br />

0' band to greet everyone will<br />

be aides Mrs. Dan R. Abbey,<br />

Mrs. Daniel M. Carne, ~lrs.<br />

Walter B. Drolet, Mrs. Clinton<br />

P. Hardy, ~'1rs. Emil J. Hein.<br />

rich, :ltrs. Robert H. Kennedy,<br />

Mrs. Robert W. Lan g, ~1rs.<br />

Cecil G. Shuert and Mrs. James<br />

.1\1. Workman.<br />

Austin Mo<strong>the</strong>rs I<br />

Plan Card pfl,J.ty<br />

-- ,<br />

The Austin !\Io<strong>the</strong>rs' Club's I<br />

annual card parly will be hell]<br />

Wednesday even<strong>ing</strong>, October I<br />

lB, at 8 o'clock in <strong>the</strong> Austin I<br />

Prep. Gym on East Warren I<br />

Avenue. Refrc5hments will be<br />

sen'ed and prizes will oe<br />

awarded. ,<br />

Proceeds will be used 10 pur. i<br />

chase typewriters for <strong>the</strong><br />

School. Donation is $1.75.<br />


14322 Mack Ave, Phon, VA 2-9660<br />

• Custom.<br />


• free pick up and delivery<br />

• select fTom hundreds Of fine<br />

fabries<br />

• Cllstom made slip ewers<br />

• guaranteed • terms wllilable<br />

FREE ESTIMATES - VA 2-9660<br />

OVER 30 YfARS fXPERlfNCE<br />

19 KERCHEVAL<br />

-----------=<br />

Conveniently located<br />

Conveniently Arranged<br />

There are four Bedrooms llO'6"xI4') (12'9"xI6') 01'1O"xI5'6") (9'2' x 13'6")<br />

and two tiled Bathrooms plus a Powder Room and basement Lavatory, pine panel<strong>ing</strong><br />

in <strong>the</strong> Library, Kitchen and Recreation Room. Gas A.C. heat. Custom built in 1951;<br />

in good condition. Let us mail you one of our floor plans as a starter. Then we think<br />

you'll wont to go through this sensible house.<br />

Dimensions believed correct but not guaranteed<br />

We're not fost talkers, but we're good listeners-to <strong>the</strong> problems o.f both buyers<br />

and sellers. Tolk<strong>ing</strong> and think<strong>ing</strong> don't olwoys go toge<strong>the</strong>r. We're match makers<br />

-you ond your new home.<br />

Member of Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board's<br />

Multiple List<strong>ing</strong> System<br />

Exclusive Agent<br />


A' conscientious policy makes<br />

Sunn<strong>ing</strong>dale Drive<br />

This recent offer<strong>ing</strong> overlooks <strong>the</strong> Lochmoor Club fairways. Its custom<br />

design was created to appropriately unite <strong>the</strong> house with its spacious<br />

yard measur<strong>ing</strong> 153x256. From <strong>the</strong> moment you step inside you'll be<br />

filvorably impressed with its quality features.<br />

The total capacity of its 3 bedrooms will accommodate most any unusual<br />

requirement. Paneled library, 2 baths, large terrace, oversized 2 car<br />

alfached garage, etc .... We suggest you contact one of our consultants<br />

today for full particulars and appointment arrangements.<br />

Exclusive by<br />

~ ORl1\N~<br />

• • E:ART I<br />

. (J!!\~LTORS.<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Ona<br />

by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Talent, Too, Will Be 'Auctioned' November 1<br />

Restoration of furniture will be only<br />

one of <strong>the</strong> many unusual "items" up<br />

for bids at Action Auction '68, sched.<br />

uled for Friday even<strong>ing</strong>, November 1,<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Detroit Athletic Club. MRS.<br />

WALTER B. ROBINSON, (left), is<br />

donat<strong>ing</strong> her talents. Admir<strong>ing</strong> samples<br />

TU 6.3~_O_ .1<br />

j<br />

I<br />

Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr.<br />

of her work are MRS. ROBERT M.PEA.<br />


mem bel'S of <strong>the</strong> committee plann<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Auction that will benefit <strong>the</strong> Lakeshore<br />

road Academy 'of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Heart. Admission<br />

tickets are available from Mrs.<br />

Daniel J. Tindall, Jr., TUxedo 1.9789.<br />

But What Will I WEAR I?<br />

Photo by Eddie :'leGrath. Jr.<br />

One of <strong>the</strong> gala events of <strong>the</strong> fall season will be<br />

open<strong>ing</strong> night at Oakland University's Meadowbrook<br />

Theater Thursday, October 24. MRS. WILLIAM<br />

BOKRAM, (seated), 1968.69 Grosse Paiute Area Mea.<br />

dowbrook Theater chairman, and MRS. JACK KERNS,<br />

of Martha's Closet in Fisher road, discuss that press<strong>ing</strong><br />

feminine question: Whal to wear?<br />

October 15th<br />


SAVE 10% ON<br />

Per30naAzeJ<br />

Chri3tma3 Car~<br />

19849 MACK AVE,<br />

884.661 5-Grosse Pointe Woods<br />



(Palm Beach County)<br />

A GoI' Coufse Community wit" 27f1oles of GoI'<br />

FOR SALE: Beautiful 2 bedroom, plu$ ponded den, 2 baths,<br />

powder room, e~tro large family roam, screened patio, 2.car<br />

ga,age, ai, ond hell!. $62 500<br />


SEASON RENTAL: Furnished 3 bed,aoms,<br />

3 both.<br />

Or will .ell furnished<br />

$4,000<br />

$44,000<br />

Pear' Malone, Associate<br />


1126 E. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, Florida<br />

Phone: 305.276.6018 Even<strong>ing</strong>s: 305.732.4036<br />

p<br />

Party To Help Crippled Kids<br />

The Michigan League (0 r I road. baked goods chairman;<br />

Crippled Children, Inc., Willi Mrs. Lanneau R.. Bel! of Ne~.<br />

hold its annual card parly and castle road. hOSPitality chaIr.<br />

bazaar in <strong>the</strong> Ballroom of <strong>the</strong> man; Miss Es<strong>the</strong>r Witzke, of<br />

Detroit Veterans Memorial Yorkshire road, prize chair.<br />

Build<strong>ing</strong>, Jefferson and Gris. man; and Mrs. J. Randolph<br />

wold avenues, beginn<strong>ing</strong> at 12 Smith, Jr., of Lakeland ave.<br />

noon next Wednesday, October nue botique chairman<br />

16, for <strong>the</strong> benefit of <strong>the</strong> ' .<br />

League's Camp Grace Bentley, The Junior Auxiliary of <strong>the</strong><br />

operated exclusively for ortho. League, headed by president<br />

paedic and cardiac children. IIlrs. Michael Celani, of Haw.<br />

Mrs. George S. Deffenbaugh, (horne road, will staff <strong>the</strong> White<br />

generat chairman, promises Elephant and jewelry booths.<br />

outstand<strong>ing</strong> prizes in addition<br />

to <strong>the</strong> bazaar for fall and early<br />

Christmas shoppers.<br />

She is be<strong>ing</strong> assisted by many<br />

local ladies includ<strong>ing</strong> Mrs. Les.<br />

ter A. McIntosh, of Shelden<br />

road, in charge of cards; Miss<br />

Jane Simpson, of Berkshire<br />

SALE<br />

Baby Shoes<br />

$6<br />

regularly 7.so<br />

Mrs. Marvin R. Boutin, of<br />

Newcastie road, advises that<br />

<strong>the</strong> donation is $1.25 for <strong>the</strong><br />

Jacobsons<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Village<br />

,<br />

Jean Buysse<br />

To Be Bride<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.<br />

Buysse, of Roland court, are.<br />

announc<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> engagement of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir daughter. Jean Louise, to<br />

Kenneth James Spencer. son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer,<br />

of Avon circle east, Rochester.<br />

The bride. elect was gradu.<br />

ated from <strong>the</strong> University of<br />

Detroil. where she affiliated<br />

with Kappa Beta Gamma soror.<br />

ity. Her fiance attends <strong>the</strong> De.<br />

troit Institute of Technology.<br />

A January 18 wedd<strong>ing</strong> is<br />

planned.<br />

card party and tickets may be RICHARD RINI, son of MR.<br />

purchased by call<strong>ing</strong> her at Iand MRS. JOH.lIl V. RINI, Of<br />

TU 1-1515 or at <strong>the</strong> door <strong>the</strong> Robert John road, has pledged<br />

afternoon oC <strong>the</strong> party. Admis.l Delta Tau Delta at <strong>the</strong> Univer.<br />

sion to <strong>the</strong> bazaar is free. sity of Michigan.<br />

Jacobsons<br />

ANNUAL<br />




THRU<br />


Open Thursday and Friday Even<strong>ing</strong>s<br />

Yo~ seve with tile ossuronce )lC8 IiIda eat is SbfDg<br />

off in shoes feolumg ~ coctStldon tl line ~<br />

ond flexible freedom so important 10 ew!tY ~<br />

walk<strong>ing</strong> stage. Sizes 2.6, s.a.<br />

VELVET<br />



(you cIon't have fo olcIer & wait)<br />


Wears Forever Nuff Said<br />

$5~~ $8~~<br />

If Firsts $15.00 Yd. If firsts $27.00 Yd.<br />







25008 LITTLE MACK<br />

St. Clair Shores (Near 10 Mile Rd.)<br />

775-0078 - Also 1933 Telegraph Rd.<br />

(Near<br />

Pontiac)<br />

. ,

..<br />

'''' 'Twenty ..Two<br />

Woman's Page<br />

M<br />

- - G G -Id Men Gardeners<br />

ISSIOn roup, UI To Fete Ladies<br />

-Ierel' The Men's Garden Club of<br />

Grosse Pointe will stage its an-<br />

_______ _ Dual ladies' night dinner at<br />

To Sponsor Prem<br />

Bon Sec:ours Hospital And Maronite Apostolic<br />

chat. Missions To Share Proceeds From<br />

"Funny Girl" Party<br />

881-1024<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Stouffer's Eastland din<strong>ing</strong> room<br />

Exar- Thursday even<strong>ing</strong>, October 17.<br />

Cocktails will be served at 6:30<br />

and dinner at 7 o'clock.<br />

"When Detroit was Young"<br />

, lVill be <strong>the</strong> program <strong>the</strong>me, lea.<br />

: tur<strong>ing</strong> a talk by H a r 0 I d T.<br />

<strong>the</strong> Members<br />

't<br />

Marom<br />

e<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Bon Secours<br />

A'<br />

postollc Exarchate<br />

Hospital Guild<br />

...<br />

MIsSIOnS wIll<br />

and I Glassford, vice.pre~ident of Bur.<br />

.. I ton Abstract and Title Com\)any.<br />

JOin Stressed in <strong>the</strong> talk will be<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r to hold a gala premiere party for "Funny Girl" material on <strong>the</strong> early garden.<br />

on Saturday, October 26, in <strong>the</strong> Northland Theater. <strong>ing</strong> practices of pioneer De.<br />

1''1 ~aR<br />

Hell<br />

16;6 x 14.6 L;( I ttJ 14,8 )( 12<br />


77 N. DEEPLANDS<br />

Please come and see this dream! Outstand<strong>ing</strong> condition:<br />

Immediate occupancy-New price.<br />

93 Kercheval 886-3060<br />

Time for an extra bedroom<br />

Call <strong>the</strong> remodel<strong>ing</strong> specialists. and get an honest<br />

price Clnd expert workmanship. You'll be proud of your<br />

new room, if it's created by <strong>the</strong> complete remodelers.<br />


•<br />

11560 Harper<br />

(onner bit<br />

1.94<br />

Americon<br />

opr.".<br />

Dlnon Club<br />

Gulf c.rdt<br />

Boutique'<br />

The next<br />

65 seconds<br />

could put<br />

a fortune in<br />

your future<br />



Headquarters: 1001 Woodward at Michigan<br />

Convenient branch offices throughout/he Detroit area<br />

Grosse Pointt Gffic.: Kercheval near St. Oa!r<br />

\Garden Council<br />

!Back<strong>ing</strong> Beauty<br />

Mrs. Clarence E. Maguire<br />

presided at a meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong><br />

Grosse Pointe Garden Club<br />

Council Monday, September 30.<br />

The council has plans already<br />

underway [or mak<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> five<br />

Grosse Pointes <strong>the</strong> cleanest and<br />

I<br />

most beautiful communities in<br />

:\lichigan for 1969. This is a<br />

never. end<strong>ing</strong> job entail<strong>ing</strong> at.<br />

tention on <strong>the</strong> part of every in.<br />

I ividual and group. '<br />

I The Council rewmmends for<br />

i show<strong>ing</strong> at all P.TA groups <strong>the</strong><br />

:\lichigan Gas Company anti.<br />

litter film, "Heritage of Splen.<br />

or," narrated by Ronald Rea.<br />

gan. Also recommended is a<br />

"Yes" I'ote at <strong>the</strong> November 5<br />

election on two bond issues: one<br />

for Clean Water and one for<br />

Recreation.<br />

All of <strong>the</strong> $335 million in<br />

state funds for Clean Water<br />

would go to local governments<br />

[or new sewage t rea t men t<br />

plants, improvement to exist<strong>ing</strong><br />

plants and loans for new sewers.<br />

Of <strong>the</strong> $100 million in state<br />

funds for recreation, 30 million<br />

would go to local governments<br />

for parks and recreation cen.<br />

ters, <strong>the</strong> remainder to state<br />

parks, fish<strong>ing</strong> areas and forest<br />

camp grounds.<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


by,.of and for Pointe Women<br />

Make Plans For 'Ballot Box<br />

Slate Welcome<br />

Wagon Lunch<br />

Little Harry's Restaurant in<br />

Enst Jeiferson avenue, Detroit,<br />

will be <strong>the</strong> scene of <strong>the</strong> October<br />

nut.luncheon of <strong>the</strong> Welcome<br />

Wagon Club. of Grosse Pointe<br />

next Thursday, October 17.<br />

Luncheon will be served aLl<br />

noon and will be preceded by a<br />

social hour.<br />

Reservations must be made<br />

1 by Monday. October 14, with<br />

1 Mrs. Thomas Malloy, 8!l56805<br />

or Mrs. Jerome Shulec, 885.<br />

4739,<br />

Recipie'1L.o[ <strong>the</strong> f lor a I ar.<br />

\<br />

rangement when <strong>the</strong> group met<br />

on Thursday.<br />

Mrs. Edward<br />

October 3, was<br />

Minch. The birth.<br />

day cup was presented Lo Mrs. I<br />

Arthur Phillips.<br />

Hostcsses for this mcet<strong>ing</strong><br />

'<br />

were Mrs. Charles Bick, Mrs.<br />

Wallace Ernsberger, Mrs. John<br />

Hainc and Mrs. John Heamon.<br />


The right spirit is a must in<br />

any endeavor, hut some mcn<br />

think it has to come in bottles.<br />

Tender, sklUet.browned c:hfctI.<br />

en, snow.whipp8d potatoes.<br />

greell vegetable, festive red<br />

c:ranberry sauce. hot buttered<br />

biscuits with plenty of honey.<br />

for dessert-your choice of Ice<br />

cream, sherbet or sparkl<strong>ing</strong><br />

gelatin. The cost Is a moderate<br />

$1.95 t« adults, just $1.00 tor<br />

c:hildren.<br />

Sunday Cocktails<br />

2 P,M. to 10 P.M,<br />

Methodists Play<br />

Neighbors' Night<br />

The Neighborhood Groups of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointe United Metho.<br />

dist Church will have a social<br />

even<strong>ing</strong> this Sunday, October<br />

13, in <strong>the</strong> Fellowship Hall of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Church in Moross road.<br />

A potluck supper is scheduled<br />

[or 5:30 o'clock. to be followed<br />

by a brief presentation of slides<br />

of Hawaii by The Reverenu and<br />

Mrs. Perry A. Thomas. A<br />

hymn.s<strong>ing</strong> of favorites to be<br />

selected by <strong>the</strong> groups will con.<br />

clude <strong>the</strong> even<strong>ing</strong>'s program.<br />

All member families and interested<br />

guests are invited to<br />

participate in this even<strong>ing</strong> of<br />

fellowship. Each family is ask.<br />

ed to br<strong>ing</strong> its own table service<br />

and a disb of its choice sufficent<br />

to serve 12 persons. Cof.<br />

fee and milk will be provided.<br />

A sitter will be available for<br />

those with very young children.<br />

The purpose of <strong>the</strong> Methodist<br />

Neighbors is tc provide persons<br />

liv<strong>ing</strong> in <strong>the</strong> same general area<br />

with a means of keep<strong>ing</strong> in<br />

closer contact with o<strong>the</strong>rs, to<br />

welcome new families mov<strong>ing</strong><br />

into <strong>the</strong> area and to minister to<br />

any family in time of need.<br />

Two seat<strong>ing</strong>s are avail •.i/- . . --:- --- tr~t:.rtlassford holds a "lasters<br />

able: Golden Circle seats, Maro~lte sem~nan~ns ~ttend<strong>ing</strong><br />

at $25 per person who h !,mencan UmverSlty 1D Wash.<br />

, . ' IC I~gton. ~.~., and to help Maro.<br />

Jnc1ude a cocktail party and D1t~ miSSions throughout <strong>the</strong><br />

buffet at 6:30 o'clock and UOlted States.<br />

degree in history from Wayne<br />

State University and has had<br />

<strong>long</strong> opportunity for study in<br />

<strong>the</strong> famous Burton Historical<br />

library, which rivals <strong>the</strong> Clem.<br />

patron<br />

person..<br />

tickets at<br />

.<br />

$10<br />

.<br />

per<br />

.<br />

Th~ Bon Secours Guild will<br />

use Its proceeds for planned<br />

Hospitlll expansion.<br />

ents library in Ann Arbor. His<br />

studies in this field hav\! made<br />

him one of <strong>the</strong> popular speak.<br />

AI~ those attend:ng will view<br />

fashions by des 1~ n e r Ruth<br />

Chairman for <strong>the</strong> Maronites<br />

is Mrs. Leon Joseph. Evelyn<br />

ers of <strong>the</strong> area.<br />

Club members will decorate<br />

J~yce,<br />

";Ith a<br />

"who pro.m~;es. styles<br />

Funny GIrl flau at 8<br />

Dakmak ~ handl<strong>ing</strong> tic!cets.<br />

Mrs. MIchel Skaff is chair<strong>the</strong><br />

dinner tables with floral<br />

pieces from <strong>the</strong>ir own gardens,<br />

o cloc~.<br />

Durmg <strong>the</strong><br />

"<br />

black.tle cocktaIl<br />

man of <strong>the</strong> Bon Secours Guild<br />

and Mrs. Ray Kraus is handl<strong>ing</strong><br />

to be distributed<br />

<strong>the</strong> ladies.<br />

later among<br />

I ;'..<br />

part.y and buffet. Odet Kadoe, tickets for <strong>the</strong> Guild.<br />

EnriCO .Larice ~nd Joanne Mrs. c.:harles Dawood is gen- NATION.WIDE<br />

Leahy Will entertam. eral chairman of <strong>the</strong> premiere Progress depends wholly 'JD<br />

