Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 52(b) used any amounts paid to such promoterby the allottees for the real estateproject for which the penalty, interest or compensationis payable, or any other real estateproject; and(c) recovered the amounts paid as penalty,fine or compensation from the allottees of therelevant real estate project or any other realestate project.2.8.3 Manner of recovery of interest,penalty and compensation25. Subject to the provisions of sub-section(1) of section 40, the recovery of the amountsdue as arrears of land revenue shall be carriedout in the manner provided in the KarnatakaLand Revenue Act, 1964 and the rules madethere under.2.8.4 Manner of implementationof order, directionor decisions of the adjudicatingofficer, the Authorityor the AppellateTribunal.-26. For the purpose of sub-section (2) of section40, every order passed by the adjudicatingofficer, regulatory authority or AppellateTribunal, as the case may be, under the Actor the rules and regulations made thereunder,shall be enforced by the adjudicating officer,regulatory authority or the Appellate Tribunalin the same manner as if it were a decree ororder made by the principal civil court in asuit pending therein and it shall be lawful forthe adjudicating officer, regulatory authorityor Appellate Tribunal, as the case may be, inthe event of its inability to execute the order,send such order to the principal civil court, toexecute such order either within the local limitsof whose jurisdiction the real estate projectis located or in the principal civil court withinthe local limits of whose jurisdiction the personagainst whom the order is being issued,actually and voluntarily resides, or carries onbusiness, or personally works for gain.2.9 CHAPTER IX CON-DITIONS OF SER-VICE OF OFFICERSAND OTHER EM-PLOYEES OF THEAUTHORITY2.9.1 Categories of Officers andemployees of the Authorityand pay scales27. The nature and categories of officers andemployees of the Authority shall be recommendedby the Authority for consideration ofthe State Government which shall be approvedwith or without modifications, as the case maybe, by the State Government.2.9.228. Conditions of service.- (1) The conditionsof service of the officers and employees of theAuthority and any other category of employeesin the matter of pay, allowances, leave, joiningtime, joining time pay, age of superannuationand other conditions of service shall be regulatedin accordance with such rules and regulationsas are, from time to time, applicableto officers and employees of the State Governmentand drawing the corresponding scales ofpay:Provided that the provisions of the KarnatakaCivil Services (Classification, Controland Appeal) Rules, 1957 shall apply to the officersand employees of the Authority subject tomodification specified in the schedule to theserules.(2) Consultants or experts may be engagedby the Authority to facilitate its discharge offunctions.(3) The State Government shall have powersto relax the provisions of any of these rulesin respect of any class or category of officersor employees or consultants and experts as thecase may be for the reasons recorded in writing.2.10 2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017

53 Indian Real Estate Laws2.10 CHAPTER X FIL-ING OF COM-PLAINT2.10.1 Filing of complaint andmanner of holding an inquiryby Regulatory Authority(1) Any aggrieved person may file a complaintwith the Regulatory Authority for any violationunder the Act or the rules and regulationsmade there under, save as those provided to beadjudicated by the adjudicating officer, as perForm ‘N’ which shall be accompanied by a feeof rupees one thousand in the form of a demanddraft drawn on a nationalized bank ora co-operative Bank in favor of regulatory authorityand payable at the main branch of thatbank at the station where the seat of the saidRegulatory Authority is situated.(2) The regulatory authority shall for thepurposes of deciding any complaint as specifiedunder sub-rule (1), follow summary procedurefor inquiry in the following manner,namely:-(a) Upon receipt of the complaint the regulatoryauthority shall issue a notice along withparticulars of the alleged contravention andthe relevant documents to the respondent;(b) the respondent against whom such noticeis issued under clause (a) of sub-rule (2),may file his reply in respect of the complaintwithin the period as specified in the notice;(c) the notice shall specify a date and timefor further hearing; and(d) on the date so fixed, the regulatory authorityshall explain to the respondent aboutthe contravention alleged to have been committedin relation to any of the provisionsof the Act or the rules and regulations madethere under and if the respondent:(i) pleads guilty, the regulatory authorityshall record the plea, and pass such orders includingimposition of penalty as it thinks fit inaccordance with the provisions of the Act orthe rules and regulations, made there under;and(ii) does not plead guilty and contests thecomplaint the regulatory authority shall demandan explanation from the respondent.(e) in case the regulatory authority is satisfiedon the basis of the submissions made thatthe complaint does not require any further inquiryit may dismiss the complaint;(f) in case the regulatory authority is satisfiedon the basis of the submissions made thatthere is need for further hearing into the complaintit may order production of documentsor other evidence on a date and time fixed byit;(g) the regulatory authority shall have thepower to carry out an inquiry into the complainton the basis of documents and submissions;(h) the Authority shall have the power tosummon and enforce the attendance of anyperson acquainted with the facts and circumstancesof the case to give evidence or to produceany documents which in the opinion ofthe adjudicating officer, may be useful for orrelevant to the subject matter of the inquiry,and in taking such evidence, the Authorityshall not be bound to observe the provisionsof the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Central Act11 of 1872);(i) on the date so fixed, the regulatoryauthority upon consideration of the evidenceproduced before it and other records and submissionsis satisfied that -(a) the respondent is in contravention ofthe provisions of the Act or the rules and regulationsmade there under it shall pass suchorders including imposition of penalty as itthinks fit in accordance with the provisionsof the Act or the rules and regulations madethere under; and(b) the respondent is not in contraventionof the provisions of the Act or the rules andregulations made there under the regulatoryauthority may, by order in writing, dismiss thecomplaint, with reasons to be recorded in writing.(j) if any person fails, neglects or refusesto appear, or present himself as required beforethe regulatory authority, the regulatoryauthority shall have the power to proceed withthe inquiry in the absence of such person orpersons after recording the reasons for doing2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017 2.10

