Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Meiosis and Fertilization


gamete at fertilization, the resulting embryo contains three copies of

Chromosome 21 instead of two. This chromosome imbalance produces

an extra dose of the proteins encoded by Chromosome 21 and thereby

interferes with the proper development of the embryo and normal functions

in the adult.

The frequency of chromosome mis-segregation during the production

of human gametes is remarkably high, particularly in females: nondisjunction

occurs in about 10% of the meioses in human oocytes, giving

rise to eggs that contain the wrong number of chromosomes (a condition

called aneuploidy). Aneuploidy occurs less often in human sperm,

perhaps because sperm development is subjected to more stringent quality

control than egg development. If meiosis goes wrong in male cells,

a cell-cycle checkpoint mechanism is activated, arresting meiosis and

leading to cell death by apoptosis. Regardless of whether the segregation

error occurs in the sperm or the egg, nondisjunction is thought to be one

reason for the high rate of miscarriages—spontaneous early pregnancy

losses—in humans.

Fertilization Reconstitutes a Complete Diploid Genome

Having seen how chromosomes are parceled out during meiosis to

form haploid germ cells, we now briefly consider how they are reunited

in the process of fertilization to form a new cell with a diploid set of


Of the 300 million human sperm ejaculated during sexual intercourse,

only about 200 reach the site of fertilization in the oviduct. Sperm are

attracted to an ovulated egg by chemical signals released by both the

egg and the supporting cells that surround it. Once a sperm finds the

egg, it must migrate through a protective layer of cells and then bind to,

and tunnel through, the egg coat, called the zona pellucida. Finally, the

sperm must bind to and fuse with the underlying egg plasma membrane

(Figure 19−17). Although fertilization normally occurs by this process

of sperm–egg fusion, it can also be achieved artificially by injecting the

sperm directly into the egg cytoplasm; this is often done in infertility clinics

when there is a problem with natural sperm–egg fusion.

Although many sperm may bind to an egg (see Figure 19−2), only one

normally fuses with the egg plasma membrane and introduces its DNA

into the egg cytoplasm. The control of this step is especially important

because it ensures that the fertilized egg—also called a zygote—will

contain two, and only two, sets of chromosomes. Several mechanisms

prevent multiple sperm from entering an egg. In one mechanism, the first

successful sperm triggers the release of a wave of Ca 2+ ions in the egg

cytoplasm. This flood of Ca 2+ in turn triggers the secretion of enzymes

that cause a “hardening” of the zona pellucida, which prevents “runner

up” sperm from penetrating the egg. The Ca 2+ wave also helps trigger the

development of the egg. To watch a fertilization-induced calcium wave,

see Movie 19.2.

The process of fertilization is not complete, however, until the two

haploid nuclei (called pronuclei) come together and combine their chromosomes

into a single diploid nucleus. Soon after the pronuclei fuse,

the diploid cell begins to divide, forming a ball of cells that—through

repeated rounds of cell division and differentiation—will give rise to

an embryo and, eventually, an adult organism. Fertilization marks the

beginning of one of the most remarkable phenomena in all of biology—

the process by which a single-celled zygote initiates the developmental

program that directs the formation of a new individual.

5 µm

Figure 19−17 A sperm binds to the plasma

membrane of an egg. Shown here is a

scanning electron micrograph of a human

sperm coming in contact with a hamster

egg. The egg has been stripped of its zona

pellucida, exposing the plasma membrane,

which is covered in fingerlike microvilli. Such

uncoated hamster eggs were sometimes

used in infertility clinics to assess whether a

man’s sperm were capable of penetrating

an egg. The zygotes resulting from this test

do not develop. ECB5 e19.17/19.17

(David M. Phillips/

The Population Council/Science Source.)

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