Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


674 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Geneticsthat encodes a gap-junction protein; see Figure 20–28) occurs in aboutone in 4000 births, but about one in 30 of us are carriers of a loss-offunctionmutant allele of the gene.GENETICS AS AN EXPERIMENTAL TOOLUnraveling how chromosomes shuttle genetic information from one generationto the next did more than demystify the basis of inheritance: itunited the science of genetics with other life sciences, from cell biologyand biochemistry to physiology and medicine. Genetics provides apowerful way to discover what specific genes do and how variations inthose genes underlie the differences between one species and another orbetween individuals within a species. Such knowledge also has practicalbenefits, as understanding the genetic and biological basis of diseasescan help us to better diagnose, treat, and prevent them.In this section, we outline the classical genetic approach to identifyinggenes and determining how they influence the phenotype of experimentalorganisms such as yeast or flies. The process begins with the generationof a very large number of mutants and the identification of thoserare individuals that show a phenotype of interest. By analyzing theserare mutant individuals and their progeny, we can track down the genesresponsible and work out what these genes normally do—and how mutationsthat alter their activity affect how an organism looks and behaves.The Classical Genetic Approach Begins with RandomMutagenesisBefore the advent of DNA technology (discussed in Chapter 10), mostgenes were identified and characterized by observing the processes disruptedwhen the gene was mutated. This type of analysis begins with theisolation of mutants that have an interesting or unusual phenotype: fruitflies that have white eyes or curly wings or that become paralyzed whenexposed to high temperatures, for example. Working backward fromthe abnormal phenotype, one then determines the change in DNA thatis responsible. This classical genetic approach—searching for mutantphenotypes and then isolating the responsible genes—is most easilyperformed in model organisms that reproduce rapidly and are amenableto genetic manipulation, such as bacteria, yeasts, nematode worms,zebrafish, and fruit flies. A few of the principles behind this classicalapproach are outlined in Panel 19−1, (p. 675).Although spontaneous mutants with interesting phenotypes can be foundby combing through a collection of thousands or millions of organisms,the process can be made much more efficient by generating mutationsartificially with agents that damage DNA, called mutagens. Different mutagensgenerate different types of DNA mutations (Figure 19−31). Not allmutations will lead to a noticeable change in phenotype. But by treating---AATCCCTTAG---nucleotide substitutionFigure 19−31 DNA-damaging agentsproduce various types of mutations.Some common types of mutation are shownhere. Different mutagens each producea characteristic spectrum of mutations.Other types of mutation involve changesin larger segments of DNA, includingdeletions, duplications, and chromosomalrearrangements (not shown).---AATGCCTTAG---normalgenesequenceTREATMENT WITHDNA-DAMAGINGAGENT (MUTAGEN)---AATGACCTTAG------AATCCTTAG------AATGTGCCTTAG------AACCTTAG---nucleotide insertionnucleotide deletioninsertion ofmultiple nucleotidesdeletion ofmultiple nucleotides

