Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


706 CHAPTER 20 Cell Communities: Tissues, Stem Cells, and Cancersheet of epithelial cellsadhesion beltwith associatedactin filamentsINVAGINATION OFEPITHELIAL SHEET CAUSEDBY AN ORGANIZEDTIGHTENING ALONGADHESION BELTS IN SELECTEDREGIONS OF CELL SHEET(A)EPITHELIAL TUBEPINCHES OFFFROM OVERLYINGSHEET OF CELLSepithelial tube(B)forming neural tube(C)50 µm forming retina50 µmof eye cuplens vesicleFigure 20–25 Epithelial sheets can bend to form an epithelial tube or vesicle.Contraction of apical bundles of actin filaments linked from cell to cell via adherensjunctions causes the epithelial cells to narrow at their apex. Depending on whetherthe contraction of the epithelial sheet is oriented along one axis, or is equal inall directions, the epithelium will either roll up into a tube or invaginate to form avesicle, respectively. (A) Diagram showing how an apical contraction along one axisof an epithelial sheet can cause the sheet to form a tube. (B) Scanning electronmicrograph of a cross section through the trunk of a two-day chick embryo, showingthe formation of the neural tube by the process shown in (A). Part of the epithelialsheet that covers the surface of the embryo has thickened and rolled up by apicalcontraction; the opposing folds are about to fuse, after which the structure will pinchoff to form the neural tube. (C) Scanning electron micrograph of a chick embryoshowing the formation of the eye cup and lens. A patch of surface epitheliumECB5 overlying e20.26/20.26 the forming eye cup has become concave and has pinched off as aseparate vesicle—the lens vesicle—within the eye cup. This process is driven by anapical narrowing of epithelial cells in all directions. (B, courtesy of Jean-Paul Revel;C, courtesy of K.W. Tosney.)Blisters are a painful reminder that it is not enough for epidermal cellsto be firmly attached to one another: they must also be anchored to theunderlying connective tissue. As we noted earlier, the anchorage is mediatedby integrins in the cells’ basal plasma membranes. The extracellulardesmosomecadherin proteinsFigure 20–26 Desmosomes link thekeratin intermediate filaments of oneepithelial cell to those of another.(A) An electron micrograph of adesmosome joining two cells in theepidermis of newt skin, showing theattachment of keratin filaments.(B) Schematic drawing of a desmosome.On the cytoplasmic surface of eachinteracting plasma membrane is adense plaque composed of a mixtureof intracellular linker proteins. A bundleof keratin filaments is attached to thesurface of each plaque. The cytoplasmictails of transmembrane cadherin proteinsbind to the outer face of each plaque;their extracellular domains interactto hold the cells together. (A, fromD.E. Kelly, J. Cell Biol. 28:51–72, 1966.With permission from The RockefellerUniversity Press.)(A)CELL 1 CELL 20.1 µmCELL 1keratin filamentsanchored tocytoplasmic plaque(B)CYTOSOLinteractingplasma membranescytoplasmicplaque made ofintracellularlinker proteinsintercellularspaceCELL 2

Epithelial Sheets and Cell Junctions707hemidesmosomeplaque oflinker proteinskeratin filamentsintegrin proteinsCYTOSOLbasal plasmamembrane ofepithelial cellbasallaminaFigure 20–27 Hemidesmosomes anchorthe keratin filaments in an epithelialcell to the basal lamina. The linkage ismediated by a transmembrane attachmentcomplex containing integrins, rather of these integrins ECB5 bind e20.28/20.28to laminin in the basal lamina; insidethe cell, the integrin tails are bound via linker proteins to keratin filaments,creating a structure that looks superficially like half a desmosome.These attachments of epithelial cells to the basal lamina beneath themare therefore called hemidesmosomes (Figure 20–27).Gap Junctions Allow Cytosolic Inorganic Ions and SmallMolecules to Pass from Cell to CellThe final type of epithelial cell junction, found in virtually all epitheliaand in many other types of animal tissues, serves a totally different purposefrom the junctions discussed so far. In the electron microscope, gapjunctions appear as regions where the plasma membranes of two cellslie close together and exactly parallel, with a very narrow gap of 2–4 nmbetween them. The gap, however, is not entirely empty; it is spannedby the protruding ends of many identical, transmembrane protein complexesthat reside in the plasma membranes of the two apposed cells.These complexes, called connexons, are aligned end-to-end to form narrow,water-filled channels across the interacting membranes (Figure20–28). The channels allow inorganic ions and small, water-soluble molecules(up to a molecular mass of about 1000 daltons) to move directlyfrom the cytosol of one cell to the cytosol of the other. This flow createsan electrical and a metabolic coupling between the cells. Gap junctionsbetween cardiac muscle cells, for example, provide the electrical couplingthat allows electrical waves of excitation to spread synchronouslythrough the heart, triggering the coordinated contraction of the cells thatproduces each heart beat.Gap junctions in many tissues can be opened or closed in response toextracellular or intracellular signals. The neurotransmitter dopamine, for(A)CELL 1CELL 2gap junction100 nmgap of2–4 nmtwo connexons inregister forming acytosolic channelbetween adjacent cells(B)interacting plasma membranesof cells 1 and 2channel1.5 nm indiameterconnexoncomposed ofsix proteinsubunitsQUESTION 20–4Analogs of hemidesmosomes arethe focal contacts described inChapter 17, which are also siteswhere the cell attaches to theextracellular matrix. These junctionsare prevalent in fibroblasts butlargely absent in epithelial cells. Onthe other hand, hemidesmosomesare prevalent in epithelial cells butabsent in fibroblasts. In focal contactsites, intracellular connections aremade to actin filaments, whereas,in hemidesmosomes, connectionsare made to intermediate filaments.Why do you suppose these twodifferent cell types attach differentlyto the extracellular matrix?Figure 20–28 Gap junctions provideneighboring cells with a direct channel ofintercytosolic communication. (A) Electronmicrograph of a gap junction betweentwo cells in culture. (B) A model of a gapjunction. The drawing shows the interactingplasma membranes of two adjacent cells.The apposed membranes are penetratedby protein assemblies called connexons(green), each of which is formed from sixidentical protein subunits. Two connexonsjoin across the intercellular gap to form anaqueous channel connecting the cytosolsof the two cells. (A, from N.B. Gilula, in CellCommunication [R.P. Cox, ed.], pp. 1–29.New York: Wiley, 1974. With permissionfrom John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Epithelial Sheets and Cell Junctions