53 Indian Real Estate Laws




2.10.1 Filing of complaint and

manner of holding an inquiry

by Regulatory Authority

(1) Any aggrieved person may file a complaint

with the Regulatory Authority for any violation

under the Act or the rules and regulations

made there under, save as those provided to be

adjudicated by the adjudicating officer, as per

Form ‘N’ which shall be accompanied by a fee

of rupees one thousand in the form of a demand

draft drawn on a nationalized bank or

a co-operative Bank in favor of regulatory authority

and payable at the main branch of that

bank at the station where the seat of the said

Regulatory Authority is situated.

(2) The regulatory authority shall for the

purposes of deciding any complaint as specified

under sub-rule (1), follow summary procedure

for inquiry in the following manner,


(a) Upon receipt of the complaint the regulatory

authority shall issue a notice along with

particulars of the alleged contravention and

the relevant documents to the respondent;

(b) the respondent against whom such notice

is issued under clause (a) of sub-rule (2),

may file his reply in respect of the complaint

within the period as specified in the notice;

(c) the notice shall specify a date and time

for further hearing; and

(d) on the date so fixed, the regulatory authority

shall explain to the respondent about

the contravention alleged to have been committed

in relation to any of the provisions

of the Act or the rules and regulations made

there under and if the respondent:

(i) pleads guilty, the regulatory authority

shall record the plea, and pass such orders including

imposition of penalty as it thinks fit in

accordance with the provisions of the Act or

the rules and regulations, made there under;


(ii) does not plead guilty and contests the

complaint the regulatory authority shall demand

an explanation from the respondent.

(e) in case the regulatory authority is satisfied

on the basis of the submissions made that

the complaint does not require any further inquiry

it may dismiss the complaint;

(f) in case the regulatory authority is satisfied

on the basis of the submissions made that

there is need for further hearing into the complaint

it may order production of documents

or other evidence on a date and time fixed by


(g) the regulatory authority shall have the

power to carry out an inquiry into the complaint

on the basis of documents and submissions;

(h) the Authority shall have the power to

summon and enforce the attendance of any

person acquainted with the facts and circumstances

of the case to give evidence or to produce

any documents which in the opinion of

the adjudicating officer, may be useful for or

relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry,

and in taking such evidence, the Authority

shall not be bound to observe the provisions

of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Central Act

11 of 1872);

(i) on the date so fixed, the regulatory

authority upon consideration of the evidence

produced before it and other records and submissions

is satisfied that -

(a) the respondent is in contravention of

the provisions of the Act or the rules and regulations

made there under it shall pass such

orders including imposition of penalty as it

thinks fit in accordance with the provisions

of the Act or the rules and regulations made

there under; and

(b) the respondent is not in contravention

of the provisions of the Act or the rules and

regulations made there under the regulatory

authority may, by order in writing, dismiss the

complaint, with reasons to be recorded in writing.

(j) if any person fails, neglects or refuses

to appear, or present himself as required before

the regulatory authority, the regulatory

authority shall have the power to proceed with

the inquiry in the absence of such person or

persons after recording the reasons for doing


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