Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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I:14 Index


digestion in 527

endocytosis and 511, 524

endosomes maturing into 527

H + transporter 395, 402

as intracellular compartments 21,


lysozyme 122F, 125F, 136, 142T, 143,

146–147, 160T


M-Cdks 614, 616, 617T, 618–620,

623–625, 630

M cyclin 614–616, 617F, 618–619, 625,


M phase, cell cycle

animal cell shapes 638F

five stages of 627, 628F–629F

mitosis and cytokinesis as 611

MacLeod, Colin 194–195

macromolecules 58–63

biosynthesis 110–111

evidence for 60–61

nuclear pore complex and 503–504

proportion of a cell’s weight 52T, 58

sequence and conformation 59, 62

see also polymers

macrophages 2, 3F, 523–524, 697,

710–712, 715F

apoptosis and 641

magnesium, in porphyrin 481F

maintenance methyltransferases 287F

major groove, DNA 177F, 272

malaria 34F, 222, 302, 680

malate 442F–444

malonate 444–445

manganese 483

mannose 6-phosphate (receptor) 527

MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase

module 560, 568F

margarine 372

marriages, consanguineous 668, 681

marriages, first-cousin 654, 669

mass spectrometry 159–161, 270, 361F

master transcription regulators 284,


matrix (of mitochondrion) 430, 432

Matsui, Kazuo 615

Matthaei, Heinrich 246

McCarty, Maclyn 194–195

mechanical stresses 577

mechanically-gated ion channels 408,

409F, 419T

Mediator complex 276, 277F, 279

meiosis 654–663

contrasted with mitosis 655,


errors 662–663

homologous recombination role 222

as reductive division 652

meiosis I 655, 656F, 657–658, 660–662,


meiosis II 655, 656F, 657, 660, 661F

meiotic cell cycle, Xenopus 615

meiotic spindle 657F, 660, 670–671

melanin 667–668

melanomas 728, 729F, 731


electron microscopy 10

endomembrane system 499, 500F,

501, 507, 511, 512F, 519, 522

mitochondrial 18F, 395, 428, 429F,


surrounding organelles 495

see also nuclear envelope; plasma

membrane; transmembrane


membrane domains 381–383, 383F,


see also action potentials

membrane-enclosed organelles see


membrane fusion 372–373, 515

membrane potentials

concentration gradients and 393–394

contributing to electrochemical

gradient 393–394

and ion channels 403–410

and ion permeability 391–392,


resting membrane potentials 392,

394, 406, 412, 414F, 419T

voltage-gated ion channels 409–410

see also electrochemical H + gradients

membrane proteins

ATP synthase as 456

bilayer association 366, 376

cell-free studies 378, 379F

integral and peripheral 376

main types 375T

movement of 371, 381–382

structure and function 375–376,


transporters and channels 389, 392

see also channels; ion channels;

transmembrane proteins;


membrane retrieval, Golgi apparatus


membrane transport

active and passive 392–393

diffusion and facilitated transport


principles 390–395

see also electron-transport systems

memory 158, 552, 554

Mendel, Gregor 354, 664–674

Mendelian diseases/monogenic

diseases 681–683

Mendel’s first law (of segregation)


Mendel’s second law (of independent

assortment) 669–671

mental illness 420

MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy and ragged

red fiber disease) 459

Meselson, Matt 202–204

messenger RNAs see mRNAs

metabolic pathways

anabolic and catabolic 82

enzyme sequences 142

regulation 447–451

metabolic wheel 103F


aerobic 438, 476, 478, 489

anaerobic 476, 488

defined 82

metals, protein-bound

associated with active sites 149, 464

as electron carriers 471–473

metamorphosis 640

metaphase, meiosis 661

metaphase, mitosis 352F, 627, 629F,

632–633, 634F

metaphase plate

in meiosis 657, 660, 677F

in mitosis 632–633

metastases 719, 722, 725, 727–728,


Methanococcus jannaschii 314F, 490–491

methionine role in translation 253

methotrexate 147–148


adenine in bacteria 218

DNA 287

lysine residues 189F, 190–191

Meyerhof, Otto 102

Mg 2+ ions 391T

micelles 75F, 378–379, 385F

Michaelis constant (K M

) 143, 144

Michaelis–Menten equation 144F

microRNAs (miRNAs) 232, 289, 290F

microcephaly 718

microfilaments see actin filaments

micrometer scale 2, 14, 134F


interference-contrast microscopy 9F

and knowledge of cells 6–11

light and electron microscopes 6,


light microscopes 6–9, 12F–13F

SPT (single-particle tracking)

microscopy 385

video-enhanced microscopy 585F,


see also electron microscopy;

fluorescence microscopy

microtubule-associated proteins 585,

626–627, 630, 631F

microtubules 574, 580–592

appearance 12F–13F, 22, 23F

in cilia and flagella 590–592

drug effects on dynamics 584

dynamic instability 582–586, 627

formation of cilia and flagella 480

meiotic spindle 657F, 660, 670–671

organization of differentiated cells


orientation of cellulose deposition

and 695

as protein assemblies 134, 574

structural polarity 581, 586

see also mitotic spindle

microvilli 592, 593F, 595, 663F, 703F

milk, ability to digest 202F, 302, 328

Mimosa pudica 409

minor groove, DNA 177F, 272

miRNAs (microRNAs) 232, 289, 290F

miscarriages 663

mismatch repair system 218–219

Mitchell, Peter 476–477


chloroplast collaboration with 487F

effects of dysfunction 459

genetic code variants 245

maternal inheritance 459

origins 14, 17–18, 457, 490, 499,


oxidative phosphorylation in 428,

432, 459–469

protein and lipid imports into


reproduction 458F, 480F

shape, location, and number


structure and function 17–18,


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