Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Answers A:47

ANSWER 18–3 For multicellular organisms, the control of

cell division is extremely important. Individual cells must not

proliferate unless it is to the benefit of the whole organism.

The G 0 state offers protection from aberrant activation of

cell division because the cell-cycle control system is largely

dismantled. If, on the other hand, a cell just paused in G 1 ,

it would still contain all of the cell-cycle control system and

could readily be induced to divide. The cell would also have

to remake the “decision” not to divide almost continuously.

To re-enter the cell cycle from G 0 , a cell has to resynthesize

all of the components that have disappeared.

ANSWER 18–4 The cell would replicate its damaged

DNA and therefore would introduce mutations to the two

daughter cells when the cell divides. Such mutations could

increase the chances that the progeny of the affected

daughter cells would eventually become cancer cells.

ANSWER 18–5 Before injection, the frog oocytes must

contain inactive M-Cdk. Upon injection of the M-phase

cytoplasm, the small amount of the active M-Cdk in

the injected cytoplasm activates the inactive M-Cdk by

switching on the activating phosphatase (Cdc25), which

removes the inhibitory phosphate groups from the inactive

M-Cdk (see Figure 18−17). An extract of the second oocyte,

now in M phase itself, will therefore contain as much active

M-Cdk as the original cytoplasmic extract, and so on.

ANSWER 18–6 The experiment shows that kinetochores

are not preassigned to one or other spindle pole;

microtubules attach to the kinetochores that they are able

to reach. For the chromosome to remain attached to a

microtubule, however, tension has to be exerted. Tension

is normally achieved by the opposing pulling forces from

opposite spindle poles. The requirement for such tension

ensures that if two sister kinetochores ever become

attached to the same spindle pole, so that tension is not

generated, one or both of the connections would be lost,

and microtubules from the opposing spindle pole would

have another chance to attach properly.

ANSWER 18–7 Recall from Figure 18−30 that the new

nuclear envelope reassembles on the surface of the

chromosomes. The close apposition of the envelope to

the chromosomes prevents cytosolic proteins from being

trapped between the chromosomes and the envelope.

Nuclear proteins are then selectively imported through

the nuclear pores, causing the nucleus to expand while

maintaining its characteristic protein composition.

ANSWER 18–8 The membranes of the Golgi vesicles fuse

to form part of the plasma membranes of the two daughter

cells. The interiors of the vesicles, which are filled with cell

wall material, become the new cell wall matrix separating

the two daughter cells. Proteins in the membranes of the

Golgi vesicles thus become plasma membrane proteins.

Those parts of the proteins that were exposed to the lumen

of the Golgi vesicle will end up exposed to the new cell wall

(Figure A18–8).

ANSWER 18–9 In a eukaryotic organism, the genetic

information that the organism needs to survive and

reproduce is distributed between multiple chromosomes. It

is therefore crucial that each daughter cell receives a copy

of each chromosome when a cell divides; if a daughter cell

receives too few or too many chromosomes, the effects

are usually deleterious or even lethal. Only two copies of

each chromosome are produced by chromosome replication

in mitosis. If the cell were to randomly distribute the

chromosomes when it divided, it would be very unlikely

that each daughter cell would receive precisely one copy

of each chromosome. In contrast, the Golgi apparatus

fragments into tiny vesicles that are all alike, and by random

distribution it is very likely that each daughter cell will

receive an approximately equal number of them.

ANSWER 18–10 As apoptosis occurs on a large scale in

both developing and adult tissues, it must not trigger

alarm reactions that are normally associated with cell injury.

Tissue injury, for example, leads to the release of signal

molecules that stimulate the proliferation of surrounding

cells so that the wound heals. It also causes the release of

signals that can cause a destructive inflammatory reaction.

Moreover, the release of intracellular contents could elicit an

immune response against molecules that are normally not

encountered by the immune system. Such reactions would

be self-defeating if they occurred in response to the massive

cell death that occurs in normal development.

ANSWER 18–11 Because the cell population is increasing

exponentially, doubling its weight at every cell division, the

weight of the cell cluster after N cell divisions is

2 N × 10 –9 g. Therefore, 70 kg (70 × 10 3 g) = 2 N × 10 –9 g,

or 2 N = 7 × 10 13 . Taking the logarithm of both sides

allows you to solve the equation for N. Therefore,

N = ln (7 × 10 13 ) / ln 2 = 46; that is it would take only

46 days if cells proliferated exponentially. Cell division in

animals is tightly controlled, however, and most cells in

the human body stop dividing when they become highly

specialized. The example demonstrates that exponential cell

proliferation occurs only for very brief periods, even during

embryonic development.

ANSWER 18–12 The egg cells of many animals are big

and contain stores of enough cell components to last for

many cell divisions. The daughter cells that form during

the first cell divisions after fertilization are progressively

smaller in size and thus can be formed without a need for

new protein or RNA synthesis. Whereas normally dividing

cells would grow continuously in G 1 , G 2 , and S phases, until

their size doubled, there is no cell growth in these early

cleavage divisions, and both G 1 and G 2 are virtually absent.

As G 1 is usually longer than G 2 and S phase, G 1 is the most

drastically reduced phase in these divisions.

plasma membrane

cell wall





membrane fusion

Figure A18–8

daughter cell 1

daughter cell 2

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