Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 96made the buyer shall transfer the propertyto the seller, the transaction is called mortgageby conditional sale and the mortgageea mortgagee by conditional sale: 1[Providedthat no such transaction shall be deemed tobe a mortgage, unless the condition is embodiedin the document which effects or purportsto effect the sale.] (d) Usufructuary mortgage.—Wherethe mortgagor delivers possession1[or expressly or by implication bindshimself to deliver possession] of the mortgagedproperty to the mortgagee, and authorises himto retain such possession until payment ofthe mortgage-money, and to receive the rentsand profits accruing from the property 2[orany part of such rents and profits and to appropriatethe same] in lieu of interest, or inpayment of the mortgage-money, or partly inlieu of interest 3[or] partly in payment of themortgage-money, the transaction is called anusufructuary mortgage and the mortgagee anusufructuary mortgagee. (e) English mortgage.—Wherethe mortgagor binds himself torepay the mortgage-money on a certain date,and transfers the mortgaged property absolutelyto the mortgagee, but subject to a provisothat he will re-transfer it to the mortgagorupon payment of the mortgage-moneyas agreed, the transaction is called an Englishmortgage. 4[(f) Mortgage by deposit oftitle-deeds.—Where a person in any of thefollowing towns, namely, the towns of Calcutta,Madras, 5[and Bombay], 6[* * *] andin any other town7 which the 8[State Governmentconcerned] may, by notification in theOfficial Gazette, specify in this behalf, deliversto a creditor or his agent documents oftitle to immoveable property, with intent tocreate a security thereon, the transaction iscalled a mortgage by deposit of title-deeds.(g) Anomalous mortgage.—A mortgage whichis not a simple mortgage, a mortgage byconditional sale, an usufructuary mortgage,an English mortgage or a mortgage by depositof title-deeds within the meaning ofthis section is called an anomalous mortgage.]1[59A. References to mortgagors and mortgageesto include persons deriving title fromthem.—Unless otherwise expressly provided,references in this Chapter to mortgagors andmortgagees shall be deemed to include referencesto persons deriving title from them respectively.]60. Right of mortgagor to redeem.—Atany time after the principal moneyhas become 1[due], the mortgagor has a right,on payment or tender, at a proper time andplace, of the mortgage-money, to require themortgagee (a) to deliver 2[to the mortgagorthe mortgage-deed and all documents relatingto the mortgaged property which are inthe possession or power of the mortgagee],(b) where the mortgagee is in possession ofthe mortgaged property, to deliver possessionthereof to the mortgagor, and (c) at the cost ofthe mortgagor either to re-transfer the mortgagedproperty to him or to such third personas he may direct, or to execute and (where themortgage has been effected by a registered instrument)to have registered an acknowledgementin writing that any right in derogationof his interest transferred to the mortgageehas been extinguished: Provided that the rightconferred by this section has not been extinguishedby act of the parties or by 3[decree]of a Court. The right conferred by this sectionis called a right to redeem and a suit toenforce it is called a suit for redemption. Nothingin this section shall be deemed to renderinvalid any provision to the effect that, if thetime fixed for payment of the principal moneyhas been allowed to pass or no such time hasbeen fixed, the mortgagee shall be entitled toreasonable notice before payment or tender ofsuch money. Redemption of portion of mortgagedproperty.—Nothing in this section shallentitle a person interested in a share only ofthe mortgaged property to redeem his ownshare only, on payment of a proportionate partof the amount remaining due on the mortgage,except 4[only] where a mortgagee, or, if thereare more mortgagees than one, all such mortgagees,has or have acquired, in whole or inpart, the share of a mortgagor.4.53 4. THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882

