Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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5′ 3′


Answers A:23

proliferated uncontrollably, it is unlikely that a viable host

organism could be maintained. For this reason, most

transposons move only rarely. Many transposons, for

example, synthesize only infrequent bursts of very small

amounts of the transposase that is required for their


ANSWER 9–5 Viruses cannot exist as free-living

organisms: they have no internal metabolism, and cannot

reproduce themselves. They thus have none of the

attributes that one normally associates with life. Indeed,

they can even be crystallized. Only inside cells can they

redirect normal cellular biosynthetic activities to the task of

making more copies of themselves. Thus, the only aspect of

“living” that viruses display is their capacity to direct their

own reproduction once inside a cell.

ANSWER 9–6 Although they can harm individuals,

mobile genetic elements do provide opportunities for

homologous recombination events, thereby causing

genomic rearrangements. They could insert into genes,

possibly obliterating splicing signals and thereby changing

the protein produced by the gene. They could also insert

into the regulatory DNA sequences of a gene, where

insertion between an enhancer and a transcription start

site could block the function of the enhancer and therefore

reduce the level of expression of a gene. In addition, the

mobile genetic element could itself contain an enhancer and

thereby change the time and place in the organism where

the gene is expressed.

ANSWER 9–7 With their ability to facilitate genetic

recombination, mobile genetic elements have almost

certainly played an important part in the evolution of

modern-day organisms. They can facilitate gene duplication

and the creation of new genes via exon shuffling, and they

can change the way in which existing genes are expressed.

Although the transposition of a mobile genetic element

can be harmful for an individual organism—if, for example,

it disrupts the activity of a critical gene—these agents of

genetic change may well be beneficial to the species as a


ANSWER 9–8 About 7.6% of each gene is converted

to mRNA [(5.4 exons/gene × 266 nucleotide pairs/exon)/

(19,000 nucleotide pairs/gene) = 7.6%]. Protein-coding

genes occupy about 28% of Chromosome 22 [(700 genes ×

19,000 nucleotide pairs/gene)/(48 × 10 6 nucleotide pairs) =

27.7%]. However, over 90% of this DNA is made of introns.

ANSWER 9–9 This statement is probably true. For

example, nearly half our DNA is composed of defunct

mobile genetic elements. And only about 10% of the human

genome appears to be under positive selection. However,

it is possible that future research will uncover functions for

some portion of our DNA that now seems unimportant.

ANSWER 9–10 The HoxD cluster is packed with complex

and extensive regulatory DNA sequences that direct each

of its genes to be expressed at the correct time and place

during development. Insertions of mobile genetic elements

into the HoxD cluster were probably selected against

because they would disrupt proper regulation of these



A. The exons in the human β-globin gene correspond to

the positions of sequence similarity (in this case identity)

with the cDNA, which is a direct copy of the mRNA and

thus contains no introns. The introns correspond to the

regions between the exons. The positions of the introns

and exons in the human β-globin gene are indicated

in Figure A9–11A. Also shown (in open bars) are

sequences present in the mature β-globin mRNA (and in

the gene) that are not translated into protein.

B. From the positions of the exons, as defined in Figure

A9–11A, it is clear that the first two exons of the

human β-globin gene have counterparts, with similar

sequence, in the mouse β-globin gene (Figure A9–11B).

However, only the first half of the third exon of the

human β-globin gene is similar to the mouse β-globin

gene. The similar portion of the third exon contains

sequences that encode protein, whereas the portion that

is different represents the 3′ untranslated region of the

gene. Because this portion of the gene does not encode

protein (nor does it contain extensive regulatory DNA

sequences), its sequence is probably not constrained

and the mouse and human sequences have drifted apart.

C. The human and mouse β-globin genes are also similar at

their 5′ ends, as indicated by the cluster of points along

the same diagonal as the first exon (Figure A9–11B).

These sequences correspond to the regulatory DNA

sequences upstream of the start sites for transcription.

Functional sequences, which are under selective

pressure, diverge much more slowly than sequences

without function.

D. The diagon plot shows that the first intron, although it is

not conserved in sequence, it is nearly the same length

in the human and mouse genes; however, the length of




human β-globin cDNA

5′ mouse β-globin gene

Figure A9–11

5′ human β-globin gene



human β-globin gene 3′

ECB5 eA9.11-A9.11

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