Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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62 CHAPTER 2 Chemical Components of Cells

Figure 2–34 Most proteins and

many RNA molecules fold into a

particularly stable three-dimensional

shape, or conformation. This shape is

directed mostly by a multitude of weak,

noncovalent, intramolecular bonds. If the

folded macromolecules are subjected to

conditions that disrupt noncovalent bonds,

the molecule becomes a flexible chain

that loses both its conformation and its

biological activity.





a stable folded



polymer chains

ECB5 E2.32/2.34

be subject to a sensitive control that allows it to specify exactly which

subunit should be added next to the growing polymer end. We discuss

the mechanisms that specify the sequence of subunits in DNA, RNA, and

protein molecules in Chapters 6 and 7.


In principle, there are many

different, chemically diverse

ways in which small molecules

can be joined together to form

polymers. For example, the small

molecule ethene (CH 2 =CH 2 ) is

used commercially to make the

plastic polyethylene (...–CH 2 –CH 2 –

CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –...). The individual

subunits of the three major classes

of biological macromolecules,

however, are all linked by similar

reaction mechanisms—that is,

by condensation reactions that

eliminate water. Can you think of

any benefits that this chemistry

offers and why it might have been

selected in evolution over a linking

chemistry such as that used to

produce polyethylene?

Noncovalent Bonds Specify the Precise Shape of a


Most of the single covalent bonds that link together the subunits in a

macromolecule allow rotation of the atoms that they join; thus the polymer

chain has great flexibility. In principle, this allows a single-chain

macromolecule to adopt an almost unlimited number of shapes, or conformations,

as the polymer chain writhes and rotates under the influence

of random thermal energy. However, the shapes of most biological macromolecules

are highly constrained because of weaker, noncovalent

bonds that form between different parts of the molecule. These weaker

interactions are the electrostatic attractions, hydrogen bonds, van der

Waals attractions, and hydrophobic force we described earlier (see Panel

2–3). In many cases, noncovalent interactions ensure that the polymer

chain preferentially adopts one particular conformation, determined

by the linear sequence of monomers in the chain. Most protein molecules

and many of the RNA molecules found in cells fold tightly into a

highly preferred conformation in this way (Figure 2–34). These unique

conformations—shaped by billions of years of evolution—determine the

chemistry and activity of these macromolecules and dictate their interactions

with other biological molecules.

Noncovalent Bonds Allow a Macromolecule to Bind

Other Selected Molecules

As we discussed earlier, although noncovalent bonds are individually

weak, they can add up to create a strong attraction between two molecules

when these molecules fit together very closely, like a hand in a

glove, so that many noncovalent bonds can occur between them (see

Panel 2–3). This form of molecular interaction provides for great specificity

in the binding of a macromolecule to other small and large molecules,

because the multipoint contacts required for strong binding make it possible

for a macromolecule to select just one of the many thousands of

different molecules present inside a cell. Moreover, because the strength

of the binding depends on the number of noncovalent bonds that are

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