Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Answers A:7





enzyme lowers the activation-energy barrier, so that more

CO 2 molecules have sufficient energy to undergo the

reaction. The area under the curve from point A to infinite

energy or from point B to infinite energy indicates the total

number of molecules that will react without or with the

enzyme, respectively. Although not drawn to scale, the ratio

of these two areas should be 10 7 .


Figure A3–4


∆G o X


∆G o X


∆G o Y

We do not know from the information given in Figure

ECB5 eA3.04/A3.04

3−12 how high the activation-energy barriers are; they are

therefore drawn to an arbitrary height (solid lines). The

activation energies would be lowered by enzymes that

catalyze these reactions, thereby speeding up the reaction

rates (dotted lines), but the enzymes would not change the

ΔG° values.

ANSWER 3–5 The reaction rates might be limited by:

(1) the concentration of the substrate—that is, how often a

molecule of CO 2 collides with the active site on the enzyme;

(2) how many of these collisions are energetic enough to

lead to a reaction; and (3) how fast the enzyme can release

the products of the reaction and therefore be free to bind

more CO 2 . The diagram in Figure A3–5 shows that the

number of molecules

Figure A3–5

activation energy

for enzyme reaction


energy per molecule




activation energy

for uncatalyzed reaction




ANSWER 3–6 All reactions are reversible. If the

compound AB can dissociate to produce A and B, then it

must also be possible for A and B to associate to form AB.

Which of the two reactions predominates depends on the

equilibrium constant of the reaction and the concentrations

of A, B, and AB (as discussed in Figure 3−19). Presumably,

when this enzyme was isolated, its activity was detected by

supplying A and B in relatively large amounts and measuring

the amount of AB generated. But suppose, however, that

in the cell there is a large concentration of AB, in which

case the enzyme would actually catalyze AB → A + B. (This

question is based on an actual example in which an enzyme

was isolated and named according to the reaction in one

direction, but was later shown to catalyze the reverse

reaction in living cells.)


A. The rocks in Figure 3−29B provide the energy to lift the

bucket of water. (i) In the reaction X + ATP →

Y + ADP + P i , ATP hydrolysis is driving the reaction;

thus ATP corresponds to the rocks on top of the cliff.

(ii) The broken debris in Figure 3−29B corresponds

to ADP and P i , the products of ATP hydrolysis.

(iii) and (iv) In the reaction, ATP hydrolysis is coupled

to the conversion of X to Y. X, therefore, is the starting

material, the bucket on the ground, which is converted

to Y, the bucket at its highest point.

B. (i) The rocks hitting the ground would be the futile

hydrolysis of ATP—for example, in the absence of

an enzyme that uses the energy released by the ATP

hydrolysis to drive an otherwise unfavorable reaction;

in this case, the energy stored in the phosphoanhydride

bond of ATP would be lost as heat. (ii) The energy

stored in Y could be used to drive another reaction. If

Y represented the activated form of amino acid X, for

example, it could undergo a condensation reaction to

form a peptide bond during protein synthesis.

ANSWER 3–8 The free energy ΔG derived from ATP

hydrolysis depends on both the ΔG° and the concentrations

of the substrate and products. For example, for a particular

set of concentrations, one might have

ΔG = –50 kJ/mole = –30.5 kJ/mole + 2.58 ln [ADP] × [P i ]


ΔG is smaller than ΔG°, largely because the ATP

concentration in cells is high (in the millimolar range) and

the ADP concentration is low (in the 10 μM range). The

concentration term of this equation is therefore smaller than

1 and its logarithm is a negative number.

ΔG° is a constant for the reaction and will not vary with

reaction conditions. ΔG, in contrast, depends on the

concentrations of ATP, ADP, and phosphate, which can be

somewhat different between cells.

ANSWER 3–9 Reactions B, D, and E all require coupling

to other, energetically favorable reactions. In each

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