Proceeds from tbe event will [or both organizations and pres. teamwork for its greatest gains<br />

be used by <strong>the</strong> Maronites to aid ident of The Bon Secours Guild. -not individual action.<br />

John S. Goodman<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00<br />


\~<br />

il<br />

Photo by EddIe McGrath. Jr.<br />

chairman of <strong>the</strong> .party. Scheduled for<br />

PHONE 779.1970<br />

Busy plann<strong>ing</strong> "Ballot Box Boutique,"<br />

St. Paul's Altar Society's fall Thursday, October 24, at <strong>the</strong> Grosse<br />

luncheon and fashion show, are, (left Pointe Yacht Club, <strong>the</strong> "Boutique," with Shorewood Interiors<br />

to right), MRS. R. FREDERICK KOLO. an Election Year <strong>the</strong>me, will feature ,"ine Furniture. Specializ<strong>ing</strong> in Wool & Kitchen Carpet<strong>ing</strong><br />

WICH, MRS. MARK SMITH and MRS. fashions by Walton.Pierce and music by Custom Drapes & Slipcovers • WaIC Cover<strong>ing</strong> &-<br />

CHARLES T. FISHER, III, general Phil Skillman.<br />

Office Furniture<br />


22604 Greater Mack HOURS<br />

Between 8 & 9 Mile GE"O. J. BOUHANA, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p,m,<br />

French Violinist With Synlphony Cor. of Englehardt p Thurs ••Frl.<br />

St. Clair Shores rop, 9:10 8.m. to 9,00 p.m.<br />

Christian Ferras, F I' e n c h France, in 1933. He began musi.<br />

,violinist, will appear with <strong>the</strong> cal studies at <strong>the</strong> Conservatory ji......... URVING 3 GENERATIONS OF SMART DETROITERS~<br />

of Nice and later continued at .. . ~<br />

Detroit Symphony Orchestra<br />

: Free Estimates. Convenient Terms :<br />

this Thursday and Saturday <strong>the</strong> Paris Conservatory where<br />

i (icss AWNINGS i<br />

even<strong>ing</strong>s.<br />

he worked with Benedetti. His<br />

The concerts will be given in<br />

debut with <strong>the</strong> Boston Sym.<br />


Ford Au d i tori u m at 8:30<br />

phony in 1959 established him<br />

o'clock. Sixten Ehrl<strong>ing</strong> will con- as a ma ior talent.<br />

In addition to hav<strong>ing</strong> perduct,formed<br />

with every major or. ~<br />

Ferra~ will be heard in <strong>the</strong><br />

chestra in <strong>the</strong> United Stales, ... New Modern Designs •<br />

Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. Ferras has toured South Amer~<br />

The Thursday program also<br />

.. Get Vear 'Round ProtectiDn<br />

ica several times, South Africa,<br />

will include <strong>the</strong> Mozart Sym.<br />

New Zealand, Europe and re~<br />

With New Beautiful<br />

phony No_ 41 (" Jupiter'~) and<br />

cently completed his second ex. ~:~:... Villyl Coat'.d OacrOll Fabric.<br />

I.<br />

.<br />

Maurice Ravel's "Pavane for a<br />

tensive tour of Australia.<br />

Departed Infanta" and "A1borado<br />

del gracioso."<br />

FACIAL HAIR LO '.0890<br />

Saturday's program will in. Pe'manentlv Removed ~ .. WI' SERVE DETROIT AND ALL SUBUR" •<br />

clude Bela Bartok's "Music for Eye brows.Neekllne-Arms.Legs<br />

2941 E. JEFFERSON I',MlI<br />

Recommended by Physlelans<br />

Str<strong>ing</strong>s, Percussion and Celes- FREE CONSULTATION<br />

ta" in addition to <strong>the</strong> Mozart<br />

U.S .• Stat.<br />

"Jupiter" Symphony and Tchai. SHIRLEY PERSIN Flags • Banners<br />

Fraternol<br />

Registered Electrologlsl<br />

kovsky Violin Concerto.<br />

PARTS • ACCESSORIES • ALL SIZES Church & School.<br />

1157 David Whltnev Bldg.<br />

Ferras was born in Touquet,<br />

WO 1.5558<br />

... .<br />

Sixty-five seconds-that's how <strong>long</strong> it takes to<br />

read this message:<br />

You will probably earn several hundred thousands<br />

of dollars dur<strong>ing</strong> your work<strong>ing</strong> life. How<br />

much of this will you save? The way to a fortune<br />

in your future is to regularly set aside a<br />

part of your earn<strong>ing</strong>s. and put <strong>the</strong>m to work in<br />

a First Federal passbook sav<strong>ing</strong>s account.<br />

When you combine regular additions to your<br />

account with <strong>the</strong> compound interest from<br />

First Federal, you're on <strong>the</strong> safe, sure road to<br />

financial independence. The chart below illustrates<br />

this.<br />

U's simple arithmetic. Every dollar you add to<br />

your First Federal account will double in 1514<br />

years and will triple in 24% years based on<br />

First Federal's current annual rate of interest<br />

on sav<strong>ing</strong>s-which is 4V2% paid and compounded<br />

four times every year.<br />

Make this 65 seconds payoff with. a fortune in<br />

your future. Visit or phone your nearest First<br />

Federal o,lice. All offices are listed in your<br />

telephone directory.<br />

The weekly way to 8 fortune'ln your future.<br />

Here's what you can accumulate at age 6S based on<br />

varied amounts of weekly sav<strong>ing</strong>s over varied periods.<br />


bvino<br />

8tAII_ '10 t20 f30 MO ...<br />

20 75,606.11 1n.2t2.50 2ZI,t38.23 ~2,442.70 31.,041 ....<br />

- -so<br />

44,145.71 88,291.57 132,447.12 27&,193.41 220,73S.u<br />

40 24,OU.20 4I,07U' 72,1ff.20 • .., .... 12 1:ro,'81"1<br />

50 1','n.n 22,359.aa 33,142.32 44.722.27 ,'S,J02.U<br />

The above c81cul81ions 8Te b8sed 0/1 First Feder.r. ccmlfll<br />

tnnu~1 ",. of of !II'Yo p,id and oompoonded qu'r1.rty.<br />

Save every<br />

payday, ••<br />

pula<br />

fortune In<br />

your future

I<br />

I~.<br />

Thursday, October 10, 1968<br />


lIlIS<br />

Call TUxedo 2-6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly<br />

FREE<br />

YOUf Ad Can Be Charged<br />

,.-------"'!"-------" 12A-MUSIC EDUCATION 4-HELP WANTED<br />

ClasaiJied Deadline -~ELMiNACA~IBUR-N-- WANTED-Earnest young man<br />

1& Tuesday noon, 12 p.m., MlIlTA Certified Piano Teacher for fall clean.up of yard. TUx.<br />

for all new copy, changes of Theory Classes edo 2.9647.<br />

copy and eancellations. It is Studio Punch and Judy Bldg. RELiE-F-C-A-R-E--b-y -p-i)'-ac-ti;-i<br />

suggested that all real estate 15 Kercheval TU 1.7747 nurse for elderly gentleman,<br />

copy be submitted to our of. Res.: 1023 Roslyn 'fU 4.2832 TUxedo 5.4151.<br />

fice by Monday It p.m. . __ ~__~_.._~ ~.__ . .__ . _<br />

'.---------"----------"'1 GROSSE prE. High Senior willi COLLEGE STUDENT - work<br />

teach beginn<strong>ing</strong> piano. 8112.: while go<strong>ing</strong> to school. Gel<br />

Charge Ads-12 WordS for $1.25 5369, after 6 p.m. Mike. I your hours arranged to work<br />

IOc each additional WOrd I ------------- I morn<strong>ing</strong> - afternoon - or<br />

ZB- Tl.ITORING<br />

Call<br />

TUXEDO 2-6900<br />

3 Trun~ lines<br />



Grand Circus Park News Stand<br />

Majestic News Stand<br />


Alden Park Manor. E. Jefferson<br />

and VanDyke<br />

Park Drugs. City Llmits<br />

Rlverbouse Gift Shop,<br />

8900 E. JeUerson<br />


MUleI' Pharmacy. Waybum and<br />

Kercheval<br />

Sullivan Pharmacy, Beaconsfield<br />

~~ ~:~f:eSfote on Charlevoix<br />

and Lakepolnte<br />


Cunn<strong>ing</strong>ham's Dro,s. Notre Daml!<br />

and Kercheval<br />

Notre Dame Phannll;:'Y. Notre<br />

Dame and Kercheval<br />

Bon Secour Hospital on CadJeux<br />




TOR Tutor<strong>ing</strong> by degree teach.<br />

ears available in all subjects for<br />

grades high school, college and<br />

adult education.<br />

339 Merriwea<strong>the</strong>r<br />

TUxedo 4-2820<br />


Grosse Pointe Farms<br />


IN<br />


All subjects; all grades.<br />

Adults and children. Certi.<br />

fied teachers.<br />

Call:<br />



KE 7-4653<br />


Trail Pharmacy. Kercheval on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Hill<br />

Farms Drop. Fisher.RcL and 2E-SCHOOLS<br />

Sc~~?:~~Ug •• FIsher Rd. lIJlCl -------<br />


cu~am Drug., Mack and 7 21150 MOROSS RD.<br />

co¥t~~e ~~~Plta1 on KerCheval and (2 blks east of<br />

M~~rl.~oOdS Drug Center, Mack Edsel Ford X.way)<br />

and Bournemouth 7 a.m. thru 6 }l.m.<br />

GROSSE POINTE WOODS Ages 2;2 thru 5<br />

Grosse Pointe Pharmacy. Mack 881.4908 758.5438<br />

and Manchester<br />

Harkness Pharmacy. Mack and<br />

Lochmoor<br />

Howard J ohnaons. Mal!k and 8.<br />


B~~eDrugS. M.l!k and Roslyn LOST, cat, mostly black, white<br />

DETROIT AREI'. throat, white circle next to<br />

Briggs Dl1II store, Mack and nose. Fisher-Chalfonte. Re.<br />

R:d~ra~:dlcat Service Pharmacy, ward. 881-3297.<br />

Mack and Moran I<br />

G,P. Post Office. »Iack and War. LOST: Black purse contain<strong>ing</strong><br />

p::~es Drug Store, Mack and St. prescription fold<strong>ing</strong> eyeglass.<br />

D;;~~htre Drug!. Mack aod es. gloves, lighter. Probably<br />

Devonillul!' on Neff near Mack. Reward.<br />

L I< L Phannacy. Mack and Bea. Tuxedo 1-7318.<br />

eODlneld<br />

Maryland Beverage Shoppe<br />

Mack near Maryland<br />


Manor Pharmacy. Greater Mack<br />

and Red Maple Lane<br />

American Discount, Greater<br />

Mack and g.MlIe Rd.<br />

Lake Pharmac~'. E. 9 Mlle. Between<br />

Mack and Jefferson<br />


Contract Bridge Lesson<br />

Oct. 22, II p.m.<br />


14631 Edsel Ford East<br />

VE 9-1620<br />


Florence Patterson<br />

4-HELP WA!I4TED<br />


15 HOURS per week. Earn $2.50<br />

to $3.50 per hour. Car helpful.<br />

TUxedo 4-7531 or 527-<br />

2573.<br />

NURSE, full time for Eastside<br />

OB-Gyn. office. Typ<strong>ing</strong>, knowl.<br />

er:ge of insurance forms desirable.<br />

Sl'nd resume to Box<br />

Q30, Grosse Pointe News.<br />

FULL OR PART.time window<br />

cleaners, wall washers, janitors,<br />

painters. $8.000 to $12,000<br />

per year plus vacf,tion and<br />

honus. Must be A.l worker,<br />

Experienced prefcrrcd. Apply<br />

11526 Morang, Detroit, 8 to<br />

4:30 p.m.<br />

----_.._--.----1<br />

STUDENT, Mack-Oxford area, CuOK - CHAUFFEUR for busiwishes<br />

ridc, Wayne Univer- ncss office, to prepare lunch<br />

for executives and clients<br />

sily. 8:30 a.m. class. Thurs. and do some driv<strong>ing</strong> when<br />

~nly~ Will PdY. 884-6786 necessary. References ncces.<br />

days, Aluminum storm and<br />

screen inside work. Age mini.<br />

mum 18. Air.Tec, 640 East 7<br />

Mile.<br />

_. - -----------<br />

PAR~ - TIME secretary. recep.<br />

tionist. Pleasant, experienced<br />

woman for modern G,P. office.<br />

886.4141.<br />

---- -<br />


One of <strong>the</strong> most active and pro.<br />

gressive Real Estate firms in<br />

Grosse Pointe would like to<br />

add two ambitious hard work.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> salespersons to <strong>the</strong>ir staff.<br />

Excellent commissions set up.<br />

Earn S1,OOOor more monthly.<br />

Comprehensive train<strong>ing</strong>. _~sk<br />

for Mr. Birdsall.<br />

TU 4.0600<br />

Johnstone & Johnstone<br />

HELP WANTED for delivery<br />

and light grocery work. Full<br />

time, III or older. 16711 Mack<br />

Ave.<br />

CASHIER - part time. morn.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>s. Apply 18330 Mack Ave.<br />

GROSSE POINTE salon desires<br />

e"perienced manicurist. TUx.<br />

edo 2.6240.<br />


CASHIERS - No experience<br />

necessary. National Garages.<br />

Apply 608 st. Clair, Grosse<br />

Pointe or call Tuxedo 5.3720.<br />

S E C R ETA R Y for manufacturers<br />

agent. Grosse Pointe<br />

office. Shorthand, typ<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

simple bookkeep<strong>ing</strong>. Call<br />

TUxedo 6-0420 and leave<br />

name and telephone number.<br />


girl office. downtown. Experience<br />

with medical insurance<br />

forms, sterile technique,<br />

minor office surgery. Salary<br />

open. Reply P.O. Box 6844,<br />

Grosse Pointe 48236.<br />

TYPIST with bookkeep<strong>ing</strong> background<br />

for Grosse Pointe office.<br />

Reply Box R'10, Grosse<br />

Pointe News.<br />


(Domestic)<br />

WANTED-Experienced cooks,<br />

waitresses and co u p 1 es.<br />

Grosse Pointe Employment<br />

Agency. TUxedo 5-4576.<br />

IF YOU ARE look<strong>ing</strong> for<br />

domestic work of any kind<br />

and have referances. Call<br />

Efficient Workers Agency,<br />

LOraine 8.3118.<br />

---- ._---------<br />

WOMAN for general clean<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

5 days. No iron<strong>ing</strong>. References<br />

885.4312.<br />

S-S'TU~T'ON<br />


WANTED<br />

Your Girl Friday<br />

Secretarial Service<br />

Mimeograph<strong>ing</strong><br />

Mrs. Co/em"n TU 4-6442<br />

---~---------<br />

PRACTICAL nurse with Grosse<br />

Pointe references available.<br />

823.6598. r •<br />

--_._-_._--~<br />

VERY CAPABLE. Dominican<br />

Higb girl wishes babysitt<strong>ing</strong><br />

even<strong>ing</strong>s, weekends. Refer.<br />

ences. 881.5362.<br />

KINDLY experienced nurse will<br />

take care of your loved ooe,<br />

convalescent or cbronic cases,<br />

day or night. Will<strong>ing</strong> assume<br />

responsibility. Excellent refer.<br />

ences. 331.5031.<br />

IF YOU'LL name <strong>the</strong> job you<br />

want done, w,'ll do it ••.<br />

Stokes Multiple Services, VA<br />

49172.<br />


(Domestic)<br />

- _._--~<br />

EXPERIENCED lady wishes 5<br />

days per week. Co ok iog,<br />

housework - will stay some<br />

niglits. References. WAlnut<br />

2.6848.<br />

---<br />

IRONING done neatly in my<br />

home. 821-6603.<br />

DEPENDABLE lady wants iron.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>. References. 924.6178.<br />

~----<br />

REFINED LADY desires iron<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

5 hours a day. VAlley 4-<br />

2011.<br />

-----"----"'<br />

LAUNDRY or clean<strong>ing</strong>. Mondays.<br />

Grosse Poi n t e refer.<br />

ences. 823.1073.<br />

.-<br />

STEADY woman wants Mon.<br />

day, Tuesday, Friday. Clean.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> only. 9.2. Good Grosse<br />

