Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 42sold to the allottees as per the layout plan.(5) For projects that are ongoing and havenot received completion certificate on the dateof commencement of the Act, the promotershall, within a period of three months of theapplication for registration of the project withthe Authority, deposit in the separate bankaccount, seventy per cent. of the amountsalready realized from the allottees, whichhave not been utilized for construction of theproject or the land cost for the project as requiredunder sub-clause (D) of clause (1) ofsub-section (2) of section 4, which shall beused for the purposes specified therein:Provided that if the receivable of the ongoingproject is less than the estimated cost ofbalance construction, then the promoter shalldeposit 100 per cent of the amounts to be realisedin the separate account.2.2.3 Withdrawal of sums depositedin separate bankaccount5. (1) For the purpose of sub-clause (D) ofclause (1) of sub section (2) of section 4 of theAct, the land cost means,-(i) the costs incurred by the promoter foracquisition of ownership and title of the landparcels for the real estate project as an outrightpurchase lease etc., or the GuidanceValue in accordance with section 45-B of theKarnataka Stamp Act 1957 relevant on thedate of registration of the real estate projectwhichever is higher;(ii) amount paid for acquisition/ purchaseof TDR etc.,(iii) amount paid to the competent Authorityfor project approval, No objection certificates,stamps duty, transfer charges, registrationcharges, conversion charges, change,taxes, statuary payments to state and centralGovernment.(2) For the purpose of sub-clause(D) ofClause(l) of sub-section (2) of Section 4 of theAct, the “Cost of Construction” means,-The cost of construction shall include allsuch costs, incurred by the promoter towardson-site and off-site expenditure for the developmentof the real estate project includingpayment of Taxes, Fees, charges, premiums,interests etc., to any competent Authority,or statutory Authority of the Central orState Government, including interest, paid orpayable to any Financial Institutions includingscheduled banks or non - banking financialcompanies etc.,2.2.4 Grant or rejection of registrationof the project6. (1) Upon the registration of a project asper section 5 read with rule 3, the RegulatoryAuthority shall issue a registration certificatewith a registration number in Form-C to thepromoter.(2) In case of rejection of the application asper section 5, the Authority shall inform theapplicant in Form ‘D’:Provided that the Authority may grant anopportunity to the applicant to rectify the defectsin the application within such time periodas may be specified by it.2.2.5 Extension of registrationof project7. (1) The registration granted under the Act,may be extended by the Authority, on an applicationmade by the promoter in Form ’, intriplicate, until the application procedure ismade web based, within three months prior tothe expiry of the registration granted.(2) The application for extension of registrationshall be accompanied with a demanddraft or a bankers cheque drawn on any scheduledbank or Co-operative Bank through onlinepayment mode, as the case may be, for anamount equivalent to half the registration feesas prescribed under sub-rule (3) of rule 3 alongwith an explanatory note setting out the reasonsfor delay in the completion of the projectand the need for extension of registration forthe project, along with documents supportingsuch reasons:Provided that where the promoter appliesfor extension of registration of the project dueto force majeure he shall not be liable to payany fee.2.2 2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017

43 Indian Real Estate Laws(3) The extension of registration of theproject shall not be beyond the period specifiedunder concerned State Acts for completionof the project or phase thereof, as the casemay be.(4) In case of extension of registration, theAuthority shall inform the promoter aboutsuch extension in Form ‘F’ and in case of rejectionof the application for extension of registrationthe Authority shall inform the promoterabout such rejection in Form DeProvided that the Authority may grant anopportunity to the promoter to rectify the defectsin the application within such time periodas may be specified by it.2.2.6 Revocation of registrationof the project8. Upon the revocation of registration of aproject under section 7 regulatory authorityshall inform the promoter about such revocationin Form-‘D’.2.3 CHAPTER III REALESTATE AGENT2.3.1 Application for registrationby the real estateagent9. (1) Every real estate agent required to registeras per sub-section (2) of section 9 shallmake an application in writing to the RegulatoryAuthority in Form-‘G’ along with thefollowing documents, namely:-(a) brief details of his enterprise includingits name, registered address, type of enterprise,proprietorship, societies, co-operativesociety, partnership, companies etc;(b) particulars of registration including thebye-laws, memorandum of association, articlesof association etc. as the case may be;(c) name, address, contact details and photographof the real estate agent if it is an individualand the photograph of the partners,directors etc. in case of other entities;(d) self attested copy of the PAN card; and(e) self attested copy of the address proofof the place of business.(2) The real estate agent shall pay a registrationfee at the time of application for registrationby way of a demand draft or a bankerscheque drawn on any scheduled Bank or a cooperativeBank or through online payment, asthe case may be, for a sum of Twenty five thousandrupees in case of the applicant being anindividual or Two Lakhs rupees in case of theapplicant other than an individual.2.3.2 Grant of Registration tothe real estate agent10. (1) On receipt of the application underrule 10, the Authority shall within a periodof thirty days either grant registration to thereal estate agent or reject the application, asthe case may be:Provided that the Authority may grant anopportunity to the real estate agent to rectifythe defects in the application within such timeperiod as may be specified by it.(2) Upon the registration of a real estateagent, the Authority shall issue a registrationcertificate with a registration number in Form‘H’ to the real estate agent.(3) In case of rejection of the application,the Authority shall inform the applicant inForm T’.(4) The registration granted under this ruleshall be valid for a period of five years.2.3.3 Renewal of registration ofreal estate agent11. (1) The registration granted under section9, may be renewed as per section 6, onan application made by the real estate agentin Form-‘J’ which shall not be less than threemonths prior to the expiry of the registrationgranted.(2) The application for renewal of registrationshall be accompanied with a demand draftor a bankers cheque drawn on any scheduledBank or a co-operative Bank or through onlinepayment, as the case may be, for a sumof five thousand rupees in case of the real estateagent being an individual or twenty Five2. RERA KARNATAKA RULES 2017 2.3

