Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 54so.(3) The procedure for day to day functioningof the Authority, which have not been providedby the Act or the rules made thereunder,shall be as specified by regulations madeby the Authority.(4) Where a party to the complaint is representedby an authorised person, as providedunder section 56, a copy of the authorisationto act as such and the written consent theretoby such authorised person, both in original,shall be appended to the complaint or the replyto the notice of the complaint, as the casemay be.2.10.2 Manner of filing a complaintwith the adjudicatingofficer and the mannerof holding an inquiryby the adjudicating officer30. (1) Any aggrieved person may file a complaintwith the adjudicating officer for compensationunder section 12, 14, 18 and 19 asper Form ‘O’ which shall be accompanied bya fee of rupees one thousand in the form of ademand draft drawn on a nationalized bankor a co-operative Bank in favor of regulatoryauthority and payable at the main branch ofthat bank at the station where the seat of thesaid regulatory authority is situated.(2) The adjudicating officer shall for thepurposes of adjudging compensation followsummary procedure for inquiry in the followingmanner:(a) (b)(c)(d)(e)(g) (h)(i)upon receipt of the complaint the adjudicatingofficer shall issue a notice along withparticulars of the alleged contravention andthe relevant documents to the promoter;the respondent against whom such noticeis issued under clause (a) of sub-rule (2) mayfile his reply in respect of the complaint withinthe period as specified in the notice;the notice shall specify a date and time forfurther hearing;on the date so fixed, the adjudicating officershall explain to the promoter about thecontravention alleged to have been committedin relation to any of the provisions of theAct or the rules and regulations made thereunder and if the promoter:(a) pleads guilty, the adjudicating officershall record the plea, and award such compensationas he thinks fit in accordance with theprovisions of the Act or the rules and regulations,made thereunder;(b) does not plead guilty and contests thecomplaint the adjudicating officer shall demandan explanation from the promoter;in case the adjudicating officer is satisfiedon the basis of the submissions made that thecomplaint does not require any further inquiryit may dismiss the complaint;in case the adjudicating officer is satisfiedon the basis of the submissions made thatthere is need for further hearing into the complaintit may order production of documentsor other evidence on a date and time fixed byhim;the adjudicating officer shall have thepower to carry out an inquiry into the complainton the basis of documents and submissions;the adjudicating officer shall have thepower to summon and enforce the attendanceof any person acquainted with the facts andcircumstances of the case to give evidence orto produce any documents which in the opinionof the adjudicating officer, may be usefulfor or relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry,and in taking such evidence, the adjudicatingofficer shall not be bound to observe theprovisions of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872(Central Act 11 of 1872); on the date so fixed,the adjudicating officer upon consideration ofthe — evidenceproduced before him and other records andsubmissions is satisfied that the promoter is,-(a) liable to pay compensation, the adjudicatingofficer may, by order in writing, orderpayment of such compensation, as deemed2.10 2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017

55 Indian Real Estate Lawsfit by the promoter to the complainant; or(b) not liable to any compensation, theadjudicating officer may, by order in writing,dismiss the complaint, with reasons to berecorded in writing. )if any person fails, neglects or refuses toappear, or present himself as required beforethe adjudicating officer, the adjudicating officershall have the power to proceed with theinquiry in the absence of such person or personsafter recording the reasons for doing so.(3) The procedure for day to day functioningof the adjudicating officer, which have notbeen provided by the Act or the rules madethereunder, shall be as specified by regulationsmade by the Authority.(4) Where a party to the complaint is representedby an authorised person, as providedunder section 56, a copy of the authorisationto act as such and the written consent theretoby such authorised person, both in original,shall be appended to the complaint or the replyto the notice of the complaint, as the casemay be.2.11 CHAPTER XI REALESTATE APPEL-LATE TRIBUNAL2.11.1 Manner of Selection ofMember of the AppellateTribunal31. (1) As and when vacancies of a Memberin the Appellate Tribunal exist or arise, or arelikely to arise, the Government of Karnatakamay make a reference to the Selection Committeein respect of the vacancies to be filled.(2) The Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunalshall be appointed by the State Governmentunder provisions of sub-section (2) ofsection 46.(3) For appointment of Members of the AppellateTribunal, the State Government shallexpeditiously constitute a Selection Committeeto select suitable persons for appointmentas Members of the Tribunal.(4) The Selection Committee shall normallyhold its meetings at Bengaluru or atsuch places, as may be authorised by theChairman by recording the reasons for thechange of the venue of such meetings.(5) The Notice or Agenda, as the casemaybe, for the meeting of the Selection Committeeshall be issued in advance. The dateand venue for the meeting shall be fixed withthe convenience of the Chairman of the SelectionCommittee.(6) The Selection Committee constitutedunder sub-rule (3) shall devise its own procedureas it deemed fit including the appointmentof a Search Committee and may laydown guidelines and procedure to invite applicationsfrom the eligible persons as per qualificationspecified under Section 46. The SelectionCommittee shall prepare a panel of namespossessing the requisite qualification and experiencethose who are suitable for considerationfor appointment as Members of the AppellateTribunal. Secretary, Housing Department isthe Convener of the Selection Committee.(7) The Selection Committee shall thereaftermake its recommendation to the Governmentof Karnataka within a period of notexceeding sixty days from the date of referencemade by the Government under sub-rule(3)for consideration in the form of a panel of notmore than three persons in the order of preferenceseparately for the post of vacancy orvacancies referred by the State Government.(8) The State Government shall withinthirty days from the date of the recommendationmade by the Selection committee, appointone out of panal of three persons name for thethe post of vacancy or vacancies of the Membersof the Appellate Tribunal, as the case maybe.(9) The State Government shall nominatethe Karnataka Appellate Tribunal as InterimAppellate Tribunal in terms of sub-section (4)of section Functioning of AppellateTribunal32 (1) The office of the Appellate Tribunalshall be located at such place as may be determinedby the Government of Karnataka by2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017 2.11

