Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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48 CHAPTER 2 Chemical Components of Cells

noncovalent bonds, such as the hydrogen bonds just discussed. Although

these noncovalent bonds are individually quite weak, their energies can

sum to create an effective force between two molecules.

The ionic bonds that hold together the Na + and Cl – ions in a salt crystal

(see Figure 2–12) represent a second form of noncovalent bond called an

electrostatic attraction. Electrostatic attractions are strongest when the

atoms involved are fully charged, as are Na + and Cl – ions. But a weaker

electrostatic attraction can occur between molecules that contain polar

covalent bonds (see Figure 2–11). Like hydrogen bonds, electrostatic

attractions are extremely important in biology. For example, any large

molecule with many polar groups will have a pattern of partial positive

and negative charges on its surface. When such a molecule encounters

a second molecule with a complementary set of charges, the two will

be drawn to each other by electrostatic attraction. Even though water

greatly reduces the strength of these attractions in most biological settings,

the large number of weak noncovalent bonds that form on the

surfaces of large molecules can nevertheless promote strong and specific

binding (Figure 2–14).

Figure 2–14 A large molecule, such as

a protein, can bind to another protein

through noncovalent interactions on the

surface of each molecule. In the aqueous

environment of a cell, many individual weak

interactions could cause the two proteins

to recognize each other specifically and

form a tight complex. Shown here is a

set of electrostatic attractions between

complementary positive and negative


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A third type of noncovalent bond, called a van der Waals attraction,

comes into play when any two atoms approach each other closely. These

nonspecific interactions spring from fluctuations in the distribution of

electrons in every atom, which can generate a transient attraction when

the atoms are in very close proximity. These weak attractions occur in all

types of molecules, even those that are nonpolar and cannot form ionic

or hydrogen bonds. The relative lengths and strengths of these three

types of noncovalent bonds are compared to the length and strength of

covalent bonds in Table 2–1.

The fourth effect that often brings molecules together is not, strictly speaking,

a bond at all. In an aqueous environment, a hydrophobic force is

generated by a pushing of nonpolar surfaces out of the hydrogen-bonded

water network, where they would otherwise physically interfere with the

highly favorable interactions between water molecules. Hydrophobic

forces play an important part in promoting molecular interactions—in

particular, in building cell membranes, which are constructed largely

from lipid molecules with long hydrocarbon tails. In these molecules, the

H atoms are covalently linked to C atoms by nonpolar bonds (see Panel

2–1, pp. 66–67). Because the H atoms have almost no net positive charge,

they cannot form effective hydrogen bonds to other molecules, including

water. As a result, lipids can form the thin membrane barriers that keep

the aqueous interior of the cell separate from the surrounding aqueous


All four types of weak chemical interactions important in biology are

reviewed in Panel 2−3 (pp. 70–71).


Bond Type Length* (nm) Strength (kJ/mole)

In Vacuum

In Water

Covalent 0.10 377 [90]** 377 [90]

Noncovalent: ionic bond 0.25 335 [80] 12.6 [3]

Noncovalent: hydrogen bond 0.17 16.7 [4] 4.2 [1]

Noncovalent: van der Waals

attraction (per atom)

0.35 0.4 [0.1] 0.4 [0.1]

*The bond lengths and strengths listed are approximate, because the exact

values will depend on the atoms involved.

**Values in brackets are kcal/mole. 1 kJ = 0.239 kcal and 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ.

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