Essential Cell Biology 5th edition


672 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics(A)FEDCBAfedcbaon average,severalcrossover eventswill occurbetween thesetwo genesit is unlikelythat a crossoverevent will occurbetween thesetwo genes(B)feDCBAFEdcbaFigure 19−29 Genes that lie far enough apart on the samechromosome will segregate independently. (A) Because severalcrossover events occur randomly along each chromosome duringprophase of meiosis I, two genes on the same chromosome will obeyMendel’s law of independent assortment if they are far enough apart.Thus, for example, there is a high probability of crossovers occurring inthe long region between C/c and F/f, meaning that a gamete carryingthe F allele will wind up with the c allele as often as it will the C allele.In contrast, the A/a and B/b genes are close together, so there is onlya small chance of crossing-over between them: thus the A allele islikely to be co-inherited with the B allele, and the a allele with the ballele. From the frequency of recombination, one can estimate thedistances between the genes. (B) An example of a crossover that hasseparated the C/c and F/f alleles, but not the A/a and B/b alleles.different gametes (Figure 19−29). We now know, for example, that thegenes for pea shape and pod color that Mendel studied are located onthe same chromosome, but because they are far apart they segregateindependently.ECB5 e19.29/19.29Not all genes segregate independently as per Mendel’s second law. Ifgenes lie close together on a chromosome, they are likely to be inheritedas a unit. For example, human genes associated with red–green colorblindnessand hemophilia are typically inherited together for this reason.By measuring how frequently genes are co-inherited, geneticists candetermine whether they reside on the same chromosome and, if so, howfar apart they are. These measurements of genetic linkage have been usedto map the relative positions of the genes on each chromosome of manyorganisms. Such genetic maps have been crucial for isolating and characterizingmutant genes responsible for human genetic diseases such ascystic fibrosis.Mutations in Genes Can Cause a Loss of Function or aGain of FunctionMutations produce heritable changes in DNA sequence. They can arise invarious ways (discussed in Chapter 6) and can be classified by the effectthey have on gene function. Mutations that reduce or eliminate the activityof a gene are called loss-of-function mutations (Figure 19−30). Anorganism in which both alleles of a gene bear loss-of-function mutationswill generally display an abnormal phenotype—one that differs fromthe most commonly occurring phenotype (although the difference maysometimes be subtle and hard to detect). By contrast, the heterozygote,which possesses one mutant allele and one normal, “wild-type” allele,generally makes enough active gene product to function normally andretain a normal phenotype. Thus loss-of-function mutations are usuallyrecessive, because—for most genes—decreasing the normal amount ofgene product by 50% has little impact.In the case of Mendel’s peas, the gene that dictates seed shape codes foran enzyme that helps convert sugars into branched starch molecules. Thedominant, wild-type allele, R, produces an active enzyme; the recessive,Figure 19−30 Mutations in protein-codinggenes can affect the protein product ina variety of ways. (A) In this example, thenormal or “wild-type” protein has a specificfunction, denoted by the red rays. (B)Various loss-of-function mutations decreaseor eliminate this activity. (C) Gain-of-functionmutations boost this activity, as shown, orlead to an increase in the amount of thenormal protein (not shown).(A) (B) (C)normal, wild-typeproteinloss-of-function mutationspoint mutation truncation deletiongain-of-functionmutation

