Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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708 CHAPTER 20 Cell Communities: Tissues, Stem Cells, and Cancer

Figure 20–29 Extracellular signals

can regulate the permeability of gap

junctions. (A) A neuron in a rabbit retina

(center) was injected with a dye (dark

stain) that passes readily through gap

junctions. The dye diffuses rapidly from

the injected cell to label the surrounding

neurons, which are connected by gap

junctions. (B) Treatment of the retina with

the neurotransmitter dopamine prior to dye

injection decreases the permeability of the

gap junctions and hampers the spread of

the dye. (Courtesy of David Vaney.)

injected neuron

neurons labeled through gap junctions 20 µm



before dopamine


after dopamine

Gap junctions are dynamic structures

that, like conventional ion channels,

are gated: they can close by a

reversible conformational change

in response to changes in the cell.

The permeability of gap junctions

decreases within seconds, for

example, when the intracellular Ca 2+

concentration is raised. Speculate

why this form of regulation by Ca 2+

might be important for the health of

a tissue.

Figure 20–30 Several types of cell

junctions are found in epithelia in animals.

Whereas tight junctions are peculiar to

epithelia, the other types also occur, in

modified forms, in various nonepithelial


example, reduces gap-junction communication between certain neurons

in the mammalian retina when secreted in response to an increase in

light intensity (Figure 20–29). This reduction in gap-junction permeability

alters the pattern of electrical signaling and helps the retina switch from

using rod photoreceptors, which are good detectors of low light levels,

to cone photoreceptors, which detect color and fine detail in bright light.

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The function of gap junctions—and of the other junctions found in animal

cells—are summarized in Figure 20–30.

Plant tissues lack all the types of cell junctions we have discussed so far,

as their cells are held together by their cell walls. Importantly, however,

they have a functional counterpart of the gap junction. The cytoplasms of

adjacent plant cells are connected via minute communicating channels

called plasmodesmata, which span the intervening cell walls. In contrast

to gap-junction channels, plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic channels lined

with plasma membrane (Figure 20–31). Thus in plants, the cytoplasm is,

in principle, continuous from one cell to the next, allowing the passage of

both small and large molecules—including some proteins and regulatory

RNAs. The controlled traffic of transcription regulators and regulatory

RNAs from one cell to another is important in plant development.











seals neighboring cells together in an epithelial

sheet to prevent leakage of extracellular

molecules between them; helps polarize cells

joins an actin bundle in one cell

to a similar bundle in a

neighboring cell

joins the intermediate filaments

in one cell to those in a neighbor



forms channels that allow small, intracellular,

water-soluble molecules, including inorganic

ions and metabolites, to pass from cell to cell

basal lamina


anchors intermediate filaments

in a cell to the basal lamina

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