Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 148has undertaken to perform it without applicationby the promisee, the promisor may performit at any time during the usual hours ofbusiness on such day and at the place at whichthe promise ought to be performed. —Whena promise is to be performed on a certain day,and the promisor has undertaken to performit without application by the promisee, thepromisor may perform it at any time duringthe usual hours of business on such day andat the place at which the promise ought to beperformed." Illustration A promises to delivergoods at B’s warehouse on the first January.On the day A brings the goods to B’s warehouse,but after the usual hour closing it, andthey are not received. A has not performed hispromise. A promises to deliver goods at B’swarehouse on the first January. On the dayA brings the goods to B’s warehouse, but afterthe usual hour closing it, and they are notreceived. A has not performed his promise."48. Application for performance on certainday to be at proper time and place.—Whena promise is to be performed on a certain day,and the promisor has not undertaken to performit without application by the promisee, itis the duty of the promisee to apply for performanceat a proper place and within the usualhours of business. —When a promise is to beperformed on a certain day, and the promisorhas not undertaken to perform it without applicationby the promisee, it is the duty of thepromisee to apply for performance at a properplace and within the usual hours of business."Explanation.—The question “what is a propertime and place” is, in each particular case, aquestion of fact. 49. Place for the performanceof promise, where no application to be madeand no place fixed for performance.—When apromise is to be performed without applicationby the promisee, and no place is fixed forthe performance of it, it is the duty of thepromisor to apply to the promisee to appointa reasonable place for the performance of thepromise, and to perform it at such a place.—When a promise is to be performed withoutapplication by the promisee, and no place isfixed for the performance of it, it is the dutyof the promisor to apply to the promisee to appointa reasonable place for the performanceof the promise, and to perform it at such aplace." Illustration A undertakes to deliver athousand maunds of jute to B on a fixed day.A must apply to B to appoint a reasonableplace for the purpose of receiving it, and mustdeliver it to him at such place. A undertakesto deliver a thousand maunds of jute to B on afixed day. A must apply to B to appoint a reasonableplace for the purpose of receiving it,and must deliver it to him at such place." 50.Performance in manner or at time prescribedor sanctioned by promisee.—The performanceof any promise may be made in any manner, orat any time which the promisee prescribes orsanctions. —The performance of any promisemay be made in any manner, or at any timewhich the promisee prescribes or sanctions."Illustrations (a) B owes A 2,000 rupees. A desiresB to pay the amount to A’s account withC, a banker. B, who also banks with C, ordersthe amount to be transferred from his accountto A’s credit, and this is done by C. Afterwards,and before A knows of the transfer, Cfails. There has been a good payment by B. (a)B owes A 2,000 rupees. A desires B to pay theamount to A’s account with C, a banker. B,who also banks with C, orders the amount tobe transferred from his account to A’s credit,and this is done by C. Afterwards, and beforeA knows of the transfer, C fails. There hasbeen a good payment by B." (b) A and B aremutually indebted. A and B settle an accountby setting off one item against another, andB pays A the balance found to be due fromhim upon such settlement. This amounts to apayment by A and B, respectively, of the sumswhich they owed to each other. (b) A and Bare mutually indebted. A and B settle an accountby setting off one item against another,and B pays A the balance found to be duefrom him upon such settlement. This amountsto a payment by A and B, respectively, of thesums which they owed to each other." (c) Aowes B 2,000 rupees. B accepts some of A’sgoods in reduction of the debt. The deliveryof the goods operates as a part payment. (c)A owes B 2,000 rupees. B accepts some of A’sgoods in reduction of the debt. The deliveryof the goods operates as a part payment." (d)A desires B, who owes him Rs.100, to send6.6 6. THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872

149 Indian Real Estate Lawshim a note for Rs.100 by post. The debt isdischarged as soon as B puts into the post aletter containing the note duly addressed toA. (d) A desires B, who owes him Rs.100, tosend him a note for Rs.100 by post. The debtis discharged as soon as B puts into the posta letter containing the note duly addressed toA." 51. Promisor not bound to perform, unlessreciprocal promisee ready and willing to perform.—Whena contract consists of reciprocalpromises to be simultaneously performed, nopromisor need perform his promise unless thepromisee is ready and willing to perform hisreciprocal promise. —When a contract consistsof reciprocal promises to be simultaneouslyperformed, no promisor need performhis promise unless the promisee is ready andwilling to perform his reciprocal promise." Illustrations(a) A and B contract that A shalldeliver goods to B to be paid for by B on delivery.A need not deliver the goods, unless Bis ready and willing to pay for the goods ondelivery. (a) A and B contract that A shalldeliver goods to B to be paid for by B on delivery.A need not deliver the goods, unless Bis ready and willing to pay for the goods ondelivery." B need not pay for the goods, unlessA is ready and willing to deliver them onpayment. B need not pay for the goods, unlessA is ready and willing to deliver them onpayment." (b) A and B contract that A shalldeliver goods to B at a price to be paid by instalments,the first instalment to be paid ondelivery. (b) A and B contract that A shalldeliver goods to B at a price to be paid byinstalments, the first instalment to be paid ondelivery." A need not deliver, unless B is readyand willing to pay the first instalment on delivery.A need not deliver, unless B is ready andwilling to pay the first instalment on delivery."B need not pay the first instalment, unless A isready and willing to deliver the goods on paymentof the first instalment. B need not paythe first instalment, unless A is ready and willingto deliver the goods on payment of the firstinstalment." 52. Order of performance of reciprocalpromises.—Where the order in whichreciprocal promises are to be performed is expresslyfixed by the contract, they shall be performedin that order; and where the order isnot expressly fixed by the contract, they shallbe performed in that order which the nature ofthe transaction requires. —Where the order inwhich reciprocal promises are to be performedis expressly fixed by the contract, they shallbe performed in that order; and where the orderis not expressly fixed by the contract, theyshall be performed in that order which the natureof the transaction requires." Illustrations(a) A and B contract that A shall build a housefor B at a fixed price. A’s promise to build thehouse must be performed before B’s promiseto pay for it. (a) A and B contract that Ashall build a house for B at a fixed price. A’spromise to build the house must be performedbefore B’s promise to pay for it." (b) A andB contract that A shall make over his stockin-tradeto B at a fixed price, and B promiseto give security for the payment of the money.A’s promise need not be performed until thesecurity is given, for the nature of transactionrequires that A should have security before hedelivers up his stock. (b) A and B contractthat A shall make over his stock-in-trade to Bat a fixed price, and B promise to give securityfor the payment of the money. A’s promiseneed not be performed until the security isgiven, for the nature of transaction requiresthat A should have security before he deliversup his stock." 53. Liability of party preventingevent on which the contract is to takeeffect.—When a contract contains reciprocalpromises, and one party to the contract preventsthe other from performing his promise,the contract becomes viodable at the optionof the party so prevented: and he is entitledto compensation 23 from the other party forany loss which he may sustain in consequenceof the non-performance of the contract. IllustrationA and B contract that B shall executecertain work for A for a thousand rupees. Bis ready and willing to execute the work accordingly,but A prevents him from doing so.The contract is voidable at the option of B;and, if he elects to rescind it, he is entitledto recover from A compensation for any losswhich he has incurred by its non-performance.A and B contract that B shall execute certainwork for A for a thousand rupees. B is readyand willing to execute the work accordingly,6. THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872 6.6