Pointe references. 875.0693.<br />


BUREAU<br />


ployment Agency bas experi.<br />

enced day workers, general<br />

housework, live.ins, cooks.<br />

LOraine 8-3118.<br />


WE MAKE and deliver hot<br />

and cold bors d'oeuvres.<br />

Martha and Rosemary. Tuxedo<br />

6.8619.<br />

6-FOR RENTe<br />

Unfumished)<br />

2.BEDROOM corner apartment,<br />

top floor. Prestige build<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

IJafayette Park area. Avail.<br />

able 7.1.68. Carpet<strong>ing</strong> apd<br />

draperies included. Contact<br />

agent at WOodward 1.6955.<br />

GROSSE POINTE-4 room lower<br />

apartment. One bedroom.<br />

All newly decorated and car.<br />

peted. $125 per month, beatcd.<br />

No pets. VAlley 2.5052.<br />

:Moore.<br />

BEACONSFIELD - Lower 3<br />

bedroom, freshly decorated,<br />

new kitchen, A-I condition,<br />

Adults preferred. PR 1.2300.<br />

NEFF - near bus & shopp<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

two bedroom upper. Adults.<br />

TU 4.0600,<br />

Johnstone & Johnstone<br />

-<br />

CHOICE riverfront apartment<br />

in Shorelin~ East, 2 bedrOJm,<br />

2 bath, carpeted. Shown by<br />

appointment only. 568-3502.<br />

NEFF RD. Redecorated 2-bed.<br />

room upper. Large liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

room. Natural fireplace, full<br />

din<strong>ing</strong> room. Carpet and<br />

drapes, stove and refrigerator,<br />

new garage. Security deposit.<br />

2 year lease. $215 heated. 886-<br />

4393.<br />

EXECUTIVE HOME, Ph years<br />

old, drapes and carpet<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

central air.condition<strong>ing</strong>, in.<br />

cludes fi bedrooms, library,<br />

first floor laundry. Security<br />

deposit and references. $500.<br />

TUxedo 4-3473. ~<br />

6-F()R RENT-<br />

(Unfurnishedl<br />

-----.-- ------1<br />


nice jower. Two bedrooms,<br />

$250 month.<br />

LAKEV1EW. Three bedrooms,<br />

three haths. Excellent 'condi.<br />

tion. Available now. $300<br />

month.<br />

MOCERI<br />

ARMS<br />

886.7100<br />

1294 BLf.rRMOOR COURT<br />


6A-'OR RENT 6F- TO. SHARE<br />

(Furnished) LIVING QUARTERS<br />

ROSEVILLE-New one bed.<br />

room and kitchenette apart.<br />

PRescott 9-2578<br />


AND.MONEY!<br />

"01\1 THE HILL"<br />

TU 2-0359<br />

LADY des ire s to share her<br />

apartment (Park) with em.<br />

played lady. 824lO113.<br />

ments. Completely furnished<br />

with all new furnish<strong>ing</strong>s. All GH-GARAGES WANTED<br />

)fAXON BROS. TU 2-6000<br />

with maid service and<br />

We pay all utilities.<br />

dine, <strong>the</strong>atre, and bus<br />

portalion across street<br />

linens.<br />

Sbop,<br />

transat<br />

Ma.<br />


storage. 20'. Oct. 15 to<br />

15. 885.8543.<br />

boat<br />

April<br />


New Deluxe<br />

Garden Apartments<br />

comb MalT. Ideal for bache-<br />


lars, work<strong>ing</strong>. couples, teach. -------. __.~--ers,<br />

etc. Also rooms by day MOTHER, 17 year old daugh.<br />

or week. No children or pets. ler and well behaved little dog<br />

Phone 293.2440, Motel .Mo. wishes clean flat or apart.<br />

Warrens finest address near<br />

Macomb Q)mmunity College<br />

in outstand<strong>ing</strong> Warren Woods.<br />

I<br />

rocco, 32160 Gratiot.<br />


ment by November 1st in one<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Grosse Pointes, near<br />

Mack or Kercheval. Call Ella,<br />

886.4383.<br />

One and 2 bedrooms feature SPOTLESS, completely furnish~ WORKING woman alo~~;o-u-I-d<br />

ed one bedroom apartment<br />

central air condition<strong>ing</strong>, car. witb fine view of <strong>the</strong> river. like apartment or income near<br />

pet<strong>ing</strong>, drapes, G.E. kitchen For lease November 1st to transportation. Call after 6<br />

with disbwasher, double door :May 1st, $210 pel' month. p.m. or weekends. 824.6737,<br />

refrigerator, walk in closets,<br />

vanity bath. Com m u nit y KARL D.AVIES TU 5.3220 , MARRIED couple. school teach.<br />

house and POOL, er and law student. desire<br />

home in Nor<strong>the</strong>ast area near<br />

From $165 includ<strong>ing</strong> all utilities 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT lake. Will<strong>ing</strong> to look after.<br />

except electricity. -- L h Responsible, references. Call<br />

ATTRACTIVE room on oc. between 5 and 7 p,m., 731.<br />

tiee furnished model moor Blvd., for employed 1237.<br />

business man or woman. TUxedo<br />

4.0973. SEMI-RETIRED nurse needs<br />

29336 Gloede-turn north oU 1~<br />

Mile Rd. East of Scboenherr,<br />

across from Macomb Community<br />

College.<br />

Phone 775.6644.<br />

----------- apartment or income. Rea-<br />

PLEASANT ROOM - I a r g e sonaiJle or will give services.<br />

closets. N u r s e, teacher or VAlley 4.0022.<br />

business woman. Garage and<br />

kitchen privilege3. TUxedo 5.<br />

6057 before 9 a.m. or after<br />

6:30 p.m.<br />

ROOM for work<strong>ing</strong> lady, all<br />

bome privileges. References.<br />

CARRIAGE HOUSE in Indian 1 __ ,,_11_6_-8_6_19_. _<br />

Village off Jefferson. Man or<br />

men only. 822.3625. EiC-OFFICES FOR RENT<br />

AVAILABLE immediately, sev .<br />

HARCOURT - 3 bedroom ,I eral air conditioned office3.<br />

bat h Georgian Colonial In. Price range $50 to $100 ioclud.<br />

come. U p per: $325.00 - <strong>ing</strong> utilities. Chet Sampson<br />

Lower: $350.00. November'" Travel Service Build<strong>ing</strong>, 100<br />

occupancy, or sooner. Carpet. Kercheval. TUxedo 5.7510.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> and drapes. included.<br />

HIGBIE<br />

REALTY<br />

84 Kercheval<br />

TROMBLEY ROAD. Upper flat I<br />

- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, newly<br />

decorated. VAlley 1-0356.<br />

TROMBLEY - Charm<strong>ing</strong> Old<br />

English upper. natural fire.<br />

place,beamed ceil<strong>ing</strong>. 4 bedrooms,<br />

2 baths, newly dec.<br />

orated; 2 car garage, electric<br />

dooL's, private yard. $350<br />

month, heat included. VA<br />

3.6660.<br />

NOTTINGHAM &41 - Lower 5<br />

room flat. Vacant. $125 plus<br />

utilities. TUxedo 5-9457.<br />

VE:RNIER - G r ass e Pointe<br />

Woods, lower 2 bedroom flat,<br />

garage, $150. 882-8581.<br />

357 RIVARD-Off East Jeffer.<br />

son in Grosse Pointe, with<br />

Park privileges-beautiIuI 5<br />

room apartment by Novem.<br />

ber 1st. Carpets and drapes<br />

throughout. kitchen has range<br />

and refrigerator. Gar age.<br />

$165 per month and security<br />

deposit. No children and pets.<br />

Shown by appointment. Apply<br />

TUxedo 5.3381 or 823-6766.<br />

New 5 bedroom Cape Cod, modern<br />

kitchen with built.ins,<br />

family room, 2'h baths, 2 year<br />

lease, $400 per month.<br />

881-1773 and 884.1386<br />


bedrooms, 2 baths, family<br />

room. New decorated. Cbil.<br />

dren wdcome, $250. TUxedo<br />

4-0969.<br />

3 ROOM apartment, Lakewood-<br />

Jefferson. Entire contents for<br />

sale; leav<strong>ing</strong> country. VAlley<br />

1-7188.<br />

i<br />

COLOR WEDDING CANDIDS. '_ sary:-!Uxedo 1-42~. _<br />

None finer. No m in i mum<br />

c harge. Se 1ec t from over 70<br />


comp~nion needed<br />

Personal<br />

for con-<br />

WOMAN-Companion<br />

erl" lady. Light J<br />

for eld.<br />

housework.<br />


ment, Roseville. Fraser Rd.<br />

beautiful<br />

men t m. proots. For<br />

your home appoint.<br />

t e 0 S I'<br />

\'~lcscenL care<br />

II' 0 III annoI\'<br />

of elderly<br />

hospitalized.<br />

Board<br />

salary.<br />

and private room<br />

Call after 6<br />

plus<br />

p.m.<br />

and Chippendale. New,<br />

2.bedroom, walk-in<br />

1 and<br />

dosel.<br />

Grosse Pointe's most creative Need full time companion- LAkeview 7-7698.<br />

your own private basement.<br />

photography, call J. S. De<br />

Forest, 884-4852.<br />

CLEANING LADY would like<br />

ride home nights aftcr dinner<br />

from Cadieux.E. Jeffcr~on to<br />

Clairmount bus or beyond.<br />

869.6443 Sunday.<br />


___________<br />

ship throughout com<strong>ing</strong> win- HOUSEKEEPER live .in for INDIAN VILLAGE AREA-Ex- Appliances, pool, air condi-<br />

ter until recovcry. Care to widower. rdetcnces. 821-3805 ~ellenl 5 bedrooms. 3 baths. tion<strong>ing</strong>. Apartment, 772.8410.<br />

I;e conlinued tlJru four cold- or 222-1777.<br />

Gracious rooms. Natural fire. Office. LAkeview 1-2840.<br />

place in liv<strong>ing</strong> room. 85%<br />

cst months in south if pos- I GROSSE POINTE Gar den<br />

sible. No hOllsework. Prcpare NURSE-1'.I;\ii:>-\\'ilh references. carpeted.<br />

J\ par t men t s, 21441 Sloan<br />

daily meals ~Iust drive. Rc: Able to drive ear. Othcr help<br />


Drive. One bedroom apart.<br />

cnnl rE'fcrences. Rcply to elllployed. Stay some nights. i<br />

93 Kercheval 1\86.:1060 mcnt. Adults only. TUxedo<br />

Grosse Pointe News Box :-10. Top wages. 884.0884. 4.8947.<br />

- ~._-_._-.~ ..__ ..------_.~-<br />

U95. --- ---.------1 GOOD PLMN COOK for family 2179 rBluPs - ,/pper 5 rooms. 2 BEDROOM terrace, new bath-<br />

ARTIST-Layout and 1II11stra of 5. Hours 4 p_m. to 8 p.m. Adults only. Open weekcnds. ~~'lm and kitchen. Newly detion<br />

for quantity Point of pur- Wages $8.50. Must have cheer- . --.-~- corated, den or sew<strong>ing</strong> room.<br />

l<br />

MILDRED BR IGGS chase Displays. VlnewoOlI ful disposition 2nd references. LI~rIN. 14759. 7 Mile - Gra- Grosse Pointe Park. Adults<br />

15<br />

PIANO and THEORY<br />

K.ercheval Punch and Judy I<br />

}.0800. 884.6431.<br />

Sunday, half days. Refer.<br />

tlOt.<br />

_.<br />

Upper 4 rooms.<br />

garagE', heat.<br />

. ~~ ~~ _<br />

2 bcd-<br />

Adults.<br />

-<br />

only~ $)50. One year leuse.<br />

821-5448 before 8:30 a,m. or<br />

after 5 p.m.<br />

Buildmg.. FOR USED CAR LOT enccs. TUxcdo 2.7716. DUPLEX. M~rtl'r Road. Stove, FOlTR ROO1.fS. stov-e-, r-e-fr-ig-c-ra--<br />

BRIGGS )IUSIC STUDIO P...ORTE...R-----r BABYSITTER--Satu~d;y-~and ~O:~~it<br />

Grosse Pomle Excel1l'nt fr<strong>ing</strong>e bencfits. Paid I -. -~.- ~ -~- -_. refriger~tor Close to schools, h<br />

TUxedo 2.5680 vacatl'on. Good "'ork<strong>ing</strong> coml!. I L1(,lIT lJ()USEKEF.PING .• one Iran'portallOn. TUxedo 4.388ll. tor, eat and electric includ-<br />

In 2 d k th ed. Ideal for couple or s<strong>ing</strong>le<br />

------------ -- lions. 0: ays per wee, JR. e Nllwm/)er 1 occllpancy. lady, $90 pcr montb. VA 1.<br />

PIANO, ORGAN: Pre.school LAC I' arms. References reqUIred. I<br />

through university level. Wal- COFFEY CADIL -,!Uxcdo ~-7716. I T\\'O flEDROOM UPPER _ 7500. _<br />

ter Mueller, 482 Colonial C!. LO 7-6811. 5-SITUATION WANTED I Idcally located nC'ar thc ViI. EiA-FOR RENT<br />

N. TUxedo 6.1090. Ask for Herh Smith ----- lagc-Two car G~ragc. $200.00 , (Funlishedl<br />

Month - Onc vcar h'~,e - i _<br />

PIANO and organ instruction. WANTED: Reliablc, middlc.age TRI.CITY S I Adults only. • lNDrAN VILLAGE AREA _ At.<br />

Notcd university method, ex. man to drive on Mondays. BABY S ITIER I, , tl'~ctivl' 4 room apartment<br />

cepti()Qal facilities. PRescott Wednesdays and Fridays. I SWEENEY & lItOORt •. INC. i (onc bedroom). Also a sm.art<br />

2.9414. TUxedo 4.9668. Compclent. adult women 881.680lJ studio apartmcnt. Referenccs.<br />

-PUNCH AND-JU-OY WANTED: Collcge "il'l for oc. ~o~db~::r:::~in:ar~~n;:~~I~c~~~ GROSSE POINT!': FARMS- VAllcy 2-8927 for appointment.<br />

MUSIC STUDIOS casional daytimc baby silt<strong>ing</strong>. D D I,(wely 5.room home, 2 bcd. WESTClmSTER. Two bed-<br />

Gut'tar Piano TUvcdo 1.2157. LICENSED and BON E rooms. one and one _half<br />

~ rooms, garage, near Mack<br />

Guitar Rental and Sales BUS R()y:':must be 18. Apply 754.6(}70 Furnilure optional. 961.2247; J~~I~\stLC;:.~ ~~~~h. Mayor<br />

. 15 Kercheval in per son, Pcrini's, 10121 VICES even<strong>ing</strong>s 885.1096. __ _ MAXON BROS. TV 26000<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms Whittier. SECRETARrAL SER<br />

TU 4-4440 Res. TU 6-3399 - - Grace Brown 13326 MAIDEN INDIAN VILLAGE ARE II _<br />

wAiTREsS--=-~Peri~~ced, for Mack.Cadicux Area DETROIT Smart 3 room studio apart.<br />

food and cocktails. Apply in Jlarp\'r.Chalmers area. 2 bed. men!. Refcrences. VAlley 2.<br />

721 Wh.t Transcrib<strong>ing</strong>, general typ<strong>ing</strong>, room uppcr income. AdulLs,<br />

person. Perini's. 10 I . 881.5350 TUxl'f1o 5[jH!l for appoint. 8927 for appointment. ._<br />

tier. .<br />

Piano Teacher -------.-.----~---1- --- - mcnt. IALTER ROAD near Grossc<br />

DC'lroil Conservatory Graduate, WOM AN compamon for ~I.dl'ry SECRETARY.- .OHlcc lIt;I\I;I~er! ,Pointe-Niccly furnishl'll stu-<br />

852 Barr<strong>ing</strong>ton Road ! lady by tile day. Slmlll(' wishes addItIOnal II' 0 I k In I ANITA, for lease, avaIlable rllo apartmcnts only $110 to<br />

VAlley 2.6921 mcals. must havc refcrcnce's. GI'-Io:astland arca. Call 371.: Oct. l~ ~2k2.\pcrN~~oon,th~:r~~~' $120 per mo~th. 'This in.<br />

779.2184 I 9081. I room "fie lun"il \1,,, .. .. I I . d lectricity I<br />

- . ' IQUALIFIED<br />

! . . , i TUxcdo 1.8817. I c III ~s gas an e :<br />

teachcr for co.op PRACTICAl. male nurse avaIl. I_ .. . I Particularly /lice for one per I<br />

PJA.NO I.ESSO!,!S-DetrOlt In. 1" i ve morn<strong>ing</strong>s ahle for private home nurs. 4lh ROOMS. hl)ated, avallahle I son. No pels. Refcrenccs.<br />

slltute of Mustcal Art, 16237 n.ur~~ry. Send resumc to Box <strong>ing</strong>. Phone 576.9526 after 6 Oct. 15. Suitable for work<strong>ing</strong> I Telephone 821.28t8 or 821-<br />

Mack. TUxedo 2.4963 Tues. 'T\4 ee G Y " Po'~te Nl!w& pm couplc. 824.0147. 11985.<br />

and Thurs. IIftcr 3 p,m. \ ,rosse I .• \ .•<br />



in Grc~se Pointe Area<br />

17140 WARREN<br />


Ideal1'or attorney, manufactur.<br />

er's representative, insurance,<br />

real estate, doctor, etc. Central<br />

air condition<strong>ing</strong>, completely carpeted,<br />

wood panel<strong>ing</strong>, built-in<br />

bar, refrigerator, sink, showers,<br />

Build<strong>ing</strong> completely furnished<br />

with new office furniture.<br />

MODERN dental office. Mack<br />

near Warren, across from Post<br />

Office. Air.conditioned, two<br />

operat<strong>ing</strong> rooms, reception<br />

room, laboratory and office.<br />

Adequate park<strong>ing</strong>. TU 4.8975<br />

or TU 2-1413.<br />

Work in <strong>the</strong> area where<br />

you live!<br />

Quick. safe transportation for<br />

your employees. Ample pub.<br />

lic park<strong>ing</strong>. Pleasant surround<strong>ing</strong>s.<br />

"ON THE HILL"<br />

UP TO 2,200 SQUARE FEET<br />

available at once for fine offices<br />

or good reta it store. Will divide<br />

to meet your needs.<br />

OWNER - TU 2-0359<br />

Medical suites-4 to 15 rooms,<br />

complete wilh laboratories.<br />

Available at oncc.<br />

Public park<strong>ing</strong> lot. Bus at door.<br />

Will decorate and le oven, in good<br />

ups t air s oc~upied hy good Art Museum condition. TUxedo 5.4881.<br />

tenant. 15769 E. Warren be. OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 .__ ~._~~, __ ~,.~~. _<br />

tween Chatsworth and Berk- __ ~~.~ ~_ ------IHANDPAINTED milk cans, basshire.<br />

