Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 68ment, without fear orfavour, affection or ill-will, (Name of theChairperson / Member)Dated : Real Estate Regulatory AuthorityFORM-M [See sub-rule (1) of rule 21]Form of Oath of Secrecy for the Chairpersonor Members of the Real Estate RegulatoryAuthority I, , having been appointed asthe Chairperson or Member (cross the portionnot applicable) solemnly affirm and do swearin the name of God I will not directly or indirectlycommunicate or reveal to any person orpersons any matter which shall be brought undermy consideration or shall become knownto me as the Chairperson or Member (crossthe portion not applicable, of the said RealEstate Regulatory Authority, except as maybe required of my duties as the Chairpersonor Member (cross the portion not applicable).(Name of the Chairperson / Member)Dated : Real Estate Regulatory AuthorityFORM ‘N’ [See sub-rule (1) of rule29] COMPLAINT TO REGULATORY AU-THORITY Complaint under section 31 of theActFor use of Regulatory Authority(s) office:Date of filing:Date of receipt by post:Complaint No.:Signature: Registrar: IN THE REGULA-TORY AUTHORITIES OFFICE (Name ofplace)BetweenComplainant(s) AndRespondent(s) Details of claim:1. Particulars of the complainant(s): (i)Name of the complainant: (ii) Address of theexisting office / residence of the complainant:(iii) Address for service of all notices: 2. Particularsof the respondents: (i) Name(s) of respondent:(ii) Office address of the respondent:(iii) Address for service of all notices: 3.Jurisdiction of the regulatory authority: Thecomplainant declares that the subject matterof the claim falls within the jurisdiction of theregulatory authority. 4. Facts of the case:[give a concise statement of facts and groundsfor complaint] 5. Relief(s) sought:30In view of the facts mentioned in paragraph4 above, the complainant prays for the followingrelief(s) [Specify below the relief(s) claimedexplaining the grounds of relief(s) and the legalprovisions (if any) relied upon]6. Interim order, if prayed for:Pending final decision on the complaint thecomplainant seeks issue of the following interimorder: [Give here the nature of the interimorder prayed for with reasons] 7. Complainantnot pending with any other court,etc.: The complainant further declares thatthe matter regarding which this complaint hasbeen made is not pending before any court oflaw or any other authority or any other tribunal(s).8. Particulars of bank draft in respectof the fee in terms of sub-rule (1) of rule36: (i) Amount (ii) Name of the bank on whichdrawn (iii) Demand draft number 9. List ofenclosures: [Specify the details of enclosureswith the complaint]VerificationI (name in full block letters) son / daughterof the complainant do hereby verify thatthe contents of paragraphs [1 to 9] are true tomy personal knowledge and belief and that Ihave not suppressed any material fact(s).Place: Date:Signature of the complainant(s)FORM ‘OQ’ [See sub-rule (1) of rule 30]APPLICATION TO ADJUDICATING OFFI-CERClaim for compensation under section 31read with section 71 of the Act For use of AdjudicatingOfficers office: Date of filing: Dateof receipt by post: Application No.: Signature:Authorized Officer:IN THE ADJUDICATING OFFICERSOFFICE (Name of place)Betweenapplicant(s) AndRespondent(s) Details of claim:1. Particulars of the applicant(s): (i)Name of the applicant: (ii) Address of the existingoffice / residence of the appellant: (iii)Address for service of all notices: (iv) Detailsof allottees apartment, plot or building 2. Particularsof the respondents: (i) Name(s) of respondent:(ii) Office address of the respondent:(iii) Address for service of all notices:(iv) Registration no. and address of project: 3.2.14 2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017

