Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


A:16 AnswersC. True. With proofreading, DNA polymerase has an errorrate of one mistake in 10 7 nucleotides polymerized;99% of its errors are corrected by DNA mismatch repairenzymes, bringing the final error rate to one in 10 9 .D. True. Mutations would accumulate rapidly, inactivatingmany genes.E. True. If a damaged nucleotide also occurred naturallyin DNA, the repair enzyme would have no way ofidentifying the damage. It would therefore have only a50% chance of fixing the right strand.F. True. Usually, multiple mutations of specific types needto accumulate in a somatic cell lineage to produce acancer. A mutation in a gene that codes for a DNA repairenzyme can make a cell more liable to accumulate thesemutations, thereby accelerating the onset of cancer.ANSWER 6–8 With a single origin of replication, whichlaunches two DNA polymerases in opposite directions onthe DNA, each moving at 100 nucleotides per second, thenumber of nucleotides replicated in 24 hours will be1.73 × 10 7 (= 2 × 100 × 24 × 60 × 60). To replicate all the6 × 10 9 nucleotides of DNA in the cell in this time,therefore, will require at least 348 (= 6 × 10 9 /1.73 × 10 7 )origins of replication. The estimated 10,000 origins ofreplication in the human genome are therefore more thansufficient to satisfy this minimum requirement.ANSWER 6–9A. Dideoxycytidine triphosphate (ddCTP) is identical todCTP, except it lacks the 3ʹ-hydroxyl group on thesugar ring. ddCTP is recognized by DNA polymeraseas dCTP and becomes incorporated into DNA; becauseit lacks the crucial 3ʹ-hydroxyl group, however, itsaddition to a growing DNA strand creates a dead endto which no further nucleotides can be added. Thus,if ddCTP is added in large excess, new DNA strandswill be synthesized until the first G (the nucleotidecomplementary to C) is encountered on the templatestrand. ddCTP will then be incorporated instead ofC, and no further extension of this strand will occur.This strategy is exploited by a drug, 3ʹ-azido-3ʹdeoxythymidine(AZT), that is now commonly used inHIV-infected patients to treat AIDS. AZT is convertedin cells to the triphosphate form and is incorporatedinto the growing viral DNA. Because the drug lacks a3ʹ-hydroxyl group, it blocks further DNA synthesis andreplication of the virus. AZT inhibits viral replicationpreferentially because reverse transcriptase has a higheraffinity for the drug than for thymidine triphosphate;human cellular DNA polymerases do not show thispreference and therefore still function in the presence ofthe drug.B. If ddCTP is added at about 10% of the concentrationof the available dCTP, there is a 1 in 10 chance of itsbeing incorporated whenever a G is encounteredon the template strand. Thus a population of DNAfragments will be synthesized, and from their lengthsone can deduce where the G nucleotides are locatedon the template strand. This strategy forms the basis ofmethods used to determine the sequence of nucleotidesin a stretch of DNA (discussed in Chapter 10).C. Dideoxycytidine monophosphate (ddCMP) lacks the5ʹ-triphosphate group as well as the 3ʹ-hydroxyl groupof the sugar ring. It therefore cannot provide the energythat drives the polymerization reaction of nucleotidesinto DNA and therefore will not be incorporated into thereplicating DNA. Addition of this compound should thusnot affect DNA replication.ANSWER 6–101. beginning ofsynthesis ofOkazaki fragmentSee Figure A6−10.2. midpoint of synthesis of Okazaki fragmentFigure A6−10ANSWER 6–11 The two strands of the bacterialchromosome contain 6 × 10 6 nucleotides in total. During thepolymerization of nucleoside triphosphates into DNA,two phosphoanhydride bonds are broken for eachnucleotide added: the nucleoside triphosphate is hydrolyzedto produce the nucleoside monophosphate added to thegrowing DNA strand, and the released pyrophosphate isECB5 EA6.10/A6.10hydrolyzed to phosphate. Therefore, 1.2 × 10 7 high-energybonds are hydrolyzed during each round of bacterial DNAreplication. This requires 4 × 10 5 (= 1.2 × 10 7 /30) glucosemolecules, which weigh 1.2 × 10 –16 g [= (4 × 10 5 molecules)× (180 g/mole)/(6 × 10 23 molecules/mole)], which is 0.01%of the total weight of the cell.ANSWER 6–12 The statement is correct. If the DNAin somatic cells is not sufficiently stable (that is, if itaccumulates mutations too rapidly), the organism dies (ofcancer, for example), and because this may often happenbefore the organism can reproduce, the species will die out.If the DNA in reproductive cells is not sufficiently stable,many mutations will accumulate and be passed on to futuregenerations, so that the species will not be maintained.ANSWER 6–13 As shown in Figure A6−13, thymineand uracil lack amino groups and therefore cannot bedeaminated. Deamination of adenine and guanine producespurine rings that are not found in conventional nucleicacids. In contrast, deamination of cytosine produces uracil.Therefore, if uracil were a naturally occurring base in DNA

