Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 172goods bailed from the other goods and deliverthem back, the bailor is entitled to becompensated by the bailee for the loss of thegoods. —If the bailee, without the consentof the bailor, mixes the goods of the bailorwith his own goods in such a manner that it isimpossible to separate the goods bailed fromthe other goods and deliver them back, thebailor is entitled to be compensated by thebailee for the loss of the goods." Illustration Abails a barrel of Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B.B, without A’s consent, mixes the flour withcountry flour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 abarrel. B must compensate A for the loss ofhis flour. A bails a barrel of Cape flour worthRs. 45 to B. B, without A’s consent, mixesthe flour with country flour of his own, worthonly Rs. 25 a barrel. B must compensate Afor the loss of his flour." 157. Effect of mixture,without bailor’s consent, when the goodscannot be separated.—If the bailee, withoutthe consent of the bailor, mixes the goods ofthe bailor with his own goods in such a mannerthat it is impossible to separate the goodsbailed from the other goods and deliver themback, the bailor is entitled to be compensatedby the bailee for the loss of the goods. —Ifthe bailee, without the consent of the bailor,mixes the goods of the bailor with his owngoods in such a manner that it is impossibleto separate the goods bailed from the othergoods and deliver them back, the bailor is entitledto be compensated by the bailee for theloss of the goods." Illustration A bails a barrelof Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B. B, withoutA’s consent, mixes the flour with countryflour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 a barrel. Bmust compensate A for the loss of his flour. Abails a barrel of Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B.B, without A’s consent, mixes the flour withcountry flour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 abarrel. B must compensate A for the loss ofhis flour." 158. Repayment, by bailor, of necessaryexpenses.—Where, by the conditions ofthe bailment, the goods are to be kept or to becarried, or to have work done upon them bythe bailee for the bailor, and the bailee is toreceive no remuneration, the bailor shall repayto the bailee the necessary expenses incurredby him for the purpose of the bailment.—Where, by the conditions of the bailment,the goods are to be kept or to be carried, or tohave work done upon them by the bailee forthe bailor, and the bailee is to receive no remuneration,the bailor shall repay to the baileethe necessary expenses incurred by him for thepurpose of the bailment." 159. Restorationof goods lent gratuitously.—The lender of athing for use may at any time require its return,if the loan was gratuitous, even thoughhe lent it for a specified time or purpose. Butif, on the faith of such loan made for a specifiedtime or purpose, the borrower has actedin such a manner that the return of the thinglent before the time agreed upon would causehim loss exceeding the benefit actually derivedby him from the loan, the lender must, if hecompels the return, indemnify the borrowerfor the amount in which the loss so occasionedexceeds the benefit so derived. —The lenderof a thing for use may at any time require itsreturn, if the loan was gratuitous, even thoughhe lent it for a specified time or purpose. Butif, on the faith of such loan made for a specifiedtime or purpose, the borrower has actedin such a manner that the return of the thinglent before the time agreed upon would causehim loss exceeding the benefit actually derivedby him from the loan, the lender must, if hecompels the return, indemnify the borrowerfor the amount in which the loss so occasionedexceeds the benefit so derived." 160. Return ofgoods bailed, on expiration of time or accomplishmentof purpose.—It is the duty of thebailee to return, or deliver according to thebailor’s directions, the goods bailed, withoutdemand, as soon as the time for which theywere bailed has expired, or the purpose forwhich they were bailed has been accomplished.—It is the duty of the bailee to return, or deliveraccording to the bailor’s directions, thegoods bailed, without demand, as soon as thetime for which they were bailed has expired,or the purpose for which they were bailed hasbeen accomplished." 44161. Bailee’s responsibilitywhen goods are not duly returned.—Ifby the fault of the bailee, the goods are notreturned, delivered or tendered at the propertime, he is responsible to the bailor for anyloss, destruction or deterioration of the goods6.6 6. THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872