Call Attorney for Es- WAIT ... never .•• Use car- ket and lunch box purses. Also<br />

tate-Norman L. Miller, 961. pets instantly after shampoo. class instructions. TU 4-5392.<br />

5131. <strong>ing</strong> without water with our -~------.~---~<br />

new Racine Machine. Works DECOUPAGE HANDBAGS -<br />

GROSSE POINTE "VILL'\GE" bl'autifully. RenL ri 11 chi n e, Order now for Christmas.<br />

Offices - desk space - park<strong>ing</strong> Walker's, 20369 Mack Ave. __R~~~o~ab!e. 371~~87.<br />

TU 5'{)518 TU 2--7252<br />

-- ... -- I LEAVING CITY _ Lowr;y-iJii: GIRL SCOUT uniform, sizes 8<br />

500 TO 1,200 sq. ft. air condi. ton organ, exccllcnt condition, and 10; Brownie size 7. Com.<br />

tioned b u i I din g. St. Clair reasonable. 8850912. plete. 884-2285.<br />

Shores. 771.1870. ~_ .. _ - .. ~~ ~-~ ~---~--~--<br />

--~- IRONRITE. $25. Two Safe Air FRIGtDAJRE, mohair daven-<br />

OVER PONGRACZ Jewelry. 91 gas wan hcatcrs, $30 each. port; dineltc set with 4 white<br />

Kercheval. 400 sq. fL, ccnter Daybl'd, $10. Aft e l' 6 p.m., lea<strong>the</strong>r chairs; miscellaneoffice,<br />

$1~~~:!f~~pon~~a~~. TUxedo 1-5951. _ ous._W_AI~~~l2-1604.<br />

GARAGE -SAi.E----On~-d-fl-Y ANTIQUED wood plaques, Hum.<br />

only. Saturday, Ocl. 12. 10 mcl prints, lovely gift items.<br />

a.m ..:; p.m. Furnilure, bousc-_~r~~~s ~~~n..~~A11~~_1-_33_6_7.<br />

hold goods. cloth<strong>ing</strong>, miscel. BICYCLES-Girls 20" Schwinn<br />

lan('ous. 1927 Anita. $20; hoys 26" :l speed racer<br />

GARAGES,,~7E-=-Frid-ay-, O~l $30. TUxedo ~.~7~<br />

]]. Household items~ llumidi. _..~.<br />

fieI' used one ycar. Cloth<strong>ing</strong>, Upholster<strong>ing</strong> Sale<br />

siles 14, 16. 9 a.m ..4 p.m. 575<br />

Moorland, Grosse Pointe. Chairs $29 Sofa $69<br />

~ - - free pid,up, restyl<strong>ing</strong><br />

AIR conditioncd, panclled, car- 65 YARDS beige carpet<strong>ing</strong>, $50. and Scotchguord<strong>ing</strong><br />

peted. ample park<strong>ing</strong>. 19946 885.5605._ _ 366-5746<br />

Harper, 881.1201. BUNDY FLUTE _ cxcellent<br />

~------_., ----- condition. $100. lttusic stand,<br />

GD-RESORT PROPERTY $2. Maple 4 posler bed (sin.<br />

FOR RENT ~ I e/, complete, match<strong>ing</strong> I<br />

.~-~-~ - -.----~~ . che~t and mirror, $100. 881.<br />

WEST PALM, Florida. furnish. 0558.<br />

ed 2 hcdroom bungalow, cou.~ --~.pIe.<br />

Av.1i1ahle for season be. SIDEBOARD Widdicomb fruit.<br />

ginn<strong>ing</strong> Oct. 1 to June 1. 791. wood finish. PRescott 6.8425.<br />

7861 or 791.6905. . - .-- ~<br />

--_._-.'- -- - - .,-_._---<br />

DECEMBER 1st till April 1st.<br />

2.bedroom winterized cottage.<br />

Sleeps 6; or 3.hedroom cottaF(e<br />

that sleeps 8. Convenient to<br />

Boyne IIighl!l.nds and Nubs<br />

Noh. Call 1.616.347.6539.<br />

- ~---<br />

SF-ASON ski rental. Bcautifully<br />

furnished ~.hcdroom h()ml' on<br />

Crollked Lake near Peto~k('y,<br />

jllsl 7 miles from Boyne High.<br />

lam/s ski resort. Oil he.~t. eel'.<br />

.1I1l il' till' bath. full wall fire.<br />

placc, phone. Responsible per.<br />

~ons only, 647.0506.<br />




14922 Kercheval<br />

East of Alter<br />

Fall Specials<br />

• S piece Medilerranean bed.<br />

room-$339.95<br />

• 7 piece solid maple din<strong>ing</strong><br />

room-$359.95<br />

• 2 piecfl match<strong>ing</strong> sofa and<br />

chair-$289.95<br />

• Solid mop Ie tea cort, $74.95<br />

• Kneehole des k s (formiCQ<br />

tops) choice of walnut or<br />

maple-$I03.95<br />

! For Additional Sav<strong>ing</strong>s<br />

Visit Our Catalog<br />

Department.<br />

Open Every Even<strong>ing</strong><br />

Till 9:00<br />


Pige Twenty-four<br />


~EI t;ii":~:;~?;:("xli(.;1'l!tw.$,,;;mm,w~ Ml : :asm:U! L Ill-AUTOS FOR SALE 11-AUTOS FOR SALE 11A-AUTo-PARTS- 12D-ACREAGE AND<br />

C'LAS~ Z~Z~D<br />

.i::In~ ~' 'l~:~~~~:':be~t<br />

BLACK Persian lamb coat in<br />

beautiful condition. 881-9325.<br />

GARAGE SALE. Saturday, 10<br />

to 4 p.m. 468 Touraine. Gar.<br />

den tools, hand and power<br />

tools, mbeellaneous.<br />

GREEN" naugahyde Bar c aloungeI'<br />

chair, $40. 711-4104.<br />

------~-- --<br />

VACUUM, luggage, dinette, pic.<br />

tures, linens. bird cage, Bis.<br />

sell, cedar chest, lamp. TUx.<br />

edo 4-0147.<br />

NEEDLEPOINT chair. Call Fri<br />

day. after 6:15 p.m. 882.1385<br />

~--------------- I<br />

EXERCYCLE for all-wea<strong>the</strong>r<br />

cycl<strong>ing</strong>, excellcnt COnditiOn.,<br />

TUxedo 5-8766.<br />

-----_.~---<br />

DARK MINK gil coat, excel<br />

lent condition, size 14.16, $150<br />

Wild mink jackel, good condi<br />

lion, size 18-20, $350. TUxedo<br />

1-7417.<br />

ORIENTAL RUGS, Sarouk 9x12<br />

Thursd.y,.OctoberIO, 1968<br />


AilS<br />



IS THIS APPEALING? 2 bed.<br />

room Cape Cod. Large liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

room with fireplace, full din<strong>ing</strong><br />

room, panele d games<br />

garage. C a l' pet s, draperies<br />

like new. Close to schools,<br />

bus, shops. Immediate occu.<br />

pancy. Priced for quick sale.<br />

Johnstone &- Johnstone<br />

TU 1-6300<br />

GROSSE<br />

POINTE<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />


OPEN SUN. 2.5 P.M.<br />

MIDDLESEX 529 - Windmill<br />

Pointe. Wen built English 5<br />

Bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lava.<br />

tories. Panelled Library. 3<br />

Car Attached Garage. Beauti.<br />

ful lot 8Ox244.Many extras.<br />

N. OXFORD, 900 - Quick Pos.<br />

e,l! TUxedo 2-6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly<br />

session. Attrllctively decorated<br />

La"---..:ur~:~::::,::::""---I<br />

4.bedroom, 2.lh.bath colonial.<br />

Paneled den. Screened porch.<br />

Car pet e d, recreation room<br />


FOR SALE<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />


FOR SALE<br />


200 ~cres with private spr<strong>ing</strong>fed<br />

lake, a mile of spr<strong>ing</strong>fed<br />

stream through property<br />

and thousands of grown pine<br />

trees. Hunt, fish, swimm<strong>ing</strong><br />

on your own estate or de<br />

veloper's dream. 2lk X-way<br />

hours from Detroit. Ask<strong>ing</strong><br />

$125,000. Principals only<br />

Reply Box S-12. Grosse<br />

Pointe Newli.<br />


SUMMER.winter home in ex<br />

cellent condition. Access to<br />

.private beach. Completely<br />

furnished 9 room bungalow<br />

Natural fireplace, sun room,<br />

many sUPE~b features. Jesse<br />

ValentiDe, 779.0145.<br />

12G-fARMS<br />


llOME ON 20 ACRES?<br />

We have it. One hour, 20 minutes<br />

from Detroit. Recreation<br />

area. $15,950.<br />


Lex<strong>ing</strong>ton Office Open<br />

1.359.9611 or 883.3700<br />



200 FT. OF nice higb frontage<br />

on Hig Twin Lake, sandy<br />

beach, includes a modest cottage.<br />

Many large birch trees.<br />

$22,000.FORD REALTY, BEL-<br />

LAIRE.<br />

3 BEDROOl\f brick ranch. 100<br />

feet on Lake st. Clair. Ask.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> $60,000.Agent 4,68.7033.<br />

GAYLORD-Wilderness Vaney<br />

Mancelona Rd. W: of old 2.7<br />

10 Acre Tracts<br />

The Hills Are Aflame!<br />

Gold and Russet Foliage<br />

Cover <strong>the</strong> Countryside<br />

Winterized Chalets for. sale<br />

Phone, Write for Map.Brochure<br />

George Well<strong>ing</strong>tan Smith<br />

MA 6.2925 Franklin Village<br />


FOR SALE<br />

BOURNEMOUTH 1570<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5:30 -<br />

Cozy 3 bedroom colonial. New<br />

roof in '67. Nice, new econom.<br />

ical furnace in '50. Cheery {ire.<br />

place, pretty carpet<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

drapes. Priced in <strong>the</strong> middle<br />

twenties.<br />

VERNIER 543<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5:30.<br />

Approximately 3,000 square<br />

feet of delightful liv<strong>ing</strong> space<br />

in this excellent borne. New<br />

carpet<strong>ing</strong>, garage attached by<br />

breezeway. Priced in low for.<br />

ties.<br />


Realtors - TU 6-4060<br />

21197 PARKCREST DR. Is<br />

your House too large in<br />

Grosse Pointe? This well<br />

built 3 bedroom brick ranch,<br />

large kitchen and liv<strong>ing</strong> room<br />

with fireplace, enclosed ter.<br />

race, garage, on a nice quiet<br />

street, might suit your needs.<br />

Low thirties.<br />


ANIEL<br />

20225 Mack TU 6-1190<br />

Are you think<strong>ing</strong> of sell<strong>ing</strong><br />

your house? If so, call us.<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

THE toeA TION is ideal, <strong>the</strong><br />

condition is perfect, <strong>the</strong><br />

price is right! An excep.<br />

tlonal 3 bedroom Colonial<br />

offer<strong>ing</strong> a <strong>long</strong> list of<br />

extras includ<strong>ing</strong> a new<br />

modem kitchen, slale entrance<br />

hall, combination<br />

f.mlly-dlnlng room, firstfloor<br />

lavatory. excellent<br />

master bedroom, decorator<br />

wall paper and light<strong>ing</strong><br />

fixtures, lush carpet<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

draperies. Located near<br />

pub Jj c and parochial<br />

schools.<br />

NEARLY EVERY home for<br />

sale in Grosse Pointe can<br />

be seen in our catalogue of<br />

photos. Stop In and see<br />

<strong>the</strong>m tl.-day.<br />

TOLES<br />

Realtor<br />

7. KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100<br />

O"r 21th year In Grosse Pointe.<br />

A VISIT to this New<br />

England Atmosphere<br />

will find you <strong>the</strong> home<br />

of your choice.<br />

.3, 4 8nd 5.bedroom homes<br />

• Grosse Pointe Schools<br />

• Hudson's Eastland-5 blocks<br />

• Edsel Ford Express-l block<br />

• Park. Playground-l block<br />


a development by<br />

A. W. MILLER, INC.<br />

VA 2.259l><br />

Open 9:00.5:00 week days; 2.00<br />

5 Sundays. Closed Saturday.<br />

Located off <strong>the</strong> West Bound<br />

Harper Ave. Service Drive,<br />

between Eight Mile Rd. and<br />

Vernier Rd. in Huper Woods.<br />


Hollywood. Attractive colonial<br />

home. 2 large bedrooms. Cut<br />

srone, aluminum sid<strong>ing</strong>. Pan.<br />

eled den. Carpet<strong>ing</strong>. 2-car ga.<br />

rage. Handy to schools and<br />

shopp<strong>ing</strong>. Owner. $27,500.<br />

G I L C H R 1ST, 15314,Detroit<br />

brick 4 bedroom, 2 complete<br />

baths. Fine home, fine sec.<br />

tion. Vacant. $26,000. Graham<br />

547.2733.<br />


Farm Style Rambl<strong>ing</strong> Ranch<br />

1037 MOORLAND-Open Sunday<br />

2 to 5. BuUder's own<br />

home! Hurry on this Ii year<br />

old beauty! 3 twin sized bed.<br />

rooms, paneled family room,<br />

large. covered patio, excel.<br />

lent carpets and draperies<br />

throughout. Many hidden ex.<br />

'tras. Has all those extra nice.<br />

ties for modern and conven.<br />

ient liv<strong>ing</strong>. Priced at $48,500<br />

for quick sale.<br />



1039 CANTERBURY - Open<br />

Sunday 2.5 p.m. for your in.<br />

spection. Has an excellent<br />

floor plan for family liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

and extra large family room.<br />

Carpets, draperies and a<br />

built.in kitchen. Immediate<br />

occupancy, too. Don't de1ay,be<br />

sure to see today.<br />


OPEN SUN. 2-5<br />

242 MORAN, near Charlevoix.<br />

A charm<strong>ing</strong> New Orleans cen.<br />

ter entrance colonial with<br />

built-in kitchen, Ionllal din<strong>ing</strong><br />

room, separate family room,<br />

21,2baths and an attached 21h<br />

car garage. Immediate occu,<br />

pancy available and priced in<br />

<strong>the</strong> mid 50's.<br />

MARV<br />

BOUTIN<br />

884-7733<br />

20559 Mack Ave.<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

BY OWNER. Colonial, 3 bed.<br />

rooms, 1~ baths, 2'h car garage,<br />

Dor.Wall porch. well<br />

landscaped lot 5Oxl65. Jan.<br />

uary occupancy. 962 Lincoln,<br />

Grosse Pointe City. TUxedo<br />

2.5142.<br />

PIPER BLVD. - 8 room older,<br />

comfortable home. 4 large<br />

bedrooms, tiled bascment,<br />

double garage. Beautifully<br />

landscaped.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

HILLCREST, 349, Grosse Pointe<br />

Farms. Gray brick Colonial. 7<br />

rooms, 3 bedrooms, den, llii<br />

baths. Finished recreation<br />

room, bar in basement, double<br />

garage. Drop in-you're expected.<br />

RIDGEMONT 20565, Harper<br />

Woods, between Xway and<br />

Beaconsfield. 3 bedrooms, llii<br />

baths, large kitchcn. Very<br />

roomy home. Owncr anxious<br />

to sell. Under $18,000. V8cant.<br />



~Iemher of McEdra and<br />

Grosse Pointe Multiple<br />

Ll stin g Assoc.<br />

886-4200<br />

20780 MACK<br />


with bar. Att. garage. Nicely<br />

developed yard with patio and<br />

Bar.b-q. PRICE REDUCED.<br />


-Ex!;ellent 3 bedroom, 2 bath<br />

home with 1 bedroom and<br />

hath on 1st floor. Lots of<br />

charm and storage space.<br />

Glassed breezeway and 2 car<br />

garage. Ideal for Executive<br />

desir<strong>ing</strong> low maintenance.<br />


POINTE FARMS. Contempo.<br />

rary 3.bedroom, 2.bath ranch<br />

in secluded cul.de.sac location.<br />

Kitchen.dinette has builtins.<br />

Liv<strong>ing</strong> room with fireplace<br />

overlooks privacy yard.<br />

Tiled basement and attached<br />

2-car garage. Only $42,900<br />

with quick occupancy!<br />




colonial 4 bedrooms, 214 baths l'kstory home in <strong>the</strong> Farms<br />

fireplace in I i v itl g roo m, on a quiet street has much to<br />

14x21' paneled family room. 2 offer with 2 bedrooms, 2. batbs<br />

car garage. Conveniently 10' down, plus large family room.<br />

cated to schools and trans. 2nd floor bas 2 bedrooms and<br />

portation. Early oceupaney. bath.<br />

For appointment call 884.1382. FLAT<br />

___________ 5 & S WAYBURN.Vernor Area.<br />

Both recently decorated. Excellent<br />

rental property. 2 gas<br />

BEAUPRE, 225-Attractive 1%.<br />

STORY brick. 2 bedrooms<br />

with room for 3 more up.<br />

stairs. Choice Farms location.<br />

Quick. occupancy. L 0 vel y<br />

trees, good sized fenced lot,<br />

attached 2-car garage. TU 4-<br />

0600.<br />

BALLANTYNE CT. E.-Excellent<br />

3.bedroom RANCH lay.<br />

out with family room and 2car<br />

attached garage, Jarge<br />

kitchen, games room, lovely<br />

carpets, draperies. Short walk<br />

to Star of Sea and Barnes<br />

School. Good value, $44,900.<br />

TU 1-6300.<br />

BEAUF AlT-Immeculate COL-<br />

ONIAL in choice location. 1<br />

bedroom down; 2 bedrooms<br />

up. Hz baths, enclosed ter.<br />

race, 2.car garage. 1;1 blocks<br />

to Mack. TU 1-4200.<br />

CANTERBURY-Almost new"<br />

bedroom Split-Level in Ligget<br />

School area. Large fam.<br />

ily room with fireplace. Excellent<br />

landscap<strong>ing</strong> with se.<br />

cluded patio. Beautifully de.<br />

corated. Owner transferred.<br />

Immediate occupancy. TU 1.<br />

6300.<br />

FISHER, 852-In <strong>the</strong> "Farms"<br />

near "HiU" shopp<strong>ing</strong>; a 3.<br />

bedroom 1% bath brick COL-<br />

ONIAL in mint condition with<br />

new built.in kitchen and en.<br />

closed terrace. 2-car garage.<br />

See this at once! TU 4-0600.<br />

HOLLYWOOD - Ideal small<br />

brick RANCH in excellent<br />

condition. Close to bus and<br />

shops. TU 1-4200.<br />

PEMBERTON-We higbly reo<br />

commend this modem 2..story<br />

in beautiful sett<strong>ing</strong> with bird's<br />

eye view of <strong>the</strong> lake. 3 lovely<br />

bedrooms, 2lh baths, large<br />

paneled family room, 2.car<br />

attached .garage, luxurious<br />

carpets, draperies. Must be<br />

SOLD. TV 1-6300.<br />


Luxury RANCH with every<br />

modern convenience. Nicely<br />

situated on secluded wind<strong>ing</strong><br />

road with park.like grounds.<br />

3 spacious bedrooms, 2~<br />

baths, beautiful family room<br />

with indoor barbeque, Mut.<br />

schIer kitchen, first floor<br />

laundry plus many terrific<br />

features. Owner Florida<br />

bound. TU 1.6300.<br />

RIVER ROAD-Executive type<br />

RANCH on large lot. 3 bed.<br />

rooms and family room. Fin.<br />

est fealures for discriminat.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> buyer. Make this a "must"<br />

