Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


A:20 Answerscells, and reactions that produce and further hydrolyze PP iare therefore virtually irreversible (see Figure 3−41).ANSWER 7–16A. A titin molecule is made of 25,000 (3,000,000/120) aminoacids. It therefore takes about 3.5 hours[(25,000/2 ) × (1/60) × (1/60)] to synthesize a singlemolecule of titin in muscle cells.B. Because of its large size, the probability of making a titinmolecule without any mistakes is only 0.08[= (1 – 10 –4 ) 25,000 ]; that is, only 8 in 100 titin moleculessynthesized are free of mistakes. In contrast, over 97%of newly synthesized proteins of average size are madecorrectly.C. The error rate limits the sizes of proteins that can besynthesized accurately. If a eukaryotic ribosomal proteinwere synthesized as a single molecule, a large portion(87%) of this hypothetical giant ribosomal proteinwould be expected to contain at least one mistake.It is therefore more advantageous to make ribosomalproteins individually, because in this way only a smallproportion of each type of protein will be defective, andthese few bad molecules can be individually eliminatedby proteolysis to ensure that there are no defects in theribosome as a whole.D. To calculate the time it takes to transcribe a titin mRNA,you would need to know the size of its gene, which islikely to contain many introns. Transcription of the exonsalone (25,000 × 3 = 75,000 nucleotides) requires about42 minutes [(75,000/30) × (1/60)]. Because introns canbe quite large, the time required to transcribe the entiregene is likely to be considerably longer.ANSWER 7–17 Mutations of the type described in (B) and(D) are often the most harmful. In both cases, the readingframe would be changed, and because this frameshiftoccurs near the beginning or in the middle of the codingsequence, much of the protein will contain a nonsensicaland/or truncated sequence of amino acids. In contrast,a reading-frame shift that occurs toward the end of thecoding sequence, as described in (A), will result in a largelycorrect protein that may be functional. Deletion of threeconsecutive nucleotides, as described in (C), leads to thedeletion of an amino acid but does not alter the readingframe. The deleted amino acid may or may not be importantfor the folding or activity of the protein; in many cases,such mutations are silent—that is, they have no or onlyminor consequences for the organism. Substitution ofone nucleotide for another, as in (E), is often completelyharmless. In some cases, it will not change the amino acidsequence of the protein; in other cases, it will change asingle amino acid; at worst, it may create a new stop codon,giving rise to a truncated protein.ANSWER 7–18 The RNA transcripts that are growing fromthe DNA template like bristles on a bottlebrush tend to beshorter at the left-hand side of each gene and longer onthe right-hand side. Because RNA polymerase synthesizesin the 5ʹ-to-3′ direction it must move along the DNAtemplate strand in the 3ʹ-to-5ʹ direction (see Figure 7−7).The longest RNAs, therefore, should appear at the 5ʹ end ofthe template strand—when transcription is nearly complete.Hence the 3′ end of the template strand is toward the left ofthe image (Figure A7−18). The RNA transcripts, meanwhile,are synthesized in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction. Thus, the 5ʹ end ofeach transcript can be found at the end of each bristle (seeFigure A7−18); the 3ʹ end of each transcript can be foundwithin the RNA polymerase molecules that dot the spine ofthe DNA template molecule.Chapter 8ANSWER 8–1A. Transcription of the tryptophan operon would no longerbe regulated by the absence or presence of tryptophan;the enzymes would be permanently turned on inscenarios (1) and (2) and permanently shut off in scenario(3).B. In scenarios (1) and (2), the normal tryptophanrepressor molecules would restore the regulation ofthe tryptophan biosynthesis enzymes. In contrast,expression of the normal protein would have no effectin scenario (3), because the tryptophan operator wouldremain occupied by the mutant protein, even in thepresence of tryptophan.ANSWER 8–2 Contacts can form between the proteinand the edges of the base pairs that are exposed in themajor groove of the DNA (Figure A8–2). These sequencespecificcontacts can include hydrogen bonds with thehighlighted oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms, aswell as hydrophobic interactions with the methyl group onthymine (yellow). Note that the arrangement of hydrogenbonddonors (blue) and hydrogen-bond acceptors (red) ofa T-A pair is different from that of a C-G pair. Similarly, thearrangements of hydrogen-bond donors and hydrogenbondacceptors of A-T and G-C pairs are different from oneanother and from the two pairs shown in the figure. Thesedifferences allow recognition of specific DNA sequencesvia the major groove. In addition to the contacts shown inthe figure, electrostatic attractions between the positivelycharged amino acid side chains of the protein and thenegatively charged phosphate groups in the DNA backboneusually stabilize DNA–protein interactions. Finally, someDNA-binding proteins also contact bases from the minor3′ end of template DNA strand 5′ ends of RNA transcripts 5′ end of template DNA strandFigure A7−181 μm

