Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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680 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics

population. The more time that has elapsed since the origin of a relatively

common polymorphism like a SNP, the smaller should be the haplotype

block that surrounds it: that’s because, over the course of many generations,

crossover events will have had many chances to separate an

ancient allele from other variants nearby. Thus by comparing the sizes of

haplotype blocks from different human populations, it is possible to estimate

how many generations have elapsed since the origin of a specific

neutral mutation. By combining such genetic comparisons with archaeological

findings, scientists have been able to deduce the most probable

routes our ancestors took when they left Africa (see Figure 9−37).

Genome analyses can also be used to estimate when and where humans

acquired mutations that have conferred an evolutionary benefit, such as

resistance to infection. Such favorable mutations will rapidly accumulate

in the population because individuals that carry them will be more likely

to survive an epidemic and pass the mutation on to their offspring. A haplotype

analysis can be used to “date” the appearance of such a favorable

mutation. If it cropped up in the population relatively recently, there will

have been fewer opportunities for recombination to break up the DNA

sequence around it, so the surrounding haplotype block will be large.

Such is the case for sickle-cell anemia, a disorder caused by a single

nucleotide substitution that changes a glutamic acid to a valine in one of

the protein subunits of hemoglobin (see Figure 6–32). Although individuals

who are homozygous for this allele experience the harmful effects

of anemia, heterozygotes who carry one normal and one sickle-cell

allele show no ill effects and, in addition, are resistant to malaria. This

allele—which confers a benefit under the right set of circumstances—is

widespread in Africa, where malaria is rife. A comparison of numerous

human genes reveals that the sickle-cell allele is embedded in an unusually

large haplotype block, indicating that it arose relatively recently in

the African gene pool—probably about 2000 years ago. In this way, analyses

of modern human genomes can highlight important events in human

evolution, including our initial exposures to specific infections.

Genetic Studies Aid in the Search for the Causes of

Human Diseases

Like the wrinkled peas studied by Mendel, our susceptibility to disease is

a phenotypic trait—albeit an unfortunate one. Thus, for many diseases,

the causes are rooted in our genomes. In some cases, the genetic underpinnings

of disease are clear and unequivocal. For example, mutations in

specific genes give rise, in a reproducible way, to clearly defined conditions

such as congenital deafness, albinism, hemophilia, and sickle-cell

anemia. Other times, the genetic connections are more complex. Many of

the most common human disorders, such as diabetes or arthritis, involve

many genes working together to give rise to the “disease phenotype.”

Most diseases are also influenced by environmental factors: availability

of nutrition or exposure to toxins, carcinogens, infectious viruses or

microorganisms—even to sunlight (see Figure 6−25). Yet even diseases

that are clearly environmental in nature, such as infection by specific

pathogens can be modified by genetic factors. For example, individuals

bearing a sickle-cell allele are resistant to malaria, as we discussed

earlier. Others carry an allele that renders them genetically resistant to

infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, as we discuss shortly. The

ultimate outcome, in terms of disease phenotype, thus depends on an

intricate interplay amongst genetic and environmental factors.

Despite these complexities, genetic studies—particularly those that

involve a comparison of human genome sequences—are expanding

our understanding of the fundamental causes of human disease. In the

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