Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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The idea that proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic

acids are large molecules that are constructed from

smaller subunits, linked one after another into long

molecular chains, may seem fairly obvious today. But

this was not always the case. In the early part of the

twentieth century, few scientists believed in the existence

of such biological polymers built from repeating

units held together by covalent bonds. The notion that

such “frighteningly large” macromolecules could be

assembled from simple building blocks was considered

“downright shocking” by chemists of the day. Instead,

they thought that proteins and other seemingly large

organic molecules were simply heterogeneous aggregates

of small organic molecules held together by weak

“association forces” (Figure 2–32).

The first hint that proteins and other organic polymers

are large molecules came from observing their behavior

in solution. At the time, scientists were working

with various proteins and carbohydrates derived from

foodstuffs and other organic materials—albumin from

egg whites, casein from milk, collagen from gelatin,

and cellulose from wood. Their chemical compositions

seemed simple enough: like other organic molecules,

they contained carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and, in the

case of proteins, nitrogen. But they behaved oddly in

solution, showing, for example, an inability to pass

through a fine filter.

Why these molecules misbehaved in solution was a

puzzle. Were they really giant molecules, composed

of an unusually large number of covalently linked

atoms? Or were they more like a colloidal suspension

of particles—a big, sticky hodgepodge of small organic

molecules that associate only loosely?



Figure 2–32 What might an organic macromolecule look

like? Chemists in the early part of the twentieth century debated

whether proteins, polysaccharides, and other apparently large

organic molecules were (A) discrete particles made of an

unusually large number of covalently linked atoms or (B) a loose

aggregation of heterogeneous ECB5 e2.30/2.32 small organic molecules held

together by weak forces.

One way to distinguish between the two possibilities

was to determine the actual size of one of these

molecules. If a protein such as albumin were made of

molecules all identical in size, that would support the

existence of true macromolecules. Conversely, if albumin

were instead a miscellaneous conglomeration of

small organic molecules, these should show a whole

range of molecular sizes in solution.

Unfortunately, the techniques available to scientists in

the early 1900s were not ideal for measuring the sizes of

such large molecules. Some chemists estimated a protein’s

size by determining how much it would lower a

solution’s freezing point; others measured the osmotic

pressure of protein solutions. These methods were susceptible

to experimental error and gave variable results.

Different techniques, for example, suggested that cellulose

was anywhere from 6000 to 103,000 daltons in

mass (where 1 dalton is approximately equal to the

mass of a hydrogen atom). Such results helped to fuel

the hypothesis that carbohydrates and proteins were

loose aggregates of small molecules rather than true


Many scientists simply had trouble believing that

molecules heavier than about 4000 daltons—the largest

compound that had been synthesized by organic

chemists—could exist at all. Take hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying

protein in red blood cells. Researchers tried

to estimate its size by breaking it down into its chemical

components. In addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,

and oxygen, hemoglobin contains a small amount of

iron. Working out the percentages, it appeared that

hemoglobin had one atom of iron for every 712 atoms

of carbon—and a minimum weight of 16,700 daltons.

Could a molecule with hundreds of carbon atoms in one

long chain remain intact in a cell and perform specific

functions? Emil Fischer, the organic chemist who determined

that the amino acids in proteins are linked by

peptide bonds, thought that a polypeptide chain could

grow no longer than about 30 or 40 amino acids. As

for hemoglobin, with its purported 700 carbon atoms,

the existence of molecular chains of such “truly fantastic

lengths” was deemed “very improbable” by leading


Definitive resolution of the debate had to await the

development of new techniques. Convincing evidence

that proteins are macromolecules came from studies

using the ultracentrifuge—a device that uses centrifugal

force to separate molecules according to their size

(see Panel 4–3, pp. 164–165). Theodor Svedberg, who

designed the machine in 1925, performed the first studies.

If a protein were really an aggregate of smaller

molecules, he reasoned, it would appear as a smear

of molecules of different sizes when sedimented in an

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