PANEL 19–1 SOME ESSENTIALS OF CLASSICAL GENETICS 675GENES AND PHENOTYPESGene: a functional unit of inheritance, corresponding to the segmentof DNA coding for a protein or noncoding RNA molecule.Genome: all of an organism’s DNA sequences.alleles: alternative forms of a geneWild type: the common,naturally occurring typeMutant: differing from thewild type because of a geneticchange (a mutation)GENOTYPE: the specific set ofalleles forming the genome ofan individualhomozygous A/A heterozygous a/A homozygous a/aPHENOTYPE: the visible orfunctional characteristics ofthe individualallele A is dominant (relative to a); allele a is recessive (relative to A)In the example above, the phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as that of one of the homozygotes;in cases where it is different from both homozygotes, the two alleles are said to be co-dominant.MEIOSIS AND GENETIC MAPPINGmaternal chromosomeApaternal chromosomeadiploid germ-line cellgenotypeABabBbMEIOSIS ANDCROSSING-OVERgenotype AbAbsite of crossing-overgenotype aBaBhaploid gametes (eggs or sperm)The greater the distancebetween two loci on a singlechromosome, the greater is thechance that they will beseparated by crossing-overoccurring at a site betweenthem. If two genes are thusreassorted in x% of gametes,they are said to be separated ona chromosome by a genetic mapdistance of x map units (orx centimorgans).TWO GENES OR ONE?Given two mutations that produce the same phenotype, how can we tell whether they are mutationsin the same gene? If the mutations are recessive (as they most often are), the answer can be found bya complementation test. In the simplest type of complementation test, an individual who ishomozygous for one mutation is mated with an individual who is homozygous for the other. Thephenotype of the offspring gives the answer to the question.COMPLEMENTATION:MUTATIONS IN TWO DIFFERENT GENEShomozygous mutant mothermutationhomozygous mutant fatherNONCOMPLEMENTATION:TWO INDEPENDENT MUTATIONS IN THE SAME GENEhomozygous mutant motherhomozygous mutant fatheraba1a2aba1a2aba1a2hybrid offspring showsnormal phenotype:one normal copy of eachgene is presenthybrid offspring showsmutant phenotype:no normal copies of themutated gene are presentECB5 panel 19.01/panel 19.01

674 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics

that encodes a gap-junction protein; see Figure 20–28) occurs in about

one in 4000 births, but about one in 30 of us are carriers of a loss-offunction

mutant allele of the gene.


Unraveling how chromosomes shuttle genetic information from one generation

to the next did more than demystify the basis of inheritance: it

united the science of genetics with other life sciences, from cell biology

and biochemistry to physiology and medicine. Genetics provides a

powerful way to discover what specific genes do and how variations in

those genes underlie the differences between one species and another or

between individuals within a species. Such knowledge also has practical

benefits, as understanding the genetic and biological basis of diseases

can help us to better diagnose, treat, and prevent them.

In this section, we outline the classical genetic approach to identifying

genes and determining how they influence the phenotype of experimental

organisms such as yeast or flies. The process begins with the generation

of a very large number of mutants and the identification of those

rare individuals that show a phenotype of interest. By analyzing these

rare mutant individuals and their progeny, we can track down the genes

responsible and work out what these genes normally do—and how mutations

that alter their activity affect how an organism looks and behaves.

The Classical Genetic Approach Begins with Random


Before the advent of DNA technology (discussed in Chapter 10), most

genes were identified and characterized by observing the processes disrupted

when the gene was mutated. This type of analysis begins with the

isolation of mutants that have an interesting or unusual phenotype: fruit

flies that have white eyes or curly wings or that become paralyzed when

exposed to high temperatures, for example. Working backward from

the abnormal phenotype, one then determines the change in DNA that

is responsible. This classical genetic approach—searching for mutant

phenotypes and then isolating the responsible genes—is most easily

performed in model organisms that reproduce rapidly and are amenable

to genetic manipulation, such as bacteria, yeasts, nematode worms,

zebrafish, and fruit flies. A few of the principles behind this classical

approach are outlined in Panel 19−1, (p. 675).

Although spontaneous mutants with interesting phenotypes can be found

by combing through a collection of thousands or millions of organisms,

the process can be made much more efficient by generating mutations

artificially with agents that damage DNA, called mutagens. Different mutagens

generate different types of DNA mutations (Figure 19−31). Not all

mutations will lead to a noticeable change in phenotype. But by treating


nucleotide substitution

Figure 19−31 DNA-damaging agents

produce various types of mutations.

Some common types of mutation are shown

here. Different mutagens each produce

a characteristic spectrum of mutations.

Other types of mutation involve changes

in larger segments of DNA, including

deletions, duplications, and chromosomal

rearrangements (not shown).












nucleotide insertion

nucleotide deletion

insertion of

multiple nucleotides

deletion of

multiple nucleotides

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