Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Chemical Bonds


number of protons. Multiple isotopes of almost all the elements occur

naturally, including some that are unstable—and thus radioactive. For

example, while most carbon on Earth exists as carbon 12, a stable isotope

with six protons and six neutrons, also present are small amounts of

an unstable isotope, carbon 14, which has six protons and eight neutrons.

Carbon 14 undergoes radioactive decay at a slow but steady rate, a property

that allows archaeologists to estimate the age of organic material.

The atomic weight of an atom, or the molecular weight of a molecule,

is its mass relative to the mass of a hydrogen atom. This value is equal

to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons that the atom or

molecule contains; because electrons are so light, they contribute almost

nothing to the total mass. Thus the major isotope of carbon has an atomic

weight of 12 and is written as 12 C. The unstable carbon isotope just mentioned

has an atomic weight of 14 and is written as 14 C. The mass of an

atom or a molecule is generally specified in daltons, one dalton being an

atomic mass unit essentially equal to the mass of a hydrogen atom.

Atoms are so small that it is hard to imagine their size. An individual

carbon atom is roughly 0.2 nm in diameter, so it would take about 5

million of them, laid out in a straight line, to span a millimeter. One proton

or neutron weighs approximately 1/(6 × 10 23 ) gram. As hydrogen

has only one proton—thus an atomic weight of 1—1 gram of hydrogen

contains 6 × 10 23 atoms. For carbon—which has six protons and six neutrons,

and an atomic weight of 12—12 grams contain 6 × 10 23 atoms. This

huge number, called Avogadro’s number, allows us to relate everyday

quantities of chemicals to numbers of individual atoms or molecules. If

a substance has a molecular weight of X, X grams of the substance will

contain 6 × 10 23 molecules. This quantity is called one mole of the substance

(Figure 2–3). The concept of mole is used widely in chemistry as

a way to represent the number of molecules that are available to participate

in chemical reactions.

There are about 90 naturally occurring elements, each differing from the

others in the number of protons and electrons in its atoms. Living things,

however, are made of only a small selection of these elements, four of

which—carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O)—constitute

96% of any organism’s weight. This composition differs markedly

from that of the nonliving, inorganic environment on Earth (Figure 2–4)

and is evidence that a distinctive type of chemistry operates in biological


The Outermost Electrons Determine How Atoms Interact

To understand how atoms come together to form the molecules that

make up living organisms, we have to pay special attention to each

atom’s electrons. Protons and neutrons are welded tightly to one another

in an atom’s nucleus, and they change partners only under extreme conditions—during

radioactive decay, for example, or in the interior of the

sun or a nuclear reactor. In living tissues, only the electrons of an atom

undergo rearrangements. They form the accessible part of the atom and

specify the chemical rules by which atoms combine to form molecules.

Electrons are in continuous motion around the nucleus, but motions on

this submicroscopic scale obey different laws from those we are familiar

with in everyday life. These laws dictate that electrons in an atom can

exist only in certain discrete regions of movement—very roughly speaking,

in distinct orbits. Moreover, there is a strict limit to the number of

electrons that can be accommodated in an orbit of a given type, a socalled

electron shell. The electrons closest on average to the positively

charged nucleus are attracted most strongly to it and occupy the inner,

percent relative abundance

A mole is X grams of a substance,

where X is the molecular weight of the

substance. A mole will contain

6 × 10 23 molecules of the substance.

1 mole of carbon weighs 12 g

1 mole of glucose weighs 180 g

1 mole of sodium chloride weighs 58 g

A one molar solution has a

concentration of 1 mole of the substance

in 1 liter of solution. A 1 M solution of

glucose, for example, contains 180 g/L,

and a one millimolar (1 mM) solution

contains 180 mg/L.

The standard abbreviation for gram is g;

the abbreviation for liter is L.

Figure 2–3 What’s a mole? Some simple

examples of moles and molar solutions.








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H C O N Ca






human body

Earth's crust



Si others

Figure 2–4 The distribution of elements

in the Earth’s crust differs radically from

that in the human body. The abundance

of each element is expressed here as a

percentage of the total number of atoms

present in a biological or geological sample

(water included). Thus, for example, more

than 60% of the atoms in the human body

are hydrogen atoms, and nearly 30% of the

atoms in the Earth’s crust are silicon atoms

(Si). The relative abundance of elements is

similar in all living things.

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