Indian Real Estate Laws 42

sold to the allottees as per the layout plan.

(5) For projects that are ongoing and have

not received completion certificate on the date

of commencement of the Act, the promoter

shall, within a period of three months of the

application for registration of the project with

the Authority, deposit in the separate bank

account, seventy per cent. of the amounts

already realized from the allottees, which

have not been utilized for construction of the

project or the land cost for the project as required

under sub-clause (D) of clause (1) of

sub-section (2) of section 4, which shall be

used for the purposes specified therein:

Provided that if the receivable of the ongoing

project is less than the estimated cost of

balance construction, then the promoter shall

deposit 100 per cent of the amounts to be realised

in the separate account.

2.2.3 Withdrawal of sums deposited

in separate bank


5. (1) For the purpose of sub-clause (D) of

clause (1) of sub section (2) of section 4 of the

Act, the land cost means,-

(i) the costs incurred by the promoter for

acquisition of ownership and title of the land

parcels for the real estate project as an outright

purchase lease etc., or the Guidance

Value in accordance with section 45-B of the

Karnataka Stamp Act 1957 relevant on the

date of registration of the real estate project

whichever is higher;

(ii) amount paid for acquisition/ purchase

of TDR etc.,

(iii) amount paid to the competent Authority

for project approval, No objection certificates,

stamps duty, transfer charges, registration

charges, conversion charges, change,

taxes, statuary payments to state and central


(2) For the purpose of sub-clause(D) of

Clause(l) of sub-section (2) of Section 4 of the

Act, the “Cost of Construction” means,-

The cost of construction shall include all

such costs, incurred by the promoter towards

on-site and off-site expenditure for the development

of the real estate project including

payment of Taxes, Fees, charges, premiums,

interests etc., to any competent Authority,

or statutory Authority of the Central or

State Government, including interest, paid or

payable to any Financial Institutions including

scheduled banks or non - banking financial

companies etc.,

2.2.4 Grant or rejection of registration

of the project

6. (1) Upon the registration of a project as

per section 5 read with rule 3, the Regulatory

Authority shall issue a registration certificate

with a registration number in Form-C to the


(2) In case of rejection of the application as

per section 5, the Authority shall inform the

applicant in Form ‘D’:

Provided that the Authority may grant an

opportunity to the applicant to rectify the defects

in the application within such time period

as may be specified by it.

2.2.5 Extension of registration

of project

7. (1) The registration granted under the Act,

may be extended by the Authority, on an application

made by the promoter in Form ’, in

triplicate, until the application procedure is

made web based, within three months prior to

the expiry of the registration granted.

(2) The application for extension of registration

shall be accompanied with a demand

draft or a bankers cheque drawn on any scheduled

bank or Co-operative Bank through online

payment mode, as the case may be, for an

amount equivalent to half the registration fees

as prescribed under sub-rule (3) of rule 3 along

with an explanatory note setting out the reasons

for delay in the completion of the project

and the need for extension of registration for

the project, along with documents supporting

such reasons:

Provided that where the promoter applies

for extension of registration of the project due

to force majeure he shall not be liable to pay

any fee.


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