Answers A:21Figure A8–2minor grooveminor grooveNthymineOHNadeninecytosineHOHNNNguanineHNHNNHNHNNHNHgroove (see Figure 8–4). The minor groove, however,contains fewer features that distinguish one base fromanother than does the major groove.ANSWER 8–3 Bending proteins can help to bring distantECB5 EA8.02/A8.02DNA regions together that normally would contact eachother only inefficiently (Figure A8–3). Such proteins arefound in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and are involvedin many examples of transcriptional regulation.NHOCH 3HHNHNHOhydrophobicgroupH-bondacceptorH-bonddonorH-bondacceptorH-bonddonorH-bondacceptorH-bondacceptorANSWER 8–4A. UV light throws the switch from the prophage to thelytic state: when cI protein is destroyed, Cro is made andturns off the further production of cI. The virus producescoat proteins, and new virus particles are made.B. When the UV light is switched off, the virus remainsin the lytic state. Thus, cI and Cro form a transcriptionswitch that “memorizes” its previous setting.C. This switch makes sense in the viral life cycle: UV lighttends to damage the bacterial DNA (see Figure 6−25),thereby rendering the bacterium an unreliable host forthe virus. A prophage will therefore switch to the lyticstate and leave the “sinking ship” in search of new hostcells to infect.ANSWER 8–5A. True. Prokaryotic mRNAs are often transcripts of entireoperons. Ribosomes can initiate translation at theinternal AUG start sites of these “polycistronic” mRNAs(see Figures 7−40 and 8–6).B. True. The major groove of double-stranded DNA issufficiently wide to allow a protein surface, such asone face of an α helix, access to the base pairs. Thesequence of H-bond donors and acceptors in the majorgroove can then be “read” by the protein to determinethe sequence of the DNA (see Figure A8–2).C. True. It is advantageous to exert control at the earliestpossible point in a pathway. This conserves metabolicenergy because unnecessary products are not made.ANSWER 8–6 From our knowledge of enhancers, onewould expect their function to be relatively independent oftheir distance from the promoter—possibly weakening asthis distance increases. The surprising feature of the data(which have been adapted from an actual experiment) isthe periodicity: the enhancer is maximally active at certaindistances from the promoter (50, 60, or 70 nucleotides),but almost inactive at intermediate distances (55 or 65nucleotides). The periodicity of 10 suggests that the mysterycan be explained by considering the structure of doublehelicalDNA, which has 10 base pairs per turn. Thus, placingan enhancer on the side of the DNA opposite to that of thepromoter (Figure A8–6) would make it more difficult for theactivator that binds to it to interact with the proteins boundat the promoter. At longer distances, there is more DNA toabsorb the twist, and the effect is diminished.enhancer with boundtranscription regulator50 bpRNA polymeraseenhancer with boundtranscription regulatorRNA polymerase55 bpFigure A8–3 bending proteinFigure A8–660 bp

A:20 Answers

cells, and reactions that produce and further hydrolyze PP i

are therefore virtually irreversible (see Figure 3−41).


A. A titin molecule is made of 25,000 (3,000,000/120) amino

acids. It therefore takes about 3.5 hours

[(25,000/2 ) × (1/60) × (1/60)] to synthesize a single

molecule of titin in muscle cells.

B. Because of its large size, the probability of making a titin

molecule without any mistakes is only 0.08

[= (1 – 10 –4 ) 25,000 ]; that is, only 8 in 100 titin molecules

synthesized are free of mistakes. In contrast, over 97%

of newly synthesized proteins of average size are made


C. The error rate limits the sizes of proteins that can be

synthesized accurately. If a eukaryotic ribosomal protein

were synthesized as a single molecule, a large portion

(87%) of this hypothetical giant ribosomal protein

would be expected to contain at least one mistake.

