Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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I:4 Index

cancers 718–729

anticancer drugs 148, 562, 728–729

arising from uncorrected mutations

218–219, 222–223

breast cancer 722F, 728

chromosomal loops and 278

as clones of misbehaving cells

718–719, 722F

colorectal cancer 218, 223F, 715,

719F, 721F, 726–727, 730–731

death rates 718

and epidemiology 719–720

as failure of controls 620, 726

familial predisposition 726, 730

genetic instability 721

leukemia 148, 714F, 715, 729

malignant and benign tumors 719, 731

melanomas 728, 729F, 731

metastases 719, 722, 725, 727–728,


oncogenes and tumor suppressor

genes 560, 723–725, 726–730

p53 gene and 621, 723

Ras mutations in 560, 673, 722

regulatory pathways targeted


retinoblastoma 620

RTK abnormalities and 558

treatment options 728

Candida albicans 324F

cap-binding complexes 242

CAP (catabolite activator protein) 130,

133, 275

capping proteins 583, 598F


cell surface 382–382, 386

mono-, di-, poly-, and

oligosaccharides 53–54

see also sugars

carbon–carbon bonds 44–45

carbon compounds, importance 39,


carbon cycle 87

carbon dioxide in respiration and

photosynthesis 86, 88, 89, 427, 478,

480F, 485F

carbon fixation 86, 478, 480, 484–487

carbon-fixation cycle (Calvin cycle) 486

carbon isotopes 41

carbon–nitrogen and carbon–oxygen

bonds 67F

carbon skeletons 66F

carboxyl group transfer 110F

carboxylic acids

as amphipathic 54

carboxylated biotin 109T, 110F

derivatives of 74F

in water 54, 67F, 69F

weakness of 49, 69F

see also amino acids; fatty acids

carboxypeptidase 149

cardiac muscle see heart muscle

cargo receptors 513, 514F

carnivorous plants 405

b-carotene 360

cartilage 695, 697, 700–701

Cas9 enzyme 358

caspases 641–643

catabolic pathways 82

activated carriers and 101F, 108

regulation 447

three stages of catabolism 428–430

see also citric acid cycle


and activation energy 89–90

defined 91

energetics of 88–100

see also enzymes

b-catenins 730–731


concentration gradients 391–392

solution behavior 47

CCR5 receptor 682

Cdc genes 30–31

Cdc6 phosphatase 623, 624F

Cdc25 phosphatase 618F, 623, 625

Cdk inhibitors 618–621, 622F

Cdks (cyclin-dependent protein kinases)

613–618, 620–623, 624F, 630, 635

cell-cycle control system 613

G 1

-Cdks 617, 621

G 1

/S-Cdks 614, 617, 620–621, 630

M-Cdks 614, 616, 617T, 618–620,

623–625, 630

S-Cdks 614, 617, 620–621, 622F, 623,

624F, 630

vertebrate cyclins and Cdks 617T

cDNA (complementary DNA) libraries

339, 340F


animal cells as polarized 585

apical, basal, and lateral surfaces

382, 401, 702–705, 706F

chemical similarity 3–4

composition by mass 58

defense mechanisms 290–291

diploid and haploid distinguished


discovery 7

energy use 82–88

eukaryotic 16–27

as fundamental to life 1

genomics experiments in living cells


germ cells 65, 299–300, 652

intracellular condensates 157, 158F,


microscopic examination 6–11

numbers, control of 639–646

numbers in Caenorhabditis elegans


numbers in human body 709

organization into tissues and organs


plant and animal contrasted 8F, 567,


prokaryotic 11–16

recognition by surface carbohydrate


repertoire of activities 710

reprogramming differentiated cells


role of small molecules 50–58

second law of thermodynamics and

83–84, 90

self-organization in 134

shapes and sizes of 2, 11F, 639–645

shared chemistry 3–4

tissue organization and 710–711

turnover 711–712

unity and diversity 2–5, 701–702, 710

viral lysis 317

cell–cell interactions

in organoids 718

recognition 383, 516

see also cell junctions; cell signaling

cell communities see tissues

cell cortex

actin filaments and 574F, 595–597,


and cell locomotion 596–598

contractile ring and 637

and plasma membranes 380–381,

385, 596

cell cycle

chromosome behavior and 181–182

duration and turnover rate 610,

611T, 711–712

eukaryotic, four phases 611–612

overview 609, 610–613

senescence 723

see also G 1

phase; G 2

phase; M phase;

S phase

cell-cycle control system 612–613,


checkpoints 612, 635, 663, 721, 728

defects and cancer 721, 725, 728

eukaryotes, as conserved 30–31, 613

pausing the cycle 618–619

temperature-sensitive mutants 678

cell division

asymmetric cell division 637

cdc genes 30–31

coordinated gene expression in 279,


cytoskeleton role in 23

meiosis as reductive division 652,


microscopic view 7F

mitogens and 620–621

nondividing states 621–622

organelle distribution 500

protein phosphorylation 152

rates of 610, 622

and whole-genome duplication


yeast studies 28, 30

see also cell cycle; meiosis; mitosis

cell-free systems 155, 160T, 246–247,


cell fusion

mouse–human hybrids 381

in sexual reproduction 651, 653,


cell homogenates 158, 164F–165F

cell junctions 704–706, 708F

cytoskeleton-linked junctions 691,

693, 698–699, 700F, 704–707

desmosomes 575, 577, 579,


gap junctions 403, 707–709

importance of adhesion 711, 723

intermediate filaments and 575

in plants 692–693, 708, 709F

tight junctions 382, 383F, 401, 527F,

703–705, 708F

cell locomotion/crawling

characteristic of animal cells 2, 23

enzyme-coupled receptors and 557

integrins and 698–699

proteoglycans and 701

role of the cytoskeleton 590–592,

594, 596–599

see also motor proteins

cell membranes

as amphipathic 367–369, 370, 376

as asymmetrical 373–374

concentration gradients across 380,

393–395, 405F

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