to see. TU 1.4200.<br />

ROOSEVELT-Large 4.bedroom<br />

frame COLONIAL suitable for<br />

large family. St. Paul's Parish.<br />

Needs some work. Quick<br />

occupancy. Reduced to $28,.<br />

500. PR 1-2.300.<br />

ROSLYN-To settle estate. 3.<br />

bedroom IIh STORY handy to<br />

schools, bus, shops. Large<br />

kitchen, enclosed terrace, garage.<br />

VACANT. TU 1-&00.<br />


Betler than new! Everyth<strong>ing</strong><br />

has <strong>been</strong> done. Year-old<br />

SEMI.RANCH with 3 hed.<br />

rooms, 2 full baths. Dream<br />

kitchen with all bullt.ins, carpets,<br />

draperies, :locar garage.<br />

Terrific value. $31,800. TU 1.<br />

6300. .<br />


MENT ort 80' parcel wilh<br />

beautiful trees near Jeffer.<br />

son. Room for 4 cars plus<br />

storage with 25' liv<strong>ing</strong> room,<br />

3 bedrooms, bath and kitchen<br />

above. A rare offer<strong>ing</strong>! TU<br />

4-0600.<br />

JOHNSiONE &<br />


furnaces.<br />

Silloway & CO.<br />

TU 4-7000<br />





RANCH-Hidden Lane, central<br />

air. condition<strong>ing</strong>, s p r Ink 1e r<br />

system. Can before 9 a.m.<br />

Tue. Wed. Thurs. 886.6962.<br />


OPEN SUNDAY,2:3()'5:00<br />

N. DEEPLANDS, 77. Elegant<br />

..countrY colonial. See our pic.<br />

ture ad for details.<br />

LAKESHORE DR I V E, 555.<br />

Glamour house with a view of<br />

<strong>the</strong> lake. Four spacious bed.<br />

rooms, three baths plus servants<br />

or g u est quarters.<br />

Charm<strong>ing</strong> new garden room<br />

with fireplace. Air condition.<br />

ed, outdoor ligbt<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

sprinkl<strong>ing</strong> system.<br />

MAUMEE, 17015. S pee i a I<br />

ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,<br />

spectacular kitchen, low 30s.<br />

BED FOR D, 1300. Excellent<br />

English Colonial. See our pic.<br />

ture ad for details.<br />


Outstand<strong>ing</strong> size and condition.<br />

Master bedroom and<br />

bath on first with two huge<br />

bedrooms and bath on aeeond.<br />

FIRST OFFERING. Vernier,<br />

513. Quaint Farm Colonial.<br />

Mint condition. 3 bedroom,<br />

bath &. ;I. Marvelous family<br />

room, natural fireplace in<br />

Jiv<strong>ing</strong> room, rec. room. Under<br />

30 thousand.<br />

THANK you for read<strong>ing</strong> our<br />

8dvertis<strong>ing</strong>. Call us.<br />

JOHN S.<br />


93 Kercheval 886.3060<br />



Outstand<strong>ing</strong> 2 Bedroom, 2<br />

Bath Ranch. Large Liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

room, Din<strong>ing</strong> room, Kitchen<br />

with complete built. ins plus<br />

breakfast area. Professionally<br />

decorated. Two car<br />

attacbed garage with elec.<br />

tric eye, spr<strong>ing</strong>ier system.<br />

JAW maintenance grounds.<br />


264 LEWISTON<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5<br />

Attractive 5 Bedroom 2~2<br />

Bath Co Ion i a 1. Excellent<br />

floor plan.2 car attached ga.<br />

rage plus extra bedroom<br />

and bath on t h i r d floor.<br />

Near Shopp<strong>ing</strong> and Schools.<br />




THREE BEDROOM brick bun.<br />

galow. Liv<strong>ing</strong> TOO m with<br />

Fireplace, Din<strong>ing</strong> room and<br />

2 car garage.<br />


&<br />

MOORE,<br />

INC.<br />

881-6800<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />

226 BEAUPRE. 2 bedrooms,<br />

den, 1'h baths. One car garage.<br />

$38,250.<br />



A NEW-HOME<br />

Our idea home at 9 Alger Place<br />

will be open Saturday and<br />

Sunday from 2 to 4:30. Alger<br />

Piace is south of Jefferson<br />

aud west of Fisher.<br />

We also have o<strong>the</strong>r home$ under<br />

construction and a limited<br />

number of build<strong>ing</strong> sites.<br />


TU 2-1401 TU 2-1400<br />

4883 H A R V A R D. 3 bedroom<br />

Dutch coloni81, C e n t e r en.<br />

trance, separate din<strong>ing</strong> room.<br />

Fireplace, I a r g e screcned<br />

porch, new 3 car garage. Pric.<br />

ed in mid 20's. Open Sunday<br />

2.5. TUxedo 5.8937.<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00<br />

BARRINGTON, 816. First advertised.<br />

One and one-half<br />

story. Bedroom and bath on<br />

first floor. Two bedrooms and<br />

bath above. Den: Recreation<br />

room. Substantially built.<br />

OXFORD, 66. Near <strong>the</strong> lake.<br />

Superior Regency colonial.<br />

Seven bedrooms, four and<br />

one-half baths. Library. Florida<br />

room. Recreation room.<br />

Prime location.<br />

EDGEMONT PARK, 860. Attractive<br />

colonial design. Built<br />

1955. Four bedrooms, two<br />

and .one.half baths. Library.<br />

First floor utility room. 150<br />

foot lot near lake front park,<br />

private to street residents<br />

only. Well landscaped. Quick<br />

possession.<br />

MAISON, 437. Choice Farms<br />

location. Three bedrooms,<br />

newly decorated, spacious co.<br />

lonial. Move right in. Con.<br />

venient to Monteith & Brown.<br />

ell and in new North High district.<br />



ELM COURT. First advertised.<br />

A.l colonial in A.l location.<br />

Four bedrooms, two and onehalf<br />

baths. Library. Glassed<br />

par c h. Recreation roo m.<br />

Many features includ<strong>ing</strong> cen.<br />

tral air condition<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

McMILLAN. First advertised.<br />

Desirable Early American.<br />

Three twin.sized bedrooms,<br />

ODe aDd one-half baths. Rec.<br />

reation room. Convenient location.<br />

Near Charlevoix. Fine<br />

condition. Quick possession.<br />

WHITTIER. First advertised.<br />

High grade colonial. Built in<br />

1958. Three sizeable bedrooms,<br />

two and one.half<br />

baths. Dress<strong>ing</strong> room. Family<br />

ro.>m. Pan e 1e d recreation<br />

room.<br />

McMILLAN. First advertised.<br />

Nice colonial. Three bedrooms,<br />

one and one.half<br />

baths. Den. Recreation room.<br />

Early occupancy. St. Paul<br />

Parish.<br />

VERNIER. Fairly new Cape<br />

Cod. Two bedrooms on first<br />

floor. Unfinished second fioor<br />

for exp,msion.<br />

SHOREHAM: End t hat big<br />

job of transport<strong>ing</strong> your chilo<br />

dren to school. Four bed.<br />

rooms. 2 bath, story and one.<br />

half. In mid f jrties. One block<br />

to Star of <strong>the</strong> Sea and Barnes<br />

Schools.<br />

WEDGEWOOD. Colonial in im.<br />

maculate condition. Built in<br />

1958. Three bedrooms, two<br />

and one.half baths. Central<br />

air condition<strong>ing</strong>. Many inclusions.<br />

LaSALLE PLACE, Secluded cuI.<br />

dc-sac. Charm<strong>ing</strong> colonial.<br />

Library. Five bedrooms, three<br />

and one-half baths on second<br />

floor. Pan e led recreatioll<br />

room with fireplace and bar.<br />

LAK~POINTE. South of Jeffer.<br />

son. Substantial En g lis h.<br />

Well kept.. Three bedrooms,<br />

one and one-half baths. Fam.<br />

ily room. Recreation room.<br />

FAIRWAY. Sharp one and one.<br />

half story. Four spacious bed.<br />

rooms, two baths of which<br />

two bedrooms and bath arc<br />

on first floor. First £Ioor util.<br />

ity room. Glassed and screen.<br />

ed porch. Recreation room.<br />

L1TI'LESTONE. Colonial in ex.<br />

cellent condition. Three bedrooms,<br />

one and one.half<br />

baths. R e c rea t i ()n room.<br />

Scrcel1cd Jlorch overlook<strong>ing</strong><br />

well landscaped grounds.<br />


ON OTHER<br />


StoJl in for a timc sav<strong>ing</strong> list<br />

tailored to ~'our rcquiremenl,<br />

fro m 0 u r comprehensive<br />

Grosse Pointe catalog or pho.<br />

tographs and small floor<br />

plans.<br />

MAXON<br />


83 KERCHEVAL TU 2-6000<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />


WE DARE to compare thl:; col.<br />

onial with any and all oth<br />

ers in <strong>the</strong> four bedroom two<br />

bath category. Priced at<br />

$47,:>00, you know <strong>the</strong> own<br />

er really wan~ to sell. First<br />

floor plan includes two bed<br />

rooms and a large family<br />

room with access to both<br />

kitchen and din<strong>ing</strong> rooms<br />


SUNDAY<br />

2:30 to 5<br />

1794 ALLARD is a snappy little<br />

three bedroom colonial with<br />

an owner who is mak<strong>ing</strong><br />

plans to move to a larger<br />

abode. Just <strong>the</strong> item for<br />

that $30,000 prospect who<br />

needs occupancy quickly.<br />

301 TOURAINE offers a well<br />

proportioned. center hall<br />

colonial with four family<br />

bedrooms connect<strong>ing</strong> to two<br />

baths. Over tbe attached<br />

garage are two more bed<br />

rooms and a third bathroom .<br />

Three ifreplaces on <strong>the</strong> first<br />

floor in <strong>the</strong> liv<strong>ing</strong> room,<br />

family room and den. We<br />

think you'll warm up to<br />

this one.<br />

44 S. DEEPLANDS is :0, house<br />

which shows as well inside<br />

as it does from <strong>the</strong> curb<br />

t If you desire bedrooms up.<br />

stairs or down this offers<br />

both. 0 total of four large<br />

sleep<strong>ing</strong> rooms and every<br />

one has a bath. The liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

room is thirty feet <strong>long</strong>,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> library has random.<br />

width.pegged floors and a<br />

charm<strong>ing</strong> wall. All this just<br />

a few feet from <strong>the</strong> lake in<br />

Deeplands.<br />

55 N. DEEPLANDS is just<br />

around <strong>the</strong> corner and is a<br />

larger house which should<br />

have tremendous appeal to<br />

a family which requires at<br />

le8st a half dozen bedrooms<br />

and baths. This one also<br />

has a pair of first floor<br />

bedrooms and large leisure<br />

room for family fun.<br />

41 WOODLAND Shores is ready<br />

for you and <strong>the</strong> photographers.<br />

As sparkl<strong>ing</strong> inside as<br />

out, this one comes newly<br />

decorated from top to bot.<br />

tom. Four bedrooms with<br />

compartmentalized baths<br />

The country kitchen COilnects<br />

to <strong>the</strong> large family<br />

room and makl!s a fine focal<br />

polOt for casual liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

just a few feet from <strong>the</strong><br />

formal liv<strong>ing</strong> and din<strong>ing</strong><br />

rooms.<br />

YES • . • you can buy a three<br />

bedroom home for under<br />

twenty.four thousand dol.<br />

lars. We are show<strong>ing</strong> such<br />

a house Sunday, at 3984<br />

Buck<strong>ing</strong>ham. Both house<br />

and owner aTe all dressed<br />

up and ready to go. The<br />

next move is yours!<br />


A "NOW" house which means<br />

from a decorat<strong>ing</strong> and avail.<br />

ability standpoint <strong>the</strong> place<br />

is ready for you now. Cape<br />

Cod by design and early<br />

American influenced interiors,<br />

this one is sure to ap.<br />

peal to <strong>the</strong> buyer who wants<br />

three or four bedrooms and<br />

two full baths. There is a<br />

first floor bedroom and<br />

glass and screened enclosed<br />

porch. When you check out<br />

20050 Marford Court, we're<br />

sure you'll get your check<br />

out.<br />

EXACTLY FITS <strong>the</strong> description<br />

outlined by so many of<br />

today's home buyers . . .<br />

colonial architecture, first<br />

floor bedroom. large library<br />

with fireplace, air conditioned,<br />

bedrooms up for<br />

visit<strong>ing</strong> family with brood,<br />

and in "<strong>the</strong> right location."<br />

On one of <strong>the</strong> Shores finest<br />

streets, and just a few feet<br />

trom Lake Shore Road.<br />

STOP W II 1ST L Estopp<strong>ing</strong><br />

around town seek<strong>ing</strong> out<br />

<strong>the</strong> best three bedroom<br />

colonial available today.<br />

Our poll shows this litlle<br />

gem with its white pillars<br />

definitely has White House<br />

characteristics.<br />

YOU 1I1AY BE tent<strong>ing</strong> tonight<br />

on <strong>the</strong> 0(' camp grounds,<br />

but by next year you can<br />

be in your ncw love ne~t,<br />

say build a bungalow big<br />

enough for two or more.<br />

H:we a blue room. a V:l;W '<br />

room and just a few feet<br />

from Lake St. Clair shore.<br />

We'll sell you land lolsll<br />

land in <strong>the</strong> form of a vacant<br />

Jot 011 a c1eadend street lead.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> lo <strong>the</strong> Jake in <strong>the</strong> City<br />

of (:rosse Pointc. This new<br />

subdivision is particularly<br />

beautiful dur<strong>ing</strong> 8Jll)le bIos.<br />

~om time, but, yet., we have<br />

no bananas.<br />

HEAD and shouldcrs above <strong>the</strong><br />

rest of <strong>the</strong> market in Ihis<br />

neighborhood, yet priced be.<br />

low <strong>the</strong> competition. The<br />

answer is that <strong>the</strong> owner<br />

really wants to ~~1I.If you<br />

must have a room for <strong>the</strong><br />

kirls anrl cOllious garage<br />

spacc and dcsire colonial I<br />

architecture. <strong>the</strong>n this one I<br />

.~houlcln't he overlooked.<br />

Priced in <strong>the</strong> filtics.<br />

Purdy<br />

&<br />

Edgar<br />

63 KERCHEVAL TV 8-6010<br />

13-REAL mATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />

NOTl'INGHAM, 1034-Spacious<br />

4 bedroom. Newly carpeted<br />

Liv<strong>ing</strong>.din<strong>ing</strong> anti den. Panel.<br />

ed family roo m. Finished<br />

basem~nt. Excellent condition<br />

$41,900. WOodward 3.5343 or<br />

885.2546.<br />

BEDFORD 838<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2.5<br />

Near Jefferson. Modern 1942<br />

brick Colonial, 8 large rooms,<br />

3 bedrooms up, den down, natural<br />

fireplace. 2~ baths, tile<br />

basement, gas heat, recrea.<br />

tion room, side drive, 2.car<br />

brick garage. Immediate pos.<br />

session. Priced to sell quick.<br />


526-2555<br />

"FARMS," 105 Mapleton. Dutch<br />

Colonial, 3 bedrooms. Open<br />

Saturday 3 to 5 p.m. TUxedo<br />

1-5878.<br />




FISHER 545 .,.. Brick to roof<br />

semi. bungalow. Two bed.<br />

rooms down, one up, big family<br />

kitchen, full dill<strong>ing</strong> room,<br />

natural fireplace. gas heat,<br />

carpet<strong>ing</strong>, large lot, garage.<br />

Be sure to see this.<br />

N. BRYS 8S3-Attractive three<br />

bedroom, 2 bath ranch. Beau.<br />

tiful kitchen with built.ins,<br />

loads of cupboards and large<br />

din<strong>ing</strong> area. Lovely liv<strong>ing</strong><br />

room with <strong>rais</strong>ed hearth fire.<br />

place. Excellent family room,<br />

2 car attached garage. Priced<br />

in mid forties.<br />

NOTTINGHAM 841.843 - All<br />

brick :i.5 flat. Two gn fur.<br />

naces, two car garage. Good<br />

rental income. Lower vacant<br />

soon. Out of tOWl!owner says<br />

SELL.<br />


lWO large picturesque lots in<br />

choice Farms location.<br />

NEXT TO 959 Beaconsfie1dJ,<br />

Size: 30 x 108.30. $2,500.<br />






TU 4-5700<br />


One of <strong>the</strong> few 3 bedroom<br />

homes on this elegant street<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Woods. Newly decorated<br />

