Angelus News | July 29, 2022 | Vol. 7 No. 15

On the cover: A pilgrim walks on his knees outside the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 2019. For our special pilgrimage issue, on Page 10 Mike Aquilina writes on how the urge to leave everything and travel afar is as old as Christianity itself. On Page 14, Elise Ureneck recounts the unexpected graces of her last pilgrimage with her late mother, and on Page 16, California historian Stephen Binz points the way to the pilgrim path in our own backyard. On Page 20, Pasadena native Jenny Gorman Patton tells of finding the healing she needed, rather than the one she wanted, at the Marian shrine of Lourdes, France.

On the cover: A pilgrim walks on his knees outside the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 2019. For our special pilgrimage issue, on Page 10 Mike Aquilina writes on how the urge to leave everything and travel afar is as old as Christianity itself. On Page 14, Elise Ureneck recounts the unexpected graces of her last pilgrimage with her late mother, and on Page 16, California historian Stephen Binz points the way to the pilgrim path in our own backyard. On Page 20, Pasadena native Jenny Gorman Patton tells of finding the healing she needed, rather than the one she wanted, at the Marian shrine of Lourdes, France.


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Help for a ‘disoriented’ world<br />

A<br />

new free e-book from the Vatican<br />

on bioethical questions aims<br />

to give young Catholics answers<br />

to the “great challenges generated by<br />

scientific and technological progress.”<br />

“Keys to Bioethics: A Manual for<br />

Youth” was prepared by the Jérôme<br />

Lejeune Foundation and released by<br />

the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family<br />

and Life this month. Its publication<br />

comes at the close of the “Amoris Laetitia”<br />

(“The Joy of Love”) family year<br />

declared by Pope Francis last year.<br />

“On the occasion of the ‘Amoris<br />

Laetitia Family Year,’ the pope invites<br />

us to strive to discover together, as a<br />

family of families, the values that lead<br />

to the true Good,” read the <strong>July</strong> <strong>15</strong><br />

announcement from the dicastery.<br />

“To this end, this e-book is intended<br />

to help transmit the teaching and hope<br />

of life to our young people. It can be<br />

useful for parents and educators to<br />

accompany young people on the path<br />

of accurate reflection on the most<br />

current issues concerning bioethics.”<br />

According to the dicastery, the manual<br />

“aims at objectively introducing<br />

children and young people to the<br />

significant issues of Bioethics, which<br />

arise in each of us when faced with<br />

scientific and technological progress,<br />

leaving us sometimes disoriented.<br />

“Adhering to the principles of science<br />

and human reason, it aims at helping<br />

give simple answers starting from precise<br />

and rigorous technical information,<br />

to which the Christian faith adds<br />

meaning.”<br />

The manual states that human life<br />

begins at fertilization and that IUDs,<br />

RU-486, and the morning-after pill<br />

can induce abortions — and that the<br />

regular birth control pill can have an<br />

abortifacient effect. Other topics covered<br />

include the contraceptive mentality,<br />

genetic screening, reproductive<br />

technology, eugenics, stem-cell<br />

research, euthanasia, organ donation,<br />

and gender.<br />

Discussing gender identity, the<br />

manual states that “in fact, there is no<br />

way to change one’s sex. To try to do so<br />

is to mutilate the body and to create a<br />

lie within the human person, who may<br />

be altered to look like the other sex but<br />

can never truly be the other sex.”<br />

The manual also takes issue with<br />

homosexual parenting, citing recent<br />

research that “has shown that a loving<br />

mother and father in a stable relationship<br />

are essential to the healthy<br />

development of children. The desire<br />

of homosexual couples to override the<br />

biological constraint on their ability<br />

to have children is not a sufficient<br />

reason to place children in a same-sex<br />

household.”<br />

The e-book’s publication comes a<br />

month after the same dicastery published<br />

a document with suggestions for<br />

a yearlong “marriage catechumenate”<br />

endorsed by Pope Francis. That document<br />

underlined the importance of<br />

education of young couples on such<br />

topics.<br />

“Some complex issues pertaining to<br />

marital sexuality or openness to life<br />

— such as responsible parenting, artificial<br />

insemination, prenatal diagnosis<br />

and other bioethical issues — have<br />

strong ethical, relational and spiritual<br />

repercussions for spouses and require<br />

specific formation and clarity,” the<br />

document read.<br />

Reporting courtesy of Catholic <strong>News</strong><br />

Service and Catholic World <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Papal Prayer Intentions for August: We pray for small- and<br />

medium-sized businesses; in the midst of economic and<br />

social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating, and<br />

serving their communities.<br />

2 • ANGELUS • <strong>July</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong>

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