Village Voice AUGSEPT 22

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August/September 2022

Results arenow in.

Read about them inside.

Delivered Free To Every Home In The Parish


To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Many thanks to Christine Calder thefront

cover. Christine’spaintingscan be seen with

otherlocal artistsatthe MilfordArt Group

exhibition at All Saints’churchhall—see local

noticeboard fordetails.

Resultsare nowinfor theLeagueofFriends

Your+Healthsurvey—pleasesee pages6&7

forthe results.

Lovejams &preserves?Suzanne Ashworth’s

article is full of insightsand informationon

produce available locally.

Allthe best,Jacqui

E: Info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

T: 01590643969/07801 562358

W: www.lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Next editiondeadline: 6thSeptember 2022

• Bringing HistoryHome 4

• NF Artisans:Jams&Preserves9&10

• Throughthe HurstNarrows15

• Keepingthe colourgoing 17

• Local Walk19& 21

• ClearSkies22

• In theGarden27

• Wildlife Matters 61

• 28&29(answers62)

• Parish News 31-34

• Your+HealthSurveyResults 6&7

• Whichcouncil does what? 37

• Local Noticeboard 39-45

• Community Centre 47

• MCV53

• ChurchServices55

• Mini TGN57

• Useful Nos59

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken toensure that data inthis

publication isaccurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can

accept, andhereby disclaim,any liabilitytoany partyfor loss or damage caused

by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause.

The Lymington Directory LTD does not officially endorse any advertising

material included within this publication. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in any retrieval systems or transmitted in any form -

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording orotherwise -without prior

permission of thepublisher.

Kitchens •Bathrooms



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Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts

evolvebuildingltd2@gmail.com www.evolve-build.com





Belsito(or MilfordVilla), and


Over the years many of the older properties in

the village have succumbed to demolition and

their grounds used for multiple housing. Belsito

is one ofthese, its site isnow South Court and

Merlin behind thedental surgery.

The first confirmed, although un-named, record

occursinthe Churchwardens’ RatingListof1793

when theratewas paid by George Heywood. He

died in 1795 and his widow was recorded in the

churchwardens’ accounts as contributing, in

1797, a guinea, and a further guinea at

Lymington, to a fund against the threatened

invasion by the French; she was described as ‘of

The Cottage, Milford’. She was the aunt of Col.

Henry Tufnell Roberts and of Major Charles

Morrissy Roberts who later lived at Milford

Lodge, next door, and Everton House

respectively. She was also indirectly related to

the Reynolds ofMilford House, the Rivett family

and Mrs Whitby’s family. When she died in

1824, she left the property toher son inlaw,

Auguste des Champs delaTour, amember of

the French emigrée forces stationed in

Lymington, who had married her daughter,

Anna Maria, in 1816. In the 1851 Census the

house was recorded asMilford Villa and the de

la Tours livedthere until 1863 when Anna Maria

died. It was still Milford Villa onthe first edition

(1870) Ordnance Survey, but, by the time of the

1882 Newlands Estate Survey, it was in the

Wests’ ownership and renamed Belsito Villa,

perhaps asareminder ofMrs West’s times in

Italy. In 1898, William Saville Kent bought the

house and added an upper story and


In earlier life William had been connected with

the murder of his 3 year old half-brother,

Francis Saville Kent, atRoad near Trowbridge

which scandalised Victorian society. Francis was

one ofthe children ofSamuel Saville Kent and

his second wife, Mary Drewe Kent. Samuel’s

first wife Mary Ann had died at the age of 44 in

1852 and had produced for him 10 children, the

majority of whom had died in infancy. Samuel

soon remarried, marrying the children’s

governess with whom, it was believed, he was

having anaffair whilst his first wife was alive.

Thechildren from hissecondwife, especially the

son, were preferred by their father to those

from his first wife, causing resentment in the

other children from their father’s lack of

affection. The story is the basis of the book The

SuspicionsofMrWhicher by Kate Summerscale.

William spent little time at Belsito, spending

much of the last 24years of his life inAustralia,

becoming Commissioner ofFisheries in Western

Australia and arenowned marine biologist. He

wrote, among others, The Great Barrier Reef in

1893, for decades

the authoritative

work onthe reef,

and The Naturalist

in Australia in

1897. On one visit

back to this

country he gave

William Saville-Kent

Mrs Patsy


of Newlands apair

of cultivated

pearls, having

perfected the

technique for

growing them.

This led her son, George, to establish a

syndicate to exploit Kent’s process of pearl

culture, but Kent died in 1908 without revealing

his secret, just as we shall never know what, if

any, involvement hehad in the murder! He is

buried in All Saints‘ churchyard, his grave

originally adorned with corals from his time in

Australia. His widow, at her death in 1919, left

thehouse as aholiday home for clergyand their

families, which it remained until it was


Forfurtherinformation visitthe MOSHRS website whichisacorepartofits Bringing HistoryHomeproject supportedbythe

Heritage LotteryFundand Milford-on-Sea Parish Council. website www.milfordhistory.org.uk

To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

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Thank you to the 1,485 people that completed the

League of Friends YOUR+HEALTH SURVEY, equating to

around 1 in 3 adult residents of Milford on Sea.


You said, as shown in the chart (1) below,

a pharmacy and blood tests locally were

considered the two most important

requirements with 91% and 92% of

respondents citing these as either

very or quite important respectively.

The remaining 6 options provided were

also considered quite / very important

by a clear majority (70%+) of respondents.

Chart 1: Please

indicate to

what extent you

personally think

it is important

that each of

the following

services should

be provided

by the Milford

Medical Centre

by selecting

one answer for

each row.

01590 213145 | milfordlof.healthhub@gmail.com | www.HealthHub-milfordlof.co.uk

Charity number: 207165

A follow-up (open-ended) question was

also included to provide respondents with

the opportunity to suggest additonal health

needs or services that had not been included

in the preceding question:

In response to this question:

68% (1,015) provided AT LEAST ONE


22% (334) provided ONLY ONE suggestion

14% (207) provided TWO suggestions

16% (237) provided THREE suggestions

A summary of the top ten responses to this

open-ended question is shown in chart (2)

- along with the number of responses each

attracted in total.

What happens next?

• The league of Friends will discuss

with the NHS Clinical Commissioning

Group the results of the YOUR+HEALTH


• The League of Friends will keep

residents of Milford on Sea informed

of the progress.

• Full details of the YOUR + HEALTH

SURVEY can be found on www.


Chart 2:

Suggestions for additonal health needs or

services that had not been included in the

preceding question


Number of people in MIlford on Sea

50 100 150 200 250

Eye clinic


Age of survey participants




17 or under






Prefer not to say



GP appointments

Women's Health

Minor injuries




Respite care

Keep fit

Men's Health

Cardiac Nurse

Nutrition/weight loss

Mother and baby clinics

Diabetes clinic

NHS Dentist

Percentage of male, female and

‘prefer not say’ survey participants.


Prefer not to say


Milford’sFlorist forall Occasions


Designed Arrangements


33 High Street,Milford-on-Sea

8 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

New Forest Artisans:

Jams & Preserves

Thesoiland climateofthe area, particularly along thecoast,isideal forthe cultivation of many

By Suzanne Ashworth

berries, with strawberriesbeing themostpopular. Sincethe 1800sstrawberrieshave been grown

andsoldinthispart of Hampshireand were once themainstay of some village’s life.Duringthe

pickingseason, children were often missing fromschool to join in theharvesting andrailway lines

were built to take thefresh fruit quickly to Londonand otherurban areas. Demand hasdropped

sincethe 1960s when cheapimports flooded themarket, butanyonewho hastastedthe freshsun

-warmedlocal varieties would agreethattheycannotbesurpassed in sweetness, fragrance,and


Visitingalocalfruit farm is agreat dayout and

it is excitingfor children to experiencethe

excitement of lookingout theripenedberries

andtakingthemhometoeat or to enjoyona

picnic.91% waterand rich in vitamin C, iron

andpotassium berrieswill notcontinue to ripen

once pickedsolookout forthe readyones.

