The Manufacturer Newsletter 2022


So just what are the many benefits?Social media marketing offers direct targeting unlike traditional media which is more broad. Forexample, let’s say you’re selling flowers and running a promotion for Valentine’s Day. You can directlytarget individuals in a relationship, who are married or even newlyweds. How would you do that with apress ad or radio ad?It’s cost effective. Let’s use a fullpage press ad for this comparison. You could spend an upwards ofTTD$8,000 on a press ad that, yes, will reach thousands of people, but hundreds if not thousands ofthose people may not be your target. Alternatively, you could spend USD$500 for 7 days on a Facebookad and get an estimated reach of 27.1K - 78.4K people per day. This is value!It’s all about engagement. We believe this is hands down the best part of social media. Being able tobuild a customer base that you can interact with, sell a product or service, resell and resell again is goldto an advertiser/business. This type of platform allows you to directly ask questions (though polls andquizzes) and get instant, invaluable feedback and ideas from your customers, while making theinteraction organic and fun. For example, Facebook competitions are an excellent way to not onlygarner participation from your followers, but also increase loyalty and reward them for it withgiveaways.While it’s great that many companies now boast a presence online and are using the correct platforms,are they using it the correct way? Here’s what we recommend:Don’t just jump online.• Take a strategic approach.• Take time to build a content database.• Create a monthly plan consisting of info, design, layout, promotions etc.• Define your target audience.• Have a monthly budget.• Most of all, love what you do and have fun.Createm Designs will help you get noticed by all the rightpeople. Whether through strategic targeting or multimediaplacements, we have the tools to make you stand out.Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to enter the fastprogressing digital world of business…



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