Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


690 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and GeneticsTABLE Q19–17 COMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS OF Drosophila EYE-COLOR MUTATIONSMutation white garnet ruby vermilion cherry coral apricot buff carnationwhite – + + + – – – – +garnet – + + + + + + +ruby – + + + + + +vermilion – + + + + +cherry – – – – +coral – – – +apricot – – +buff – +carnation –+ indicates that progeny of a cross between individuals showing the indicated eye colors are phenotypically normal; – indicates thatthe eye color of the progeny is abnormal.number of mutant flies with intermediate eye colors havebeen isolated and given names that challenge your colorsense: garnet, ruby, vermilion, cherry, coral, apricot, buff,and carnation. The mutations responsible for these eyecolorphenotypes are all recessive. To determine whetherthe mutations affected the same or different genes,homozygous flies for each mutation were bred to oneanother in pairs and the eye colors of their progeny werenoted. In Table Q19–17, a + or a – indicates the phenotypeof the progeny flies produced by mating the fly listed at thetop of the column with the fly listed to the left of the row;brick-red wild-type eyes are shown as + and other colors areindicated as –.A. How is it that flies with two different eye colors—rubyand white, for example—can give rise to progeny that allhave brick-red eyes?B. Which mutations are alleles of the same gene and whichaffect different genes?C. How can different alleles of the same gene give differenteye colors?QUESTION 19–18What are single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), andhow can they be used to locate a mutant gene by linkageanalysis?

CHAPTER TWENTY20Cell Communities: Tissues,Stem Cells, and CancerCells are the building blocks of multicellular organisms. Although thisseems a relatively simple statement, it raises deep questions. Cells arenot like bricks: they are small and squishy and enclosed in a flimsy membraneless than a hundred-thousandth of a millimeter thick. How, then,can cells be joined together robustly to construct a giraffe’s neck, a redwoodtree, or muscles that can support an elephant’s weight? How are allthe different cell types in a plant or an animal produced, and how do theyassemble so that each is in its proper place (Figure 20–1)? Most mysteriousof all, if cells are the building blocks, where is the builder and whereare the architect’s plans?Most of the cells in multicellular organisms are organized into cooperativeassemblies called tissues, such as the nervous, muscular, epithelial,and connective tissues found in vertebrates; tissues, in turn, are organizedinto organs, such as heart, lung, brain and kidney (Figure 20–2). Inthis chapter, we begin by discussing the architecture of tissues from amechanical point of view. We see that tissues are composed not only ofcells, with their internal framework of cytoskeletal filaments (discussedin Chapter 17), but also of extracellular matrix, the material that cellssecrete around themselves; it is this matrix that gives supportive tissuessuch as bone or wood their strength. At the same time, cells can alsoattach to one another directly. Thus, we also discuss the cell junctionsthat link cells together in the flexible epithelial tissues of animals. Thesejunctions transmit forces either from the cytoskeleton of one cell to thatof the next, or from the cytoskeleton of a cell to the extracellular matrix.EXTRACELLULAR MATRIXAND CONNECTIVE TISSUESEPITHELIAL SHEETS ANDCELL JUNCTIONSSTEM CELLS AND TISSUERENEWALCANCERBut there is more to the organization of tissues than mechanics. Just asa building needs plumbing, telephone lines, and other fittings, so an animaltissue requires blood vessels, nerves, and other components formed



Cell Communities: Tissues,

Stem Cells, and Cancer

Cells are the building blocks of multicellular organisms. Although this

seems a relatively simple statement, it raises deep questions. Cells are

not like bricks: they are small and squishy and enclosed in a flimsy membrane

less than a hundred-thousandth of a millimeter thick. How, then,

can cells be joined together robustly to construct a giraffe’s neck, a redwood

tree, or muscles that can support an elephant’s weight? How are all

the different cell types in a plant or an animal produced, and how do they

assemble so that each is in its proper place (Figure 20–1)? Most mysterious

of all, if cells are the building blocks, where is the builder and where

are the architect’s plans?

Most of the cells in multicellular organisms are organized into cooperative

assemblies called tissues, such as the nervous, muscular, epithelial,

and connective tissues found in vertebrates; tissues, in turn, are organized

into organs, such as heart, lung, brain and kidney (Figure 20–2). In

this chapter, we begin by discussing the architecture of tissues from a

mechanical point of view. We see that tissues are composed not only of

cells, with their internal framework of cytoskeletal filaments (discussed

in Chapter 17), but also of extracellular matrix, the material that cells

secrete around themselves; it is this matrix that gives supportive tissues

such as bone or wood their strength. At the same time, cells can also

attach to one another directly. Thus, we also discuss the cell junctions

that link cells together in the flexible epithelial tissues of animals. These

junctions transmit forces either from the cytoskeleton of one cell to that

of the next, or from the cytoskeleton of a cell to the extracellular matrix.








But there is more to the organization of tissues than mechanics. Just as

a building needs plumbing, telephone lines, and other fittings, so an animal

tissue requires blood vessels, nerves, and other components formed

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