Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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The search for genes that are critical for cancer sometimes

begins with a family that shows an inherited

predisposition to a particular form of the disease.

APC—a tumor suppressor gene that is frequently deleted

or inactivated in colorectal cancer—was tracked down

by searching for genetic defects in such families prone to

the disease. But identifying the gene is only half the battle.

The next step is determining what the normal gene

does in a normal cell—and why alterations in the gene

promote cancer.

Guilt by association

Determining what a gene—or its encoded product—

does inside a cell is not a simple task. Imagine isolating

an uncharacterized protein and being told that it acts

as a protein kinase. That information does not reveal

how the protein functions in the context of a living cell.

What proteins does the kinase phosphorylate? In which

tissues is it active? What role does it have in the growth,

development, or physiology of the organism? A great

deal of additional information is required to understand

the biological context in which the kinase acts.

Most proteins do not function in isolation: they interact

with other proteins in the cell. Thus one way to begin to

decipher a protein’s biological role is to identify its binding

partners. If an uncharacterized protein interacts with

a protein whose role in the cell is understood, the function

of the unknown protein is likely to be in some way

related. The simplest method for identifying proteins

that bind tightly to one another is co-immunoprecipitation

(see Panel 4−2, pp. 140–141). In this technique,

an antibody is used to capture and precipitate a specific

target protein from an extract prepared by breaking

open cells; if this target protein is associated tightly with

another protein, the partner protein will precipitate as

well. This is the approach that was taken to characterize

the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene product, APC.

Two groups of researchers used antibodies against APC

to isolate the protein from extracts prepared from cultured

human cells. The antibodies captured APC along

with a second protein. When the researchers examined

the amino acid sequence of this partner, they recognized

the protein as β-catenin.

The discovery that APC interacts with β-catenin initially

led to some wrong guesses about the role of APC in

colorectal cancer. In mammals, β-catenin was known

primarily for its role at adherens junctions, where it

serves as a linker to connect membrane-spanning

cadherin proteins to the intracellular actin cytoskeleton

(see, for example, Figure 20–23). Thus, for some

time, scientists thought that APC might be involved in

cell adhesion. But within a few years, it emerged that

β-catenin also has another, completely different function.

It is this unexpected function that turned out to be

the one that is relevant for understanding APC’s role in


Wingless flies

Not long before the discovery that APC binds to β-catenin,

developmental biologists working on the fruit fly

Drosophila had noticed that the human β-catenin protein

is very similar in amino acid sequence to a Drosophila

protein called Armadillo. Armadillo was known to be a

key protein in a signaling pathway that has important

roles in normal development in flies. The pathway is activated

by the Wnt family of extracellular signal proteins,

the founding member of which was called Wingless,

after its mutant phenotype in flies. Wnt proteins bind to

receptors on the surface of a cell, switching on an intracellular

signaling pathway that ultimately leads to the

activation of a set of genes that influence cell growth,

division, and differentiation. Mutations in any of the proteins

in this pathway lead to developmental errors that

disrupt the basic body plan of the fly. The least devastating

mutations cause flies to develop without wings; most

mutations, however, result in the death of the embryo. In

either case, the damage is done through effects on gene

expression. This strongly suggested that Armadillo, and

hence its vertebrate homolog β-catenin, were not just

involved in cell adhesion, but somehow mediated the

control of gene expression through the Wnt signaling


Although the Wnt signaling pathway was discovered

and studied intensively in fruit flies, it was later found

to control many aspects of development in vertebrates,

including mice and humans. Indeed, some of the proteins

in the Wnt pathway function almost interchangeably

in Drosophila and vertebrates. The direct link between

β-catenin and gene expression became clear from work

in mammalian cells. Just as APC could be used as “bait”

to catch its partner β-catenin by immunoprecipitation,

so β-catenin could be used as bait to catch the next protein

in the signaling pathway. This was found to be a

transcription regulator called LEF-1/TCF, or TCF for

short. It too was found to have a Drosophila counterpart

in the Wnt pathway, and a combination of Drosophila

genetics and mammalian cell biology revealed how the

gene control mechanism works.

Wnt transmits its signal by promoting the accumulation

of “free” β-catenin (or, in flies, Armadillo)—that is, of

β-catenin that is not locked up in cell junctions. This free

protein migrates from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.

There it binds to the TCF transcription regulator, creating

a complex that activates transcription of various

Wnt-responsive genes, including genes whose products

stimulate cell proliferation (Figure 20–54).

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