173 Indian Real Estate Lawsfrom that time. 45 46161. Bailee’s responsibilitywhen goods are not duly returned.—Ifby the fault of the bailee, the goods are notreturned, delivered or tendered at the propertime, he is responsible to the bailor for anyloss, destruction or deterioration of the goodsfrom that time. 47 162. Termination of gratuitousbailment by death.—A gratuitous bailmentis terminated by the death either of thebailor or of the bailee. —A gratuitous bailmentis terminated by the death either of thebailor or of the bailee." 163. Bailor entitledto increase or profit from goods bailed.—Inthe absence of any contract to the contrary,the bailee is bound to deliver to the bailor,or according to his directions, any increase orprofit which may have accrued from the goodsbailed. —In the absence of any contract to thecontrary, the bailee is bound to deliver to thebailor, or according to his directions, any increaseor profit which may have accrued fromthe goods bailed." Illustration A leaves a cowin the custody of B to be taken care of. Thecow has a calf. B is bound to deliver the calfas well as the cow to A. A leaves a cow in thecustody of B to be taken care of. The cow hasa calf. B is bound to deliver the calf as well asthe cow to A." 164. Bailor’s responsibility tobailee.—The bailor is responsible to the baileefor any loss which the bailee may sustain byreason that the bailor was not entitled to makethe bailment, or to receive back the goods,or to give directions respecting them. —Thebailor is responsible to the bailee for any losswhich the bailee may sustain by reason thatthe bailor was not entitled to make the bailment,or to receive back the goods, or to givedirections respecting them." 164. Bailor’s responsibilityto bailee.—The bailor is responsibleto the bailee for any loss which the baileemay sustain by reason that the bailor was notentitled to make the bailment, or to receiveback the goods, or to give directions respectingthem. —The bailor is responsible to the baileefor any loss which the bailee may sustain byreason that the bailor was not entitled to makethe bailment, or to receive back the goods, orto give directions respecting them." 165. Bailmentby several joint owners.—If several jointowners of goods bail them, the bailee may deliverthem back to, or according to the directionsof, one joint owner without the consent ofall in the absence of any agreement to the contrary.—If several joint owners of goods bailthem, the bailee may deliver them back to, oraccording to the directions of, one joint ownerwithout the consent of all in the absence of anyagreement to the contrary." 166. Bailee notresponsible on re-delivery to bailor without title.—Ifthe bailor has no title to the goods, andthe bailee, in good faith, delivers them back to,or according to the directions of, the bailor,the bailee is not responsible to the owner inrespect of such delivery. 48 167. Right ofthird person claiming goods bailed.—If a person,other than the bailor, claims goods bailedhe may apply to the Court to stop delivery ofthe goods to the bailor, and to decide the titleto the goods. —If a person, other than thebailor, claims goods bailed he may apply tothe Court to stop delivery of the goods to thebailor, and to decide the title to the goods."168. Right of finder of goods, may sue for specificreward offered.—The finder of goods hasno right to sue the owner for compensationfor trouble and expense voluntarily incurredby him to preserve the goods and to find outthe owner; but he may retain the goods againstthe owner until he receives such compensation;and where the owner has offered a specific rewardfor the return of goods lost, the findermay sue for such reward, and may retain thegoods until he receives it. —The finder ofgoods has no right to sue the owner for compensationfor trouble and expense voluntarilyincurred by him to preserve the goods andto find out the owner; but he may retain thegoods against the owner until he receives suchcompensation; and where the owner has offereda specific reward for the return of goodslost, the finder may sue for such reward, andmay retain the goods until he receives it." 169.When finder of thing commonly on sale maysell it.—When a thing which is commonly thesubject of sale is lost, if the owner cannot withreasonable diligence be found, or if he refusesupon demand, to pay the lawful charges of thefinder, the finder may sell it— —When a thingwhich is commonly the subject of sale is lost,if the owner cannot with reasonable diligence6. THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872 6.6

Indian Real Estate Laws 172

goods bailed from the other goods and deliver

them back, the bailor is entitled to be

compensated by the bailee for the loss of the

goods. —If the bailee, without the consent

of the bailor, mixes the goods of the bailor

with his own goods in such a manner that it is

impossible to separate the goods bailed from

the other goods and deliver them back, the

bailor is entitled to be compensated by the

bailee for the loss of the goods." Illustration A

bails a barrel of Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B.