With atraditionallyshort season, fruit

preservation hasdevelopedalongside the

growing andthereare several artisan makers of

jamsand preservesinthisarea. Jams, jellies,

andmarmalades areheatedwithwaterand

sugaruntil“setting” occursdue to thepectin

contained (inapples, blackcurrants,and plums)

or added to thefruitsand then usuallystoredin

glass jars.Aftersugar duties were removedin

1874, theproductionofjams andpreserves

became abusylocalindustryinfruit-growing

areas.New Forest artisansare keeping this

productionalive with diverserangesofjams,

jelliesand savourypreservesusing locally

grownfruit andvegetables, includingtomatoes,

squashes, andzucchini. Theusual setting

temperatureisabout104 Cand traditionallyan

open panmethodisused. More commercial

productionusesvacuum vessels. Jams and

preserveswillkeepfor averylongtime until


by PaulineGoodall andIhave nottastedjam

likeitsince my Nanwas alive!The Goodall

family have farmed since1912 andare open for

pick-your-own fromlate May onwards(South

Baddesley Road, SO41 5SG).There is aseasonal

farm shop andPauline will sometimes have

some jam leftwhen they areonlystillselling

pumpkinsand Christmas trees, butmaybe get

some if yougotovisit to pick strawberries,

cherries,new potatoes, blueberries,

raspberries,blackcurrants,orredcurrants to be

surenow to missout.The availabilityofeach

fruit is updatedontheirsocial mediapages and

in thelocalpress …..

Once youhave tasted oneofthe locallymade

preserves, themass-produced supermarket

versions will just nottaste toogood–

Lymington’sGoodall’s strawberry farm hasa

limited amountofjam andmarmalades made

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts

Continued on next page

Continued on next page


Continued from previous page

…. Notfar away in Hordle, Jenniferofthe Naked

Jam company



business, making




saucepans using

only ethically




example set by


seekingout localand foraged fruits. Jennifer

aims to “capture as seasoninajar” andtobuild

relationships with localgrowers andfarmers.

After winninganationalmarmaladeaward in

2011, shehas developed many newtaste

combinations–this allstartedwhen hersister

hadcancerand cravedthe taste of real homemadejams.

If youwould like to findout howto

do this yourself,Jen runs workshopsand canbe

contactedon01590 683381 or jen@nakedjam.co.uk.Why

nakedjams? Only thebare

naturalingredients areused.

localfarm shops andnurseries or contacther on

Facebook or 07599294293. She createsproducts

based on localraw ingredients, inspiredbythe

natural tasteand smalloffresh fruitand

vegetables, most of whichissourced from

Sopley Farm andthe NewForestFruit Company.

Ewelinaisamember of HampshireFareand New

Forest Marque, demonstrating hercommitment

to high standardsand thenaturalenvironment.

Growingupinalargefamilywhere culinary

knowledge andgrowing producewas part of life

andshe was taughttonot only commune with

nature,but also valuetraditionsand customs.

Each of theHome Pantry’s products hasastory

behind it andcombineflavoursand thelearning

instilledinher by her family.Withher partner

havingworked locallyasa chef forthe last12

years,Ewelinahas been able to also embrace the

tastesoftheir adoptedcountry.


Facebook: forest-to-sea.online

Instagram–alocal photo everyday –


Also using producefromlocalsuppliers,Ewelina

in her Home Pantry in Sway’s BarrowsLane

units, produces handcrafted jams, chutneys,

pickles andmarmalades with no artificial


This young






won abronze

roundel in the

2022 World’s





very intriguing

flavours! Just to

mention afew

thereisapple,squashand ginger, spicedplumor

peachand vanilla jam as well as chocolate apple

spread.Ewelina’s artisan produceissoldat

Lymingtonand Brockenhurst markets,many

10 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Help @Hand

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Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


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14 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Through the

Hurst Narrows:

HMY Britannia

thedecks ensured that Britannia was

capableofflying allthe flags required of a

royalvessel, herclipperbow representeda

breakfromthe past.Her fittingout wasfar

from conventional, too –not leastbecause

theQueen’s children wouldbeonboard.

From sandpits andslidestolifeguardsand a

month’s supply of freshmilk, it wasa

dauntingtask, takenonbyActing Captain J

SDalglish,widely known as Fish. His

‘Letters from aFishtohis Admiral’ make

fascinating reading!

TheRoyal Yacht Britannia©Marc Millar

Many apassage on HMY Britannia sawher

slip throughthe HurstNarrows. If you were

luckyenoughtobewatching from Hurst

Castle, youmight have spotted theflag at

Keyhaven YachtClubloweredin

acknowledgementofthe royalyacht, with

Britannia returning thesalutein

time-honoured fashion.

Afterthe pompand ceremony, funand

communityspirit of thePlatinum Jubilee

celebrations,bothnationwide andin

Milford on Sea, it seemsonlyfittingtogive

HMY Britannia herspell in thespotlight.

Ordered just twodaysbeforethe death of

King George VI,inFebruary 1952, theroyal

yachtwas intended both to transportthe

royalfamilyaroundthe globeand to serve

as ahospital ship should theneed arise. Too

late to offerconvalescence for theailing

King,she wentontobecome ahighlyvisible

symbolofthe Queen’s reign,logging atotal

of 1,087,623nautical milesduringthe

fulfilmentof968 visits.

The412ft(126m) steam-powered yachtwas

built by John Brown&Co, theScottish

shipbuilderthatwas also responsible forthe

QueenMary andthe QueenElizabeth.Just

weeksfromthe coronation, shewas

launched by thenew Queen at Clydebank

on 16 April1953.

Ayear after thelaunch, allwas ready for

theinaugural royaltriptoMalta,the first of

over600 portsin135 countriestobevisited

duringher royaltenure. Perhaps fittingly,

thefirst royalpassengerswere theyoung

Prince Charles andPrincessAnne, with the

yachtgoing on to become afamilyholiday

homeamongthe Scottish islands, andlater

ahoneymoon ship for four royalcouples.

Alongside herroleasafloatingpalace and

royalhideaway, Britannia played an

importantpart in diplomaticrelations, not

leasthelping to evacuate British nationals

caught up in civilwar in South Yemenin

1986. Visiting headsofstate included


Eisenhowerand Ronald Reagan to Bill

Clinton. Theshipwas also no stranger to

business affairs,astately reminderofthe

economicvalue of themonarchy. Andstill

shefound timetoturnupatCowes Week.

Britannia’s final formal role came in July

1997,whenthe last governor of Hong Kong,

ChrisPatten,joinedthe Prince of Waleson

board following theceremonial handover

of theterritory to thePeople’s Republic of

China. After 44 years of loyalservice, the

much-lovedroyal yachtwas


TriciaHayne,MembershipSecretary, Friends

of HurstCastle.The group wasformedin1986

to support thishistoricbuilding, which is

ownedbyEnglish Heritage.Why notjoinus?

If thetraditional three maststowering over

For details, contacttrjhayne@gmail.com

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts 15

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This hasbeenafantastic year forroses and

earlyflowering perennials but as we move into

high summer, thegardeninJulyand August can

sometimes starttolookalittle tired andin

need of aboost. Cuttingbackearly flowering

perennialslikegeraniums,poppies andcatmint,

that have peaked, will sprucethingsupfor a

start. Give them aliquidfeedand they will send

up new foliage in afew weeks. If youhave

grownrepeat flowering roses,deadheading and

feeding will bringasecond flush of bloom.

But in themeantime,whatwill give some

instantcolour? It looksasthoughweare

headingfor adry spelland topofmylist are

salvias andpelargoniums. Thereare so many

different kinds of salviastochoosefrom. They

have lovely aromaticleavesand will flowerwell

into theautumn.

Thereare elegantspikedoneslikesalvia

nemerosa whichcomeinshadesfrompinkto

softpurpleand giveheight in theborder. Cut

theflower spikesdownwhen they have

finishedflowering andnew ones will come.

Then thereare thetallshowy ones like

“Amistad” whichisadeep purple,or“Loveand

wishes”arich burgundy,justtomention a

couple. Thereare plenty of others.Theseare

bigplants, andcan grow to ametre or more but

so worthhaving, andI’vehad Amistad

flowering rightintoNovember.

Then thereare bushy ones like “RoyalBumble”

or “Hot lips”togivealovely “pop”ofbright

redorpinkinthe border.The greatthing about

salvias is that they arehardy andbeeslove

them.Likeall newlyplanted plants youneedto

keep them well watereduntilestablished but

they will repayyou with alongseasonof


Theother groupofplantsIhave fallen in love

with is pelargoniums.You cangrowthemin

pots,orbaskets,orplant them in theborder

andagainthere is ahugerange of shapes,

coloursand forms.Theyare alsoverydrought

tolerant. Iparticularlylikethe oneswith

scentedleaves. Youcan’t always findthem

easily butI’veseen“Pink Capitatum” inthe

localnurseries andit’s afabulousplant for

flowering allsummerlong.