Indian Real Estate Laws 54


(3) The procedure for day to day functioning

of the Authority, which have not been provided

by the Act or the rules made thereunder,

shall be as specified by regulations made

by the Authority.

(4) Where a party to the complaint is represented

by an authorised person, as provided

under section 56, a copy of the authorisation

to act as such and the written consent thereto

by such authorised person, both in original,

shall be appended to the complaint or the reply

to the notice of the complaint, as the case

may be.

2.10.2 Manner of filing a complaint

with the adjudicating

officer and the manner

of holding an inquiry

by the adjudicating officer

30. (1) Any aggrieved person may file a complaint

with the adjudicating officer for compensation

under section 12, 14, 18 and 19 as

per Form ‘O’ which shall be accompanied by

a fee of rupees one thousand in the form of a

demand draft drawn on a nationalized bank

or a co-operative Bank in favor of regulatory

authority and payable at the main branch of

that bank at the station where the seat of the

said regulatory authority is situated.

(2) The adjudicating officer shall for the

purposes of adjudging compensation follow

summary procedure for inquiry in the following


(a) (b)




(g) (h)


upon receipt of the complaint the adjudicating

officer shall issue a notice along with

particulars of the alleged contravention and

the relevant documents to the promoter;

the respondent against whom such notice

is issued under clause (a) of sub-rule (2) may

file his reply in respect of the complaint within

the period as specified in the notice;

the notice shall specify a date and time for

further hearing;

on the date so fixed, the adjudicating officer

shall explain to the promoter about the

contravention alleged to have been committed

in relation to any of the provisions of the

Act or the rules and regulations made there

under and if the promoter:

(a) pleads guilty, the adjudicating officer

shall record the plea, and award such compensation

as he thinks fit in accordance with the

provisions of the Act or the rules and regulations,

made thereunder;

(b) does not plead guilty and contests the

complaint the adjudicating officer shall demand

an explanation from the promoter;

in case the adjudicating officer is satisfied

on the basis of the submissions made that the

complaint does not require any further inquiry

it may dismiss the complaint;

in case the adjudicating officer is satisfied

on the basis of the submissions made that

there is need for further hearing into the complaint

it may order production of documents

or other evidence on a date and time fixed by


the adjudicating officer shall have the

power to carry out an inquiry into the complaint

on the basis of documents and submissions;

the adjudicating officer shall have the

power to summon and enforce the attendance

of any person acquainted with the facts and

circumstances of the case to give evidence or

to produce any documents which in the opinion

of the adjudicating officer, may be useful

for or relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry,

and in taking such evidence, the adjudicating

officer shall not be bound to observe the

provisions of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

(Central Act 11 of 1872); on the date so fixed,

the adjudicating officer upon consideration of

the — evidence

produced before him and other records and

submissions is satisfied that the promoter is,-

(a) liable to pay compensation, the adjudicating

officer may, by order in writing, order

payment of such compensation, as deemed


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