Namaste, I Am Rāma, and This Is Rāmāyaṇa

Please visit www.namasteprabhu.com to learn about this one-of-a-kind premium picture book based on Valmiki Ramayana.

Please visit www.namasteprabhu.com to learn about this one-of-a-kind premium picture book based on Valmiki Ramayana.


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amaste. I am RAJENDRA PRABHU, the author-illustrator of

this book. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I did as its

writer and illustrator. Visit me at: www.namasteprabhu.com

Let me take this opportunity to thank the many individuals whose

contributions made this book in its present form a reality.




First and foremost, my immense gratitude and obeisance towards Maharshi Valmiki and successive

generations of yogis and truth-seekers who documented, preserved, and wrote commentaries on the

Ramayana for us to enjoy and feel inspired to this day.

Special thanks to Shri Desiraju Hanumanta Rao and Shri K M K Murthy who have made Srimad

Valmiki Ramayana with its original shlokas in Sanskrit along with English translations easily

accessible via their website valmikiramayan.net. The English translations of Sanskrit shlokas from

Valmiki Ramayana mentioned in this book have been taken from this website (copyright dated

1998-2008) with minor modifications if at all.

Additionally, a note of thanks to authors of other Ramayana books, especially those by Shri R K

Narayana and Shri C Rajagopalachari, and other sacred and philosophical books which were vital

research materials for this book and inspired my writings.

Deepest thanks to Shri Girish Prabhu K, Shri (Dr.) Vikram Dravid, and Shri Premanand Bhat, who

generously gave their time whenever sought, and whose invaluable inputs and feedback on multiple

drafts have enriched this book significantly. I am much obliged to them for their love and care

towards making this book as complete and accurate as possible.

A big thank you also goes out to Shri Dhaval Jamnadas, and Sanskrit scholar Shri (Dr.) Nayan

Manindra Jha, Ph.D., for providing their editorial services with the same devotion that I had when I

wrote my manuscript. I am truly humbled by their dedication and their guidance to me for the

success of this book.

When it comes to self-publishing, it truly helps when you have supportive friends and relatives you

can bank on. I sincerely thank Shri Dilip Shah whose prior experience as a self-publishing author of a

children’s book series (“The Story Pyramid”) has been a blessing in disguise for me. It is because of

many such noble souls who have provided much-needed support and encouragement at the right

times that I could proceed further along on this project. My earnest gratitude to all of them.

Finally, heartfelt gratitude to my parents who

Sanatana Dharma and spirituality, and all

inspired me to stay true to the spiritual path.

kindled my early interest in the tenets of

those I have encountered in my life who have

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