Agoodway of keeping thecolourgoing is to

grow things in pots so that youcan move them

around to fillgapsand have instantcolour

whereyou want it.

Lilies, alstroemeriasand agapanthus allbloom

in thecomingweeks.Theyoftencomebursting

outoftheir pots andIfindit’s worthrepotting

them into somethingthe next size up.

Alstroemeriasand agapanthus like thesun but

lilieswill lastlongerinsemishade.

Hydrangeas andfuchsiasare alsogreat for

colouratthistime of year.Fuchsiaswillflower

rightintoOctober.The more showy ones tend

to be tender butthe hardytypes will floweron


Thereare many differentvarieties of

hydrangeas,lace cap, mophead ,paniculata or

speciesand if youdoalittle homework youcan

have them floweringfromJulytoSeptember.

Thecolourisdictatedbywhether youhave

alkaline or acidsoil.

So my toptipfor keepingthe colour goingisto

grow things in pots fornow andmovethem

around to whereyou want colour.You can

plantthem in thegardenwhenconditions

improve. And,ifthisheatwave persists, don’t

forget to waterthem each day!

Pleasemention SueCrabb The,(Chair)MilfordGardeners’Club

Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


1Church Hill, Milford-on-Sea,

Lymington, SO41 0QF

T: 01590643867

Open: Monday-Saturday

10am -5pm

Email: info@mossonthegreen.com

Follow us

18 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Holmsley Inclosure

AWalk by Suzanne Ashworth

SU2227 0036 BH24 4HY

Small carpark by Holmsley Gatehouse, whichisaholidaycottage. Abeautifulareaofmixed

woodland notfar fromthe disusedrailway track and near Holmsleycampsite,which was

developedonthe oldWW2baseand hasaRAFmemorialonsite.

In additiontothe wood andheathland walksthere are enchantingtracksthrough theInclosure

itself.Thishas conifers andbroadleaved trees, lots of tracks andstreams forwalkingand cycling

andofferswalksofvarying lengths to suitall.

Thecar park is notlarge andwellhidden, so go early in busy seasons, or join theInclosure from

theCastlemain trackorthe laneacrossthe heath.

When thelockdown endedinsummer 2019, we were amused andsomewhatirritated to find

onepreciouscar park spacetaken up by acouplewho hadset up theirdeckchairs in theshade

actuallyfacing theircar boot!Whatawaste.

If youwanttoextend your walk or make aday of it youcan continue fromthe railway track up

theheath to some beautiful ponds, onecompletely coveredinsummer with waterlilies.

Continue across theheath anddownthe tracks towardsBurbush andyou will suddenly com


Whitten Pond near Burley,approachfromBH234EF or 8EESU2041 0124

Thereare many ways to approach this New

Forest watering hole, whichisusually


adrink or resting. At thebaseofWhitten

Bottomthe pond is fedbynumerous

streams andruts, whichare filledwith

rainwateratwet times of theyear.

Thenarrow tracks becomerushing streams

in winter.Wefirstdiscoveredthisplace one

quiet late Spring morning. Thepondwas

tranquil anddesertedapart fromponies and

cattle, hummingwithdragonflies and

damselflies. Theabundant waterlilieswere

just opening–an enchanting place.

Unfortunately,thispondisalso much more

easily accessed fromthe carparkatBurbush

Hill between Burley Street andBransgore

andisveryverypopular in thesummer.

After theCovid-19 lockdown thepondwas

surroundedbyhordesofnoisy people with

radios, barbecues, andevenlittle boats –

more like ahot dayatBlackpool.The car

park wasfulland theroadalmost

impassable duetoillegal parkingonboth

sides–all theNew Forest rangerscould do

wasput warningstickers on thevehiclesand

hope damage to this habitat wasnot too


Whitten Pond

Oneofthe New Forest tour busroutesgoesrightpast, anditisnowonderitisatarget …...

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts

Continued over page


A W Parker

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139 Everton Road,


20 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Continuedfromprevious page

…..forpicnickersand thosewho don’twanttowalk far! Burbushcar park is thestartorend point

forwalkers, ridersand cyclists enjoyingthe disusedCastlemaine

track. This railway wasconstructedbythe Dorchestercompany in

1864 to link Southamptonand Wimborne.Aboggytrack leads to

thepondedges, here is agreatcircularwalk ,which also takesin

theNaked Man post–once theplace wheresmugglers and

convictswerehung. Thepathissometimesmuddy andoften

hilly,but theviews are fabulous, andthe environment varied.

This is afabulousplace to see heather in flowerinsummer.Some

clearance hasleft thesilverbirches in prominence andthere are

manyhigherparts of thepaths affording greatviews.

Via Burley Heath

This is an area of open wetlandand heathsouth of thevillage of

Burley –the cricketcar park is agood place (BH24 4AP) to start

this walk if thelittle carparkmentionedearlierisfull. Very clear

tracks lead across theheath alongside thegolfcourseand will

lead youdowntothe disusedrailway track. Turn leftatthe old

Greenberrybridgeand thetrackswill take youuphilland then

down to Whitten Pond.


SuzanneAshworth: After growingupinSouthamptonand spendingmany days in theNew Forest

area, Imoved away forseveral decades –mostlytoWales. Ihave recently returned andnow live

in Lymington with my fiance, Robbieand ourPembrokeshirebordercollie, Cwtch –keeping her

well exercisedhas givenusachance to explorethe wonderfulareas of forest andcoastline

nearby. https://forest-to-sea.online Facebook:forest-to-sea.online

Instagram –alocalphoto everyday –suzieashworth Twitter:@suzashworth

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


Clear Skies

Welcometoclear skies,aquick summary of

nightsky items forthe monththatyou can

lookfor fromyourgardenorasuitable


Augustisthe monthofthe Perseids meteor

shower(as Imentioned last year).

Unfortunately,onthe evening of thepeak

(August12th),it’s alsothe fullmoon, soitwill

be quiteachallenge to see anyshooting stars. If

youdowanttotry,remembertolookinthe N-E

about1.5 hoursaftersunsetand trytohidethe

full moon behind some treesorabuilding. The

pictureisareminderofwhatyou could possibly

see in aclear dark sky.

late evenings andwillbewithusthroughoutthe

first half of thewinter.

TheInternational SpaceStationispassing over

us in theearly morninghours formostof

Augustand early September.The firstpassthat

will be visible is on 15th Septemberaround

8.45pmand also on the17th,19th, 21st. On

the16th Septemberthe pass is around 7.50pm

andsimilarlyonthe 18th,16th,18th and20th.

Thereisalocalastronomicalsocietyinthe area,

andtheyoperatethe observatory on thetop of

Toothill. Thenextpublic evening viewingison

12th August (for thePerseids),togetherwith

26th and27thAugust. ForSeptember thedates

are the23rdand 24th.Toverifyifthe

observatory is open (due to weather)and to

findout more informationpleaselook at the

facebook page –Solent Amateur Astronomers.



Incidentally thebright star to theleft of thefull

moon,isJupiterthatisstarting to appearinthe

StephenMcCann –

Solent AmateurAstronomers,







07817525008 (OFFICE HOURS)



22 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


With June heralding in the Summer

Solstice, and July marking the end

of the school year, it’s safe to

say that summertime is well

& truly underway! There is

no better time to turn your

dreams and aspirations for

creating great flexible space at

home or at work into areality with the

help of the friendly design team at Studio Arkell.

Studio Arkell is a friendly and approachable Chartered

Architect’s practice, with atalented and growing team led by

Hannah Arkell, in her home town of Christchurch, Dorset.

Hannah has travelled &studied in Manchester, London and

Copenhagen, and worked in London, Stuttgart and the South

Coast to qualify with First Class Honours and Distinction as

an ARB &RIBA accredited architect.

‘Design is individual and unique in its appeal to each person,

I aim to bring these elements together to give each client

something beautiful and practical that meets their own hopes

and imaginings, whatever scale or size the project’ says Hannah

If you are looking for a local Architect for advice, Studio

Arkell would be happy to help with the smallest household

reconfiguration right up to large &innovative commercial or

investment plans. Having successfully designed and gained

planning for projects right across the New Forest and South

Coast, Studio Arkell has the experience and creativity to help

bring your vision of new spaces and schemes to life.

