Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Answers A:15

transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin, whereas most

of the chromatin in (B) is decondensed and therefore

potentially transcriptionally active. The nucleus in (A) is

from a reticulocyte, a red blood cell precursor, which is

largely devoted to making a single protein, hemoglobin.

The nucleus in (B) is from a lymphocyte, which is active in

transcribing many different genes.

ANSWER 5–15 Helix (A) is right-handed. Helix (C) is

left-handed. Helix (B) has one right-handed strand and

one left-handed strand. There are several ways to tell the

handedness of a helix. For a vertically oriented helix, like

the ones in Figure Q5–15, if the strands in front point up

to the right, the helix is right-handed; if they point up to

the left, the helix is left-handed. Once you are comfortable

identifying the handedness of a helix, you will be amused

to note that nearly 50% of the “DNA” helices shown

in advertisements are left-handed, as are a surprisingly

high number of the ones shown in books. Amazingly,

a version of Helix (B) was used in advertisements for a

prominent international conference, celebrating the 30-year

anniversary of the discovery of the DNA helix.

ANSWER 5–16 The packing ratio within a nucleosome core

is 4.5 [(147 bp × 0.34 nm/bp)/(11 nm) = 4.5]. If there is an

additional 54 bp of linker DNA, then the packing ratio for

“beads-on-a-string” DNA is 2.3 [(201 bp × 0.34 nm/bp)/

(11 nm + {54 bp × 0.34 nm/bp}) = 2.3]. This first level of

packing represents only 0.023% (2.3/10,000) of the total

condensation that occurs at mitosis.

Chapter 6


A. The distance between replication forks 4 and 5 is about

280 nm, corresponding to 824 nucleotides (= 280/0.34).

These two replication forks would collide in about 8

seconds. Forks 7 and 8 move away from each other and

would therefore never collide.

B. The total length of DNA shown in the electron

micrograph is about 1.5 μm, corresponding to 4400

nucleotides. This is only about 0.002%

[= (4400/1.8 × 10 8 ) × 100%] of the total DNA in a fly cell.

ANSWER 6–2 Although the process may seem wasteful,

it is not possible to proofread during the initial stages of

primer synthesis. To start a new primer on a piece of singlestranded

DNA, one nucleotide needs to be put in place

and then linked to a second, and then to a third, and so on.

Even if these first nucleotides were perfectly matched to

the template strand, they would bind with very low affinity,

and it would consequently be difficult for a hypothetical

primase with proofreading activity to distinguish the correct

from incorrect bases; the enzyme would therefore stall.

The task of the primase is to “just polymerize nucleotides

that bind reasonably well to the template without worrying

too much about accuracy.” Later, these sequences are

removed and replaced by DNA polymerase, which uses

newly synthesized, adjacent DNA—which has already been

proofread—as its primer.


A. Without DNA polymerase, no replication can take place

at all. RNA primers will be laid down at the origin of


B. DNA ligase links the DNA fragments that are produced

on the lagging strand. In the absence of ligase, the

newly replicated DNA strands will remain as fragments,

but no nucleotides will be missing.

C. Without the sliding clamp, the DNA polymerase will

frequently fall off the DNA template. In principle, it can

rebind and continue, but the continual falling off and

rebinding will be so time-consuming that the cell will be

unable to divide.

D. In the absence of RNA-excision enzymes, the RNA

fragments will remain covalently attached to the newly

replicated DNA fragments. No ligation will take place,

because the DNA ligase will not link DNA to RNA.

The lagging strand will therefore consist of fragments

composed of both RNA and DNA.

E. Without DNA helicase, the DNA polymerase will

stall because it cannot separate the strands of the

template DNA ahead of it. Little or no new DNA will be


F. In the absence of primase, RNA primers cannot be

made on either the leading or the lagging strand. DNA

replication therefore cannot begin.

ANSWER 6–4 DNA damage by deamination and

depurination reactions occurs spontaneously. This type

of damage is not the result of replication errors and is

therefore equally likely to occur on either strand. If DNA

repair enzymes recognized such damage only on newly

synthesized DNA strands, half of the defects would go

uncorrected. The statement is therefore incorrect.

ANSWER 6–5 If the old strand were “repaired” using the

new strand that contains a replication error as the template,

then the error would become a permanent mutation in

the genome. The old information would be erased in the

process. Therefore, if repair enzymes did not distinguish

between the two strands, there would be only a 50% chance

that any given replication error would be corrected.

ANSWER 6–6 You cannot transform an individual from

one species into another species simply by introducing

random changes into the DNA. It is exceedingly unlikely

that the 5000 mutations that would accumulate every day in

the absence of the DNA repair enzyme would be in the very

positions where human and chimpanzee DNA sequences

are different. It is very likely that, at such a high mutation

frequency, many essential genes would be inactivated,

leading to cell death. Furthermore, your body is made up

of about 10 13 cells. For you to turn into an ape, not just

one but many of these cells would need to be changed.

And even then, many of these changes would have to occur

during development to effect changes in your body plan

(making your arms longer than your legs, for example).


A. False. Identical DNA polymerase molecules catalyze

DNA synthesis on the leading and lagging strands

of a bacterial replication fork. The replication fork

is asymmetrical because the lagging strand is made

in pieces while the leading strand is synthesized


B. False. Okazaki fragments initially contain both RNA

primers and DNA, but only the RNA primers are

removed by RNA nucleases.

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