Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal


regulators, including Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4. This treatment is sufficient

to permanently convert fibroblasts into cells with practically all the

properties of ES cells, including the ability to proliferate indefinitely, differentiate

in diverse ways, and, in the case of mouse cells, contribute

to the formation of any tissue. These ES-like cells are called induced

pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). The drawbacks to this approach

include a low conversion rate—only a small proportion of the fibroblasts

make the switch to become iPS cells—and concerns over the safety

of implanting cells with such an abnormal developmental history into

humans. Much work remains to be done before this approach can be

used to treat human diseases effectively and ethically.

Better ways of producing human iPS cells are continually being developed.

In the meantime, human ES cells, and especially human iPS cells,

are proving to be valuable in other ways. They can be used to generate

large, homogeneous populations of differentiated human cells of specific

types in culture; these can be used to test for potential toxic or beneficial

effects of candidate drugs. Moreover, it is possible to generate iPS cells

from patients who suffer from a genetic disease and to use these iPS cells

to produce affected, differentiated cell types, which can then be studied

to learn more about the disease mechanism and to search for potential

treatments. An example is Timothy syndrome, a rare genetic disease

caused by mutations in a gene that encodes a specific type of Ca 2+ channel.

The altered channel fails to close properly after opening, leading to

multiple defects, including abnormal heart rhythm and, in some individuals,

autism. The iPS cells produced from such individuals have been

coaxed to differentiate in culture into neurons and heart muscle cells,

which are now being used to study the physiological consequences of

the Ca 2+ channel abnormality and to hunt for drugs that can correct the


In addition, experiments on pluripotent ES and iPS cells themselves are

providing insights into some of the many unsolved mysteries of developmental

and stem-cell biology, including the molecular mechanisms

that maintain pluripotency and those that restrict specific developmental


Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Can Form

Organoids in Culture

Remarkably, under appropriate conditions, mouse or human ES cells

and iPS cells can proliferate, differentiate, and self-assemble in culture

to form miniature, three-dimensional organs called organoids, which

closely resemble the normal organ in its organization. An early striking

example is shown in Figure 20–41, where a developing eye-like structure

Figure 20–41 Cultured ES cells can give

rise to a three-dimensional organoid.

(A) Schematic drawing shows how, under

appropriate conditions, mouse or human

pluripotent cells in culture can proliferate,

differentiate, and self-assemble to form a

three-dimensional, eye-like structure (an

optic cup), which includes a multilayered

retina similar in organization to the one

that forms during normal eye development

in vivo. (B) Fluorescence micrograph of

an optic cup formed by human ES cells in

culture. The structure includes a developing

retina containing multiple layers of neural

cells (stained green) and an underlying layer

of pigmented epithelium, the apical surface

of which is stained red. All nuclei are stained

blue. (A, adapted from M. Eiraku and Y.

Sasai, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 22:768–777,

2012; B, adapted from T. Nakano et al., Cell

Stem Cell 10:771–785, 2012.)






neural retina

aggregate of

cultured ES cells

hollow ball of

neural cells

budding of

optic vesicle

optic vesicle invaginates

to form optic cup



100 µm

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