The Constructive And Enduring Impact On Teaching And Learning

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The Constructive And Enduring Impact

On Teaching And Learning

The fundamental premise of 21st Century curricula is the need for students to

acquire new knowledge and skills that are essential for success in a globally

competitive world. We cannot expect the assessment of these skills to be

rigorous, complex, and consistent when the assessment of the adults responsible

for teaching and leadership are weak, simplistic, and fragmented. There is a

significant risk that educational policymakers have wasted the crisis, diverting

economic stimulus funds to preserve the status quo rather than challenge it. The

triumph of the urgent over the important is hardly a phenomenon unique to the

United States, as resistance to assessment reform is remarkably common in

democratic and authoritarian regimes around the world. Cheap and easy

assessments are more seductive than those that are expensive and complex.

Technology can be either our servant or master. It assumes the former role when

we recognize both its power and limitations, and insist that everyone in the

educational enterprise must not only work smarter but harder. Technology

becomes our master, however, when the exaggerated claims of its advocates are

exempt from critical analysis.

The blame game surrounding the gap between standards and assessment

resembles a circular firing squad. Every participant’s aim might be perfect but no

one is left standing at the end of the exercise. States blame the federal

government for creating incentives for low proficiency thresholds; the federal

government blames states and schools for failing to implement research-based

programs with sufficient fidelity; administrators blame collective bargaining

agreements that restrain their ability to require performance improvements;

teachers blame disengaged students, inattentive parents, and feckless

administrators. Everyone blames school boards, legislatures, Congress, testing

companies, and lest I forget, writers, researchers, and academics who attempt to

survey the damage from a safe distance. While there are many lessons to be

learned from both the successes and failures of the past several years, one of the

most striking and consistent is this: No child in any educational system will be

more accountable than the adults – parents, teachers, administrators, and

policymakers – who create the conditions that sustain or impede student


Some state legislatures have been zealous in their support of punitive measures

for students. There is, in brief, more enthusiasm for holding 7 year old children

accountable than there is for holding adults accountable. Teachers are more likely

to be struck by lightning than to be terminated for inadequate performance. It’s

not quite as bad as all that; it’s worse. When teachers are held accountable for

poor performance, it is most likely to occur in an environment when economically

advantaged children are served, and least likely to occur in schools with

economically disadvantaged students. Although there are many heroic and

wonderful teachers who serve economically disadvantaged students, they are the

exceptions that test the rule. Poor and minority students are significantly less

likely to learn from a highly qualified teacher than are their advantaged Anglo


While teacher assessments have received the lion’s share of the press,

administrator assessments have been largely distinguished by their ambiguity and

disassociation from student results. If there is an educational jurisdiction that

conducts systematic assessment of policymakers, it has eluded my notice. In fact,

elected board members, legislators, members of Congress, and parliamentarians

are regularly forced with the choice of popularity or effectiveness. Because their

turnover rate is approximately the same as the Politburo in the former Soviet

Union, it is apparent that they regularly elevate the former over the latter. For

example, each of the following policies will earn the acclaim and appreciation of

voters in the long term, but are certain to elicit complaints in the short term:

- Rigorous and demanding curriculum and assessments. Every list of 21st

century skills includes requirements for critical thinking, teamwork, effective

communication, and problem-solving. But the more demanding the assessment,

the more likely it is that students will need to practice, fail, and receive corrective

feedback. This is the most effective method of learning new skills, but it is the

least popular with parents and students.

- Tough consequences for poor student work (not the zero or failure, but

intervention, re- teaching, and the requirement that students complete the

assigned work).

- Limited choices for students – fewer electives and more demanding

courses. Trustees of private schools routinely limit choices for students. They

understand the paradox of choice – fewer choices in youth yield more choices for

a lifetime; more numerous choices in youth, including the choice of failure and

the path of least resistance, yield fewer choices for a lifetime. But the same logic

is rarely applied to public education settings. Students are treated as customers

whose every whim is to be satisfied and whose parents cast votes for school

board members and legislators.

- Creating “mandatory opportunities” for post-secondary education. In most

high schools, the best that state standards requirements have created is a

demand for minimum competency. Many seniors expect their college acceptance

letters or other post-secondary plans to be placed well in hand and to enjoy halfday

requirements. This tradition of leisure ignores the reality that the majority of

high school students are, in fact, ill- prepared for college, technical school, or the

world of work after high school.

- Saving parents money and require college-level work from every high

school student. While this requirement would seem to be a political goldmine –

what voter would object to saving money? – reality diverges from common sense.