To take advantage of alimited offer of acomplimentary 1-hour

Design Consultation –please get in touch with Hannah or her

Team at Studio Arkell today.

You can find us in our new offices, just off the top of

Christchurch High Street. We’d love to see you so why not

pop in and say hello!

A: 5, Castle Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1DP

Enquire for

a free


T: 01202 232423

E: info@studioarkell.com

W: www.studioarkell.com

5, Castle Street, Christchurch

24 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



Tuesday 4th October -2pm

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Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts






TheNew Forest’s leading, family run,

garden centre,offering you thequality

andchoicefromour own25acre


Whether you’re lookingfor bulbs&beddingor

trees &shrubs, we aresuretohavesomething to

suit your needs. Ourknowledgeable staff are

alwaysonhandtohelpand advise.

If it’s agift youare after, then why notcome

alongand browse ourhouseplantsorgift area.

Thereare lots of lovelyideas.

Andafterall that shoppingrestawhilein

Camellias with aslice of cake andacuppa,

or even oneofour homecooked lunches.

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20 CrossmeadAvenue,New Milton

26 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

During August & September

August is high Summer when the heat is maintained but day-length becomes noticeably

reduced towards the end of the month.

September is more mellow, day-length shortens rapidly as it progresses.

• Scruffy Lawns will benefit from scarifying. Also, patches can be reseeded with a gently

loosening of the top and addition of good quality seed. If dry pre-moisten and keep moist until

growth is established. If and when you cut the lawn, don’t over cut it and remember to

compost the clippings.

• Summer pruning of fruit trees produces less soft growth than winter pruning. Birds and

squirrels love the ripening fruit of plums and cherries, so protection is beneficial. And

remember, these beasties are awake and feeding while we are in deep nod. The prunings of

raspberries can be shredded (or finely chopped up) and added to the compost.

• Keep harvesting and devouring crops before they become tough, and there are some late veg

can still be sown under glass: Rocket, Endive, Chicory, spring Onion and spring Cabbage.

Japanese Onions can be planted in September.

• Keep Brassicas protected from pigeons, they will strip all the new growth.

• August is a good month to “hedge”, so those shears need to be sharp and oiled.

• Many shrubs will benefit from trimming back new growth, this will let the small shoots harden

before the Winter blasts. Hebes should be pruned back after flowering.

• If dry, camellias need a good soak, they are now developing next year’s blossom.

• If wet, you can start moving plants around the garden.

• Now is the time to collect ripe seed. It is not necessary to collect weed seed - they spread

perfect well without help. That is unless a re-wilded garden is desired.

• At the risk of sounding like a cracked record, keep head-heading.

• Continue watering pots and new plantings, and keep fed.

• We can’t let our Daisies droop, so keep herbaceous plants supported until they have finished


• Daffodils and other spring bulbs should be planted in September. Tulips are best planted in

November. Buy fresh and plant fresh.

• Cuttings of tender perennials such as Salvias or Penstemon can be taken in late Summer, they

need to be kept moist and warm.

• Remove the greenhouse shading.

• Any bare ground will love some unctuous compost spread over it.

• And, most importantly, if it’s hot just sit back and enjoy your garden, and ignore the weeds.

We welcome any questions that you may have, and we'll do our best to help.

We have been keen gardeners for over 30 years, opening our garden over 18 years for the

National Garden Scheme. Since moving to the New Forest area we have been recreating a largish

garden whilst getting used to the new soil conditions.

Roger Please & Marian mention Peacock The Village - contact Voice email: when info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

responding adverts


28 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

7 Angel Courtyard

Lymington SO41 9AP

T: 01590 675675



Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts



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30 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

The Old Clock House - 22 High Street - Milford-on-Sea

Hampshire - SO41 0QD

Parish Clerk: Graham Wells

Assistant Clerk: Niamh Morrison

Coastal Footpath

Some time ago the Parish Council

discussed the possibility of undertaking

some much needed work to the footpath

that leads past scholars retreat field. This

path often became unpassable during the

winter months and walkers, at times, used

the adjacent field to walk upon which

caused some damage to both the fencing

and the field. However, this path

does not belong to the Parish Council and

some lengthy discussions were needed

with the Land owner, Barker Mills Estate.

Permission was also required from

Natural England before any work could


Barker Mills Estate were very supportive

and thankfully Natural England responded

fairly quickly and in favour.

Tel: 01590 644410

Email: clerk@milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk


Website: milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk

Lets hope it stays in place for several

years without falling into the sea!

Graham Wells (Parish Clerk), David Horne (Chair of MCV),

Martin Gretton (MCV Co-Ordinator) , Josh Mantock (Parish


Parish Councillor Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for the position of

Parish Councillor.

If you feel you have something to

contribute to the village of Milford-on-

Sea which will only take a few hours of

your time each week we would be glad to

hear from you.

The Parish Council are in the position of

co-opting (i.e. an election for the post has

not been requested).

If you are interested, please contact the

Parish Office for further details. The

closing date for applications is the end of


Two members of the MCV along with the

Parish Groundsman and Clerk started to

transport 7 tonnes of aggregate to the

site on 15th June, filling in the deep ruts

that had occurred over many years. A

further 5 tonnes of material was also

taken to the site on 22nd June and the

job was finally completed. This section of

path is now safe to walk during the

summer and should be free from large

puddles during the winter.

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts



Girls Cricket

Barnes Lane Recreation Ground and the

Chris Walford Pavilion provide a much

needed facility to hundreds of Milford

residents both young and old alike.

It is a true “golden” asset within our

community with a wealth of activities

haven taken place at the recreation

ground over many years. Like all major

assets the cost of upkeeping such a

facility is often substantial, but the Parish

Council continue to ensure funds are

available to make sure the facility

remains in good condition and usable by

everyone. Additional funds and grants

have also been obtained by other groups

including the Football Club, Men’s and

Girls Cricket Teams, NFDC, Hampshire FA,

Sport England, Sponsors and Private

Donations, all of which have helped keep

Barnes Lane Rec a thriving hub of activity.

Recent improvements

include; A new artificial

cricket wicket, new

cricket practice nets

and runway,

resurfacing of the car

park entrance, new fencing, additional

machinery, safety doors to the pavilion,

clearing of vegetation encroachment,

verti-draining and improvements to the

playing surface.

In addition to all of this and as reported

in the last edition, there are plans to

undertake major internal renovations to

the Chris Walford Pavilion which will

mean that all the modern day

requirements for such a building will fully

comply with the standards expected.

Georgia Barber, Pippa Mellor, Millie Bence, Maisie

Barber, Kayla Phillips. Ellie Lane, Daisy Wills, Evie

Hayward, Clover Dunn, Ellie Courts

Milford Girls Cricket Club continued its

extraordinary month of sporting

achievements by winning the Girls

Dynamos Cricket Hampshire County

Final at the Ageas Bowl on Tuesday

28th June. Having won the New Forest

qualifying event a few weeks earlier, a

squad of 10 Milford girls travelled to

the Ageas to play off against eight

other regional winning teams from

across Hampshire.

The Milford girls were absolutely

unstoppable and showcased quite

outstanding skills and cricket. The girls

hit a huge 567 runs, and only conceded

a total of 104 over the four matches

they played. They took 32 wickets

during the day – 12 run-outs, 15

bowled and 5 caught and only lost four


Boundaries and sixes flowed with all

the girls contributing and the direct hit

run-outs were breath-taking to watch.

Even the Ageas Bowl coaches/

personnel were awestruck!

After a final match in which they took a

staggering 10 wickets Milford were

crowned Hampshire Champions.

32 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

All the girls learnt to play Cricket during

the first lockdown in March 2020, via

homemade videos sent to them by their

coaches. Once restrictions eased, the

girls started to train in earnest at

Barnes Lane Rec and have not looked

back since. This year the Milford Girls

Cricket Club welcomed another 15 ‘new

recruits’ and the 30 strong club all

attend weekly training sessions at the

recreation ground.

Below is a picture of the recent

presentation day, with Ex Arsenal and

Scotland Goalkeeper, Bob Wilson

awarding the many prizes on the day.

Youth Football

Milford-on–Sea Youth Football club

celebrate its 20th year in 2022 and the

club has gone from strength to strength

each year. There are currently over 250

young people playing football at Barnes

Lane with 14 boys teams and a newly

formed girl team. The age range covers

from U -7’s to U -18’s. All of these teams

play in official leagues including

Bournemouth, New Forest, Hampshire

and Dorset leagues.

