Indian_Real_Estate_Law (2)


Indian Real Estate Laws 86it shall cease to exist in case a specified uncertainevent shall happen, or in case a specifieduncertain event shall not happen. Illustration(a) A transfers a farm to B for his life, witha proviso that, in case B cuts down a certainwood, the transfer shall cease to have any effect.B cuts down the wood. He loses his lifeinterestin the farm.(b) A transfers a farm to B, provided that,if B shall not go to England within three yearsafter the date of the transfer, his interest inthe farm shall cease. B does not go to Englandwithin the term prescribed. His interestin the farm ceases.4.28 Such condition mustnot be invalid32. In order that a condition that an interestshall cease to exist may be valid, it is necessarythat the event to which it relates be onewhich could legally constitute the condition ofthe creation of an interest.4.29 Transfer conditionalon performance ofact, no time beingspecified for performance33. Where, on a transfer of property, an interesttherein is created subject to a conditionthat the person taking it shall perform a certainact, but no time is specified for the performanceof the act, the condition is broken whenhe renders impossible, permanently or for anindefinite period, the performance of the act.4.30 Transfer conditionalon performance ofact, time being specified34. Where an act is to be performed by aperson either as a condition to be fulfilled beforean interest created on a transfer of propertyis enjoyed by him, or as a condition onthe non-fulfilment of which the interest is topass from him to another person, and a timeis specified for the performance of the act, ifsuch performance within the specified time isprevented by the fraud of a person who wouldbe directly benefited by non-fulfilment of thecondition, such further time shall as againsthim be allowed for performing the act as shallbe requisite to make up for the delay causedby such fraud. But if no time is specified forthe performance of the act, then, if its performanceis by the fraud of a person interested inthe non-fulfilment of the condition renderedimpossible or indefinitely postponed, the conditionshall as against him be deemed to havebeen fulfilled.4.31 Election when necessary35. Where a person professes to transfer propertywhich he has no right to transfer, and aspart of the same transaction confers any benefiton the owner of the property, such ownermust elect either to confirm such transfer orto dissent from it; and in the latter case heshall relinquish the benefit so conferred, andthe benefit so relinquished shall revert to thetransferor or his representative as if it had notbeen disposed of, subject nevertheless, wherethe transfer is gratuitous, and the transferorhas, before the election, died or otherwise becomeincapable of making a fresh transfer, andin all cases where the transfer is for consideration,to the charge of making good to thedisappointed transferee the amount or valueof the property attempted to be transferredto him. Illustrations The farm of Sultanpuris the property of C and worth Rs. 800. A4.31 4. THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882