includ<strong>ing</strong> new !XL kitchen<br />

with built-ins. Large lot<br />

completely fenced, new furnace<br />

& air conditioners.<br />

Close, but not too close to<br />

Grosse Pointe High North &<br />

Parcels. Call owner for appointment.<br />

TU 6-2755<br />

First Offer<strong>ing</strong><br />

Whittier Road off Kerche.<br />

val ••• Center Hall Co.<br />

lonial built in 195fl. Three<br />

LARGE bedrooms, 21k<br />

baths, 16 ft, panclE:d family<br />

room. modern kitchen<br />

with built.ins, breakrast<br />

room, screened terrace.<br />

Loaded with many extras.<br />

Exceptional value.<br />

S49,50l>. Don't let this<br />

one get away!<br />

Two Family - Nel! Road<br />

near Jeffer,,;on. Each unit<br />

conlains 3 bedrooms,<br />

2 baths. den, separate<br />

breakfast room, 2 fill"<br />

naces. 4 car brick garage.<br />

Noth<strong>ing</strong> else like it<br />

today at $49,500. Good<br />

condition. Immediate pos.<br />

session.<br />

Lakeshore Lanc - Appeal.<br />

<strong>ing</strong> 2 bedroom newer<br />

ranch home in a qllict<br />

area near Star of Sea<br />

parish. De n, morl cr n<br />

kitchen, 2 baths, large 2<br />

car a tt a c h e d garage.<br />

Sprinkler system provirles<br />

easy yard care. Vacao!.<br />

Listed at $48,000.<br />

Exclusive by<br />

'age Twenty-Fivi<br />


FOR SALE<br />


KENSINGTON, 5 bedrooms;; 2<br />

baths, 2 lavatories, decora~ed<br />

througlJout <strong>the</strong> house #tis<br />

year. New carpet 81ld draper<br />

ies, modem kitchen ~d<br />

breakfast noon. Finished :tee<br />

room. Very good heat. 2'1ar<br />

garage. Near St. Ciare and<br />

school and church. Good shop<br />

p<strong>ing</strong>, good transportation. )~y<br />

owner. 885.2709 for appoint<br />

ment. ,:<br />

Tappan Says<br />




OF THE CROP:"<br />


884-6200<br />

1352 BEDFORD - This 4 bedroom<br />

English priced in low<br />

40's is located in <strong>the</strong> Park on<br />

one of <strong>the</strong> finer streets. You<br />

will enjoy <strong>the</strong> large updated<br />

Mutschler kitchen, a TVroom<br />

and 4 good-sized bedrooms.<br />

May we show you this rare<br />

find today?<br />

474 BOURNEMOUTH-Located<br />

in Star of <strong>the</strong> Sear parish and<br />

priced at $48,500, custombuilt<br />

Z bedroom ranch with<br />

natural fireplace, formal. dJn<strong>ing</strong><br />

room, paneled family<br />

room, 2-ear att. garage with<br />

elec. eye.<br />

382 HILLCREST - 3 bedroom<br />

brick bungalow in <strong>the</strong> Farms<br />

close to schools, shopp<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

transportation. Immediate occupancy.<br />

Room for 4th bedroom<br />

on 2nd floor.<br />

765 :MIDDLESEX-Custom.built<br />

4 bedroom, 2* bath ,center<br />

entrance colonial with library,<br />

family room, 2lk.car ait. gar.<br />

age. BeautiIuUy landscaped.<br />

2120 STANHOPE - Situated in<br />

delightful area, lovely a bedroom<br />

ranch in excellent con.<br />

ditiQn, priced at $32,500.<br />

725rWESTCHESTER.-In Windmill<br />

Pointe area and priced<br />

right for <strong>the</strong> executive - 4<br />

bedroom, 2;1 bath Regency<br />

r.erfect for entertain<strong>ing</strong>. Priced<br />

right!<br />


20510 EftiBEN-3 bedroom, 1*<br />

bath rauch completely carpeted<br />

with fully equipped kitchen.<br />

This 1l.Yr.-old well-built<br />

home has recreation room, 2car<br />

garage.<br />

90 Kercheval<br />


•<br />


1452<br />



tr 3 BEDROOMS<br />

8H-6200<br />


WITH WET BAR &<br />





TU 1-1305<br />

First Offer<strong>ing</strong><br />

New England Cottage •••<br />

jusl a stones throw from<br />

<strong>the</strong> new Grosse Pointe<br />

North High School. Priced<br />

at $23,500. This one<br />

of a kind is extremely ap.<br />

proprlate for <strong>the</strong> bache.<br />

lor type, widow, or a<br />

COlipie who seek easy<br />

liv<strong>ing</strong> in a eharm<strong>ing</strong><br />

style. Ideal compact pri.<br />

vacy yard.<br />

Sunn<strong>ing</strong>dale Drive-one 0 f<br />

<strong>the</strong> very few opportuni.<br />

tics to satisfy those who<br />

have <strong>the</strong> urge fo "stretch<br />

0111." This Early American<br />

semi.ranch is rest<strong>ing</strong><br />

on a picturesque par.<br />

eel measur<strong>ing</strong> 153x2!l6/<br />

272. Custom built by<br />

Walter l\last lor present<br />

owner. 2 bedrooms. paneled<br />

library &< 2 baths<br />

on tho first floor. 3rd<br />

bedroom ;md bath plus<br />

large storage area on <strong>the</strong><br />

sl'cond floor. Priced at<br />

59,900.<br />

Hunt Club Drhe - 3 bedroom<br />

brick colonial in an<br />

ideal location. Vacant!<br />

Attractive liv<strong>ing</strong> room<br />

with fireplace, formal<br />

din<strong>ing</strong> room, kitchen with<br />

eat<strong>ing</strong> area. Bc sure to<br />

see this. Near Mack Ave.<br />

nue. Priced at $29,POO.<br />

19 I(erchcvlll Realtors TU 8.3900<br />

Next to Punch & Judy Thoater

.' .; if ~.5 (£,$ .1.5." ", ','~ ,J ,:;,#.,-.HJ-.fJi<br />

Page Twenty-six<br />


ADS<br />

Call TUxedo 2-6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly<br />

Your Ad Can B. Charged<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />


55 CRESTWOOD (R 0 BE R T<br />

JOHN RD.) - Newer custom<br />

built 3 bedroom ranch. The<br />

floor pIan is excellent, with<br />

2.1' carpeled family kitchen<br />

\\ilh built ins, 17' family<br />

room. 2Y, attached garage.<br />

lot. Priced in <strong>the</strong> 50's. Open<br />

Sunday 2.5.<br />


506 SHOREHAM - Distinctly<br />

different tri.level, club room<br />

with built-in wet bar for enlerlain<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

Liv<strong>ing</strong> room has<br />

cut stone fireplace and studio<br />

ceil<strong>ing</strong>. nJany o<strong>the</strong>r features.<br />

Immediate possession. 0 pen<br />

Sunday 2.5.<br />


C U S TOM BUILT 4. bedroom<br />

brick bungalow in new Grosse<br />

Pointe North High district.<br />

Owner wants offer. Immedi.<br />

ale possession. Priced in low<br />

20's. Opcn Sunday 2.5.<br />

WILCOX<br />


884-3550<br />

OXFORD 1670. French colonial,<br />

3 bedrooms, library, attached<br />

garage. $45,000. 886-7031, by<br />

appoinlment.<br />

1002 AUDUBON. Colonial, 1964.<br />

Four bedroom, formal din<strong>ing</strong><br />

room, spaciou,s .Idtehen with<br />

complete built-iris, large family<br />

room. 2'h baths. LafJ~e lot.<br />

Mint condition. Priced in mid<br />

50s. All rea sanable offers con.<br />

sidered.<br />

1372 AUDUBON. Cen{erhall<br />

Colonial, 1959.Fully air-conditioned.<br />

Four bedrooms, 2<br />

balhs, 2 lavs. Large lam.,<br />

and recreation rooms. Builtin<br />

kit c hen. A-l condition.<br />

Priced in mid 50s.<br />


SUNDAY 25 P.M. Large,<br />

luxurious ranch In <strong>the</strong> Shores.<br />

Newly decorated. SEE rf<br />

SUNDAY.<br />

387 NEFF. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5<br />

P.M. Brick Colonial. Ten<br />

rooms and 3'12 baths. Modern<br />

k[chen. haths, (urnace, wir<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

waler healer, etc. Close<br />

10 beach park. Best buy in<br />

Grosse Pointe for large family.<br />

Priced in low 40s. SEE<br />

IT SUNDAY.<br />


TU 1-7710<br />


735 Berkshire, one block from<br />

lake. 3 oversize'bedrooms. 80 x<br />

IRO 101. El:!ganl dccoral<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

Florida room. pine panclled<br />

rl'crealinn room. dosets ga.<br />

iore. Priced in lippeI' forlies.<br />

Open even<strong>ing</strong>s, Salurday,<br />

Sunday. R215182.<br />

TROMBLEY, 704<br />

OPP;N SU;'\I. 25<br />

The 21' masll'r bedroom wilh<br />

fircplace and hookshclves ael<br />

as a second liv<strong>ing</strong> room in<br />

Ihis very attractive conIem<br />

Jtorary home on a large, deep<br />

lot near <strong>the</strong> lake.<br />

4 hedrooms. 2'" hath.~ and Ihat<br />

Ml importanl Isl noor la\ln.<br />

ory rO'Ull as weB a, an a:<br />

lachrrl garal:e and IInd,'r<br />

;:rollnd s p ri n k I e r S~'S[(,1I1<br />

mal.e Ihis a rl'al lailorsavinc:.<br />

.stl'p-sal<strong>ing</strong> homc. Early f'Ossession!<br />

$48,500.<br />


Executive's nistom buill home.<br />

:l hNlrooms. :'I halhs<br />

:lfl' liv<strong>ing</strong> room<br />

21. pane/cd library<br />

\)I'lighlflll hreakfasl roo m.1<br />

J.ar~e ~I'rccnecl terra('1' at,<br />

r!'.lr a rrords utmosttn pri-<br />

I"r-V. t!ndccl(I'olind sprinkle"<br />

: ~~Icm,<br />

.'\ hne (,ll~lOlll huill one owner<br />

hOllll' with lhal very de~irah(('<br />

IWllroom and bath on 1st.<br />

floor. "('ar schools and I, ,.ns<br />

.,oMation. $72,1>00.<br />

KARL<br />

DAVIES<br />

TU 5-3220<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

fOR SALE<br />


4 BEDROOM<br />

OXFORD - Charm<strong>ing</strong> English<br />

res ide nee on 80' site. 2~.<br />

baths, formal din<strong>ing</strong> room".<br />

library, family room. ExcelleJ1t<br />

~'alue. December 1st occupancy.<br />

Johnstone & Johnstone<br />

TU 1-6300<br />

ALL OPEN SUNDAY 2-5:30<br />

LINVILLE 19282- Excellent 3<br />

bedroom. 1'12 bath Colonial.<br />

Natural fireplace, carpet<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

family room.<br />

FAIRHOLME 1210-Superior 21<br />

bedroom semi.ranch. Space<br />

for additional bedrooms,<br />

plumb<strong>ing</strong> roughed in. Central<br />

air condition<strong>ing</strong>, sprinkl<strong>ing</strong><br />

system, 2 car garage.<br />

LOCHMOOR 212f.-4-bedroom. 2<br />

full baths bungalow. Family<br />

room, recreation room and<br />

garage. Price reduced.<br />

RIVER ROAD 21211 - exceptional<br />

2 bedroom brick ranch,<br />

large family room with natural<br />

fireplace, first floor utilily<br />

room. plus basement, H~<br />

baths, attached garage. Price<br />

reduced. Owner mov<strong>ing</strong> to<br />

Florida.<br />

ROSLYN ROAD 1243 - 3 bcd.<br />

room, brick bungalow, 2 full<br />

baths, carpet<strong>ing</strong>, recreation I.<br />

._-------1<br />




TU 2-2100<br />

18530 MACK<br />

ltn:IIIM n:ALTY<br />

V,\l1ey'17314<br />


FOR SALt<br />


..~-;<br />

ili FINE custom built 4.bedroom,<br />

m 2'h bath, house on secluded<br />

P center parkway street. Top<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />



L_~~O_i~_d;_i~:_~k._.N_e_~_~_1Vn_~_:_.<br />

O_OI_~, ~~~ DON'T MISS this attr'active 5.<br />

bedroom Farm Colonial, off<br />


~1 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5<br />

2000 OXFORD ROAD - Brick<br />

*~ n. slorv. 4 bedrooms, separate<br />

d{n<strong>ing</strong> room. kitchen<br />

~W'~.<br />


EXPERT paintllig, paper hang.<br />

<strong>ing</strong>. Free estimates. G. Van<br />

Assche. VAlley 4-1492.<br />



5293 Yorkshire<br />

1382.9750or 331-8029<br />

P. P. GRACE & SON<br />

In busine~s since 1911<br />

Specializmg in exlerior paint<strong>ing</strong>.<br />

Guaranteed highest quality<br />

workmanship and materials.<br />

26355 Kathy Roseville<br />

779-0010 731-9037<br />


We paint homes and garages -<br />

aluminum sid<strong>ing</strong>, wood, brick,<br />

block, etc. Very reasonable.<br />

Any paint of your choice. Esti.<br />

mates are free. 371-7478.<br />


Decorator<br />

Exterior Interior<br />

Free Estimates<br />

TU 1-7050<br />

40 Years in G.P.<br />

INTERIOR and exterior<br />

<strong>ing</strong>, wall wash<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

hang<strong>ing</strong>. Reasonable<br />

30 years' experience.<br />

Barnowsky, 823-5596.<br />

penter repairs, wall paper<strong>ing</strong><br />

anrt gutters. Free estimate.<br />

382-1221.<br />

PAINTING - WALL - Tex -<br />

ano paperhang<strong>ing</strong> - remov<strong>ing</strong><br />

- wall wash<strong>ing</strong>, 30 years<br />

experience, work guaranteed.<br />

Mertens, 122 Muir, TU 2-0083.<br />

INTERIOR, Exterior paint<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

floor til<strong>ing</strong>, carpenter repairs.<br />

Quality materials used. Free<br />

estimates. Lakeview 7-5318,<br />

after 6 p.m.<br />

A.l INTERIOR and exterior<br />

paint<strong>ing</strong>, wall wash<strong>ing</strong> and<br />

paper hang<strong>ing</strong>. Have insur.<br />

ance. Kenneth Pygott, SLo.<br />

cum 8.1780, after 5:30 p,m.<br />

MARRIED college sludent ,experienced<br />

in!erior and exterior<br />

paint<strong>ing</strong>. Excellent references<br />

because of quality<br />

work. Call afler 5 p.m., 371-<br />

2296.<br />


m:!!!3<br />

To<br />

LAKEF'RONT SITE - 198'x455' Factory representative. VAl. -'. -<br />

East Sid. F~I1~:f~:~W~ld<br />

Grosse Point. Indl~l~oa';'~~~i:~iCs<br />

bUll 01' .ell<br />

.' •~ i • Ca:~~~fe~:::2<br />

WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE AWNINGS, roof<strong>ing</strong>, storm win- ... bot. Somerset and<br />

dOlI'S. black, white and vinyl. Nott<strong>ing</strong>ham<br />

Deep water dockage. Price re. Icy 1.2601ior 822.9588'1 ' DURA CLEAN---<br />

duced. Terms available. _<br />

TUxcdo 1-6300. 2tC-ELECTRICAL Serv<strong>ing</strong> ,lte Pointe ArelJ CARPET • FUR~ITURE<br />


ROWE Johnstone & Johnstone --~- . --- I NO SCRlJRB1NG. N,o SOAKI~G<br />

---------------.-.1 I and REPAIRS PR '.0710<br />


& !l IOTC' L'OR SALE _ V . KRAVS~IAr N ELECTRIC CO. Qua,ilySl!rvicl!~ Fret f:,limat..<br />

I' • ., r • ernler Gco Bouhana I'rofl<br />

I Road in Harper Woods-Zoned G ROVE I TU 2-5900 I .-:.. ..--.-.-...<br />

for m till i'p I e. Architeelur~1 21 D=iLEC"-RICAL JOANNA WESTERN<br />

21043 MACK TU 4.1000 plans a va ,I a b I e for 5'IID1t APPLIANCES G P • to" WINDOW SHADES<br />

build<strong>ing</strong>. PRICED RIGHT. --------_ rosse oln e aU<br />

ALTI';R ROAD-Zoncd for mul GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY Clean<strong>ing</strong>. 'I'urn<strong>ing</strong>. Rc;)air<strong>ing</strong><br />

Fast Service<br />

MORAVIAN FOREST CO.Of' apartment with vicw on<br />

16 MILE ANO (;ARFIEI.Il -I Hivl'r. spacious. aiNo~di!ion.<br />

Cuslom raneh. 2',,, ycars tJln. ed, 2 b~rl~ooms. 2 bat.h~ Com.<br />

3 bedroom. 2',,, hath, family plell' (•.1'•. kllchen. JDclu~JDg<br />

room. Finished hasement. Ex. 1\' Fisher Rd.• Opp. High f;ul of "'¥'(j ~~M\:' lhe Park<br />

,.<br />

,<br />

, "