Running all this is no mean feat and 25

adult volunteers give their precious time

to encourage the young people at the

club to do their best and enjoy the

experience of playing sport.

Recent success includes the U—15’s

being promoted and the U—13’s coming

runners-up in the play-on-the-pitch

tournament held at St. Mary’s Stadium in


The club is also encouraging young

people to take a route into refereeing

and have 5 young people interested in

this area of the game.

News In Brief

The Annual Internal Audit of the Parish

Council’s accounts took place in June

and we are pleased to report that

everything balanced to the penny.

Details of the Parish Council’s finances

for 2021/22 can be found on the


During a storm last year the canopy at

the bowls club was completely

destroyed. A new canopy has been

erected that will hopefully stay in place

for many years . The cost of this was

covered by the Parish Council’s

insurance policy.

A project to replace two bridges at Mill

Meadow, plus the MEG Bridge,

Boardwalk and Steps to Blackbush Road

has been delayed due to certain permits

being required. The good news however

is that the project will be funded in total

via mitigation funds from the

development at The Swifts.

The MCV are hoping to undertake some

path work over the next few weeks to

address areas of standing water and

sections that require the topping up of


Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Interpretation Board

As previously reported, an interpretation

board was suggested to be placed on

Studland Meadow detailing much of the

fauna and flora of the area. The board

would also include information on the

Orchard and pay tribute to Tony Locke,

previous chair of the Milford

Conservation Volunteers (MCV), who

gave a great deal of his time and

expertise to this area, so much so that

the Parish Council agreed for the Orchard

to be known as “Tony Locke Orchard”.

off Blackbush Road and the creation of

the village pond in the lower Pleasure


Under Sandra’s leadership MEG won

several awards, including the Hampshire

Wildlife Trust’s Dutton prize for

conservation management and also

received certificates from New Forest

District Council in recognition of MEG’s

outstanding voluntary

contribution to local environment work.

However, her greatest achievement and

lasting legacy can be seen by visiting

Sharvells Copse which is now once more

wonderful mixed woodland.

Picture by Roz Waters of the Advertiser

& Times

The loss of residents that

served the community

Sandra Ebbetts 1942—2022

Following the devastation of the pine

wood at Sharvells Copse and the

clearance of the hundreds of trees that

had fallen in the ‘Great Storm’ of

October 1997, Sandra Ebbetts along with

several residents formed Milford’s first

environment group known as MEG (the

Milford Environment Group) and Sandra

remained its chair for nearly two


Her drive and enthusiasm saw a number

of major Milford projects come to

fruition, including the construction of

MEG Bridge and its associated boardwalk

Tony Coleman 1940 - 2022

Cllr Tony Coleman had been successfully

elected to the Parish Council at three

successive elections, the first being in


Tony was a popular and well liked

Councillor, his aim was always to try and

enhance the quality of life for all residents

in the village.

There were many areas where he felt

minor improvements would benefit the

village and he was always keen to support


Tony was also a long time member of the

bowls club and will be greatly missed by

all that knew him.

Tony’s family will be holding a

celebration of Tony’s life on Friday 5th of

August 3-7pm at The South Lawns hotel

Milford on sea SO41 0RF .

If you come along, dress as brightly as you

can! More clashing the better! Remember

Tony was colour blind!

Rather than flowers, if you wish to make

donation. The chosen charity is Chance to

Shine. This is a grass roots cricket charity in

honour of Tony’s love of cricket.

34 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

01590 643033


57 High Street,MilfordonSea,Lymington,SO410QG

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


T: 01590 750063 M: 07501 636064

36 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Which council does what?

Dear All,

Iquite often get asked, “which councilshouldI

go to”for this andthat, so Ithought it may be

useful to set outthe main responsibilities of

each council once again, particularly fornew

residentsrecentlymovingintoNew Milton or

itssurrounding areas.

Firstly, thereisyourverylocaltown or parish

council. They have alocaloffice in thetownor

village fromwhere atown or parish clerkand

team work (althoughNew Milton Town Council

alsohave aNew Forest District Council officer

sitting in theirlocaltown office to helpwith

District Council matterssuchasbenefits,council

tax payments,‘buyingaparkingclock’etc).

Parish andtowncouncils maintainrecreation

andsportsgrounds andpavilions andother

localamenities. They tend to lead on youth

projectsand areconsultees on planning

applications. They also work with localpolice

on mattersofconcern to residentslocally.

Secondly, thereisNew Forest DistrictCouncil.

Theirmainofficesare in LyndhurstatAppletree

Court. NFDC employsofficers whoare experts

in theDistrictCouncil’s areasofresponsibility.

These includeplanningapplications(household

andlargersites, including theLocal Plan), waste

andrecycling collection, coastal protectionand

flooding, housing, benefits administration,

environmental health andnoise nuisance,pest

control, dogwarden,and oversightofour


National Park are provided by theDistrict


Lastly,there is thelargestcouncil,Hampshire

CountyCouncil, with itsmainofficesin

Winchester at ElizabethIICourt andits council

chamber at TheGreat Hall. Hampshire County

Council servesall residentsfromthe south

coast up to Basingstoke. It is responsiblefor



(care forthe elderlyand thosewithdisabilities),

public health(e.g. leadingthe Covid response

across thecounty, forexample), mental health

services, sexual healthservices, addiction

services, school nurses andhealthvisitors,

scrutinyofNHS healthservicesacross

Hampshire), HampshireHighways (roads,

drainage,flood response),public transport,

leadingonclimate change actionacross

Hampshire,economic development acrossthe

county, disposalofwaste andprocessing of

recycled items, therunning of Hampshire

libraries, museums, country parksand farms,

registrationofbirths, deathsand marriages,

mineralsand quarryplanning.

Ihopethisgives new residents, andmaybe

some existing residents, an overview of the

councils serving you. If youwanttofind out

somethingspecific, visityourcouncils’websites,

alleasily foundonline. Thereisawealth of

informationonthose websites. Youcan also

contact your District andCountycouncillors and

MP herebyputting in your postcode:


New Forest District Councillargely surrounds

theNew Forest National Park (based in

Cllr Fran Carpenter

LymingtonTown Hall), whichisgovernedbyits

Hampshire County Councillor

own National Park Authority andhas itsown set

New Milton North, Milford&

of planning rules, givenithas many


environmentally sensitive areas andlisted

01425 614665 /07867 502624

buildings.Other councilserviceswithinthe


Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


LymingtonBowling Club

Come and Join us

Establishedplayersand newcomers


In theheart of Lymington–behind thefootballground

ThePavilion, Avenue Road,Lymington, SO41 9GJ


Indoor shortmat bowls commences in September

Enquire nowabout this year’s bowlingseasonand if you’re newtothe

sport, take advantageofour 50%discounted

1 st year membership subscriptionand free coaching.

Forfulldetailsemail -clubsec@lymingtonbc.co.uk





38 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


Silver Melodies

TheBoldBalladiers Trust

TheMaltNew St Lymington

Sunday11September 2:30 pm

Supporting Spinal Injuries

New Milton ChessClub

ReadersofThe VillageVoice will know that the

Netflixseries, The Queen's Gambit,follows the

lifeofanorphanchess prodigy,ElizabethHarmon,

as shepursues her ambitiontobeanelite

chess playerwhile dealingwiththe usualtraumas

of childhood.Not allofuscan aspireto

greatness as achess player, but NewMilton

ChessClub does providethe opportunityfor

residentsofMilford-on-Sea-as well as thoseof

New Milton,Barton, Lymingtonand surrounding

areas –toplaysomeinteresting games of chess

in good company andinevenbetter surroundings.

TheClubmeets at theConservative ClubinNew

Milton on Tuesdayevenings(from7.00pm) and

Thursdayafternoons(from 2.00pm).Current

membersrange fromkeenleagueand tournament

playerstothose whoare simply reviving

thepleasures of theiryounger days.Whatever

your standard,you canbeassured of awarm

welcomeand agoodgame.

If youfancy theideaofjoining in thefun,please

contact JohnBelinger (01425 280943)orBarry

Jolly (01425 291122)tofind outmore.

£15 accompaniedchildrenfree






Holly Gardens, Milford

on Sea

SO41 0SB

Raffle :Tombolla:Coffee:Cake :Games :


For donations please email

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Since1986, theFriends of HurstCastlehave

worked tirelessly to supportthe castle,but

while EnglishHeritagecontinuesworkonprotectingand

rebuildingthe collapsed wall of the

east wing,the Victoriansections of thecastle

remain closed to thepublic –and us. ThemagnificentHenry

VIII keep,however,isopen to

visitors–andFOHC members.