87 Indian Real Estate Lawsby an instrument of gift professes to transferit to B, giving by the same instrument Rs.1,000 to C. C elects to retain the farm. Heforfeits the gift of Rs. 1,000. In the samecase, A dies before the election. His representativemust out of the Rs. 1,000 pay Rs. 800to B. The rule in the first paragraph of thissection applies whether the transferor does ordoes not believe that which he professes totransfer to be his own. A person taking nobenefit directly under a transaction, but derivinga benefit under it indirectly, need notelect. A person who in his one capacity takesa benefit under the transaction may in anotherdissent therefrom. Exception to the last precedingfour rules.—Where a particular benefitis expressed to be conferred on the owner ofthe property which the transferor professes totransfer, and such benefit is expressed to bein lieu of that property, if such owner claimsthe property, he must relinquish the particularbenefit, but he is not bound to relinquish anyother benefit conferred upon him by the sametransaction. Acceptance of the benefit by theperson on whom it is conferred constitutes anelection by him to confirm the transfer, if he isaware of his duty to elect and of those circumstanceswhich would influence the judgmentof a reasonable man in making an election, orif he waives enquiry into the circumstances.Such knowledge or waiver shall, in the absenceof evidence to the contrary, be presumed, ifthe person on whom the benefit has been conferredhas enjoyed it for two years without doingany act to express dissent. Such knowledgeor waiver may be inferred from any act of hiswhich renders it impossible to place the personsinterested in the property professed to betransferred in the same condition as if such acthad not been done. Illustration A transfers toB an estate to which C is entitled, and as partof the same transaction gives C a coal-mine.C takes possession of the mine and exhaustsit. He has thereby confirmed the transfer ofthe estate to B. If he does not within one yearafter the date of the transfer signify to thetransferor or his representatives his intentionto confirm or to dissent from the transfer, thetransferor or his representative may, upon theexpiration of that period, require him to makehis election; and, if he does not comply withsuch requisition within a reasonable time afterhe has received it, he shall be deemed tohave elected to confirm the transfer. In caseof disability, the election shall be postponeduntil the disability ceases, or until the electionis made by some competent authority. COM-MENTS When question of election arises Acase of election arises only when the transfereetakes a benefit directly under a transaction.When the transferee derives any benefit indirectly,no question of election arises, as he, inthat case, cannot be said to take under thedeed; Valliammai v. Nagappa, AIR 1967 SC1153.4.32 Apportionment ofperiodical paymentson determination ofinterest of person entitled36. In the absence of a contract or local usageto the contrary, all rents annuities, pensions,dividends and other periodical payments inthe nature of income shall, upon the transferof the interest of the person entitled to receivesuch payments, be deemed, as betweenthe transferor and the transferee, to accruedue from day to day, and to be apportionableaccordingly, but to be payable on the days appointedfor the payment thereof.4.33 Apportionment ofbenefit of obligationon severance37. When, in consequence of a transfer, propertyis divided and held in several shares, andthereupon the benefit of any obligation relatingto the property as a whole passes from oneto several owners of the property, the correspondingduty shall, in the absence of a contract,to the contrary amongst the owners, beperformed in favour of each of such ownersin proportion to the value of his share in the4. THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882 4.33

Indian Real Estate Laws 86

it shall cease to exist in case a specified uncertain

event shall happen, or in case a specified

uncertain event shall not happen. Illustration

(a) A transfers a farm to B for his life, with

a proviso that, in case B cuts down a certain

wood, the transfer shall cease to have any effect.

B cuts down the wood. He loses his lifeinterest

in the farm.

(b) A transfers a farm to B, provided that,

if B shall not go to England within three years

after the date of the transfer, his interest in

the farm shall cease. B does not go to England

within the term prescribed. His interest

in the farm ceases.

4.28 Such condition must

not be invalid

32. In order that a condition that an interest

shall cease to exist may be valid, it is necessary

that the event to which it relates be one

which could legally constitute the condition of

the creation of an interest.

4.29 Transfer conditional

on performance of

act, no time being

specified for performance

33. Where, on a transfer of property, an interest

therein is created subject to a condition

that the person taking it shall perform a certain

act, but no time is specified for the performance

of the act, the condition is broken when

he renders impossible, permanently or for an

indefinite period, the performance of the act.

4.30 Transfer conditional

on performance of

act, time being specified

34. Where an act is to be performed by a

person either as a condition to be fulfilled before

an interest created on a transfer of property

is enjoyed by him, or as a condition on

the non-fulfilment of which the interest is to

pass from him to another person, and a time

is specified for the performance of the act, if

such performance within the specified time is

prevented by the fraud of a person who would

be directly benefited by non-fulfilment of the

condition, such further time shall as against

him be allowed for performing the act as shall

be requisite to make up for the delay caused

by such fraud. But if no time is specified for

the performance of the act, then, if its performance

is by the fraud of a person interested in

the non-fulfilment of the condition rendered

impossible or indefinitely postponed, the condition

shall as against him be deemed to have

been fulfilled.

4.31 Election when necessary

35. Where a person professes to transfer property

which he has no right to transfer, and as

part of the same transaction confers any benefit

on the owner of the property, such owner

must elect either to confirm such transfer or

to dissent from it; and in the latter case he

shall relinquish the benefit so conferred, and

the benefit so relinquished shall revert to the

transferor or his representative as if it had not

been disposed of, subject nevertheless, where

the transfer is gratuitous, and the transferor

has, before the election, died or otherwise become

incapable of making a fresh transfer, and

in all cases where the transfer is for consideration,

to the charge of making good to the

disappointed transferee the amount or value

of the property attempted to be transferred

to him. Illustrations The farm of Sultanpur

is the property of C and worth Rs. 800. A


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