Essential Cell Biology 5th edition

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Meiosis and Fertilization


In this section, we describe the cell biology of sexual reproduction from a

modern point of view, focusing on the elaborate dance of chromosomes

that occurs when a cell undertakes meiosis. We take a close look at how

homologous chromosomes pair, recombine, and are segregated during

meiosis, thereby shuffling the maternal and paternal genes into novel

combinations. We also discuss what happens when meiosis goes awry.

Finally, we consider briefly the process of fertilization, through which

gametes come together to form a new, genetically distinct individual.

Meiosis Involves One Round of DNA Replication

Followed by Two Rounds of Nuclear Division

Before a diploid cell divides by mitosis, it duplicates all of its chromosomes.

This duplication allows a full set of chromosomes—including a

complete maternal set plus a complete paternal set—to be transmitted to

each daughter cell (discussed in Chapter 18). Although meiosis ultimately

halves this diploid chromosome complement—producing haploid gametes

that carry only a single set of chromosomes—it, too, begins with a

round of chromosome duplication. The subsequent reduction in chromosome

number occurs because this single round of duplication is followed

by two successive rounds of nuclear division, without further DNA replication

(Figure 19−5).

It seems like it would be simpler and more direct if meiosis instead took

place by a modified form of mitotic cell division in which DNA replication

(S phase) were omitted completely; a single round of division could then,

in theory, produce two haploid cells directly. But, for reasons that are still

unclear, this is not the way meiosis works.

Meiosis begins in specialized germ-line cells that reside in the ovaries

or testes. Like somatic cells, these germ-line cells are diploid; each contains

two copies of every chromosome—a paternal homolog, inherited

from the individual’s father, and a maternal homolog, inherited from the

mother. In the first step of meiosis, all of these chromosomes are duplicated,

and the resulting copies remain closely attached to each other, as

they would during an ordinary mitosis (see Chapter 18).

The next phase of the process, however, is unique to meiosis. During this

phase, called meiotic prophase, each duplicated paternal chromosome

locates and then attaches itself along its entire length to the corresponding

duplicated maternal homolog. This process, called pairing, is of fundamental

importance in meiosis, as it allows the segregation of homologous

chromosome pairs during the first meiotic division (meiosis I).

The two duplicated chromosomes within each homolog are then separated

during the second meiotic division (meiosis II), producing four

haploid nuclei. Because chromosome segregation during meiosis I and II

is random, each haploid gamete will receive a different mixture of maternal

and paternal chromosomes.

Thus, meiosis produces four nuclei that are genetically dissimilar and

that contain exactly half as many chromosomes as the original parent




diploid nucleus




germ-line nucleus









two diploid nuclei







four haploid nuclei

Figure 19−5 Mitosis and meiosis both

begin with a round of chromosome

duplication. In mitosis, chromosome

duplication is followed by a single round

of cell division to yield two diploid nuclei.

In meiosis, chromosome duplication in a

diploid germ-line cell is followed by two

rounds of division, without further DNA

replication, to produce four haploid nuclei.

N represents the number of chromosomes

in the haploid nucleus.

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