The Manufacturer Newsletter 2022



The President’s MessageThe Powerof TTMA’sAdvocacyNow that we have some distance from the more intenseaspects of the pandemic, the opportunity is at hand toassess how it was managed by individual businessesand those that form a sector of the industrial operationsin Trinidad and Tobago. In hindsight therefore, one ofthe key elements of such an assessment is the role thatthe TTMA played for its membership. With pandemicconditions as unique and unprecedented as they were,the membership was able to turn to their compatriotsand competitors in a safe space for support and to theTTMA to provide leadership and guidance in navigatingindividual operations. This network of sustenanceis essentially the power of TTMA’s advocacy for itsmembers and an example of what the organizationhas been doing for the last six plus decades for themanufacturing sector in this country.3


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