Ttiursday. October 10. 1968<br />




call<br />

VALLEY 1-2070<br />

• Fall Clean.up<br />

• Fall Fertiliz<strong>ing</strong><br />

• Llwn Cuttlng<br />

• Leaf Removal<br />

• Evergreens TrimmM<br />

• Shrubs Trimmed<br />

• Landscape Plant<strong>ing</strong><br />

• Landscape Construction<br />

• Snow Removal<br />

GENE'S<br />



Bonded<br />

From Ano<strong>the</strong>r Pointe of View<br />

:Firc Pl'Cvclltion Week Obscr\ 7ed<br />

cape routes, wir<strong>ing</strong>, fUl'naces,<br />

and incinerators. and make reo<br />

ports of <strong>the</strong>ir find<strong>ing</strong>s to resi.<br />

dents. Ellenburg said.<br />

Fire departmcnt corporals,<br />

James Palmer and Andrew Be.<br />

noot. have <strong>been</strong> assigned to<br />

gil'e fire prevention lectures at<br />

all schools, in which literature<br />

also is be<strong>ing</strong> distributed, and<br />

posters have <strong>been</strong> placed on<br />

bulletin boards.<br />

Detroit Review<br />

Club Sees Hats<br />

LABay's Ct1STOIl<br />


lesideatfalllld Commercial<br />

. Repair aud Remodel<br />

(Continued from Page 17) ,<br />

Water Heaters-A. O. Smith AU <strong>the</strong> Junior Goodwill members will be in costume,<br />

Peunaglass and Rheem Gla. each department feawr<strong>ing</strong> a dHferent style and color,<br />

liIle.<br />

(have a game and see of you can recognize <strong>the</strong> different<br />

'fuzed", 1•.,410 eostumes of each section!) •<br />

There'll be • s-Ial Goodwill Employe Exhibit,<br />

r~~<br />

h<br />

SPRENKLE were <strong>the</strong> publle can actually lee employes involved,<br />

in <strong>the</strong> work <strong>the</strong>y do daily dur<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> yeart andt on <strong>the</strong><br />

• PLUMBING<br />

• HEATING<br />

Third Floor, American Interior Designs will present 25<br />

• SEWER CLEANING viginettes show<strong>ing</strong> "Antiques in Contemporary Sett<strong>ing</strong>s!'<br />

And, of course, <strong>the</strong>re'll be <strong>the</strong> First Floor dispJays of<br />

VA 2.1282 individual antique dealers, 38 in all. many new this<br />

"Hats and <strong>History</strong>," a ~ro.<br />

gram featur<strong>ing</strong> lead<strong>ing</strong> hat<br />

fashions from <strong>the</strong> year 1898 to<br />

<strong>the</strong> present, was <strong>the</strong> openlng<br />

program of <strong>the</strong> season for <strong>the</strong><br />

Detroit Review Club October 8<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Women's City Club.<br />

Three Grosse Pointe mem-<br />

be f th<br />

th:sin~els.\:~:bT:::r~a~::r'::<br />

modeled a 1919 gray erobroi.<br />

dered satin oonnet and a Greta<br />

Garbo slouch hat, circa 1929.<br />

21R-BRICK AND<br />

Siilce 1018<br />




CHIMNEYS, porches built and H. F.JENZEN<br />

,<br />

repaired. Leaky basements, BUilDING<br />

• Silver " Gold PJatiDI<br />

broken steps. Call anytime.<br />

• 0DdJziDJ IJld Jlepa1rin,<br />

294-4216.<br />

Home and iDdul\trlal repm. • Bra .. Po1iJIdIlIIc Lacqueriq<br />

Additions, at tiea eomPleted. • Fil'eP1Ict &tun. nfiDJshecl<br />

BRICK, BLOCK, cement work, Porch enclosutes, recreaUoJl • Copper polbhiDl " buffin,<br />

cbimneys, porches, s t e p s, rooms, prales repaired.<br />

built and repaired. Basement TU 1-9744 TU 4-3011 LEEBERT<br />

waterproof<strong>ing</strong>. 294-4014.<br />




J. W. KLEINER custom built kitchen cabiDets 1\ BlD. Welt of Chalmers<br />

recreation rooms. Additions<br />


VA :3-'1318,<br />

and :Ill types of porch en.<br />

All types Cement, Stone and closures, sid<strong>ing</strong> and roofin(. Zl%-LANDSCAPING<br />

Brick Work-New and Repairs FHA terms. We are insured, SERVICE<br />

..<br />

Driveways, Porches, Walks<br />

licensed and bonded.<br />

Patios, Tuck Point<strong>ing</strong>, Inspection of complete work WILLlAY FREEMAN.<br />

Pre. cast Steps<br />

invited; we guarantee our LANDSCJ\PING<br />

Waterproofillg<br />

workmanship.<br />

Shr.ubs trimmed, garden<strong>ing</strong>. No<br />

lawn .ervice.. Experienced<br />

No Job Too Small<br />


CONSTRUCTION CO. individual. 779.0269.<br />


881-4400<br />

IN<br />

TRIMMING, removal, llpray<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

feed<strong>ing</strong> and stump removal<br />

Flagstone Walks and PatlOf,<br />

ALL REMODELING Free estimates. Complete tree<br />

~atural Stone Planters<br />

Carpentry. alum. aid<strong>ing</strong>, g'Jtters, service. Cal Flem<strong>ing</strong> Tree<br />


storms, doors, awn<strong>ing</strong>s, en. Service, TUxedo 1-6950.<br />

TU 2-0717<br />

closures, baths, kitchens, van.<br />

ities. 294-6644.Terms.<br />

year and many "old friends," plus Goodwill Industries'<br />

own booth on <strong>the</strong> Second Floor. plus <strong>the</strong> Country Store<br />

and Pantry Shelft offer<strong>ing</strong> deUcacies prepared by Junior<br />

Goodwill members, plus tbe Ice Cream Parlor for quick<br />

snacks and gourmet luncheons and dinners in <strong>the</strong><br />

din<strong>ing</strong> room<br />

S d Jill: :" G T • A Af'~It'<br />

Mrs, Emil Traum modeled a<br />

1924 cloche and an antique ra-<br />

eoon coat, and did a spirited<br />

~9h~~leston for her part of <strong>the</strong><br />

M S SJhOWWh• 1<br />

n. ac k ee er modeled a<br />

pink satin pillbox with match<strong>ing</strong><br />


ADS<br />

Call TUxedo 2.6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quiekly<br />

Your Ad Can Be Charged<br />






TUxedo 2-2064<br />


G.OLMIN<br />


SEltVICES<br />



372-3022<br />

If no answer call 37:',3023<br />

A.OK Window Cleaners. Service<br />

on storms and screens. ~ee<br />

estimates. M 0 nth I y rates,<br />

521-2459.<br />




SEWERS<br />

Installed and Repaired<br />

Basement Waterproof<strong>ing</strong><br />

All work guaranteed<br />

24 hrs, service<br />


PR 5.5019 TUxedo 1.8061<br />

TU 1.9830<br />


Electric Sewer Clean<strong>ing</strong> for all<br />

drains and sewers.<br />




All Work Guaranteed<br />


Waterproof<strong>ing</strong> and brick work.<br />

We underpin foot<strong>ing</strong>s, re~ir<br />

caved.in basement walls or<br />

make replacements. Inspec.<br />

tion of completed work in.<br />

vited; we guarantee 0 u r<br />

workmaLship. FHA te rm s,<br />

licensed, insured, bonded.<br />



881-4400<br />

H. CHAUVIN<br />

884-9512 CEMENT CONTRAC'fOR<br />


sewers repaired. Guaranteed.<br />

Reasonable rates. 921.8175. • Walks. Drives. Porches<br />

• Patios • Waterproof<strong>ing</strong><br />

21....-A$PHALT<br />


MAKE THE OLD asphalt like<br />

H's <strong>been</strong> freshly done with<br />

filler. . This filler restores<br />

• Pre. Cast Steps<br />

• Tuck Point<strong>ing</strong><br />

No job too small. Free e$ti.<br />

mates.<br />

CALL<br />

TU 2.6586<br />

TU 2.5956<br />

beauty to old driveways, Call<br />

now for free estimate. 874.<br />

1855.'<br />


------------<br />


-----<br />

MASONRY and carpenter work.<br />

AIl types, new and repair.<br />

Fully insured. 35 years ex.<br />

pcrience. All work guaran.<br />

teed, 776.9391.<br />

ED-Reasonable rates, work.<br />

manship guaranteed. 921.8175<br />


W,!!""TERPROOF ING<br />


ALL WORK guaranteed. We dig<br />

outside waterproof<strong>ing</strong>; water<br />

drains broken or cracked are<br />

replaced, Free cstimates. No<br />

job too small-jllst eall<br />



TU 2.5735<br />




C1,,101ll mad,' furniture; oce<br />

nra(;ve f ah r i e s; professional<br />

needlepoint mount<strong>ing</strong>, tapes,<br />

tries and yarn; chairs and<br />

stools in st(,~k EWALD. estah.<br />

lished 1926. 1 F~lIow.hLP<br />

i:~O Scnlor W~h Met hod l s t<br />

YOllth f'('IJowJhlp.<br />

,4l! ore ,"'Ic(>me.<br />

R.(/ardl~$~ 01 roc.<br />

Room<br />

886.4300<br />

,I Page TwentHight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Oc/oberlO, 1968<br />

* * * * Feature Page * * *<br />

who9 where aDd whatDot<br />

by whoozit<br />

Way back when ••• <strong>the</strong>y first learned <strong>the</strong>y were<br />

pregnant, due to deliver <strong>the</strong>ir babies within a few weeks<br />

of one ano<strong>the</strong>r, Newcastle road across-<strong>the</strong>-street neighbors<br />

Carol Miller and Pauline McNeill speculated,<br />

"What if we're both in <strong>the</strong> hospital at <strong>the</strong>' same<br />

time? ••. " •.. But it was still a bit of a shock when<br />

Pauline glanced at <strong>the</strong> lady in <strong>the</strong> next bed in <strong>the</strong><br />

Recovery Room-and discovered it was Carol! • . • The<br />

date was September 20, and Ka<strong>the</strong>rine. Andrea Miller<br />

and Colin Alexander McNeill had just put in <strong>the</strong>ir appearances<br />

... Ka<strong>the</strong>rine is <strong>the</strong> daughter of <strong>the</strong> Norman<br />

Millers, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rouse,<br />

of Bloomfield Village, and <strong>the</strong> Anthony J. Millers, of<br />

Detroit .•• Colin is <strong>the</strong> son of <strong>the</strong> Alex McNeills, grandson<br />

of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Yesayian, of Lathrup Village,<br />

formerly of Middlesex boulevard, and <strong>the</strong> James Me-<br />

NeiHs, of Falkirk, Scotland ••.<br />

'" .* '"<br />

Confused ••• dur<strong>ing</strong> this Election Year, wonder<strong>ing</strong><br />

just exactly how we DO select our Chief Executive?<br />

••• The League of Women Voters h!ls issued a<br />

timely new book, "Choos<strong>ing</strong> <strong>the</strong> President," 96 pages<br />

of complete, concise, factual information about The<br />

1\I08t Important Event in American Politics • • • This<br />

handy, J)on.partisan paperback explains step.by-step just<br />

how <strong>the</strong> President of <strong>the</strong> United States is nominated<br />

and elected • , . It may be ,ordered from Mrs. Frank<br />

Clements, Jr., 882-9608, publications chairman of <strong>the</strong><br />

Gro!;se Pointe L WV • • •<br />

'"<br />

..<br />

Here's II lovely "Short Thought" • • • from<br />

Poetess.in-Residence, Carolyn Hubbard Lucas<br />

Prayer of <strong>the</strong><br />

...<br />

*<br />

Modern<br />

*<br />

American: "Dear God, I<br />

pray for patience. And I want it right now."<br />

-Oren Arnold<br />

* ...<br />

in The<br />

•<br />

Kiwanis lUagazinf'<br />

Sign at a watcrhole in Kenya's Tsavo National Park:<br />

"A nimals are requested to be quiet whilst <strong>the</strong> guests<br />

arc drink<strong>ing</strong> and vice versa."<br />

-Jerome Beatty,<br />

* •<br />

.Tr., in<br />

•<br />

Saturday Review<br />

'"<br />

Magdalena Reno Mehl<strong>ing</strong> • lived as a child on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Ribbon Farm of her parents, <strong>the</strong> George Renos, (it<br />

was located at what is now <strong>the</strong> corner of Orleans and<br />

East Jefferson avenue) ..• She lived in a gracious age,<br />

an age of candlelight and formal parties, when ladiesand<br />

gentlemen, too-dressed for each specific occasion<br />

..• Today her granddaughter, Mrs, M. R. Olp, of Har.<br />

court road, is present<strong>ing</strong> to <strong>the</strong> Detroit Historical Museum<br />

two of Magdalena's beautiful ballgowns and accessories<br />

• • . The Pear Tree Chapter of Questers meets<br />

this morn<strong>ing</strong> for coffee at <strong>the</strong> BalfouI1 road home of Mrs.<br />

Robert Sheridan, Later, <strong>the</strong>y'll proceed to <strong>the</strong> Museum<br />

to view costumes of <strong>the</strong> 19th and early 20th centuries<br />

and to witness Chapter Charter Member Mrs. Olp's<br />

presentation • • • Chapter officers for <strong>the</strong> new season,<br />

incidentally, are Mrs. Sheridan, president; Mrs. John<br />

V. Crane, vice-president; Mrs. Bertrum Watson, secre.<br />

tary; Mrs. Henry Gardner, treasurerj and Mrs. O1p,<br />

historian , ••<br />

•<br />

FLIGHT<br />

Wlurt can 1 say of sky? 1 sigh<br />

And look below to see <strong>the</strong> clouds go by.<br />

Afar 1 troce a shadow in unend<strong>ing</strong> space<br />

And know it must be mountains on ,earth's jace.<br />

But sky holds no more myst'ry than Ute earth:<br />

The place of birth for men who Imow<br />

what mighty dreams are worth.<br />

*<br />

•<br />

... ... .<br />

One small sehoolboy to ano<strong>the</strong>r; "It might be unconstitutional,<br />

but I ahvays pray before a test."<br />

-Reamer Keller in McCall's<br />

There are some four-Iettf'r words which shock new<br />

brides-like cook, wash and iron.<br />

* ...<br />

-Joan<br />

...<br />

I. Welsh in Quote<br />

Husband as wife tries on hat:<br />

~~!_2!:d_~ar.I like <strong>the</strong> middle-ag~~<br />

"Of course you can<br />

__~ook !~__ ~~ve~~ou."<br />

Pointer Of Interest<br />

Photo by Eddie McGratl1. Ir,<br />


By Janet lUueller Ido<strong>ing</strong> her job .. , .<br />

"PLEASE," said Anne Hudson, chairman of <strong>the</strong> "We. have a lot, of people<br />

1968 Planned Parenthood Christmas Mart "help us ~vhose mt~rest and IjJvolvement<br />

, b In lhe Christmas ~~;;rtgoes hack<br />

to get across <strong>the</strong> Idea that <strong>the</strong> Mart IS open to th~ p~ . 10 years, to <strong>the</strong> first Mart.<br />

lie. We want everyon~ to come. There ~ no a~m.lSSlo.n These people really know what<br />

charge, and <strong>the</strong> DetrOIt Veterans MemoTJal BUlldmg IS <strong>the</strong>y're do<strong>ing</strong>-and that makes<br />

so easy to get to from Grosse Pointe: Just hop on a my job easy ... n •<br />

bus--that's <strong>the</strong> easiest way for me to go downtown; lOver 400 people are WOrkl'lg<br />

Good Taste (jJ. -A<br />

Favorite Recipes if ':(Jtn,e<br />

People inO~he Know I Counter Points<br />

ORANGE BREAD I by Pat Rousseau<br />

(Contributed by The Walton-Pierce Model .. , tries on new fashions as<br />

I\trs. Kenneth M. Reichle soon as <strong>the</strong>y arrive. It gives <strong>the</strong> staff a chance to see how<br />

2 CAlifornia oranges <strong>the</strong>y look. Sometimes it proves a guess<strong>ing</strong> game as to<br />

1 cup sugar <strong>the</strong> price. The o<strong>the</strong>r day, Sue modeled some new even<strong>ing</strong><br />

~ cup water dresses. They looked like a million but <strong>the</strong>y were priced<br />

Use peel<strong>ing</strong> from two cali' around a hundrec. Yes, Walton-Pierce prices can be a<br />

fornia oranges, Cover with waterj very pleasant surprise.<br />

and cook until skin is soft. , '"<br />

Drain. Cut slUn into smalJ ,,*<br />

piei:es add one cup of sugar Beauty And Tile Best , .. is <strong>the</strong> story at Leon, 17888<br />

and \~ cup of water and sim. Mack Avenue. A doorman meets you to park your car<br />

mer IIntil slightly thick. Cool. or wisk it off to <strong>the</strong> car wash and fill it tIP with gas. (We<br />

3 cups unsifted flour are often down to <strong>the</strong> last drop.) Inside you'll find a<br />

4 tsp. bak<strong>ing</strong> powder superb staff ready to give you <strong>the</strong> 1)ery best service and<br />

]/2 tsp, salt styl<strong>ing</strong> for head to toe beauty. We usually rush in for<br />

1 egg , hair styl<strong>ing</strong> but <strong>the</strong>re have <strong>been</strong> days <strong>we've</strong> enjoyed a<br />

It2 cup milk relax<strong>ing</strong> facial, a pedicure and manicure. Then <strong>the</strong>re<br />

Mix all <strong>ing</strong>redients toge<strong>the</strong>r always comes <strong>the</strong> timt' for hair streak<strong>ing</strong> again and<br />

:ft and bake in slow oven, 325., scissor<strong>ing</strong>. We don't get Our eyebrows and lashes dyed<br />

"~I for one hour or until nicely but it is a real conve'lience and asset for many. If you<br />

~<br />

'.<br />

brown<br />

~Iakei; one<br />

,and.<br />

large<br />

cooked<br />

loaf,<br />

______<br />

through. need a bit of a make-up perk-up, ask at <strong>the</strong><br />

for advice and see <strong>the</strong> newest products. You<br />

beauty bar<br />

know, even<br />

<strong>the</strong> food <strong>the</strong>re is good, Many a day <strong>we've</strong> <strong>been</strong> saved<br />

starvation under <strong>the</strong> dryer. TUxedo 4-9393.<br />

Grand Ma<strong>rais</strong><br />

Qllesters Meet<br />

I from<br />

* * '"<br />

lUichelle's Boutique , •• is located at Leon, so you also have <strong>the</strong><br />

