The Manufacturer Newsletter 2022


The Future ofMarketing at TICThe 23rd Installment of the Trade and InvestmentConvention (TIC 2022) hosted by the Trinidad andTobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) is on,from the 25th to 27th August, 2022 at the Centre ofExcellence, Macoya, Trinidad and Tobago. TIC 2022 issponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.12

As we recognize the significance of this eventoccurring during the waning months of thepandemic, and with the need to recognize theresilience of manufacturers, service providers,consultants and investors alike, to turn adversitiesinto business opportunities, the theme of TIC 2022is, “Business Resilience!”.This year’s theme signifies the core purpose ofthe Trade and Investment Convention, during thistime of economic uncertainty, which is to serveas an impetus and platform for encouraging andpromoting economic stimulation and growth inTrinidad and Tobago, and the region.The Trade and Investment Convention remains to bethe premier business networking trade show in theEnglish-speaking Caribbean with TIC 2022 being noexception. This event promises to create the idealforum for local, regional and international attendeesto network, discover new products and services,and meet with hundreds of participants from variouscountries and business sectors.TIC 2022 boasts as the optimum opportunity formarketing and promotion to a wide market of buyersand consumers across the globe. Trade shows, evenduring the pandemic have maintained the criticalpurpose of being one of the most effective waysof marketing and promoting a business and itssubsidiaries.BusinessResilienceEach year, companies; large and micro, findinnovative ways and utilize highly effective andcreative mechanisms to stand out in a crowd, and toattract their target audiences at these events. Theseexhibits range from small booths, which encapsulatesthe most effective use of space, signage, andproduct displays and information, to macro exhibits,where the sky is the limit on innovation regardinglighting, with the latest in audio/visual technologyand full displays of machinery and of industry 4.0.13

The Future of

Marketing at TIC

The 23rd Installment of the Trade and Investment

Convention (TIC 2022) hosted by the Trinidad and

Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) is on,

from the 25th to 27th August, 2022 at the Centre of

Excellence, Macoya, Trinidad and Tobago. TIC 2022 is

sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.


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