Discharged Deceased.

Given there is simply no legal mechanism by which Court Proceedings could be continued as Criminal Proceedings terminate immediately after death: On February 27th one-day after his death Saul Turner was Discharge Decrease from Highdown Prision Banstead via the Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford which covers the County of Hampshire. Let's not forget: Saul Turner DOB 8 12 1983 Prison Noms No:A2096AA entered HighdownPrision on January16 2020 a remand inmate at reception level with a care plan and a brown envelope detailing Saul's Prisoner/Patient ID number A24225AM containing £7.72 which now resides in my kitchen drawer reflects it's indeed the case Saul Turner hadn't taken up residence in the Prision due to his medical needs Saul was transferred from reception into a acute hospital setting then onto Integrated Offender Management accommodation that works in collaboration with the Police and National Probation Service - Saul was managed by Hampshire IOM accommodation based in Portsmouth in the County of Hampshire- The evidence states Saul was residing there under a Deprivation of Liberty Order- Deprivation of Liberty Orders are monitored by the Care and Quality Commission. To note: A person placed under a Deprivation of Liberty Order is not considered to be in state detention - Therefore a prison cell at Highdown Prision is not the place where the violence which caused Saul Turner's death was inflicted.

Given there is simply no legal mechanism by which Court Proceedings could be continued as Criminal Proceedings terminate immediately after death: On February 27th one-day after his death Saul Turner was Discharge Decrease from Highdown Prision Banstead via the Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford which covers the County of Hampshire. Let's not forget: Saul Turner DOB 8 12 1983 Prison Noms No:A2096AA entered HighdownPrision on January16 2020 a remand inmate at reception level with a care plan and a brown envelope detailing Saul's Prisoner/Patient ID number A24225AM containing £7.72 which now resides in my kitchen drawer reflects it's indeed the case Saul Turner hadn't taken up residence in the Prision due to his medical needs Saul was transferred from reception into a acute hospital setting then onto Integrated Offender Management accommodation that works in collaboration with the Police and National Probation Service - Saul was managed by Hampshire IOM accommodation based in Portsmouth in the County of Hampshire- The evidence states Saul was residing there under a Deprivation of Liberty Order- Deprivation of Liberty Orders are monitored by the Care and Quality Commission. To note: A person placed under a Deprivation of Liberty Order is not considered to be in state detention - Therefore a prison cell at Highdown Prision is not the place where the violence which caused Saul Turner's death was inflicted.


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