Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Macromolecules in Cells


Figure 2–30 Polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are made

from monomeric subunits. Each macromolecule is a polymer formed

from small molecules (called monomers or subunits) that are linked

together by covalent bonds.





organic monomers, or subunits, into long chains, or polymers (Figure

2–30 and How We Know, pp. 60–61). Yet they have many unexpected

properties that could not have been predicted from their simple constituents.

For example, it took a long time to determine that the nucleic acids,

DNA and RNA, store and transmit hereditary information (see How We

Know, Chapter 5, pp. 193–195).

Proteins are especially versatile and perform thousands of distinct functions.

Many proteins act as highly specific enzymes that catalyze the

chemical reactions that take place in cells. For example, one enzyme in

plants, called ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, converts CO 2 to sugars,

thereby creating most of the organic matter used by the rest of the living

world. Other proteins are used to build structural components: tubulin, for

example, self-assembles to make the cell’s long, stiff microtubules (see

Figure 1−27B), and histone proteins assemble into disc-like structures

that help wrap up the cell’s DNA in chromosomes. Yet other proteins, such

as myosin, act as molecular motors to produce force and movement. We

examine the molecular basis for many of these wide-ranging functions in

later chapters. Here, we consider some of the general principles of macromolecular

chemistry that make all of these activities possible.





nucleic acid

ECB5 e2.28/2.30

Each Macromolecule Contains a Specific Sequence of


Although the chemical reactions for adding subunits to each polymer are

different in detail for proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides, they

share important features. Each polymer grows by the addition of a monomer

onto one end of the polymer chain via a condensation reaction, in

which a molecule of water is lost for each subunit that is added (Figure

2–31). In all cases, the reactions are catalyzed by specific enzymes, which

ensure that only the appropriate monomer is incorporated.

The stepwise polymerization of monomers into a long chain is a simple

way to manufacture a large, complex molecule, because the subunits are

added by the same reaction performed over and over again by the same

set of enzymes. In a sense, the process resembles the repetitive operation

of a machine in a factory—with some important differences. First,

apart from some of the polysaccharides, most macromolecules are made

from a set of monomers that are slightly different from one another; for

example, proteins are constructed from 20 different amino acids (see

Panel 2–6, pp. 76–77). Second, and most important, the polymer chain is

not assembled at random from these subunits; instead, the subunits are

added in a particular order, or sequence.

The biological functions of proteins, nucleic acids, and many polysaccharides

are absolutely dependent on the particular sequence of subunits

in the linear chains. By varying the sequence of subunits, the cell could

in principle make an enormous diversity of the polymeric molecules.

Thus, for a protein chain 200 amino acids long, there are 20 200 possible

combinations (20 × 20 × 20 × 20... multiplied 200 times), while for a

DNA molecule 10,000 nucleotides long (small by DNA standards), with

its four different nucleotides, there are 4 10,000 different possibilities—an

unimaginably large number. Thus the machinery of polymerization must


What is meant by “polarity” of a

polypeptide chain and by “polarity”

of a chemical bond? How do the

meanings differ?


H OH + H


growing polymer

H 2 O

Figure 2–31 Macromolecules are formed

by adding subunits to one end of a chain.

In a condensation reaction, a molecule

of water ECB5 is lost E2.29/2.31

with the addition of each

monomer to one end of the growing chain.

The reverse reaction—the breakdown of the

polymer—occurs by the addition of water

(hydrolysis). See also Figure 2–19.

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