97 Indian Real Estate Laws4.53 Obligation to transferto third party insteadof re-transferenceto mortgagor1[60A. (1) Where a mortgagor is entitled to redemption,then, on the fulfilment of any conditionson the fulfilment of which he would beentitled to require a re-transfer, he may requirethe mortgagee, instead of re-transferringthe property, to assign the mortgage-debt andtransfer the mortgaged property to such thirdperson as the mortgagor may direct; and themortgagee shall be bound to assign and transferaccordingly.(2) The rights conferred by this section belongto and may be enforced by the mortgagoror by any encumbrancer notwithstanding anintermediate encumbrance; but the requisitionof any encumbrance shall prevail over a requisitionof the mortgagor and, as between encumbrancers,the requisition of a prior encumbrancershall prevail over that of a subsequentencumbrancer.(3) The provisions of this section do notapply in the case of a mortgagee who is or hasbeen in possession.entitled to redeem any one such mortgage separately,or any two or more of such mortgagestogether.4.55 Right of usufructuarymortgagor to recoverpossession.—62. In the case of a usufructuary mortgage,the mortgagor has a right to recover possessionof the property 1[together with the mortgagedeedand all documents relating to the mortgagedproperty which are in the possession orpower of the mortgagee],—(a) where the mortgagee is authorized topay himself the mortgage-money from therents and profits of the property,—when suchmoney is paid;(b) where the mortgagee is authorised topay himself from such rents and profits 2[orany part thereof a part only of the mortgagemoney],—whenthe term (if any) prescribedfor the payment of the mortgage-money hasexpired and the mortgagor pays or tenders tothe mortgagee 3[the mortgage-money or thebalance thereof] or deposits it in Court as hereinafterprovided.4.54 Right to inspectionand production ofdocuments60B. A mortgagor, as long as his right of redemptionsubsists, shall be entitled at all reasonabletimes, at his request and at his owncost, and on payment of the mortgagee’s costsand expenses in this behalf, to inspect andmake copies or abstracts of, or extracts from,documents of title relating to the mortgagedproperty which are in the custody or power ofthe mortgagee.]61. Right to redeem separately or simultaneously.—Amortgagor who has executed twoor more mortgages in favour of the same mortgageeshall, in the absence of a contract to thecontrary, when the principal money of any twoor more of the mortgages has become due, be4.56 Accession to mortgagedproperty63. Where mortgaged property in possessionof the mortgagee has, during the continuanceof the mortgage, received any accession, themortgagor, upon redemption shall, in the absenceof a contract to the contrary, be entitledas against the mortgagee to such accession.Accession acquired in virtue of transferredownership.—Where such accession hasbeen acquired at the expense of the mortgagee,and is capable of separate possession or enjoymentwithout detriment to the principal property,the mortgagor desiring to take the accessionmust pay to the mortgagee the expenseof acquiring it. If such separate possession orenjoyment is not possible, the accession mustbe delivered with the property; the mortgagor4. THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882 4.56

97 Indian Real Estate Laws

4.53 Obligation to transfer

to third party instead

of re-transference

to mortgagor

1[60A. (1) Where a mortgagor is entitled to redemption,

then, on the fulfilment of any conditions

on the fulfilment of which he would be

entitled to require a re-transfer, he may require

the mortgagee, instead of re-transferring

the property, to assign the mortgage-debt and

transfer the mortgaged property to such third

person as the mortgagor may direct; and the

mortgagee shall be bound to assign and transfer


(2) The rights conferred by this section belong

to and may be enforced by the mortgagor

or by any encumbrancer notwithstanding an

intermediate encumbrance; but the requisition

of any encumbrance shall prevail over a requisition

of the mortgagor and, as between encumbrancers,

the requisition of a prior encumbrancer

shall prevail over that of a subsequent


(3) The provisions of this section do not

apply in the case of a mortgagee who is or has

been in possession.

entitled to redeem any one such mortgage separately,

or any two or more of such mortgages


4.55 Right of usufructuary

mortgagor to recover


62. In the case of a usufructuary mortgage,

the mortgagor has a right to recover possession

of the property 1[together with the mortgagedeed

and all documents relating to the mortgaged

property which are in the possession or

power of the mortgagee],—

(a) where the mortgagee is authorized to

pay himself the mortgage-money from the

rents and profits of the property,—when such

money is paid;

(b) where the mortgagee is authorised to

pay himself from such rents and profits 2[or

any part thereof a part only of the mortgagemoney],—when

the term (if any) prescribed

for the payment of the mortgage-money has

expired and the mortgagor pays or tenders to

the mortgagee 3[the mortgage-money or the

balance thereof] or deposits it in Court as hereinafter


4.54 Right to inspection

and production of


60B. A mortgagor, as long as his right of redemption

subsists, shall be entitled at all reasonable

times, at his request and at his own

cost, and on payment of the mortgagee’s costs

and expenses in this behalf, to inspect and

make copies or abstracts of, or extracts from,

documents of title relating to the mortgaged

property which are in the custody or power of

the mortgagee.]

61. Right to redeem separately or simultaneously.—A

mortgagor who has executed two

or more mortgages in favour of the same mortgagee

shall, in the absence of a contract to the

contrary, when the principal money of any two

or more of the mortgages has become due, be

4.56 Accession to mortgaged


63. Where mortgaged property in possession

of the mortgagee has, during the continuance

of the mortgage, received any accession, the

mortgagor, upon redemption shall, in the absence

of a contract to the contrary, be entitled

as against the mortgagee to such accession.

Accession acquired in virtue of transferred

ownership.—Where such accession has

been acquired at the expense of the mortgagee,

and is capable of separate possession or enjoyment

without detriment to the principal property,

the mortgagor desiring to take the accession

must pay to the mortgagee the expense

of acquiring it. If such separate possession or

enjoyment is not possible, the accession must

be delivered with the property; the mortgagor


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