Ourvolunteerscan’t wait to get back on site,

but in themeantime we are still holdingsomeof

ourpopular social andfundraising events,and

publishing ourregular newsletter;why notjoin

us?Tofind outmore, please contactour membershipsecretary,

Tricia Hayne, on



Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


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sale by local artists in a

variety of styles andmedia.

The Dance Studio, Sea

Road Car Park,Milford on SeaSO410PG

August 20th- August 29th Opening daily:

10.00am-5.00pm, Sundays:11.00am-5.00pm

Last day: 10.00am-4.00pm

Free admission.

Words of Hopefroma


Musicfor aHealthyMind

Secondand Fourth Thursday

of everymonth

2.00 -3.30atMilfordonSea

Community Centre

This newinclusive community music

groupisopentoanyone wholikes to

sing,orjustsit andlistentothe music.

We particularly welcomepeopleaffected

by dementiaorany otherconditions,

with afamilymemberorcarer.Why not

come alongand join us for acup of tea,

andsee what youthink?The aimisto

have an enjoyableand relaxing


Carers’ Café

Firstand ThirdThursdayafternoon

of everymonth


Community Centre

TheCarers’ Café in the Community

Centre welcomesanyone whoiscaringat

home for arelative or friend, to come

along either with or withoutthe person

they care for. Therewillbealsobegames

andreminiscence activities.

Whenapersonexperiences memory

issues, theyand their families arelikelyto

want to findout what help is available.

Janisour Coordinator forthe villageand

surrounding area.She is very experienced

in workingwith people affected by

dementia, and will be abletosignpost to

relevant localservicesand support, as

well as being asympathetic earto

familiesatatimewhentheymay be very

anxious. Just come along.

Do youwanttobemoreinvolved

in your Community? OneBefriendersharedher


‘Itwas notsomething Ihad considered butWOW!

is theonlyway Ican describe it.Thishas notonly

given me theopportunity to be afriend butgives

me so much pleasure in sharing life time stories. I

Jenny Whitleyon

findhavingagood sense of humour anda


listening earhas reallyhelpedusboth.’

Or contactthe Community Centre

If youhave aheart forvolunteeringand want to

make adifference to someone, contactGeorgina

Towler on 07936-495-708 or


TheMilfordonSea CharitableTrust

40 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

is aRegistered Charityno1172750



Yes, it seems along

wayoffbut we

have to plan aheadinorder to bringyou the

excitingand entertaining villagepanto that our

audienceshavecometoenjoy! Ohyes we do!

Everything starts in September. Auditions and

rehearsals on Sunday afternoons,

performancesJanuary. If youwould like to be

involved in anyway, on stageorbackstage

please contact me.

What betterway to make friends,have fun,

andbring life andlaughtertoour village.Come


Brenda on 07702 858987 or


Milford on SeaWhist Club

Venue Address: MilfordonSea Village

Hall,Park Road, SO410QU.

When :Every Thursday, Time: 2.00 to 4.30pm

Doorsopenat1.45pm Costs -£2.00 including


Contactdetails:Linda Cooper

lincooper@btinternet.comTel:01590 644571

LymingtonPetanque Club (LPC)

TheClubfinallymanaged to arrange amatch

with Muscliff Park, over in Bournemouth. We

playedfor theMalcolmMaybee Trophy,

currentlyheldbyMuscliff.Weweremade very

welcomeand thematchended 4-4. However,

RyderCup rulesapply,soMuscliff retainit. At

thetime of writing,weare arranging areturnat


We also playedamatch at New Milton, with a

less happy outcome,aswelost6-2. Ouch!

By thetime youreadthis,the Clubwillhave

held itsAnnualGeneral Meeting andanew

Committee will be in place.



Calling All Clubs,Societies, Charities,Events

if youwould liketoberepresented in the

exhibitionmarket placeheldinAll Saints

church contactRuthNOW!!


EMAIL - ruth.bufton@btinternet.com

Phone - 01590641875


This is afree eventfor you!

By Invitation only

Youare invitedtoattend an exhibition

of what makes MilfordGreat! Whatto

do;whattojoin; wheretovolunteerand

wheretomakefriends;keepfit; be

entertained etc!

Then enjoy adelicious supper,some

entertainmentand the VillageSong.

Please contact Ruth foraninvitation.



Phone - 01590641875

Places areverylimited so it is on afirst

come basis. Unfortunately,because of

space, we cannotaccommodate

children at thesupper, butdostill

contact me for some special


Pollyanna Salon

Expert hairstyling&

service guaranteed

We also hope to arrange asocialevent at The

Terrain in Emsworth Roadsometime in July,

wherewecan always be foundonTuesdays


between2pm and4pm foranyonewho fancies


comingalong to give thegame atry.

Ourwebsite is www.lymingtonpetanque.co.uk 104 High Street,Milford on Sea

andwecan be contactedon


Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding Tel 01590 to adverts 642101



To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



Group Annual


‘Artonthe Green’,

whichwill take placeinthe Marquee at Milford

-on-SeaVillage Green

on Saturday, 20thAugust&Sunday, 21st

August, 2022 between 9.30 a.m. and5.00 p.m.

ADMISSIONFREE, Sale of Pictures and

cards, Public votingfor best picture, etc.


Milford on SeaWI

MilfordonSea WI is athriving

organisation of 100

members, very involvedinvillage

lifehavingrecentlydonated adefibrillatorfor

theVCC and added alarge ,permanent flower

trough on theGreen.

We meet on thesecondWednesday of the

monthatthe VCCinSea Roadat7pm andour

next mainmeeting is on September14th when

we will welcome Victoria Waller to talkabout

Climate change with specialreferenceto

MilfordOnSea.(No meeting in August)



Visitors verywelcome.

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


Call on 07496 570387 or 01590 615566

44 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


on Sea

For anyone in the area who is retired or no longer

in full time employment. Join us for opportunities

for learning, friendship and fun!

The u3a welcomes new members at any time of the year, and activities keep

going right through the summer. The u3a has been running nationally and

internationally for 40 years this year and in Milford we will be celebrating our

10th anniversary in November. Why not join us?

Membership is £15 for the year and you can now join online.

See our website to find out more www.u3asites.org.uk/milfordonsea

Contact us on milfordonseau3a@gmail.com Membership Secretary 01590 718653

Monthly meetings, on the

first Tuesday of the

month, are open to all


Groups meet throughout

the week. You can join as

many as you like

Current Affairs,

Economics, Family

History, Historical

Topics, Modern History,

Psychology Discussion,

Villages & Explorers

(local history & visits)

Cycling, Golf, Walkers,

Wildflower Watchers,

Bird Watching.

Table Tennis,.

Classic Car Group

Art Appreciation,


Music Appreciation,

Painting and Drawing,


French for Fun,

French Improvers,

French Conversation,

Spanish for Fun,

Spanish Conversation

Lunch Club,

Singing for Fun,

Wine Appreciation,

Theatre Trips,

Social activities

Book Club,

Play Reading,

Creative Writing.

Computer Support for

beginners, Computer








Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Windows - Doors - Conservatories - Roofline - Weatherboarding

Stylish A+ Rated Products - Replacement Conservatory Roofs

Over 40 Years Experience - Local Family Business

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46 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Update from the Milford onSea Community Centre

Everyone at theCentreislooking forward to summerwithanincreasingnumberofeventsand

activitiesfor allagestoenjoy andwetrust therewillbesomething foreveryone.

Newthissummer arethe MOSKIDSMondays -for familiestoenjoy on each Mondayofthe

school holidays,coveringsuchareas as music, magicmayhem andmake-believe–checkour

website formoredetails.And we have also hadanumber of kids’partiesbookingour hall,with

bouncycastles, inflatableslides, etcand Toddler-sizetablesand chairsare available (see below


Didyou know that as well as all theeventsweorganise –youcan hire ourroomsfor private

events with groups of allsizes.Inour mainhall we canseat100 forameal to celebrate

birthdays,anniversaries andwedding receptionsorslightlyfewer guestsand room fordancing!

Ourexcellent soundsystem, lightingand cinema quality projectionare availabletoo,plusa

professional levelcatering kitchen with enough equipmenttoserve your guests, andthe

licensed barisverywellstocked.

