Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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I:22 Index

transcription regulators/transcription

factors (continued)

in stem cells and precursor cells 712,


TCF in cancer 730–731

see also DNA-binding proteins

transcriptional repressors 274

transcriptional switches 273–274

transcriptomes 352

transcytosis 527

transducin 556, 557F

transfer RNAs (tRNAs) 232, 235T,

245–249, 251, 252F, 253–254, 256T,


transformation, bacterial 338

“transforming principle” (Avery et al.) 194

transgenic organisms 355, 357F,

358–360, 577

transgenic plants 359–361

transition states 146–147

translation 243–259

in the central dogma 4

ribosome involvement in 251–252

translation initiation factors 253

translocation see protein translocators

transmembrane proteins/receptors

as amphipathic 376

b barrels in 378

cadherins as 705

connexons as 707

enzyme-coupled receptors as 557

GPCRs as seven-pass 545

insertion process 505, 507, 509–510

integrins as 698–699

lectins as 383, 386

plants 567

reaction centers as 481

signal sequences 509–510

in signal transduction 539

single-pass and multipass 377, 391,


SNAREs as 514–515

see also membrane proteins; pump


transmembrane pumps see pump


transmission electron microscopy

(TEM) 10, 13F, 23F, 134, 169F

transmitter-gated ion channels 417–419

as ion-channel-coupled receptors

543F, 544

transport proteins 118F

HPr bacterial protein 124, 125–126F,


transport signals 513

transport vesicles see vesicular


transporters 395–402

distinguished from channels 389, 392

glucose transporter 118F, 396, 398F,

400–401, 402F

pumps as 393

scramblases as 373

transposable elements/transposons

see mobile genetic elements

transposases 315

transverse tubules (T tubules) 604–605

treadmilling (in actin filaments) 594

tree of life 309–310, 314–315

triacylglycerols 54–55, 74F, 370F, 439F,


tricarboxylic acid cycle see citric acid


trichothiodystrophy 357F

triose phosphate isomerase 436F

tRNAs (transfer RNAs) 232, 235T,

245–249, 251, 252F, 253–254, 256T,


tropomyosin/troponin 605

trypsin 132, 142T, 159–160, 161F

tryptophan operon/tryptophan

repressor 273–275, 278

Tsien, Roger 520

tuberculosis 524


a-tubulin 581

b-tubulin 581–583

g-tubulin 582

see also microtubules

tumor suppressor genes 723–725,

726–728, 730

tumors, benign 719, 731

tumors, malignant see cancers

turgor pressure 395, 405F, 693, 695F

turnover numbers 143

turnover times 711–712

two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

161, 167F, 270

tyrosine aminotransferase 270

tyrosine kinases 542

see also RTKs

tyrosine phosporylation, RTKs 558–559


ubiquinone 464, 469, 472F–474, 482

ubiquitin 153, 257, 528, 617, 618F, 634F

ultracentrifuge 60–61, 164F–165F,

203–204, 252F

ultraviolet radiation

formation of thymine dimers 216F

use in visualizing labeled DNA

fragments 336

uncoupling agents 476–477

undifferentiated cells 283, 359, 692, 712

see also stem cells

unfolded protein response (UPR) 518

uniparental inheritance 664F, 665

uniports 400–401, 402F

units of measurement 11F

molecular weight 41

unsaturated hydrocarbons/fatty acids

54, 66F, 74F, 371–372

unstructured regions, proteins 130–131

UPR (unfolded protein response) 518

UTR 3′ and 5′ untranslated region

(3′ UTR and 5′ UTR) 238F, 243, 288,



as characteristic of RNA 209, 229

poly-U as coding for phenylalanine


as a pyrimidine base 57, 78F

resulting from cytosine deamination


urea 68F, 123F


vaccines 361, 547, 720

Vale, Ron 588–589

van der Waals attractions 48, 70F

vectors, plasmids as 337–339, 360–361F

velocity sedimentation 165F


cyclins and Cdks 617T

DNA loss and gain during evolution

and gene numbers 313

whole-genome duplication 306


artificial 385

coated vesicles 512–513, 514F,

524–525, 526F

communication between organelles


formation by epithelial cells 705,


Golgi apparatus 20F, 374F

membrane renewal via 370–371

vesicular transport

of proteins from ER 21, 501–502,

506–507, 511–515

of proteins within and from Golgi

apparatus 519

tethers and SNAREs in 514–515

Viagra 555

video-enhanced microscopy 585F, 588

vimentin (and vimentin-related)

filaments 577

vincristine and vinblastine 584T

viral capsids 135F

Virchow, Rudolf 609

viroids 261F


detection in blood samples 344F

disease states caused by 318T

hosts and genomes 317–318

and mobile genetic elements


protein coats 134

reproduction 317–318

retroviruses 318–319, 320F

RNAi as protection from 291

spontaneous assembly 319

T2 virus 195

whether living 5

vitamin A 149, 360–361

vitamin B 12

and uptake by endocytosis


vitamins, biotin as 149

V max

(maximum reaction rate) 143,


voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels 416, 417F,


voltage-gated K + channels 414–415,


voltage-gated Na + channels 411, 414,




acid and base formation in 69F

biologically significant properties 48,


diffusion across membranes


electrostatic attractions in 71F

hydrogen-bonding in 47

osmosis 394–395

proton mobility and availability 469

redox potential 484

solubility of ionic compounds 69F

as source of oxygen atoms in citric

acid cycle 440

as source of oxygen gas in

photosynthesis 483

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