Indian Real Estate Laws 148

has undertaken to perform it without application

by the promisee, the promisor may perform

it at any time during the usual hours of

business on such day and at the place at which

the promise ought to be performed. —When

a promise is to be performed on a certain day,

and the promisor has undertaken to perform

it without application by the promisee, the

promisor may perform it at any time during

the usual hours of business on such day and

at the place at which the promise ought to be

performed." Illustration A promises to deliver

goods at B’s warehouse on the first January.

On the day A brings the goods to B’s warehouse,

but after the usual hour closing it, and

they are not received. A has not performed his

promise. A promises to deliver goods at B’s

warehouse on the first January. On the day

A brings the goods to B’s warehouse, but after

the usual hour closing it, and they are not

received. A has not performed his promise."

48. Application for performance on certain

day to be at proper time and place.—When

a promise is to be performed on a certain day,

and the promisor has not undertaken to perform

it without application by the promisee, it

is the duty of the promisee to apply for performance

at a proper place and within the usual

hours of business. —When a promise is to be

performed on a certain day, and the promisor

has not undertaken to perform it without application

by the promisee, it is the duty of the

promisee to apply for performance at a proper

place and within the usual hours of business."

Explanation.—The question “what is a proper

time and place” is, in each particular case, a

question of fact. 49. Place for the performance

of promise, where no application to be made

and no place fixed for performance.—When a

promise is to be performed without application

by the promisee, and no place is fixed for

the performance of it, it is the duty of the

promisor to apply to the promisee to appoint

a reasonable place for the performance of the

promise, and to perform it at such a place.

—When a promise is to be performed without

application by the promisee, and no place is

fixed for the performance of it, it is the duty

of the promisor to apply to the promisee to appoint

a reasonable place for the performance

of the promise, and to perform it at such a

place." Illustration A undertakes to deliver a

thousand maunds of jute to B on a fixed day.

A must apply to B to appoint a reasonable

place for the purpose of receiving it, and must

deliver it to him at such place. A undertakes

to deliver a thousand maunds of jute to B on a

fixed day. A must apply to B to appoint a reasonable

place for the purpose of receiving it,

and must deliver it to him at such place." 50.

Performance in manner or at time prescribed

or sanctioned by promisee.—The performance

of any promise may be made in any manner, or

at any time which the promisee prescribes or

sanctions. —The performance of any promise

may be made in any manner, or at any time

which the promisee prescribes or sanctions."

Illustrations (a) B owes A 2,000 rupees. A desires

B to pay the amount to A’s account with

C, a banker. B, who also banks with C, orders

the amount to be transferred from his account

to A’s credit, and this is done by C. Afterwards,

and before A knows of the transfer, C

fails. There has been a good payment by B. (a)

B owes A 2,000 rupees. A desires B to pay the

amount to A’s account with C, a banker. B,

who also banks with C, orders the amount to

be transferred from his account to A’s credit,

and this is done by C. Afterwards, and before

A knows of the transfer, C fails. There has

been a good payment by B." (b) A and B are

mutually indebted. A and B settle an account

by setting off one item against another, and

B pays A the balance found to be due from

him upon such settlement. This amounts to a

payment by A and B, respectively, of the sums

which they owed to each other. (b) A and B

are mutually indebted. A and B settle an account

by setting off one item against another,

and B pays A the balance found to be due

from him upon such settlement. This amounts

to a payment by A and B, respectively, of the

sums which they owed to each other." (c) A

owes B 2,000 rupees. B accepts some of A’s

goods in reduction of the debt. The delivery

of the goods operates as a part payment. (c)

A owes B 2,000 rupees. B accepts some of A’s

goods in reduction of the debt. The delivery

of the goods operates as a part payment." (d)

A desires B, who owes him Rs.100, to send


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