The Grand Ma<strong>rais</strong> Chapter of o?portunit:r ~ see <strong>the</strong> latest boutique fas~j~ns, jewelry, accesS()o<br />

Questers will meet tomorrow, nes and gift Items. We saw two new a~dJfI0!1s. A handy gadget<br />

Friday, October 11, at tbe Bal. sq~eezes a lemon, ever so J.leatly a.nd a stiver plated bulter server<br />

four road home of Mrs. Edward I tu ns out bulter II! attractive deSigns.<br />

R. Bunn. Mrs. J. D. Cassens * * *<br />

will present a program on old<br />

Orie!ltal Rugs.<br />

In Martha's Closet ... 373 Fisher Road, you'll find her<br />

"~ery own" rain coat . . . a perfectionist poplin, lined<br />

catch <strong>the</strong> Jefferson Beach at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> street-and in some capacity for <strong>the</strong> '~B .P.E.A... Workshop wlth snuggly fun-fur. She bought it for you in traditional<br />

beige and many o<strong>the</strong>r colors includ<strong>ing</strong> red and green.<br />

get off at <strong>the</strong> corner of Woodward and Jefferson .. , Mart. One reason th.e gr.ollp IS Slated Oct. 2~<br />

"D 't '. '1' g "n. 0------------ --- so large. Anne explams. ISthat ~<br />

..<br />

on say we re mal ...<br />

In I ' <strong>the</strong>re's a need for so manv vol.<br />

*<br />

vitations'; call <strong>the</strong>m brochur~s. calls, smil<strong>ing</strong>. "about as hig as unteer salesladies. Then sh~ cor. : Every Woman '.' . likes to make ~han(Jes for <strong>the</strong> better.<br />

That's what <strong>the</strong>y rcally .are: A~. our liv<strong>ing</strong> room is today." South Irccts berself: "Happiness Is Learn<strong>ing</strong>" will A .Mutschler kltch~n lets h~r rearrange storage. Wall<br />

nou~cement~ of Wh~~th;; year S Carolina wa.s more of <strong>the</strong> same: Sometimes Men Are Best be <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> 1968 fall umt shelves of wood are adJustable; cOlnpletely remov-<br />

Chnstmas • art WI 0 cr. A slcepy IIttlc Sou<strong>the</strong>rn town, "N I h ld 't I regional workshop' of Parent able. Undercounter unit shelves of metal or wood are<br />

"We send <strong>the</strong>m 10 a list of f h I 0, S 011 n say sa .es.<br />

people we have collected, a list a ,,~~yw~~.~~A~n~, says of her IfLADIES t .~e have t .mentwhorkhm~Education Associates, to be held slid<strong>ing</strong> and adjustable. Drawers can be interchanged<br />

wc try to add to evcry year. Southcrn Years "an experience or us. 00. some Imes e us Tllesday: Octobcr 22, at St. Paul and special interior fitt<strong>ing</strong>s changed about. At MutsChler,<br />

We send tbem to our frienils Id' h gain" I bands are <strong>the</strong> best salcspeople Evangelical Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church, 20227 Mack Avenue, learn how easy it is to make modiand<br />

to our friends' friends. W~ wew~~~ G~er:!t t::eAfr Fo~ce, of/lit' . ,;"t t1]S th ~ohaa:onle avenue and Lothrop fications and changes in <strong>the</strong>ir hardwood kitchens,<br />

selld thcm to <strong>the</strong> people who <strong>the</strong> Hudsons came to Detroit. ~s IV a, e?xac y, e * '" ,;,<br />

wrote <strong>the</strong>ir names and ad He's a Divisional Merchandls!! Chlrtl,stmas"Mart. f f u and The seminar opens at 9:3G<br />

d . th S' I B k t. sag oup 0 amo s o'clock with coffee and dough.<br />

reSllCs l~ e Ign. n 00 a Manager WIth <strong>the</strong> J. L, Hudson sometimes ofI-<strong>the</strong>-heaten-track nuts. The morn<strong>ing</strong> address,<br />

Iallt year s ~~rt, a~d, to <strong>the</strong> Compa~y n~w, (ra<strong>the</strong>r e far cry specialty shops from all parts ot scheduled to run from 10 until<br />

people who SIgned 10 at <strong>the</strong> from hiS Air Force work ~s a th U't d Stt j)" g a 11:30 o'clock, will be given by<br />

Mart before that, and <strong>the</strong> ~1art Pho~o.Radar Interpreter). H:lid:~ ~isit ~oe~et~~:~ Ass~~: Dr. Juanita Collier, Wayne State<br />

our be~,ore that . . . They're Happy Here bled under one roof at <strong>the</strong> De- University, Educational Psychol.<br />

, We sen.d <strong>the</strong>m to cv~ryonc "This is really 'homc'," Anne troit Veterans lfemorial Build. ogy Department.<br />

we can thmk of-and sllll we explains '<strong>the</strong> only place we. th Sh d' I th. Dr, Collier will discuss "Self.<br />

kn~v w~ miss pe~le. ~lIt we have ev~r really li,!ed toge<strong>the</strong>r. ~~:;es a~d ta~~sord~~~ ~~r I:u:~ Discipline in <strong>the</strong> Learn<strong>ing</strong> Proc.<br />

don t miss thcm mtentlOnal1y, We've found Grosse Pointe to t d Ch .• ~ dress" and will answer questions<br />

A ' ma who wants an ee pre- r1s~"as e Ivery.<br />

ny man or wo n . be v"ry friendly-<strong>the</strong>re are SiJ "We try to represent every from <strong>the</strong> floor follow<strong>ing</strong> hcr<br />

a brochure can call me UP-I;I many young married people liv. ~ossible spccialty that we can talk.<br />

love to ~ee that ~,elshe persona. <strong>ing</strong> here-and we like 'Detroit think 0'. to concentrate on items Miss Es<strong>the</strong>r L. Middlewood,<br />

ly recclves one. , and what it offers." thaI are not availahle here," Consultant in Family. Life Edu.<br />

YOII Are Wanted The H II d son shave thrcC' Anne' noles. "We trv VERY cation. will present <strong>the</strong> after.<br />

So ... in case you didn'l I daughters: Jennifer, 9'h" and HARD not 10 duplicate. noon addre~s, "Creative Ap.<br />

know, we rclay Anne's messagc: Elizabeth, "a brand new 8." in "I should mention too" she proach to Learn<strong>ing</strong>," at 1<br />

The Planned Parenlhood Christ- <strong>the</strong> Fourth and Third Grades adds "<strong>the</strong> wonderf~1 s~pport o'clock. Discussion groups. cov.<br />

mas .M~rt wants YOU!, al Grosse Pointe Univer~ity we get from local shO'Js. Not cr<strong>ing</strong> creative possibilities :n<br />

ThIS IS Anne Hudson s second School. and Susan. 3, followmg onlv do <strong>the</strong>y supoort us-<strong>the</strong>y Art. Science. Nalure. Travel,<br />

ycar as Mart general chairman. in ber sislers' footstcps at tak~ ads in our hrochure!" Communication and Exprcssion,<br />

It's a "sleady" job; <strong>the</strong> Christ. Christ Church Nursery School. 0 0 t b r 22 Social Awareness-any area of<br />

mas ~1art, includ<strong>ing</strong> lin<strong>ing</strong> up Annc's favoritc recreation is . pen~ c 0 c j possible children's creativity on<br />

shops, lin<strong>ing</strong> up v:llunlecr work tcnnis, but she has NO illusions ThIS year s Marl opcns, Tues which participanls wish Lofocus<br />

ers and handl<strong>ing</strong> thc "percl.'nl. about her prowess as a player. day, Oclobe~ 22, at 5 0 cl?~k, -and a round.up will conclllde<br />

ages," (Planned Parcnthoorl With Gil, shc entered <strong>the</strong> re. closes at B 0 clock that evcnlng, <strong>the</strong> IV 0 r k s It 0 p. Dismissal is<br />

The Com<strong>ing</strong>s and Go<strong>ing</strong>s • • . at Robert's<br />

Place, 405 FIsher Road, Is <strong>the</strong> talk of <strong>the</strong> ~<br />

area. In clime tire" passe hairdos and out ••<br />

go <strong>the</strong> new;:r shapes of <strong>the</strong> new season. ~ \'::J<br />

Rohert fells us although hair is stilI shortish .... r.<br />

thp.re is a bit of side softness dlle to more -V '<br />

length ..• 8864130. * • • • '<br />

The Sphere . , . 19849 Mack, has a new<br />

shipment of 1968 Yule plates from Denmark.<br />

Traditional blue on porcelain for<br />

a Christmas celebration scene in.a<br />

Danish church. This newest limite'd<br />

edition f['om B<strong>ing</strong> and Grondahl<br />

thirteen-fifty a plate.<br />

KAnneLle" Is com<strong>ing</strong>! • • , She's br<strong>ing</strong><strong>ing</strong> her<br />

By request .. , <strong>the</strong> Notre Dame Pharmacy has extended<br />

"FrIends," too-to <strong>the</strong> regular meet<strong>ing</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Grosse<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir special on Notre-Vite, <strong>the</strong> high potency vitamin-<br />

Pointe Woman's<br />

1 ()'cIock in <strong>the</strong><br />

Club<br />

Fries<br />

next Wednesday,<br />

Crystal Ballroom<br />

October<br />

of <strong>the</strong><br />

16, at<br />

Grosse<br />

mineral capsules manufactured specially for<br />

tile month of October, one 111lndred for three<br />

tltem. For<br />

ninety-five<br />

Pointe War Memorial<br />

Anderson, of Lans<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

•..<br />

and<br />

"Annette"<br />

her "Friends"<br />

is Mrs. James<br />

are .Character<br />

. , . you save a dollar.<br />

.. ,;, ,;,<br />

Dolls from all over <strong>the</strong> world, fashioned by Annette<br />

and dressed by her in velvets and brocades, us<strong>ing</strong> bits<br />

of old material and rare laces from antique shops . . .<br />

Mrs. John J. Kelly, chairman of <strong>the</strong> day, will introduce<br />

<strong>the</strong> Doll Maker ... Hostess Mrs. Edward Pisula, assisted<br />

League, Inc. receives a perccnt. cent ']'cnnis and Crumpets Tour. re.opens. Wednesrla'y' October scheduled for 3 o'clock.<br />

age of <strong>the</strong> price of items solei nanwnt. "We werc in <strong>the</strong> B. ~3, run~mg ~rom 10 m t~e morn. Rescrvations must be madc<br />

through Ihe ~larl). is literally minus Category: That's third mil \lnlll 8 10 <strong>the</strong> ~venmg; ano and paid for in advance. Dl.'ad.<br />

a ycar.'round projcct. down from thc top. and <strong>the</strong>re runs from 10 untll 5 0 c1oc~ line is nexl Thursday, October<br />

But Annc doesn't view it as arc onIv four classes." she Thursday, October 24, when It 17<br />

The Kalcilloscope ••• sees YOIl sav<strong>ing</strong> your petty cash In pet<br />

piggy or flln animal banks, New colorful square banks inspire<br />

sav<strong>ing</strong>s too. Thrifty prices start at fifty-nine cents ••• 16135 Mack<br />

at Bedford.<br />

* * *<br />

by co-hostess Mrs. William B. Stuck, will use "October<br />

Palette" as <strong>the</strong> tea table <strong>the</strong>me . . . Members serv<strong>ing</strong><br />

on <strong>the</strong> tea committee include <strong>the</strong> Mesdames L. J. Card.<br />

well Wilfred Cowan, M. R. Graybiel, H. A.' Groen<strong>ing</strong>,<br />

Richard Huegli, Malcolm Jolliff, L. V. Kim~rell, William<br />

Krieger, Kenneth P. Locke, L. A. Lotgermg, Jack Le.<br />

febvre, J. E. McCaughey, Jobn McClain, Jack H. Merritt,<br />

Robert Schell<strong>ing</strong> and H. Merritt Smith ...<br />

... ...<br />

*<br />


a particularly difficult assign<br />

men!. In fact, shc has a sneak<br />

iag suspicion she's "bell<strong>ing</strong> oft<br />

easy"<br />

'Tve really only hecn involvcd<br />

in <strong>the</strong> .'Iarl for four<br />

years, two of thcm as chairman,"<br />

she notcs.<br />

"I had hcen Shop chairman<br />

with ,Joan (;\lr5. Henry 1\1.)<br />

Woodhouse for two years hc<br />

fore I bccame general chair.<br />

man. Berorc Ihat, I was just a<br />

laughs. '''That should give you<br />

somc irlea of how 'good' we<br />

are ... "<br />

The Hudsons have bcen Poin.<br />

teTS for nine year~. Their home<br />

is in Beverly place-one of thl'<br />

Insl dirl roads in Grosse Poinle<br />

Farms lip until three years ago.<br />

when <strong>the</strong> rcsidents had it pavcd.<br />

"Evcry spr<strong>ing</strong>, <strong>the</strong> polholes<br />

were fanlastic," Anne remern.<br />

hers, "There was so much dust,<br />

wc couldn't open our winrlows."<br />

closes "for go?d," , The reservatirn fce of $250 Clustcr of Curls can be pinned on to enhance and<br />

Lunchcons will he s I.' r v e d includes regislration, morn<strong>ing</strong><br />

Wcdncsdar and .ThurSd?,y fro:n coffee and doul(hnuts and lunch. reinforce .'~<strong>the</strong>" look. At Edw.ar~ Nepi Parrucchi~re,<br />

12 to 2 0 clock III <strong>the</strong> Top of con, which will he served be. 19463 Mack .Avenue, you ,can pICk as Jl?any as you Ilke.<br />

Ihc .'lart" on <strong>the</strong> ci~h~h floor ~f tween noon and I o'c1ock. Mrs. The t~p styhsts ~uggest flYe. A charmmg. way to wea~<br />

th~ V~tcrans MemOrial. Cock. Lewis Kirchner. 1253 Bedford. <strong>the</strong>m IS on <strong>the</strong> SIde. What flattery and wnat ~un ! IndI-<br />

tails Will he scrvcd at luncheon road. 882-0386, is a c c e p tin g I vidual curls cost from two dollars to two-fIfty each.<br />

and after. 5 o'clock. checks by mail and tclcphone I TUxedo 4-8858.<br />

:"iI'\\' thIS yea~ amou!! <strong>the</strong> 30 inquirics. I<br />

..<br />

or so Shops e.ommg to Ihc Ma.rt - __ _ ___ ', , . '" *<br />

are The Carriage House, a chll. I HaY<strong>ing</strong> II hirthday party? lit s Custom .... , except tire price. In addition to one<br />

drc.n's shop from Long Island I I hundred alld flfty decorator color~ for wall to wall,<br />

,~hlch, ~nnc Hudson empha. . machine washable, bathroom carpetz:ng, <strong>the</strong>re are fortysaleslady<br />

. . . Charm lIad 10 Go sl1.es: "w!!l have a 1010' c1o~he:; I five tweeds and fifteen qualities from which to choose at<br />

O<strong>the</strong>rs Work Hardcr So thc neighhors got togclhcr , f~r 1~~.t1e, BOY.Sas well as httle . Erl Maliszewski, 21435 Mack Avenue.<br />

"A lot of people on my fan- and dccidcd that "charm" must I ~lrlS, 'I h~ PI~eapple,. a Was.!:' . * * *<br />

tastic commiltce hal'e helel far succumh. evcr so slightly. (Rcv. Il~gton. !".C.. ~Ift shop. Wlnn.;. I<br />

more difficult johs for far <strong>long</strong>, crly is still a narrow. qUiCI., ~a, h!I':~ ~~e ('rl ame ~en?ls 'E'/cry Thursday ..• Wesficld's featurc family style shrimp fry<br />

pr pcrioels of time than I . . . "countryish" street l. to prac as Ions - I u!1 erstan ~ou i •.. all yon can eat ... one forty.nine fur adults •.• ninety.nine<br />

Take ollr treasurcrs. Mrs. Wil ticality . . . :' gone l6 offices and photographed<br />

t ' Lad~' of Stonehurst, "She romr~ lagc m sllnshmc shadl'~. (it hap. ,Dorcas Hardin's fin.e Iinl(eric: __<br />

: executives at work. III"s snaplK'd build<strong>ing</strong>s and captured fashion<br />

-, to cvery Planned Parcnthood (If'IlSto hc OUR favofltc}, wcrr I The ~[aramor's speC'lal canriif's<br />

, models on film, of course! lJis lens I>erviccs are conveniently<br />

• I !,(':lgIlC mcctinll. know.~ evcry. Jlurchaseel at Jla~t Chri.~tmas and Rohcrt Malllllov's neerllc.<br />

, av::iiable at 16839 KCI'cheval and personal portraits in color are.<br />

I ! hod~"s "llmC .. !' :\IMts, . i pointf' Cllllvasses,<br />

1 a spccialty. Call 884.3289.<br />

19700 Mack I, Pointe Is Now "nom!"" ',AnnC' 1Sa memhC'r of Ihl' ,TUIl. "WI' hopf'," says ."nnc lIud. I saw this on<br />

i at BloSlcm La". ...<br />

i' :'\eithl'r AnnC' nor Gil !llIds',n lor Lf'aguc of Of'(roil and on son. "to r:lisc 525,000 for Ihl'<br />

'"<br />

I TU 6.3600 f art' nali,,(' :'Ilichiganricrs, hut tll thl' Roard of Ihc Plannl'd P"r D I' t r 0 i I Planned Parenthood a bumper sticker- Come In ... and see <strong>the</strong> new Hotpoint built.in appliances<br />

i ,:holh of <strong>the</strong>m Grossc Pointe is' cnlhood !.caguc. r.l'a~ur, which sen'e~ <strong>the</strong> cn. . at Kitchen Remodelers. 15281 ,Jefferson. Let one of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

I<br />

i I "homC'." I .R~lie\'cs in ('allst' I tirc Tri.Cnllnty area, : experts show you how to save money on kil

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