Teachers Can Make Greater Use Of Instructional Strategies

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Teachers Can Make Greater Use Of

Instructional Strategies

Educators must ensure that America's students are provided with adequate

opportunity to learn. The phrase "opportunity to learn" (OTL) was coined in 1963

by John Carroll to indicate whether students were given sufficient time to learn a

particular concept or unit of course material. This definition embodies an

assumption that has followed the basic premise of OTL to the present-with

appropriate school and classroom conditions and effective instruction, all

students can master challenging course work.

Today's view of OTL is broader, encompassing a set of conditions believed to be

essential to effective teaching and learning. The conditions differ from many

behaviors that research shows are correlated with pupil performance-specific

classroom strategies and organizational skills that can improve learning once the

basic elements are in place. The conditions of OTL are the foundation needed for

effective instruction to all students.

The first OTL condition, so fundamental that it is often assumed rather than

discussed, is the provision of a safe and orderly environment in which teaching

and learning can occur. Every distraction, from violence and illegal behavior on

school grounds to interruptions as minor as "PA" announcements, has a cost.

Second are school policies and practices-for example, course offerings,

graduation requirements, and tracking-that provide access to important course

work by some groups of students while denying access to others. Academic

performance suffers, for example, when schools do not offer algebra to eighth

graders or do not offer a selection of advanced courses to students who have the

motivation and ability to take these courses. Graduation requirements assure that

all students take a certain number of basic courses; increased requirements

benefit low-ability students in particular. However, very few schools have

universal requirements in subjects such as computer science or foreign language.

Tracking limits course work severely for students assigned to nonacademic tracks.

Unfortunately, students are locked into lower tracks by mechanisms that make

mobility all but impossible.

Third, instructional practices determine the extent to which students are provided

with adequate learning opportunity. There are four classroom OTL practices:

- Content Coverage: The extent to which the topics specified by the course

syllabus and/or the textbook are covered in a course or school year. Adequate

content coverage means that students are exposed to a full and adequate

breadth of course material.

- Content Emphasis: The extent to which topics are covered in depth. Adequate

content emphasis occurs when important topics are selected and covered

extensively by teaching more facts, principles, and examples, and by expecting

students to process material at higher cognitive levels-e.g., analyzing and applying

the material, posing and/or solving real-life problems that involve the course

content, or engaging in critical thinking about the topic.

- Content Exposure: The extent to which sufficient time is allocated for students

to learn the material presented, including those needing more time than others to

reach mastery.

- Quality of Instructional Delivery: The extent to which lessons are planned and

delivered in a coherent manner and employ a range of resources, so students can

understand and use the information presented.

These conditions, often lacking in urban schools, represent the essential

requisites needed to provide students with true OTL.


Research shows that OTL instructional practices improve student achievement.

Studies relating content coverage to learning demonstrate that the extent to

which a teacher covers course material to be tested is an important antecedent of

student achievement. Although little research has been published that documents

content emphasis, it is clear that basic facts and principles are emphasized in

American schools, while insufficient attention is given to teaching higher order

thinking skills. The typical American curriculum in science and mathematics has

been characterized as "a mile wide and an inch deep". Research demonstrates

that teachers can make greater use of instructional strategies that foster more

complex cognitive skills, and these will impact the development of higher order

thinking among students. More research is needed on this aspect of OTL.

Different students require different amounts of content exposure to master the

same material, even under the best instructional conditions. Much research has

explored the relationships among time needed to learn, time allocated by the

teacher, and student achievement. A synthesis of this research concluded that

other things being equal, the amount learned is generally proportional to the time

spent in learning. The review emphasizes the importance of productive time—

that is, time spent on lessons appropriate to the learner's skills and prior

knowledge—and describes strategies to increase productive time in the


Research on quality of instructional delivery emphasizes the effective allotment of

learning time, (i.e., content exposure), and teaching is characterized by: (a)

coherent presentation and sequencing of material, (b) ample opportunity for

students to engage in guided practice, (c) the use of regular, periodic

assessments, and (d) constructive feedback to the students. Without these

features, students are not provided with adequate OTL, and academic

achievement may be impaired rather than promoted.


A recent report assembles a set of strategies that can be used to assess OTL

instructional practices in a particular classroom, and whether or not certain

strategies work for all students. Teacher logs and journals reveal the emphasis

placed on particular curricular contents and the productive use of instructional

time. Observations, whether by fellow teachers, administrators, or others, reveal

the quality of the lessons and the emphasis on higher order thinking skills.

Surveys of teachers reveal factors that obstruct attempts to provide adequate

OTL, such as outside interruptions, inadequate materials (e.g., textbooks,

laboratory equipment, calculators, or computers), or insufficient support from

other school staff. Finally, periodic student assessments reflect the impact and

quality of the core curriculum.

But how teacher-friendly are these OTL assessment strategies? Are teachers

willing to undertake OTL assessments and change their instructional styles based

on the feedback they receive? In a recent survey of 455 urban elementary,

middle, and high-school teachers, OTL assessment strategies were ranked on the

basis of how teacher-friendly and sustainable they are.

Teachers ranked student assessments as the highest rated strategy. At the other

extreme, keeping journals or logs was viewed less favorably, with comments

indicating that the time required for this task would be burdensome. In general,

teachers approved of having an administrator or fellow teacher observe lessons

to determine coherence and teaching time allocation. However, a number of

respondents expressed concern that the observer may not be appropriate or that

they would feel threatened if the quality of their teaching was being evaluated.

Surveys about school resources received stronger endorsements than student

surveys of teaching. While resource surveys were viewed as an important OTL

assessment strategy, some teachers were reluctant to place students in the

position of evaluating their teaching competence.


The information obtained through OTL assessments can promote positive changes

in the classroom, and can also be useful in building an OTL model to improve

teaching practices and ultimately students' academic achievement. Results from

the survey of teachers reveal which aspects of OTL assessment strategies have the

highest probability of success and which need improvement to be more fully

acceptable to teachers. While educators must be sensitive to adding timeconsuming

activities to a teacher's workload, we know that OTL—when provided

to students and assessed—can bring about positive results in the classroom.

Jeff C. Palmer is a teacher, success coach, trainer, Certified Master of Web

Copywriting and founder of https://Ebookschoice.com. Jeff is a prolific writer,

Senior Research Associate and Infopreneur having written many eBooks, articles

and special reports.

Source: https://ebookschoice.com/teachers-can-make-greater-use-ofinstructional-strategies/

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