Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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integrases 319


in cell adhesion 698–700, 702,


in cell locomotion 597, 699

in cytokinesis 637

interaction domains 558–559

interference-contrast optics 9F, 12F

intermediate filaments 22F, 23, 135,

574–579, 630, 693

desmosome connection 705, 706F,


see also keratin filaments

interphase, cell cycle 181, 611, 628F

interphase chromosomes 181–184,

185F, 187, 189–192, 277

interspersed (“junk”) DNA 180, 181F

intestinal cell renewal see crypts

intracellular compartments 19–21

see also organelles

intracellular condensates 157, 158F, 242

intracellular signaling molecules 79F

intracellular signaling pathways

elucidation 563–564

GPCR-triggered 555–557, 562F

integration by 568, 569F

response to extracellular signals


RTK-activated 562F

intracellular signaling proteins

as molecular switches 541–542

RTK activation 558–559

intrinsically disordered sequences 131

introns (intervening sequences)

239–241, 244F, 298, 302, 312–313,

320–322F, 323–325

iodoacetate 102

ion-channel-coupled receptors 543–545

acetylcholine activated 543

also known as transmitter-gated ion

channels 417–419, 544

ion channels

direct G protein regulation 548

examples 419T

nerve signaling and 410–422

patch-clamp recording 160T,

407–408, 411F

selectivity and gating 404–405,


see also gating

ion concentrations inside and outside

cells 391, 399

see also concentration gradients

ion-exchange chromatography 166F

ionic chemical bonds 42–43, 46–47, 79F

ions, impermeability of lipid bilayers


IP 3

(inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) 549,

551–552, 553F


atmospheric oxygen and 490F

heme group 133F, 148F, 149, 305F,

474, 475F

receptor-mediated endocytosis 526

iron–sulfur centers 473, 483F, 489F

isocitrate dehydrogenase 443F

isoelectric focusing 167F

isomerases 142T, 431, 436F, 448


monosaccharides 52, 72F

optical isomers 53, 56, 76F, 142

isotopes 40–41

see also radiolabeling


Jews, Ashkenazi 682

joules, conversion with calories 45, 94F

jumping genes see mobile genetic


“junk DNA” 180


K + leak channels 375T, 405, 406F, 413,

415, 419T

Kartagener’s syndrome 592

karyotypes 179F, 180, 721, 722F

keratin/a-keratin 118F, 126, 128, 135,

575F, 577, 578F, 579

keratin filaments 135, 577, 578F, 705,

706F, 707, 714F

see also intermediate filaments

a-ketoglutarate (dehydrogenase)


Khorana, Gobind 246–247

killer lymphocytes 642, 728

kinesins 118F, 586–587, 589, 634

kinetics, enzyme 144

see also reaction rates

kinetochores 628F–629F, 631–634, 635F,

660, 661F

Kit gene 34F


(Michaelis constant) 143, 144

“knock-in mice” 355F

“knockout mice” 356–357, 731

Krebs, Hans 444–445

Krebs cycle see citric acid cycle

Krüppel gene 281F


L1 element (LINE-1) 311F, 316–317,


Lac operon 275–276, 279

lactase gene 302, 303F

lactate dehydrogenase 131F, 447

lactic acid cycle 102

Lactobacillus 2

lactose 73F, 275, 302, 303F

lagging strand, DNA replication

205–210, 211F, 212–213, 214F

lamellipodia 596–599

laminin 702, 703F, 707

lamins 577–579, 635, 636F, 641

“lariat” structures 240, 241F

lasers 12F–13F, 159, 384, 633

last common ancestor

of plants and animals 567

latent viruses 319

latrunculin 594

laws of inheritance

Mendel’s first law 666–668

Mendel’s second law 669–671

laws of thermodynamics

first 84

second 83–84, 90

LDL (low-density lipoproteins) 525–526

leading strand, DNA replication 207,

209, 211F, 212–213

lectins 383, 386

Leder, Phil 247

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van 7, 24T

leptin gene/protein 311–312F

leucocyte adhesion deficiency 699

leukemia 148, 714F, 715, 729

life see living things

lifestyle factors and cancer 719, 721

ligand-gated ion channels 408,


transmitter-gated ion channels

417–419, 543F, 544

ligands, defined 137

see also substrate

light-driven proton pumps 402,


light-gated ion channels 408, 417–418,

421, 422F

light microscopes

and the discovery of cells 6–7

and the structures of cells 7–9

see also fluorescence microscopy

light reactions (photosynthesis) 479,

484, 486, 487F

lignin 694

LINEs (long interspersed nuclear

elements) 322F

L1 element 311F, 316–317, 322F

linker DNA 185, 186F

linker histones (histone H1) 187

linker proteins 506F, 579, 580F, 705,


lipid bilayers 367–374

essential fluidity 370–373, 384–385

fatty acid derivatives as 55

formation in aqueous media


limited permeability 390–391

and lipid aggregates 75F

protein association with 366, 376

as self-sealing 366, 370

synthetic/artificial bilayers 371,

385, 390F


dolichol 75F, 516, 517F

ER as a source 373

hydrophobic interactions 48

types 74F–75F

see also glycolipids; phospholipids

Lipmann, Fritz 102–103

liposomes 371, 390F, 477

Listeria monocytogenes 289F

living things

autocatalysis requirement 5F,


cells as fundamental units 1

characteristics 1, 4, 39

chemical composition 39

number of species 2

origins of life 309–315

spontaneous generation 7

ultimate dependence on solar

energy 86

local mediators 535–536, 545, 550T,

555, 557

logic operations 275

logos (for DNA sequences) 273F

Lohmann, Karl 103

Loligo pealei (squid) 411F, 412

long noncoding RNAs 289, 291–292

loss-of-function mutations 672–673,

682, 685–686, 724

Lou Gehrig’s disease 578

LoxP recombination sites 357F

lumen, organelles 374

Lundsgaard, Einar 102–103

lysine residues

acetylation 153, 189–191, 277

methylation 189F, 190–191

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