Answers A:17HNNadenineNNHNH 2NH 2NOcircular DNAlinear DNAHNhypoxanthineNNHHO5′ 3′REMOVAL OF RNAPRIMERtemplate strandnew strandRNA primerOH 3′5′OOHH 2 NNNguanineNNHHNOxanthineNHNNH5′HO3′DNA SYNTHESIS5′OH 3′HHcytosineNNOHHuracilONNHO(A)Figure A6−14(B)5′LOSTNUCLEOTIDESOH 3′H 3 CHthymineHHuracilFigure A6−13ONONNNHOHONO CHANGENO CHANGE(as it is in RNA), repair enzymes could not distinguishwhether a uracil is the appropriate base or whether it arosethrough spontaneous deamination of cytosine. This dilemmais not encountered, however, because thymine, rather thanuracil, is used in DNA. Therefore, if a uracil base is found inECB5 EA6.13/A6.13DNA, it can be automatically recognized as a damaged baseand then excised and replaced by cytosine.ANSWER 6–14A. DNA polymerase requires a 3ʹ-OH to synthesize DNA;without telomeres and telomerase, the ends of linearchromosomes would shrink during each round of DNAreplication. For bacterial chromosomes, which have noends, the problem does not arise; there will always bea 3ʹ-OH group available to prime the DNA polymerasethat replaces the RNA primer with DNA (Figure A6−14).Telomeres and telomerase prevent the shrinking ofchromosomes because they extend the 3ʹ end of thetemplate DNA strand (see Figure 6−23). This extensionof the lagging-strand template provides the “space” tobegin the final Okazaki fragments.B. As shown in Figure A6−14A, telomeres and telomeraseare still needed even if the last fragment of the laggingstrand were initiated by primase at the very 3ʹ end ofchromosomal DNA, inasmuch as the RNA primer mustbe removed.ECB5 A6.14ANSWER 6–15A. If the single origin of replication were located exactly inthe center of the chromosome, it would take more than8 days to replicate the DNA[= 75 × 10 6 nucleotides/(100 nucleotides/sec)]. The rateof replication would therefore severely limit the rate ofcell division. If the origin were located at one end, thetime required to replicate the chromosome would beapproximately double this.B. A chromosome end that is not “capped” with a telomerewould lose nucleotides during each round of DNAreplication and would gradually shrink. Eventually,essential genes would be lost, and the chromosome’sends might be recognized by the DNA damage-responsemechanisms, which would stop cell division or induce celldeath.C. Without centromeres, which attach mitotic chromosomesto the mitotic spindle, the two new chromosomes thatresult from chromosome duplication would not bepartitioned accurately between the two daughter cells.Therefore, many daughter cells would die, because theywould not receive a full set of chromosomes.Chapter 7ANSWER 7–1 Perhaps the best answer was given byFrancis Crick himself, who coined the term in the mid-1950s:“I called this idea the central dogma for two reasons, Isuspect. I had already used the obvious word hypothesisin the sequence hypothesis, which proposes that geneticinformation is encoded in the sequence of the DNAbases, and in addition I wanted to suggest that this newassumption was more central and more powerful…. As itturned out, the use of the word dogma caused more troublethan it was worth. Many years later Jacques Monod pointedout to me that I did not appear to understand the correct

A:16 Answers

C. True. With proofreading, DNA polymerase has an error

rate of one mistake in 10 7 nucleotides polymerized;

99% of its errors are corrected by DNA mismatch repair

enzymes, bringing the final error rate to one in 10 9 .

D. True. Mutations would accumulate rapidly, inactivating

many genes.

E. True. If a damaged nucleotide also occurred naturally

in DNA, the repair enzyme would have no way of

identifying the damage. It would therefore have only a

50% chance of fixing the right strand.

