Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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B lymphocytes/B cells 140F, 141F,


Bacillus subtilis 303

backbone models, protein structure

124, 126F, 132F

“backstitching” maneuver 207–208

BACs (bacterial artificial chromosomes)



Cas9 defense mechanism 358

cell walls and lysozyme 136

chemical composition 51, 52T

circular DNA in 179

conjugation in 308F

DNA cloning in 334–341

in genetic engineering 106

habitats 14–15

membrane fluidity 372

origins of chloroplasts as 15, 18–19,

457–458, 490, 499

origins of mitochondria as 14, 17–18,

457, 490, 499, 500F

as prokaryotes 11, 15

replication rate 14

restriction nucleases and 335

shapes and sizes 14

start codons 254

sugar digestion regulators 275–276

surface-to-volume ratios 499

thermophilic 342F

toxins and G proteins 547–548

transcription initiation in 233,


transcription regulators 271–275

translation accompanying

transcription 255

see also E. coli

bacterial flagella 467

bacteriorhodopsin 118F, 160T, 379–380,

397, 402, 403T, 477, 545

Bad protein 561

“bait” proteins 563, 730

Bak protein 642, 643F

ball-and-stick models 44F, 52F, 56–57F,

107F, 109F

Barr bodies 191F

barrier DNA sequences 190–191

basal bodies 580F, 582, 590

basal lamina 383F, 578F, 702–703,

704–707, 713, 719F, 722

base-pairing 58, 176, 179F, 216, 217F,

230, 241, 289

enabling DNA replication


hydrogen bonds, A-T and C-G

177F, 201

tRNA with rRNA 251

wobble base-pairing 248

see also complementary base-pairing

bases (in solution)

basic side-chain amino acids 76F

hydroxyl ion formation 50, 69F

proton acceptance by 50

bases (nucleotide)

abbreviations 79F, 176

in DNA and RNA 57, 175, 209

external features 234, 272

as purines and pyrimidines 57, 78F

unusual, in tRNA 248F

see also adenine; cytosine; guanine;

thymine; uracil

basic side-chain amino acids 76F

Bax protein 642, 643F

Bcl2 family proteins 642, 644

Beggiatoa 15F

behavioral effects of mutations 676

bg complex, G protein 546, 547F, 548,


b barrels 376F, 378

b cells, pancreatic 267–268, 523F,


b-galactosidase 281F, 353F

b sheets 126, 127F, 129–130, 131F, 139F,

157, 158F, 160T

membrane proteins 378

bi-orientation 632

Bicoid gene 281F


extracellular signal molecules 537F

as a protein function 137–138

binding energies 97–98

binding sites 137–138

cooperative binding 305F, 400

multiple binding sites 151

multiple polypeptide chains


oxygen 474

transporters 392, 396, 400

see also active sites; substrate


binding strength, noncovalent

interactions 97


activated carriers and 101–112

pathways beginning with glycolysis

or the citric acid cycle 441

see also anabolic pathways; catabolic


biotechnology industry 161

bioterrorism 343

biotin as an activated carrier 109, 110F,


birth defects 681

bisphosphoglycerate 434–435, 437F

1,3-bisphosphoglycerate 434, 435F,

437F, 476, 486F

bivalents 657–659, 661, 670

blastocysts 716

blebs 640

blindness 361, 681, 685

blood cells

lubrication 383

types 714, 715F

blood groups 54, 73F

blood platelets 699

blood samples 341, 344F, 714

body plan formation 280

body size, determination of 639

bond angles 44

bond energies

in activated carriers 86, 101, 427,


conversion 84–85

covalent bonds 44, 46

“high-energy” bonds 95F, 428

bond lengths 44, 48T, 68F

bond strengths 45–46, 48T, 67F

bone 693, 695–697, 698F, 700, 711

bone marrow 710, 712, 714–715

Boveri, Theodor 24T


nerve cell receptors 421

transmitter-gated ion channels



CaM-kinase effects 554

energy consumption 416

gene expression 551, 552F

regulatory DNA and evolution 326

Brca1 and Brca2 proteins 728

brewer’s yeast see Saccharomyces


brown fat cells 476–477

brush-border cells/absorptive cells 523,

703–704, 712–714

budding yeasts 2, 16, 17F, 28

see also Saccharomyces cerevisiae

buffers 50

bypass reactions 448


C. elegans see Caenorhabditis

C-termini, polypeptides 56, 120

Ca 2+ ions

Ca 2+ channel abnormalities 717

concentrations inside and outside

cells 391T, 399

fertilization and egg development

553, 663

inositol trisphosphate effects


intracellular messenger role 545,


ion-channel-coupled receptors


required by cadherins 705

sequestration in smooth ER 497

triggering muscle contraction 553,


voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels 416,

417F, 604F

Ca 2+ pumps 118F, 399, 400F, 403T,

554, 605

cadherins 705, 706–707F, 711, 723, 725

Caenorhabditis elegans

centrosome 582F

genome 35T, 309, 676–677

introducing dsRNA 355

as model organism 29, 32

social behavior 676

caffeine 549

calcium ions see Ca 2+

calcium phosphate in bone 696F,


calico cats 191, 192F

callus formation 359–360

calluses 359–360

calmodulin 125F, 554

calories, conversion with joules 45,


Calvin cycle 486z

CaM-kinases (Ca 2+ /calmodulindependent

protein kinases) 554

cancer cells

characteristics 718–719, 722–723

competitive advantage 721–723

favoring glycolysis 723

invasiveness 718–719

matrix proteases in 697

mismatch repair and 218–219

and somatic mutations 223

and telomere shortening 215, 723

unrestrained proliferation 718–719

cancer-critical/driver mutations/genes

720–721, 723–727, 728T, 730–731

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