In oursmaller roomswehave largeTVscreens forpresentations,etc. So youcould host aJust

Dance or Xbox party; or apamper partyorsoft play foryounger kids –or hold ameeting.

Endlessopportunities –pop in andsee foryourselfand have acoffee –orcallthe office on

01590-644861 to fix atime to discussyourevent/activity –welookforward to seeing you…

Our DiaryofEvents for the next few months can befound as an insert in this magazine

and below are the events for August. Hope you can join us…


Mon 1st 2pm MOSKIDS Mondays: Family activities (check website for details)

Thu 4th 7pm Milford Movies: NoTime toDie (James Bond)

Fri 5th 1pm First Friday Lunch in aid ofMilford League ofFriends

Mon 8th 2pm MOSKIDS Mondays: Family activities (check website for details)

Thu 11th 7.30pm Folk Club -Singers Evening -all welcome

Sat 13th 10am-2pm Summer Shop Fair –something for everyone!

Mon 15th 2pm MOSKIDS Mondays: Family activities (check website for details)

Thu 18th 7pm Milford Movies: American Graffiti

Sat 20th 7.30pm Clarinet Marmalade: saxophones/clarinets: music from the Swing era

Mon 22nd 2pm MOSKIDS Mondays: Family activities (check website for details)

Fri 26th 8pm JAM -Jazz atMilford: Chris Smith Fivestarswing

Sat 27th 8pm Blues Night: The Producers -UKAward-winning Blues Band

Wed 31st 7.30pm CCQuiz Night +1-course supper

See more in the Diary of Events or on our website: www.moscommunitycentre.org.uk

Box Office: 10am–4pm, Mon-Fri * Tel: 01590 644861 * 9Sea Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0PH

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Tim Penson

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Mark Jones: 07900 800050


48 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

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Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts


9 99 High Street, Milford-on-Sea, SO41 0QF






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Your local holiday cottage specialist

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Village Voice

Deliverers Needed


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De La Warr Road, Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire, SO41 0PS

52 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



The late Sandra Ebbett

A tribute from Keith Metcalf on behalf of MCV

“I was so sad to hear of the passing of Sandra Ebbetts as it seems like only yesterday that the then

Parish Clerk Jimmy Radford contacted Sandra in the 1980s following the devastation of the pine

wood at Sharvells Copse. Mr Radford thanked her for organising the clearance of the hundreds of

trees that had fallen in the 115mph ‘Great Storm’ of October 1997 and asked for help to replant

the woodland. From this Sandra, along with several other residents formed Milford’s first

environment group known as MEG (the Milford Environment Group) and Sandra remained its

chair for nearly two decades

I remember Sandra contacting me a couple of years back

as she was livid that due recognition had not been given to

MEG for the conservation work carried out by volunteers

over the 22 years that they had existed. Sandra was

passionate about making sure that all the people who had

worked so hard over that period were properly thanked for

their services.

Her drive and enthusiasm saw a number of major Milford

projects come to fruition, including the construction of

MEG Bridge and its associated boardwalk off Blackbush

Road and the creation of the village pond in the lower

Pleasure Grounds.

Under Sandra’s leadership MEG won several awards,

including the Hampshire Wildlife Trust’s Dutton prize for

conservation management and also received certificates

from New Forest District Council in recognition of MEG’s

outstanding voluntary contribution to local environment


Sandra leading from the front

Also in recognition of the work that she and her

team masterminded, a tree was planted by the

Parish Council in her honour in her beloved

Sharvells Copse. However, her greatest

achievement and lasting legacy can be seen by

visiting Sharvells Copse which is now once more

wonderful mixed woodland.

Sandra in red on the right

Members of the Milford Conservation Volunteers

(MCV) who have carried on Sandra’s good work

send their heartfelt condolences to her family”.

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts



• Misted & broken units replaced

• Broken hinges & handles

• Patio door rollers

• Locks for windows & doors

• Upgrade to energy efficient glass

• Fire escape hinges

• Perished window & door rubber

gaskets & seals

• Cat flaps & letter plates

• Supply & fit new windows, doors

& conservatories

• Fully insured

Please call Vinny for a free, no obligation quote

T: 023 8084 2288 M: 07802 657 771

E: hampshirewindowservices@gmail.com

54 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



Milford-on-Sea Baptist Church, Barnes Lane, S041 0RN



SundayServicesat10.30am with Communion beingheldonthe first

Sundaymorningofthe month

(Childrenare very welcome as arethose of allages!)

108 High Street,Milford on Sea,SO410QE

Minister :RevdPhillipDixon

www.milfordmethodist.org or contactRevdPhillipDixonat:


Sundaymorning worshipeachweek at 10:45 a.m. Allare welcome.

Online activities each week in conjunction with HighcliffeMethodist Church:

Tuesday 8:00amPrayermeeting “Athome” Bible study groups

Monday7:00pmand Thursdays 10:30am

Sunday25September 10:45 am Harvest Festival

Wednesday 5October 7:30 pm “I AM MARK”performance at theVillage Community

Centre,Sea Road seewww.moscommunitycentre.org.ukfor more details andfor tickets.

Please lookonour websitefor updates to anyof

our services


AllSaints’ Church

St.Mary’s Church

Church Hill, Milford Branwood Close, Everton

01590 644992

7th 10.30am AllAge Worshipwith breakfast Milford beach –nearconcrete beach huts

Milford Beach,10amHoly Communion St.Mary’s

14th 9am Holy Communion All Saints’, 10.30amAll AgeWorship –Tea forTwo All

Saints’Church Hall, 10amFamilyService St.Mary’s

21st 10.30amAll AgeWorship –The WeddingCelebration AllSaints’,10am Holy

Communion St.Mary’s

28th 9am HolyCommunion AllSaints’, 10.30amAll AgeWorship withLunch for

everyone (Bringand SharePicnic) All Saints’, 10amCaféChurchSt. Mary’s


4th 9am MorningWorship All Saints’, 10.30amWorship TogetherAll Saints’, 10am

HolyCommunion St.Mary’s

11th 9am Holy Communion AllSaints’, 10.30amWorship Together AllSaints’, 10am

MorningWorship St.Mary’s

18th 9am MorningWorship All Saints’, 10.30amWorship Together All Saints’, 10am

HolyCommunion St.Mary’s

25th 9am Holy Communion AllSaints’, 10.30amWorship Together with Communion

AllSaints’, 10amCaféChurch St.Mary’s

St FrancisOFAssisi, Catholic Church,Park lane, S041 0PT.

Sunday Massat9am. WeekdayMass10am WednesdayThe parish officeis

office@lymbrockmil.org.uk 01590 676696

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts



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Welcometoour Mini TGN, the small Good Newsletterwhich aims to focusongood

thingswhich arehappening locally; publishedbythe VillageVoiceand Milford


Library Matters

LibraryOpening Hours: Mon,Tues2-4 pm,ThursFri 10-12noon

ReadingGroup: Tuesdays Aug 16 th andSept20th.Ipminthe


Knit &Natter:every Monday 2-4pm. Knitting forthe


Drop In Storytime: 10am Pop In Coffee: 10.30 am on 1stand 3

rd Thursdays in theLibrary.

Saturday Book Sales: Aug13thand Sept 19 th ,10-12 noon.

Tea& Quiz:Wed 24 th Augand Wed28thSept, 2-4pm,

£3. We welcomevolunteerstohelpwithrunning our

independentCommunity Library. Just drop in or send an email

to mosclibrary@gmail.com andwe’llget back to you. ThankYou.


This timeweoffer twopoets

whoseperspectives anduse of languagemay make youlove

them or hate them.Really worth readingthemaloud!


Ican imagine, in some otherworld

Primeval-dumb, farback

In that most awfulstillness, that only gasped andhummed,

Humming birdsraceddownthe avenues.

Before anything hadasoul,

While life was aheave of Matter, half inanimate,

This little bit chipped off in brilliance

Andwentwhizzing throughthe slow,vast,succulent stems.

Ibelievethere were no flowers, then

In theworld where the humming-birdflashed aheadof


Ibelievehepierced the slowvegetable veins with his long beak.

Probably he was big

As mosses, andlittle lizards, theysay were once big.

Probably he was ajabbing, terrifying monster.