The opposition to saving parents money is based on the premise that too many

students go to college anyway and – this is the easy laugh line delivered by the Ivy

League - that about 50% of American students are below average anyway. That

Harvard is burdened with too many applications seems an inadequate premise on

which to subject another generation of students to the underclass associated with

an inadequate education.

Imagine that you report the results of your medical examination to two different

physicians, both of whom are evaluating the same data. The first doctor delivers

the bad news: Unless you make substantial changes to your diet and lifestyle, you

will die a slow, lingering death well before you have the opportunity to see your

grandchildren graduate from high school. The second passes you a plate of warm

brownies and a martini, assuring you that your dissolute habits will, in the long

term, be overcome by advances in medical science. Which doctor do you prefer?

Even with a lethal wake-up call, most people prefer to continue their present

behavior rather than make significant behavioral changes. Educational

policymakers are not immune from these trends. State and local educational

leaders are not venal, but rational. If they tell the truth about the performance of

their students, they risk losing money, votes, and political support. If, by contrast,

they embrace the fantasy of universal success, they can – at least for the next

election cycle – secure another round of power, popularity, and public funds.

Here is the acid test for long-term educational policies: Name the candidate for

local, state, or national office who will make the following statement:

According to our most recent assessment data, our students are ill-prepared to

compete in the 21st Century global economy. This happened on my watch, and I

accept full responsibility for the failure of our educational policies. The only

solution to this challenge is a series of assessments on which only a tiny fraction

of our children will succeed the first time they take it. This will be unpleasant but

necessary news for every parent in my constituency. The good news is that our

students will get better, and as they work harder and practice more, their

performance will improve. The bad news is that hard work and practice is not

popular either. More than 80% of parents have told their children how smart they

are, leaving them with the impression that they are immune from the necessity of

hard work. Nevertheless, I prefer to sacrifice my electoral position in service of

the truth, and therefore I offer the following assessment data that shows how you

– parents and voters – and your children must work harder, be more disciplined,

and produce better results. I’m sure I can count on your support in the next


Are you having difficulty identifying the author of the previous election speech?

So am I, because I have yet to hear it. If any educational system is to assess 21st

Century skills, then it must first consider the question, “How will we react if we

find out that our students and teachers are not very good at it?” If we expect

students to learn 21st Century skills and if we expect teachers and administrators

to facilitate that learning, then system leaders must have the political courage to

state the obvious: students, teachers, and administrators must improve their


Sir Thomas Gresham posited in his eponymous Law that “bad money drives out

good.” If some money is pure gold and the other is tainted, then we will hoard the

pure coins and flood the market with the tainted ones. There are even subtle, if

ultimately destructive, rewards to bad currency – as it loses value, then eventually

everyone is a millionaire, even when they recognize too late that such a

designation is of little comfort if a loaf of bread costs a million units of currency.

Gresham’s Law of Assessment, or the law that he might postulate if he were

witness to the present educational scene, is that bad assessments drive out the

good, because the bad ones are cheaper, easier, and in the short term, more

appealing. Effective assessment practices are learned, not purchased. Effective

assessments are complex and difficult, consuming time and resources from

teachers and administrators.

If the evidence is that overwhelming, then why do educational systems pursue

the facile rather than the substantive? These decisions are neither accidental nor

the result of inadequate analysis. Nor is this uniquely a North American challenge.

China, which has made exceptional progress in the past decade, increasing the

number of major universities and expanding educational opportunity to poor

rural students on a scale unimaginable in the 20th Century, continues to use an

assessment system that is redolent of the Ming Dynasty. This imperial reign,

which lasted from 1368 to 1644 A.D, has been credited with creating the first

standardized tests for admission of commoners to the ranks of the Emperor’s civil

servants and redefined the term “high stakes,” as students who failed the exam

were known to have plunged to their deaths by jumping off the precipice of the

palace. Today, as then, it is easier, cheaper and, except for the mess on the

sidewalk outside the palace, more convenient to use a single standardized test to

evaluate student skills. Writing, communication, analysis, collaboration,

invention, self-management, creativity – all of these skills are profoundly more

difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to assess. Besides, they are too

subjective, so why not just have a quick and cheap standardized test and be done

with it? How educational leaders answer that question will determine the fate of

21st Century skills.

Jeff C. Palmer is a teacher, success coach, trainer, Certified Master of Web

Copywriting and founder of https://Ebookschoice.com. Jeff is a prolific writer,

Senior Research Associate and Infopreneur having written many eBooks, articles

and special reports.

Source: https://ebookschoice.com/the-constructive-and-enduring-impact-onteaching-and-learning/

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