Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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A:34 Answers

where most of the energy is captured. In contrast, all carbon

atoms of a fatty acid are converted into acetyl CoA (see

Figure 13−11).


A. False. If this were the case, the reaction would be

useless for the cell. No chemical energy would be

harvested in a useful form (e.g., ATP) to be used for

metabolic processes. (The cells would certainly be warm,


B. False. No energy-conversion process can be 100%

efficient. Recall that entropy in the universe always

has to increase, and for most reactions this occurs by

releasing heat.

C. True. The carbon atoms in glucose are in a reduced state

compared with those in CO 2 , in which they are fully


D. False. The final steps of oxidative phosphorylation do

indeed produce some water (see Figure 13−3). But

water is so abundant in the biosphere that this is no

more than “a drop in the ocean.”

E. True. If it had occurred in only one step, then all the

energy would be released at once and it would be

impossible to harness it efficiently to drive other

reactions, such as the synthesis of ATP.

F. False. Molecular oxygen (O 2 ) is used only in the very last

step of the reaction (see Figure 13−3).

G. True. Plants convert CO 2 into sugars by harvesting the

energy of light in photosynthesis. O 2 is produced in the

process and released into the atmosphere by plant cells.

H. True. Anaerobically growing cells use glycolysis to

oxidize sugars to pyruvate: animal cells convert the

pyruvate into lactate, and no CO 2 is produced; yeast

cells, however, convert the pyruvate into ethanol and

CO 2 . It is this CO 2 gas released from yeast cells during

fermentation that makes bread dough rise and that

carbonates beer and champagne.

ANSWER 13–9 Darwin exhaled the carbon atom, which

therefore must be the carbon atom of a CO 2 molecule.

After spending some time in the atmosphere, the CO 2

molecule must have entered a plant cell, where it became

“fixed” by photosynthesis and converted into part of a

sugar molecule. While it is certain that these early steps

must have happened this way, there are many different

paths from there that the carbon atom could have taken.

The sugar could have been broken down by the plant cell

into pyruvate or acetyl CoA, for example, which then could

have entered biosynthetic reactions to build an amino acid.

The amino acid might have been incorporated into a plant

protein. You might have eaten the delicious leaves of the

plant in your salad, and digested the protein in your gut

to produce amino acids again. After circulating in your

bloodstream, the amino acid might have been taken up by

a developing red blood cell to make its own protein, such

as the hemoglobin in question. If we wish, of course, we can

make our food-chain scenario more complicated. The plant,

for example, might have been eaten by an animal that in

turn was consumed by you during a lunch break. Moreover,

because Darwin died more than 100 years ago, the carbon

atom could have traveled such a route many times. In

each round, however, it would have started again as fully

oxidized CO 2 gas and entered the living world through

photosynthesis in a plant.

ANSWER 13–10 Yeast cells proliferate much better

aerobically. Under anaerobic conditions they cannot perform

oxidative phosphorylation and therefore have to produce all

their ATP by glycolysis, which is less efficient. Whereas one

glucose molecule yields a net gain of two ATP molecules

by glycolysis, the additional use of the citric acid cycle and

oxidative phosphorylation boosts the energy yield up to

about 30 ATP molecules. The citric acid cycle depends on

O 2 because it needs NAD + to continue running.

ANSWER 13–11 The amount of free energy stored in

the phosphate bond in creatine phosphate is larger than

that of the anhydride bonds in ATP. Hydrolysis of creatine

phosphate can therefore be directly coupled to the

production of ATP.

creatine phosphate + ADP → creatine + ATP

The ΔGº for this reaction is –12.6 kJ/mole, indicating that it

proceeds rapidly to the right, as written.

ANSWER 13–12 The extreme conservation of glycolysis

is some of the evidence that all present-day cells are

derived from a single founder cell, as discussed in Chapter

1. The elegant reactions of glycolysis would therefore

have evolved only once, and then they would have been

inherited as organisms evolved. The later invention of

oxidative phosphorylation allowed organisms to capture

15 times more energy from fuel molecules than is possible

by glycolysis alone. This remarkable efficiency is close

to the theoretical limit and hence virtually eliminates the

opportunity for further improvements. Thus, the generation

of alternative pathways would result in no obvious

reproductive advantage that would have been selected in


ANSWER 13–13 If one glucose molecule produces 30 ATPs,

then to generate 10 9 ATP molecules will require 1 × 10 9 /30 =

3.3 × 10 7 glucose molecules and 6 × 3.3 × 10 7 = 2 × 10 8

molecules of oxygen. Thus, in one minute, the cell will

consume 2 × 10 8 /(6 × 10 23 ) or 3.3 × 10 –16 moles of oxygen,

which would occupy 3.3 × 10 –16 × 22.4 = 7.4 × 10 –15 liters in

gaseous form. The volume of the cell is 10 –15 cubic meters

[= (10 –5 ) 3 ], which is 10 –12 liter. The cell therefore consumes

an amount of O 2 gas equivalent to about 0.7% of the cell

volume every minute, or an amount of O 2 gas equivalent to

the cell volume in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

ANSWER 13–14 The reactions each have negative ΔG

values and are therefore energetically favorable (see

Figure A13–14 for energy diagrams).

ANSWER 13–15

A. Pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA, and the labeled 14 C

atom is released as 14 CO 2 gas (see Figure 13–10).

B. By following the 14 C-labeled atom through every

reaction in the citric acid cycle, shown in Panel 13–2 (pp.

442–443), you find that the added 14 C label would be

quantitatively recovered in oxaloacetate. The analysis

also reveals, however, that it is no longer in the keto

group but in the methylene group of oxaloacetate

(Figure A13–15).

ANSWER 13–16 In the presence of molecular oxygen,

oxidative phosphorylation converts most of the cellular

NADH to NAD + (see Figure 13−19). Since fermentation

requires NADH (see Figure 13−6), it is severely inhibited by

the availability of oxygen gas.

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