Ithank YouGod formostthis

amazing dayfor theleaping greenly

spiritsoftrees andablue true

dreamofsky;and foreverything

which is naturalwhich is infinite

which is yes

(I who have died am alive again

today, andthisisthe sun’sbirthday;

this is the birthday of life andof

love andwings:and of thegay

greathappening illimitablyearth)

howshould tasting touching

hearingseeingbreathingany –lifted

from thenoofall nothing–human

merelybeing doubtunimaginable


(now the ears of my ears awake and

Now the eyes of my eyes are


We lookathim through the wrong end of the telescope of

Godslot: Please pray

Time,Luckily forus.

forguidancefor our

Knit &Natter would Government as they

Storytime /Pop In Coffee welcomeany surplus seek the way forward.

Aftertwo years it hasbeenareal joy to see wool youmight be Blessthe poor in our

country and help them,

oldfriends and newfaces at this combined able to donate. Just Lord.Wecontinue to

eventonthe first andthird Thursdays.You drop it into the pray forall displaced

are assured of awarm welcome, lovely library anytime – peopleand refugees

storiesand lots of chat! Allwelcome. Thanks!

throughout the world.

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts Amen.


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glazed units replaced inUPVC


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and conservatories

• Local family business

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Email: pauldgd1@gmail.com

58 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


Emergency Services 999

Emergency police, fire, ambulance, coastguard



105 (all suppliers)

Gas escapes 0800 111 999

BT Fault Line 0800 800 151

Southern Water 0800 820 999

Bournemouth Water

Bournemouth Water Leak line

01202 590 059

08005 878 979

Rail Enquiries 03457 48 49 50

Morebus (was Wilts & Dorset) 01202 338 420

National Express 08717 81 81 81

Council & Government

Milford Parish Council 01590 644 410

NFDC 02380 285 000

NFDC Emergency Service 02380 285 250

Hampshire CC 03005 551 375

NF National Park 01590 646 600


Police - Non Emergency, Anti - 101

Social & Neighbourhood issues

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

MP Desmond Swayne 01425 629 844

Forest Animals

Forestry Commission (24 hrs) 0300 067 4600

Traffic Accidents (emergency) 999 (101 non emergency)

Verderers’ Office (M-F 9-5pm) 023 8028 2052


All Saints’ Church Hall bookings 01590 718 754

All Saints’ Church Office 01590 644 992

Citizens Advice Bureau 0808 278 7860

Community Care Group 01590 641 700

Community Centre 01590 644 861

HOPe 01425 629 009

Milford Library 07950 941 818

Milford Health Centre 01590 643 022

(Out of Hours) 111

New Forest Advice Network 01425 628 750

NHS (non emergency number) 111

NF Disability Info 01425 628 750

Samaritans Southampton & District 116 123 (free)

Tourist Information 01590 676 769

Trading Standards 03454 04 05 06

Community Information Volunteer 01590 645 404

Village Hall 01590 642 779

Youth Club 01590 644 861


Lymington 01590 663 000

Oakhaven Hospice 01590 670 346

Southampton General 02380 777 222

Romsey Hospital 01794 834 700

Royal Bournemouth 01202 303 626

Royal South Hants 02380 634 288

Princess Anne 02380 777 222

DJB Plumbing

All plumbing work undertaken

No job too small

24 hour call out

No call out charge

38 years experience

Dave: 07973 121984

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


60 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

WILDLIFE MATTERS ……... to allofus

Firstly, abrief history of bird ringinginthe UK


result of local ringingactivities.

Pioneeringringing operationsbegan in the UK

in 1909,one scheme by British Birdsunder

Harry Forbes Witherbyand anotherat

Aberdeen UniversitybyArthur Landsborough,

the latterschemeceasedduringWorld War

one. In the1930s,following the founding of

theBritish Trustfor Ornithology (BTO)the

British Birdsschemewas transferredtoits

currenthomewhere allringing is


At that timemigrationroutes were only

knownfromobservations of spring and

autumnmigrations. Thefirst ring recovery

from aswallow in SouthAfricacamein

December 1912, identifying that swallows

spentthe winter in SouthAfrica. This was an

outstanding discoveryand considered


chickatNeedsOre, Beaulieu andaRedshank

raised on anew wetlandsiteinthe Avon

valley. Full details of allthe birdsringed canbe

seen in Graham’s sitereports contained on

the MCV websitemilfordconservation.org.uk

Avocet with ayellow flagAJ

Things have changedradically sincethen. Now

over900,000 birdsare ringed in Britainand

Irelandannually by over 2,600 trainedringers,

most of whom arevolunteers. Thesedaysas

well as the standardsilver numberedring,

there areall manner of tracking devicesthat

canremotelyfollowbirds throughout their


At alocal level the MCVhavebeen activein

encouraging ringingactivitiesbyarranging

Graham Giddens, an experienced BTOlicenced

ringer andtrainer,tooperateatSturt Pond,

Keyhaven Pans andthe DowntonQuarrysite.

In addition, alocal teenagerwas sponsored for

training andringing equipmentpurchased.

Observationsofringedbirds at Keyhaven has

revealed an Avocet previouslyringed as a

BlueTit with anumberedring

TheMCV throughfund raisinghas also

sponsored asolar powered geolocatorfitted

to oneofthe white-tailedeaglesreleasedon

the IOW. ThebirdinquestionG3-24 was

affectionately nick-named“Meg”bythe


Thebirdinitiallytravelledfromthe IOWto

eastern Scotland before graduallymakingits

way back to the Island in September2020.

Sincethen, shehas paired up with G2-74and

hasbecomestronglyterritorial andmay well

go on to be thefirst of the introduced eagles

to attempt breeding locally.

MCV’seventsand facilitiesare availabletoeveryone. To findout more checkoutthe

MCVwebsite @ milfordconservation.org

Pleasemention The Village Voicewhenresponding to adverts



Studio Arkell 23

Extension Design 49

Plan it Design 14


Broadview Shading Solutions

Coastal Bathrooms 16

Flair Interiors 56

Ice Interior 29

Kithenmakers 11

Lentune Property Services 48


Ancient &Modern 59

Evolve 3

Handy two know 26

Mat Watson 40


Churchill 63

Help @Hand 11

Oakhaven 42

St George's 52


Andrew Day 38


John Cooper Carpets 30


Mr Sweep 48


Lymington Bowling Club 38


FI Computers


Broadview Shading Solutions 36

Just Shutters 43


Index of Advertisers

Catherine Perham 52

Décor Aid 11

Payne &Sons 36

Prestige 38

Tim Penson 48


Dorset Denture Clinic 60

Highcliffe Dental Practice 2

Solent House 60


Double Glazing Specialist 58

Double Glazing Repair 48

Evergreen Home Solutions 46

Forest Edge Home Improvements 12&13

Hampshire Window Service 54


First Choice Plumbing

Mouland Plumbing &Drainage


NF Drive &Patio Cleaning 21


Browning 38

JP Murphy 14


Collins &Butler 35

Hayward Fox 50

New Forest Cottages 51

Sky Blue Property Management 3

Winkworth 8


Milford Art Group Exhibition 39

Palais des Vaches 8


Forecast 46



AWParker 20

Everton Nurseries 26

Magnolia Landscaping 35

Jeremy Arnold Gates 28

Timber Trade 44


Mos League of Friends Health Hub 6&7

NHodkinson mobile physical therapy 3

Pollyanna 41

Solent Hearing 30

UK Chiropractic 5

ANSWERSAcross: 4BBC,7 New Forest Fires

Negative, 8Loom, 9Collie, 10


Sweden,11Baste,12Daytime, FLORIST


15 Measles,17Stern,20Forint,

22 Lintel, 23 Byre,24Retailer, 25 New Seasons 8


Down: 1Renovate, 2Hamlet, 3 GARAGE


Bidet, 4Beeswax,5Client, 6

The Garage

Dove,13Murderer, 14 Hectare,


16 Shiver,18Tannin, 19 Flute,


21 Onyx.

62 To advertise call 01590643969/07801 562358 or e-mailinfo@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


Go South 64


Moss onthe Green 18


New Milton Locksmith 22


Hordle Explorers Nursery 25


Oven Glow 22

OvenU 59


Borrow aDog 18

Paddy's Pool/Grooming 18


Picture Perfect 10


DJB Plumbing 59

First Choice Plumbing 54

KDL Plumbing 14

Mouland Plumbing &Drainage 52

P.A. Blake 58

Stephen Harris 24


Dagless &Whitlock 50


Ocean Cars 49

Street &Parker 20

Watson Welding 26

MD Window &Gutter Cleaning 14


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£20 M&S gift

card * when you

visit, it’s that



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