F. True. Usually, multiple mutations of specific types need

to accumulate in a somatic cell lineage to produce a

cancer. A mutation in a gene that codes for a DNA repair

enzyme can make a cell more liable to accumulate these

mutations, thereby accelerating the onset of cancer.

ANSWER 6–8 With a single origin of replication, which

launches two DNA polymerases in opposite directions on

the DNA, each moving at 100 nucleotides per second, the

number of nucleotides replicated in 24 hours will be

1.73 × 10 7 (= 2 × 100 × 24 × 60 × 60). To replicate all the

6 × 10 9 nucleotides of DNA in the cell in this time,

therefore, will require at least 348 (= 6 × 10 9 /1.73 × 10 7 )

origins of replication. The estimated 10,000 origins of

replication in the human genome are therefore more than

sufficient to satisfy this minimum requirement.


A. Dideoxycytidine triphosphate (ddCTP) is identical to

dCTP, except it lacks the 3ʹ-hydroxyl group on the

sugar ring. ddCTP is recognized by DNA polymerase

as dCTP and becomes incorporated into DNA; because

it lacks the crucial 3ʹ-hydroxyl group, however, its

addition to a growing DNA strand creates a dead end

to which no further nucleotides can be added. Thus,

if ddCTP is added in large excess, new DNA strands

will be synthesized until the first G (the nucleotide

complementary to C) is encountered on the template

strand. ddCTP will then be incorporated instead of

C, and no further extension of this strand will occur.

This strategy is exploited by a drug, 3ʹ-azido-3ʹdeoxythymidine

(AZT), that is now commonly used in

HIV-infected patients to treat AIDS. AZT is converted

in cells to the triphosphate form and is incorporated

into the growing viral DNA. Because the drug lacks a

3ʹ-hydroxyl group, it blocks further DNA synthesis and

replication of the virus. AZT inhibits viral replication

preferentially because reverse transcriptase has a higher

affinity for the drug than for thymidine triphosphate;

human cellular DNA polymerases do not show this

preference and therefore still function in the presence of

the drug.

B. If ddCTP is added at about 10% of the concentration

of the available dCTP, there is a 1 in 10 chance of its

being incorporated whenever a G is encountered

on the template strand. Thus a population of DNA

fragments will be synthesized, and from their lengths

one can deduce where the G nucleotides are located

on the template strand. This strategy forms the basis of

methods used to determine the sequence of nucleotides

in a stretch of DNA (discussed in Chapter 10).

C. Dideoxycytidine monophosphate (ddCMP) lacks the

5ʹ-triphosphate group as well as the 3ʹ-hydroxyl group

of the sugar ring. It therefore cannot provide the energy

that drives the polymerization reaction of nucleotides

into DNA and therefore will not be incorporated into the

replicating DNA. Addition of this compound should thus

not affect DNA replication.


1. beginning of

synthesis of

Okazaki fragment

See Figure A6−10.

2. midpoint of synthesis of Okazaki fragment

Figure A6−10

ANSWER 6–11 The two strands of the bacterial

chromosome contain 6 × 10 6 nucleotides in total. During the

polymerization of nucleoside triphosphates into DNA,

two phosphoanhydride bonds are broken for each

nucleotide added: the nucleoside triphosphate is hydrolyzed

to produce the nucleoside monophosphate added to the

growing DNA strand, and the released pyrophosphate is

ECB5 EA6.10/A6.10

hydrolyzed to phosphate. Therefore, 1.2 × 10 7 high-energy

bonds are hydrolyzed during each round of bacterial DNA

replication. This requires 4 × 10 5 (= 1.2 × 10 7 /30) glucose

molecules, which weigh 1.2 × 10 –16 g [= (4 × 10 5 molecules)

× (180 g/mole)/(6 × 10 23 molecules/mole)], which is 0.01%

of the total weight of the cell.

ANSWER 6–12 The statement is correct. If the DNA

in somatic cells is not sufficiently stable (that is, if it

accumulates mutations too rapidly), the organism dies (of

cancer, for example), and because this may often happen

before the organism can reproduce, the species will die out.

If the DNA in reproductive cells is not sufficiently stable,

many mutations will accumulate and be passed on to future

generations, so that the species will not be maintained.

ANSWER 6–13 As shown in Figure A6−13, thymine

and uracil lack amino groups and therefore cannot be

deaminated. Deamination of adenine and guanine produces

purine rings that are not found in conventional nucleic

acids. In contrast, deamination of cytosine produces uracil.

Therefore, if uracil were a naturally occurring base in DNA

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