B, without A’s consent, mixes the flour with

country flour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 a

barrel. B must compensate A for the loss of

his flour. A bails a barrel of Cape flour worth

Rs. 45 to B. B, without A’s consent, mixes

the flour with country flour of his own, worth

only Rs. 25 a barrel. B must compensate A

for the loss of his flour." 157. Effect of mixture,

without bailor’s consent, when the goods

cannot be separated.—If the bailee, without

the consent of the bailor, mixes the goods of

the bailor with his own goods in such a manner

that it is impossible to separate the goods

bailed from the other goods and deliver them

back, the bailor is entitled to be compensated

by the bailee for the loss of the goods. —If

the bailee, without the consent of the bailor,

mixes the goods of the bailor with his own

goods in such a manner that it is impossible

to separate the goods bailed from the other

goods and deliver them back, the bailor is entitled

to be compensated by the bailee for the

loss of the goods." Illustration A bails a barrel

of Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B. B, without

A’s consent, mixes the flour with country

flour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 a barrel. B

must compensate A for the loss of his flour. A

bails a barrel of Cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B.

B, without A’s consent, mixes the flour with

country flour of his own, worth only Rs. 25 a

barrel. B must compensate A for the loss of

his flour." 158. Repayment, by bailor, of necessary

expenses.—Where, by the conditions of

the bailment, the goods are to be kept or to be

carried, or to have work done upon them by

the bailee for the bailor, and the bailee is to

receive no remuneration, the bailor shall repay

to the bailee the necessary expenses incurred

by him for the purpose of the bailment.

—Where, by the conditions of the bailment,

the goods are to be kept or to be carried, or to

have work done upon them by the bailee for

the bailor, and the bailee is to receive no remuneration,

the bailor shall repay to the bailee

the necessary expenses incurred by him for the

purpose of the bailment." 159. Restoration

of goods lent gratuitously.—The lender of a

thing for use may at any time require its return,

if the loan was gratuitous, even though

he lent it for a specified time or purpose. But

if, on the faith of such loan made for a specified

time or purpose, the borrower has acted

in such a manner that the return of the thing

lent before the time agreed upon would cause

him loss exceeding the benefit actually derived

by him from the loan, the lender must, if he

compels the return, indemnify the borrower

for the amount in which the loss so occasioned

exceeds the benefit so derived. —The lender

of a thing for use may at any time require its

return, if the loan was gratuitous, even though

he lent it for a specified time or purpose. But

if, on the faith of such loan made for a specified

time or purpose, the borrower has acted

in such a manner that the return of the thing

lent before the time agreed upon would cause

him loss exceeding the benefit actually derived

by him from the loan, the lender must, if he

compels the return, indemnify the borrower

for the amount in which the loss so occasioned

exceeds the benefit so derived." 160. Return of

goods bailed, on expiration of time or accomplishment

of purpose.—It is the duty of the

bailee to return, or deliver according to the

bailor’s directions, the goods bailed, without

demand, as soon as the time for which they

were bailed has expired, or the purpose for

which they were bailed has been accomplished.

—It is the duty of the bailee to return, or deliver

according to the bailor’s directions, the

goods bailed, without demand, as soon as the

time for which they were bailed has expired,

or the purpose for which they were bailed has

been accomplished." 44161. Bailee’s responsibility

when goods are not duly returned.—If

by the fault of the bailee, the goods are not

returned, delivered or tendered at the proper

time, he is responsible to the bailor for any

loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods


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