Mendel and the Laws of Inheritance673mutant allele, r, does not. Because they lack this enzyme, plants thatare homozygous for the r allele contain more sugar and less starch thanplants that possess the dominant R allele, which gives their peas a wrinkledappearance. The sweet peas available in the supermarket are oftenwrinkled mutants of the same type that Mendel studied.Although most loss-of-function mutations are recessive, some can bedominant. Take, for example, a mutation that causes a protein to misfold.In a heterozygote, 50% of the proteins produced would be misfoldedand inactive, while the other 50% would function normally. However, themisfolded form of the protein could go on to form aggregates that causesevere problems for the cell (see Figure 4−19). Because of its widespreadimpact, this particular loss-of-function mutation would be dominant.Mutations that increase the activity of a gene or its product, or resultin the gene being expressed in inappropriate circumstances, are calledgain-of-function mutations (see Figure 19−30). Such mutations areusually dominant. For example, as we saw in Chapter 16, certain mutationsin the Ras gene generate a form of the protein that is always active.Because the normal Ras protein is involved in controlling cell proliferation,the mutant protein drives cells to multiply inappropriately, even inthe absence of signals that are normally required to stimulate cell division—therebypromoting the development of cancer. About 30% of allhuman cancers contain such dominant, gain-of-function mutations inthe Ras gene.Each of Us Carries Many Potentially Harmful RecessiveMutationsAs we saw in Chapter 9, mutations that occur in the germ line providethe fodder for evolution. They can alter the fitness of an organism, makingit either less or more likely for the individual to survive and leaveprogeny. Natural selection determines whether these mutations are preserved:those that confer a selective advantage on an organism tend tobe perpetuated, whereas those that compromise an organism’s fitness orability to procreate tend to be lost.The great majority of chance mutations are either neutral, with noeffect on phenotype, or deleterious. A deleterious mutation that is dominant—onethat exerts its negative effects when present even in a singlecopy—will be eliminated almost as soon as it arises. In extreme cases,if a mutant organism is unable to reproduce, the mutation that causesthat failure will be lost from the population when the mutant individualdies. For deleterious mutations that are recessive, things are a little morecomplicated. When such a mutation first arises, it will generally be presentin only a single copy. The organism that carries the mutation canproduce just as many progeny as other individuals; some of these progenywill inherit a single copy of the mutation, and they too will appear fitand healthy. But as they and their descendants begin to mate with oneanother, some individuals will inherit two copies of the mutant allele anddisplay an abnormal phenotype.If such a homozygous individual fails to reproduce, two copies of themutant allele will be lost from the population. Eventually, an equilibriumis reached, where the rate at which new mutations occur in the genebalances the rate at which these mutant alleles are lost through matingsthat yield abnormal, homozygous mutant individuals. As a consequence,many deleterious recessive mutations are present in heterozygousindividuals at a surprisingly high frequency, even though homozygousindividuals showing the deleterious phenotype are rare. For example, themost common form of hereditary deafness (due to mutations in a geneQUESTION 19–3Imagine that each chromosomeundergoes one and only onecrossover event on each chromatidduring each meiosis. How wouldthe co-inheritance of traits that aredetermined by genes at oppositeends of the same chromosomecompare with the co-inheritanceobserved for genes on two differentchromosomes? How does thiscompare with the actual situation?

672 CHAPTER 19 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics














on average,


crossover events

will occur

between these

two genes

it is unlikely

that a crossover

event will occur

between these

two genes














Figure 19−29 Genes that lie far enough apart on the same

chromosome will segregate independently. (A) Because several

crossover events occur randomly along each chromosome during

prophase of meiosis I, two genes on the same chromosome will obey

Mendel’s law of independent assortment if they are far enough apart.

Thus, for example, there is a high probability of crossovers occurring in

the long region between C/c and F/f, meaning that a gamete carrying

the F allele will wind up with the c allele as often as it will the C allele.

In contrast, the A/a and B/b genes are close together, so there is only

a small chance of crossing-over between them: thus the A allele is

likely to be co-inherited with the B allele, and the a allele with the b

allele. From the frequency of recombination, one can estimate the

distances between the genes. (B) An example of a crossover that has

separated the C/c and F/f alleles, but not the A/a and B/b alleles.

different gametes (Figure 19−29). We now know, for example, that the

genes for pea shape and pod color that Mendel studied are located on

the same chromosome, but because they are far apart they segregate


ECB5 e19.29/19.29

Not all genes segregate independently as per Mendel’s second law. If

genes lie close together on a chromosome, they are likely to be inherited

as a unit. For example, human genes associated with red–green colorblindness

and hemophilia are typically inherited together for this reason.

By measuring how frequently genes are co-inherited, geneticists can

determine whether they reside on the same chromosome and, if so, how

far apart they are. These measurements of genetic linkage have been used

to map the relative positions of the genes on each chromosome of many

organisms. Such genetic maps have been crucial for isolating and characterizing

mutant genes responsible for human genetic diseases such as

cystic fibrosis.

Mutations in Genes Can Cause a Loss of Function or a

Gain of Function

Mutations produce heritable changes in DNA sequence. They can arise in

various ways (discussed in Chapter 6) and can be classified by the effect

they have on gene function. Mutations that reduce or eliminate the activity

of a gene are called loss-of-function mutations (Figure 19−30). An

organism in which both alleles of a gene bear loss-of-function mutations

will generally display an abnormal phenotype—one that differs from

the most commonly occurring phenotype (although the difference may

sometimes be subtle and hard to detect). By contrast, the heterozygote,

which possesses one mutant allele and one normal, “wild-type” allele,

generally makes enough active gene product to function normally and

retain a normal phenotype. Thus loss-of-function mutations are usually

recessive, because—for most genes—decreasing the normal amount of

gene product by 50% has little impact.

In the case of Mendel’s peas, the gene that dictates seed shape codes for

an enzyme that helps convert sugars into branched starch molecules. The

dominant, wild-type allele, R, produces an active enzyme; the recessive,

Figure 19−30 Mutations in protein-coding

genes can affect the protein product in

a variety of ways. (A) In this example, the

normal or “wild-type” protein has a specific

function, denoted by the red rays. (B)

Various loss-of-function mutations decrease

or eliminate this activity. (C) Gain-of-function

mutations boost this activity, as shown, or

lead to an increase in the amount of the

normal protein (not shown).

(A) (B) (C)

normal, wild-type


loss-of-function mutations

point mutation truncation deletion



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