Namaste, I Am Rāma, and This Is Rāmāyaṇa

Please visit www.namasteprabhu.com to learn about this one-of-a-kind premium picture book based on Valmiki Ramayana.

Please visit www.namasteprabhu.com to learn about this one-of-a-kind premium picture book based on Valmiki Ramayana.


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A U T H O R’ S




Let me share my intent behind writing this

book by referring to the three important words

in its title:


Namaste is a greeting from the Sanskrit

language which means, that which is divine in

me bows to that which is divine in you. It is said

respectfully with folded palms and a slightly

bowed head. With this meaning in mind, and

in the stated posture, let me greet you,

‘Namaste’. May you be comfortable in using

this meaningful greeting in your everyday life.

May the few shlokas and Sanskrit words I have

mentioned in this book (with pronunciation

keys) inspire my young readers to learn the

Sanskrit language. Let us all take efforts to

make this beautiful language of Gods (deva

vāni) more widely spoken, within and without

the boundaries of Bharat (bhārata).

RĀMA. राम

When Lord Shiva was asked by His Consort,

Goddess Parvati, what is the easiest way to

reap benefit which is equivalent to chanting

Vishnu-Sahasranaama (the thousand names of

Lord Vishnu), the Lord replied:

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।

सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥

rāma rāmeti rāmeti rame rāme manorame ।

sahasranāma tat tulyaṃ rāmanāma varānane ॥

The name of Rama is as great as the thousand

names of Lord Vishnu.

May the name and form of Rama resonate

blissfully in us. May this book lead the

reader to this end.

RĀMĀYAṆA. रामायण

According to Sanatana Dharma, Ramayana is

the first Sanskrit epic poem ever composed by

a human. Hence, its composer, Maharshi

Valmiki, is regarded as Aadi Kavi — the First

Poet. What better scripture will I find as a

subject for my first book! I am presenting the

Ramayana with a unique narration scheme.

May my young readers find this approach

enjoyable and an easy way to recollect the

entire storyline once they have read the book. I

request parents to help their wards

understand any difficult passages and discuss

with them Hindu ideas such as Dharma,

Moksha, etc. mentioned briefly in this book.

At times, I have chosen folklore over Valmiki

Ramayana. When I do, I mention it in

footnotes. Moreover, to maintain this unique

narration scheme and to keep the subject

matter interesting for children, my primary

readers, I have deviated slightly from the

original Valmiki Ramayana in some places.

These changes are very limited in scope, and,

to a large extent, the book is true to Valmiki

Ramayana, as vetted by Shri (Dr.) Nayan

Manindra Jha by referring to the publication

from Gita Press, Gorakhpur. May the kind

reader not be critical of these changes, and

also of any errors that might have crept in

despite the multiple self and editorial reviews

and not consider them as irreverence to the

holy scripture.

May this beautiful story of Shri Rama and

those affiliated to him, namely, wife Seeta,

brothers Bharata, Lakshmana, and

Shatrughna, devotees Hanuman, Jatayu and

Shabari, and friend Sugreeva, inspire all to

lead a life which is in adherence to Dharma.


Rajendra Prabhu.

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