It is therefore more advantageous to make ribosomal

proteins individually, because in this way only a small

proportion of each type of protein will be defective, and

these few bad molecules can be individually eliminated

by proteolysis to ensure that there are no defects in the

ribosome as a whole.

D. To calculate the time it takes to transcribe a titin mRNA,

you would need to know the size of its gene, which is

likely to contain many introns. Transcription of the exons

alone (25,000 × 3 = 75,000 nucleotides) requires about

42 minutes [(75,000/30) × (1/60)]. Because introns can

be quite large, the time required to transcribe the entire

gene is likely to be considerably longer.

ANSWER 7–17 Mutations of the type described in (B) and

(D) are often the most harmful. In both cases, the reading

frame would be changed, and because this frameshift

occurs near the beginning or in the middle of the coding

sequence, much of the protein will contain a nonsensical

and/or truncated sequence of amino acids. In contrast,

a reading-frame shift that occurs toward the end of the

coding sequence, as described in (A), will result in a largely

correct protein that may be functional. Deletion of three

consecutive nucleotides, as described in (C), leads to the

deletion of an amino acid but does not alter the reading

frame. The deleted amino acid may or may not be important

for the folding or activity of the protein; in many cases,

such mutations are silent—that is, they have no or only

minor consequences for the organism. Substitution of

one nucleotide for another, as in (E), is often completely

harmless. In some cases, it will not change the amino acid

sequence of the protein; in other cases, it will change a

single amino acid; at worst, it may create a new stop codon,

giving rise to a truncated protein.

ANSWER 7–18 The RNA transcripts that are growing from

the DNA template like bristles on a bottlebrush tend to be

shorter at the left-hand side of each gene and longer on

the right-hand side. Because RNA polymerase synthesizes

in the 5ʹ-to-3′ direction it must move along the DNA

template strand in the 3ʹ-to-5ʹ direction (see Figure 7−7).

The longest RNAs, therefore, should appear at the 5ʹ end of

the template strand—when transcription is nearly complete.

Hence the 3′ end of the template strand is toward the left of

the image (Figure A7−18). The RNA transcripts, meanwhile,

are synthesized in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction. Thus, the 5ʹ end of

each transcript can be found at the end of each bristle (see

Figure A7−18); the 3ʹ end of each transcript can be found

within the RNA polymerase molecules that dot the spine of

the DNA template molecule.

Chapter 8


A. Transcription of the tryptophan operon would no longer

be regulated by the absence or presence of tryptophan;

the enzymes would be permanently turned on in

scenarios (1) and (2) and permanently shut off in scenario


B. In scenarios (1) and (2), the normal tryptophan

repressor molecules would restore the regulation of

the tryptophan biosynthesis enzymes. In contrast,

expression of the normal protein would have no effect

in scenario (3), because the tryptophan operator would

remain occupied by the mutant protein, even in the

presence of tryptophan.

ANSWER 8–2 Contacts can form between the protein

and the edges of the base pairs that are exposed in the

major groove of the DNA (Figure A8–2). These sequencespecific

contacts can include hydrogen bonds with the

highlighted oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms, as

well as hydrophobic interactions with the methyl group on

thymine (yellow). Note that the arrangement of hydrogenbond

donors (blue) and hydrogen-bond acceptors (red) of

a T-A pair is different from that of a C-G pair. Similarly, the

arrangements of hydrogen-bond donors and hydrogenbond

acceptors of A-T and G-C pairs are different from one

another and from the two pairs shown in the figure. These

differences allow recognition of specific DNA sequences

via the major groove. In addition to the contacts shown in

the figure, electrostatic attractions between the positively

charged amino acid side chains of the protein and the

negatively charged phosphate groups in the DNA backbone

usually stabilize DNA–protein interactions. Finally, some

DNA-binding proteins also contact bases from the minor

3′ end of template DNA strand 5′ ends of RNA transcripts 5′ end of template DNA strand

Figure A7−18

1 μm

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