plaque of

linker proteins

keratin filaments

integrin proteins


basal plasma

membrane of

epithelial cell



Figure 20–27 Hemidesmosomes anchor

the keratin filaments in an epithelial

cell to the basal lamina. The linkage is

mediated by a transmembrane attachment

complex containing integrins, rather than


domains of these integrins ECB5 bind e20.28/20.28

to laminin in the basal lamina; inside

the cell, the integrin tails are bound via linker proteins to keratin filaments,

creating a structure that looks superficially like half a desmosome.

These attachments of epithelial cells to the basal lamina beneath them

are therefore called hemidesmosomes (Figure 20–27).

Gap Junctions Allow Cytosolic Inorganic Ions and Small

Molecules to Pass from Cell to Cell

The final type of epithelial cell junction, found in virtually all epithelia

and in many other types of animal tissues, serves a totally different purpose

from the junctions discussed so far. In the electron microscope, gap

junctions appear as regions where the plasma membranes of two cells

lie close together and exactly parallel, with a very narrow gap of 2–4 nm

between them. The gap, however, is not entirely empty; it is spanned

by the protruding ends of many identical, transmembrane protein complexes

that reside in the plasma membranes of the two apposed cells.

These complexes, called connexons, are aligned end-to-end to form narrow,

water-filled channels across the interacting membranes (Figure

20–28). The channels allow inorganic ions and small, water-soluble molecules

(up to a molecular mass of about 1000 daltons) to move directly

from the cytosol of one cell to the cytosol of the other. This flow creates

an electrical and a metabolic coupling between the cells. Gap junctions

between cardiac muscle cells, for example, provide the electrical coupling

that allows electrical waves of excitation to spread synchronously

through the heart, triggering the coordinated contraction of the cells that

produces each heart beat.

Gap junctions in many tissues can be opened or closed in response to

extracellular or intracellular signals. The neurotransmitter dopamine, for




gap junction

100 nm

gap of

2–4 nm

two connexons in

register forming a

cytosolic channel

between adjacent cells


interacting plasma membranes

of cells 1 and 2


1.5 nm in



composed of

six protein



Analogs of hemidesmosomes are

the focal contacts described in

Chapter 17, which are also sites

where the cell attaches to the

extracellular matrix. These junctions

are prevalent in fibroblasts but

largely absent in epithelial cells. On

the other hand, hemidesmosomes

are prevalent in epithelial cells but

absent in fibroblasts. In focal contact

sites, intracellular connections are

made to actin filaments, whereas,

in hemidesmosomes, connections

are made to intermediate filaments.

Why do you suppose these two

different cell types attach differently

to the extracellular matrix?

Figure 20–28 Gap junctions provide

neighboring cells with a direct channel of

intercytosolic communication. (A) Electron

micrograph of a gap junction between

two cells in culture. (B) A model of a gap

junction. The drawing shows the interacting

plasma membranes of two adjacent cells.

The apposed membranes are penetrated

by protein assemblies called connexons

(green), each of which is formed from six

identical protein subunits. Two connexons

join across the intercellular gap to form an

aqueous channel connecting the cytosols

of the two cells. (A, from N.B. Gilula, in Cell

Communication [R.P. Cox, ed.], pp. 1–29.

New York: Wiley, 1974. With permission

from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

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