Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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I:6 Index

chromosomes (continued)

mitotic chromosomes 182, 183F, 184,

185F, 187–188, 625, 626F, 631F,

632–634, 635F

segregation errors 662–663

chromosome condensation 183-184, 625

chromosome painting 179, 180F, 184F,


chromosome pairing in meiosis 655,

657, 659

chromosome segregation 181, 610, 615,

619, 629F, 655, 662F, 722F

chromosome structure

compressed state of DNA 183–184

in eukaryotes 178–187

gene expression and 278

nucleosomes in 184–186

regulation of 188–192

chymotrypsin 125F, 132, 307F

cilia 26–27, 118F, 580, 582, 590–592

primary cilia 592

stereocilia 13F, 409

ciliary dynein 586, 591–592

circular DNA 34, 179, 201, 211F, 213,

273, 337

cisternae (Golgi apparatus) 512F, 513T,


citrate synthase 142T, 442F

citric acid cycle

acetyl group oxidation in 438

biosynthetic pathways beginning

with 441, 461

diagrams 429F, 442F–443F

elucidation of 444–445

mitochondrial matrix 438

oxaloacetate in 110F, 438

sequential pathways 444

as third stage of catabolism 430

Cl – concentrations inside and outside

cells 391T

clam eggs 616

clamp loaders 211–212, 213T

classical genetics approaches 29, 354,

564, 674–676

clathrin-coated pits/vesicles 512–513,

514F, 524–525, 526F

claudins 704

cleavage divisions 611, 615

cleavage furrows 636, 637F

clone-by-clone sequencing 348–349


cancers as clones 718–719, 722F

multicellular organisms as clones


see also DNA cloning

CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) 148,


CNVs (copy number variations) 679

co-immunoprecipitation 563, 730

coated vesicles 512–513, 514F, 524–525,


codes and abbreviations

for amino acids 120F, 245F

for bases and nucleotides 79F,


genetic code 178, 244–248, 249F

“coding problem” 243


defined 244

neutral mutations 302

start codons 254, 255F

stop codons 245F, 251, 254, 255F,


coenzymes 79F, 148–149

coenzyme A see acetyl CoA

cohesins 625, 626F, 627, 633, 634F,

658F, 660, 661F

coiled coils 128, 576, 600

colchicine 584, 590, 633, 637

collagen 48, 135, 136F, 696–698, 699F,

700–702, 703F

color-blindness 672

colorectal cancer 218, 223F, 715, 719F,

721F, 726–727, 730–731

combinatorial transcription control 279,


common ancestors 15, 34–35, 313

see also ancestral cell

comparative genomics 312, 349

compartments, eukaryotic cells see


competitive inhibition 145, 444–445

complement system 685

complementary base-pairing

codon–anticodon recognition 248F,


defined 176, 177F

DNA probes and cloning 184, 335F,

340–341, 341, 352F

replication fidelity and 202, 207, 209,


RNA 240, 241F, 260, 291

in transcription 229–231, 233

see also DNA hybridization

complementary DNA (cDNA)

cDNA libraries 339, 340F

mRNA analysis 351

complementation tests 675F, 678

concentration gradients

contributing to electrochemical

gradient 393–394

inorganic ions 391

Na + pump 398–399

osmosis 394–395

passive transport and 393

in velocity sedimentation 165F

condensation reactions

biopolymers generally 59

disaccharide formation 53

driven by ATP hydrolysis 106, 110

peptide bond formation as 119F

phosphorylation as 105

condensins 187F, 625, 626F, 628F

conditional knockout mice 357

conditional mutants 676–678

confocal fluorescence microscopy 9F,

12F, 17F, 24T, 32F


macromolecules 62

NADH and NADPH 108

conformations, DNA

chromosome visibility and 174

space-filling model 177F

conformations, protein

changes driven by ATP hydrolysis

602, 603F

changes in ATP synthase 466

changes in gated ion channels 404,

408, 414–415F

changes in transporters and pumps

396–397, 398F, 475F

changes on binding ligands 151–152,

554F, 559, 566, 586, 698

changes on dimer cleavage 641F

changes on inhibition 151–152, 621

changes on phosphorylation 152–153

disulfide bond stabilization 136

HPr bacterial protein 124, 125–126F,


hydrophobicity and 121, 122F

conjugate acid–base pairs 470

conjugation, bacterial 308F

connective tissues 692F, 693, 695–698,

700, 702, 703F, 723

connexons 707

consanguineous marriages 668, 681

conservative model, DNA replication

202–203, 204F

conserved DNA/mechanisms

cell-cycle control system 30–31, 613

evolutionary relationships and

309–310, 313–315, 350

functionally important regions as

310–313, 314

in human genome 323

conserved orientation in membranes

374, 377, 510

conserved proteins 31, 131, 186

conserved synteny 311

constitutive exocytosis pathway 519,


contact-dependent signaling 535–536

contractile bundles 27, 592, 593F, 595,

601, 605, 705F

contractile ring 592, 598, 600, 636–638

control mechanisms 447

COP-coated vesicles 513

corn (maize) 307, 308F, 360F, 450F, 667

cortisol 270, 282, 536T, 550T, 565, 566F

coupled reactions

activated carriers and 101, 106–107

energetics of 92, 94F–95F

in glycolysis 434

“paddle-wheel” analogy 104

photosystems I and II 484

coupled transporters 467, 468F

covalent chemical bonds 43–46

disulfide bonds 77F, 136, 139F, 516

“high-energy” bonds 67, 95F, 102–103,

109F, 111, 112F

peptide bonds 60, 67F, 70F, 76F, 92,


polar covalent bonds 43F, 45, 47–49

single and double bonds 44–45

covalent modification

biotin and 149

DNA methylation as 287

of histone tails 188–189

of proteins 153–154, 258F, 447, 516

see also protein kinases

crawling see cell locomotion

Cre recombinase 357F

creatine phosphate 102–103

Crick, Francis 174–175, 202, 204

CRISPR gene editing 358–359, 564

cross-linking see disulfide bonds

cross-pollination 664–665

cross-talk 278, 568

crossovers (meiosis) 657–660, 661F,

662, 671–672, 675F, 679–680

gene duplication and 303–304

independent segregation and


cryoelectron microscopy 11, 160T, 161,

169F, 379, 483F, 513F

crypts, intestinal 713–714, 715F, 727F,

728T, 731

crystallization see X-ray diffraction

CTP (cytidine triphosphate) 151F, 231

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