69 Indian Real Estate LawsJurisdiction of the Adjudicating Officer: Theapplicant declares that the subject matter ofthe claim falls within the jurisdiction of theadjudicating officer. 4. Facts of the case:31[give a concise statement of facts andgrounds of claim against the promoter]5. Compensation(s) sought: In view ofthe facts mentioned in paragraph 4 above, theapplicant prays for the following compensation(s)[Specify below the compensation(s)claimed explaining the grounds of claim(s)and the legal provisions (if any) relied upon]6. Claim not pending with any other court,etc.: The applicant further declares that thematter regarding which this appeal has beenmade is not pending before any court of law orany other authority or any other tribunal(s).7. Particulars of bank draft in respect ofthe fee in terms of sub-rule (1) of rule 36:(iv) Amount (v) Name of the bank on whichdrawn (vi) Demand draft number 8. List ofenclosures: [Specify the details of enclosureswith the application]Verification I (name in full block letters)son / daughter of the applicant do hereby verifythatthe contents of paragraphs [1 to 8] are trueto my personal knowledge and belief and thatI have not suppressed any material fact(s).Place: Date: Signature of the applicant(s)FORM-P [See rule 38] Form of Oath of Officefor the Chairperson or Members of the AppellateTribunal i , having been appointed as theChairperson or Member (cross the portion notapplicable) solemnly affirm and (or) doswear in the name of God I will faithfullyand conscientiously discharge my duties as theChairperson or Member (cross the portion notapplicable), of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority,to the best of my ability, knowledgeand judgement, without fear or favour, affectionor ill-will.(Name of the Chairperson / Member)Dated : Appellate TribunalFORM-Q [See rule 38] Form of Oath of Secrecyfor the Chairperson or Members of theAppellate TribunalI, , having been appointed as the Chairpersonor Member (cross the portion not applicable)solemnly affirm and do swear in the nameof God I will not directly or indirectly communicateor reveal to any person or personsany matter which shall be brought under myconsideration or shall become known to me asthe Chairperson or Member (cross the portionnot applicable), of the said Real Estate RegulatoryAuthority, except as may be required+ of my duties as the Chairperson or Member(cross the portion not applicable).(Name of the Chairperson / Member)Dated : Appellate Tribunal32FORM-R [See sub-rule (2) of rule 33] AP-PEAL TO APPELLATE TRIBUNAL Appealunder section 44 of the ActEvery appeal shall be filed in English andin case it is in some other Indian language, itshall be accompanied by a copy translated inEnglish and shall be fairly and legibly typewritten,lithographed or printed in doublespacing on one side of standard petition paperwith an inner margin of about four centimetreswidth on top and with a right margin on 2.5cm, and left margin of 5 cm, duly paginated,indexed and stitched together in paper bookform.For use of Appellate Tribunal’s office:Date of filing:Date of receipt by post: Registration No.:Signature:Registrar:IN THE REAL ESTATE APPELLATETRIBUNALxx — here specify the place of TribunalBetweenAppellant(s) And Respondent(s)Details of appeal: 1. Particulars of the appellants:(i) Name of the appellant; (ii) Addressof the existing office / residence of theappellant; (iii) Address for service of all notices.2. Particulars of the respondents: (i)Name(s) of respondent, (ii) Office address ofthe respondent; (iii) Address for service of allnotices. 3. Jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunal:The appellant declares that the subjectmatter of the appeal falls within the jurisdictionof the Appellate Tribunal. 4, Limitation:The appellant declares that the appeal2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017 2.14

69 Indian Real Estate Laws

Jurisdiction of the Adjudicating Officer: The

applicant declares that the subject matter of

the claim falls within the jurisdiction of the

adjudicating officer. 4. Facts of the case:


[give a concise statement of facts and

grounds of claim against the promoter]

5. Compensation(s) sought: In view of

the facts mentioned in paragraph 4 above, the

applicant prays for the following compensation(s)

[Specify below the compensation(s)

claimed explaining the grounds of claim(s)

and the legal provisions (if any) relied upon]

6. Claim not pending with any other court,

etc.: The applicant further declares that the

matter regarding which this appeal has been

made is not pending before any court of law or

any other authority or any other tribunal(s).

7. Particulars of bank draft in respect of

the fee in terms of sub-rule (1) of rule 36:

(iv) Amount (v) Name of the bank on which

drawn (vi) Demand draft number 8. List of

enclosures: [Specify the details of enclosures

with the application]

Verification I (name in full block letters)

son / daughter of the applicant do hereby verify


the contents of paragraphs [1 to 8] are true

to my personal knowledge and belief and that

I have not suppressed any material fact(s).

Place: Date: Signature of the applicant(s)

FORM-P [See rule 38] Form of Oath of Office

for the Chairperson or Members of the Appellate

Tribunal i , having been appointed as the

Chairperson or Member (cross the portion not

applicable) solemnly affirm and (or) do

swear in the name of God I will faithfully

and conscientiously discharge my duties as the

Chairperson or Member (cross the portion not

applicable), of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority,

to the best of my ability, knowledge

and judgement, without fear or favour, affection

or ill-will.

(Name of the Chairperson / Member)

Dated : Appellate Tribunal

FORM-Q [See rule 38] Form of Oath of Secrecy

for the Chairperson or Members of the

Appellate Tribunal

I, , having been appointed as the Chairperson

or Member (cross the portion not applicable)

solemnly affirm and do swear in the name

of God I will not directly or indirectly communicate

or reveal to any person or persons

any matter which shall be brought under my

consideration or shall become known to me as

the Chairperson or Member (cross the portion

not applicable), of the said Real Estate Regulatory

Authority, except as may be required

+ of my duties as the Chairperson or Member

(cross the portion not applicable).

(Name of the Chairperson / Member)

Dated : Appellate Tribunal


FORM-R [See sub-rule (2) of rule 33] AP-


under section 44 of the Act

Every appeal shall be filed in English and

in case it is in some other Indian language, it

shall be accompanied by a copy translated in

English and shall be fairly and legibly typewritten,

lithographed or printed in double

spacing on one side of standard petition paper

with an inner margin of about four centimetres

width on top and with a right margin on 2.5

cm, and left margin of 5 cm, duly paginated,

indexed and stitched together in paper book


For use of Appellate Tribunal’s office:

Date of filing:

Date of receipt by post: Registration No.:





xx — here specify the place of Tribunal


Appellant(s) And Respondent(s)

Details of appeal: 1. Particulars of the appellants:

(i) Name of the appellant; (ii) Address

of the existing office / residence of the

appellant; (iii) Address for service of all notices.

2. Particulars of the respondents: (i)

Name(s) of respondent, (ii) Office address of

the respondent; (iii) Address for service of all

notices. 3. Jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunal:

The appellant declares that the subject

matter of the appeal falls within the jurisdiction

of the Appellate Tribunal. 4, Limitation:

The appellant declares that the appeal


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